Implementing Communication In Business System Analysis: A Proposal
The Importance of Implementing Communication in Business System Analysis
Discuss about the discuss about the approach to the implication of communication in business analysis system.
The study will discuss about the topic of introducing the method of implementing communication in business system analysis. The companies are using analysts to understand the working of the organization in a better way that helps the company to progress in a positive way however there are issues that are affecting the business analysis method. The organizations are lacking proper communication among each other (Van Slyke, 2017). They should have focused on the communication system among the organization and the analyst. The study will discuss about the proposal of implementing communication in the analysis system, instead of implementing documentations only.
Approach: The research was conducted with an approach of deductive method. The study was listed from a generalized form to the specific information that has been conducted. The study has specified on the evolutions and how business analysis has their impact in business. The study has then narrowed its approach to how the result of the analyst is making a change in the organization. Thus the study typically states that how the direct communication impacts the development in the result of the analyst.
Design: the design that was done in this study was descriptive. The study was based on a general view point and did not emphasize on an accurate result. This type of research does not give accurate result but describe the need of the situation and how the plan can be beneficial to the organization (Martin & Nakayama, 2013). The descriptive design helps the study to be elaborative and generalized in nature. It is easy to describe, however, the situations can be different for different cases in such cases.
Data collection: the data collection in this study was secondary as the information’s were taken from journals and articles that had stated how the analysts were unable to reach the workers by mere documentation in an organization. The articles and the journals that were used clearly stated the lack of communication has affecting the organization in many ways.
The business system analysis typically defines a process that will identify better scope for development of the business. Every business organization a spires to develop and find a better way for expansion in the market. The business organizations are developing new skills to improve their work condition and get a better position in the market. The companies are bringing new strategies to develop their analysis skills and find a better way to develop the business. However, sometimes few issues are neglected by the organization and they must focus on these issues with a different measure and style. The companies are identifying their flaws and challenges but they are not following correct measures to improve the situation, or sometimes their measures are not correct for the company. The companies should make sure that the techniques they are using are suitable for the company and the implementation of the plans are correct. The study is highlighting the importance of communicating instead of documenting requirements in the organization. The companies that have already identified their flaws and drawbacks in the market are trying to take measures that will help them to create a better position in the market and help the organization to prosper (Golob et al., 2013). However they are not taking serious steps to implement them in the organization. Most of the time the organizations are documenting the information’s that they have acquired from study and are keeping it as doc files only.
The Advantages of Effective Communication in Business Analysis
The business organizations are hiring BA to analyse the business problems in the market and the challenges that the company is facing in the society. However, the business organization are not taking serious steps to implement the steps for the growth and sustainability of the business (PATHAK, 2014). The organizations are becoming reluctant after documenting the issues and writing it down in the system of the company.
The companies must change the system of only writing the issues in their system, instead they should communicate with the workers, stakeholders and every possible member related to the business to improve the condition and abolish the risk of the company. The BA will be able to impress the stakeholders. They can ask questions to the workers about the working of the project and its scope for success (Jianjun & Mingxing, 2013). The oral interaction with the workers will improve the clarity of the conversation and thus benefit the society in various ways. It is always important to communicate in an organization to clear the doubt and misunderstandings in the organization. The effective communication increases the productivity in the organization. The biggest impact of communication is benefit to the organization. The work place results to high productivity area and less chaos and misunderstandings are there. The communication becomes a strong support to the organization that enhances the scope for the organization to improve (McChesney, 2015). It has been seen that a clarity in the workplace increases the productivity of the work place and thus the organization is gaining benefit.
The trend typically benefits the important aspects related to the organization. The business organization is helped by this trend in various ways. The role of a business analysis is to create a situation that benefits the organization, identify the crisis and flaws of the business, mark the area of change that will benefit the organization, highlight the drawbacks of the company. There are many companies who takes the help of the analysts to intercede between the company and the clients. The analyst finds out the demand of the customer and informs the company accordingly. The work of an analysts is to identify the need of the clients and the company and then interpret them to their desired destination. The information is placed in such a manner that is beneficial to the society (Grayson & Hodges, 2017). Thus it is important for the analyst to communicate with the required person in the organization for development and evolution. The proper communication scope in business has to be implemented in the business. The impact of this trend will be highly beneficial to the organization in various ways:
The Proposal: Implementing Direct Communication in Business System Analysis
Proper understanding among the workers – The workers will understand the message conveyed by the company in a better way. There will be less chance for misconduct and chaos in the company. The workers will maintain a good relation with each other. The employees will be well aware of the company faults and drawbacks and can work with better motivation towards that goal. The workers will get a clarity in the information conveyed to them which was earlier informed to them by messages.
Increase in productivity- The workers are well aware of their job role and thus they can perform their task well, this will increases the production of the worker in the company. The official are conducting a proper communication and thus the workers are getting aware about the drawbacks in the company. They can work accordingly and make required changes in the organization which will automatically improve the production in the organization (Whittle et al., 2013).
Way to success- It is very obvious that if the company is working with full clarity in their system and they are being aware about their faults with full explanation. Thus the workers are giving their best to the work place and the company is reaching a new height of success. The company is succeeding not only in their production but also in their internal management system. The clear communication helps the workers to give their best to the company thus enhancing the progress and growth of the company.
Long run in work life- the work life of the company is extended by a clear and well maintained staff management system. The employees are satisfied with the treatment received by them. The company should make sure that the workers are being well treated so that their interest for the company is retained. The risk for mismanagement or misunderstanding is reduced in the company. The company can be assured for a long term business and improve in the future.
Development in business- The business will be developed automatically if they are using the skills of proper management system in the process. The clarity between the analyst and the workers will help then to understand the area of dispute and the scope for development. The development of the business is completely dependent on the proper analysis and identification of the flaws and then mending them accordingly (Rui-Bo et al., 2017). There are many organization who are able to identify the flaws but are unable to mend them as per the requirement. The development process is thus enhanced by the proper communication between the analysts and the workers in the company.
Improvement in quality production- The quality of the performance is automatically improved if the workers are able to identify and also understand the area of their fault and the area they can make changes for proper development. The understanding of the flaws helps the workers to give their best and change the area that re required to be changes. Thus if proper communication is implemented in the business analysis system then it will benefit the society in a great way.
- Regular meetings- The regular meeting with the employees will inform them about their production and required target that is to be filled by the workers. They will get to know how much they have to focus on the work life and which area need to be focused more by them. This also helps the workers to understand the related risk to the organization.
- Weekly report discussion- The weekly report with proper discussion will help the workers to be guided by the experienced workers who will help them to perform well. The report will state the current condition of the worker and the country. A discussion or meeting regarding this will help the workers to understand the reason for their failure or low production.
- Monthly siting with the analysts (one to one basis)- The monthly discussion with the analyst will help the worker to understand better where they are going wrong. The workers are generally sent a report or mail informing them about the drawback of the company. Sometimes many company do not even feel the necessity to share the information with them also. However, if the workers are informed about their desired changes and performances that will benefit the company then they will also understand how to implement the step accordingly. The result will be automatically appealing and beneficial to the company.
- A well framed management system- It is important to have a well framed management system that will conduct the analysis and convey the messages to the workers as per the requirements.
- A well-organized communication system- There must be a well-organized communications system to convey the messages to the desired location by the company. This will create a good relation among the workers and also reduce the scope for conflict (Pearson, 2017).
- Good relation among the workers- The relation among the workers should be strong and friendly else it will be pointless to inform them about the challenges of the company and the required changes to be made. The workers should have a good relation and coordinate among each other (Pearson, 2017).
- Target for growth and expansion- The target of the company should be towards expansion and thus they would do the required steps to make the changes that will help them to improve. The company must follow the suggestions suggested by the analysts to improve the condition of the company.
I have selected this trend for a very important reason. The importance of communication is required in every field. I personally prefer this clarity in work life as it helps to maintain a transparency in every field. The idea of direct communication with the analyst has help me to improve in my work life in various ways. Thus I would always expect that the co-workers or the people working in other companies should also be benefitted from this method. I have faced many live incidents in my life where direct interaction has helped me to improve the skills in a better way. The system of documentation and records has not benefitted much the system of reading message and improving the personal skills by every individual is not possible. However, I strongly belief that if every individual is interacted face to face and discussed about the result analysed by the analyst can be much more beneficial to the workers and the company.
On the other hand a well-managed and maintained organization that has a clarity in their communication will have a high scope for further development and expansion. I have seen in my life experience that organizations that maintain a well maintained system with proper communication, they tend to be more successful and productive in nature. The communication between the workers, stakeholders and the analyst helps them to get a clear idea about how the business is planning to succeed in nature. The workers are also clearing their doubt about the duties and responsibilities. The business system analysis will not be limited to the documentation or noting the flaws of the company. Instead they will be directly conveyed to the desired destination with proper communication strategy and use. Thus it is very important to maintain a proper communication system in every organization to maintain clarity and build a good relationship among the workers. If the communication between the business analyst and the workers or the stakeholders are initiated then it will benefit the organization in many ways. The development, production, performance, progress of the company is directly related to the communication with the analysts as it helps to understand the requirement of the company. The workers can then work accordingly and make required changes that will help the company to improve.
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