Overview Of Cloud Computing And Its Advantages And Disadvantages
Important factors of variables
The concept of Cloud computing is a mechanism which has been considered as a mechanism of storage of confidential and important data of the individuals and business organizations. The concept comprises of a number of operations such making utilization of social networking sites and also other mediums which can be used for interpersonal computing, But mostly the concept of cloud computing is concerned with making use and accessing the online applications and software’s, data storage and processing power (Krutz and Vines, 2010). It has also been considered as the mechanism or a method or a medium which can be adopted by the business organizations for bringing an enhancement in the capacity and potential dynamically. And this can be done without making additional investments in new infrastructure, providing training sessions to the new individuals or renewal of licenses for the software’s. The concept has also extended the existing capabilities of Information Technology’s (IT). From the last few years the mechanism of cloud computing has emerged and has also grown from being a promising and successful business concept and it has shown a growth with a rapid speed in the field of the IT industry. But with an increase in the addition and storage of the information’s of the business corporations and the individuals in the cloud storages, concerns has been raised about the safety and security of the data and the business environment (Rittinghouse and Ransome, 2016). Safety and security issues has played a significant role in the minimization of the acceptance and use of the mechanism and also security issues has ranked on top as the greatest challenge for the concept.
According to So (2011) the concept of cloud computing has to be considered as a set of IT services and which are offered to the clients and the consumers with the help of the network and a particular amount is to be charged by the service providers and with the ability to bring an enhancement or a decrease in the service requirements (Antonopoulos and Gillam, 2010). Usually the services of the mechanism of cloud computing is to be expected to be delivered by a third party who is the owner of the infrastructure. The concept is beneficial to the mentioned but there are very few who include extensible, flexibility, potential and expertise and also outsourcing non-core activities. The system of cloud computing provide offerings with the innovations in the business models for the business corporations for the adoptions of the IT services that to without making any kind of huge investments. Despite the system is able in providing a lot of benefits to the business entities the companies are slow and are reluctant in the adoption of the services du slow in accepting it due to the security and the safety challenges associated with the mechanism (Jamsa, 2012). Security’s contribution is at the top in hampering the growth and development of the system.
The below presented is the most common use of cloud computing system. Submission of any kind of confidential documents of business entity by making the use of Google Docs and which should be visible and accessible for others Via internet. At the initial stage the best suitable example for this mechanism is of medium scale business individual or entity (Rittinghouse and Ransome, 2016). As the business is medium scale business the entity owner won’t be investing huge amounts for the establishment and setting up the in-house networking systems and their operations and functionalities will also be for a short period of time and this can be made possible by the adoption of the cloud computing mechanism (Miettinen and Nurminen,, 2010). The cloud providers charge a specific amount for the use of the system by the individual or the business organization and this can be termed as pay-as-you-go. It basically means the organizations are required to pay the amount for the storage or the capacity used of the system (Baun et al, 2011). The following are the advantages and the disadvantages of the mechanism of cloud computing:
Advantages of Cloud Computing
Economical– The introduction of cloud computing was a revolution in the IT sector as it was considered as it was included in the list of the tools which are beneficial to the business corporations and are the lowest expenses incurring mechanism (Velte et al, 2010). This tool was also easy to operate and install as they were no or vey minimum expense incurred while the installation of the system. No setting up of network base, installations desktops and computers hardware’s or equipment’s was required by the cloud system. And then also if there were any of the expenses related with the establishment of the system or incurred in the implementation and maintaining the private and the company’s own in-house networking, then it was also very low or minimum. Being economical or incurring minimum expenses has to be considered as a vital concept for each and every medium and small scale business corporations (levelcloud. 2017). But then also the expenses incurred during the installation process are huge some-times and it has also been observed that they are increasing day by day (Chen, Paxson and Katz, 2010). Also there are number of additional expenses which are incurred and are required to be paid by the entities such as, the installation of the software and hardware upgrades and also the maintenance which is required to be done on regular basis and providing training to the employees regarding the system and its working. These all expenses are required to be paid by the service providers of cloud and also all the associated responsibilities are also to be fulfilled by them only. Rents owning are the concepts by which an understanding cane be developed for getting clear vision about all the expenses associated with the system of cloud computing. The cloud service providers should maintain an enough balance of the storage of the necessary resources which can be required by the service users and further for which the service providers can charge monthly or annual fees (Coles. 2017). The concept is very much similar and is also referred as Software-as-a-Service (or SaaS) model. According to this model the clients or the service users are required to pay as per the use of the system which is known as Pay as you go. A sense of more predictability in budgeting for these costs and expenses is provided to the owner of the model.
Simple, Fast, Easy – Operating the system of cloud computing has been made very much easy and this is one of the biggest advantage of the mechanism and also beneficial for the business corporations. By making use of the system of cloud computing can streamline many parts within the organizational structure of the entity. The cloud computing systems makes an enhancement in the efficiency and also aids the business corporation to work and operate the functionalities in s smooth manner (Vishwanathan. 2017). Many up-gradations are being introduced making use of the cloud computing mechanism such as the physical billing systems and invoicing processes are moved out and every Everything from prospect management applications to customer billing and invoicing can be moved out of the store of the company and gets shifted to the into the cloud system. This gives will enhance the ability to focus on what the company do best in business and excel and grow the strengths while someone else handles the administrative functions (Bora and Ahmed, 2013).
Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
Safety and Security of confidential data – Safety and security of the information and details of the company’s clients and other important data is stored with the cloud computing system and safety of which is the most crucial task for the mechanism (ibm. 2017). In a very basic sense, the data or the confidential information that used to reside within the four walls of the business corporation now resides elsewhere. As the data is very much confidential for the business corporation safety of the same should be considered on the priority basis, for instance the data is related to the secrets of the trade and the business strategies, the future plans and the strategies, proprietary lists, details of the clients and consumers and also the files of the consumers and their various records are being stored in the system. But on the basis of the research carried out it has been observed that an estimated number of about 69% from the cloud service providers says that safety should be the responsibility of the service users. Whereas approximately about 35% of the end-users agreed on the point that it is their responsibility. And on the basis of the research it can be clearly observed that there is a sense of inequality between the cloud service providers and the service users regarding the responsibility of the data security (Buyya, Broberg and Goscinski, 2010). The business entities who has adopted the system of cloud computing should already have an idea regarding the issues of the safety and security of the data and their data is vulnerable and is exposed to risk. Author has also mentioned that knowing about the risks and dangers and also having an idea about the proper measures and precautions which are required to be taken right from the start has been considered as an important step for the business organization.
Variations in the performance level – The applications and the software’s which are being used by a corporation in cloud system are simultaneously being used by another entity too. And with the demands and the fluctuations in the requirements of the business entity will impose impacts on the performance level of the business corporation (stratospherenetworks. 2017). Often, the service providers may claim that the resources available with the business entities are unlimited. This may be theoretically true, but from a practical point of view the hardware scalability is probably limited.
As mentioned above the literature review has been analyzed on the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing and there are various methodologies which has been used for analyzing the research on the concept. Number of books available on the concerned topic was referred for getting a depth about the mechanism of cloud computing, a set of online publications were also considered as a relevant source in the analysis. Moreover some of the websites were also found to be useful and the articles presented by the authors who have been mentioned above in the research were also made in use.
The above presented literature review and the carried out research is all about the concept of cloud computing and also on the advantages and disadvantages of the same. But after reviewing the research it has been observed that the report is mainly inclining towards the positive side or the benefits of the concept. No or less focus has been given to the negative side or the disadvantages of the system and due to which a gap has been developed in the research carried out. For instance the point of accessibility is a benefit for the organization as the employees have an easy access over the data from anywhere and this point can also be considered as a disadvantage as the hackers can also easily get access over the data and which can cause risk to the company (Bhardwaj, Jain and Jain, 2010). Also due to the ever changing and upgrading market trends there are daily new updates for the system and which are required to be necessarily updated in the system. This will incur additional benefits for the business organizations and which makes this system more expensive.
From the above carried out analysis it can be inferred that cloud computing is an IT mechanism which has to be considered as a relevant and one of the most significant tool for the business organizations in storing the important and confidential data. Moreover there are a number of benefits and dis-advantages which are associated with the system and have also been undergone in providing potentially values for institutions of higher education and other business organizations. On-demand services can resonate positively with the current university tight budgets across the nation and other parts of the world. A number of benefits of the transition to cloud computing have been mentioned out in this above carried out analysis along with concerns regarding the general implementation of this application.
From the above carried out analysis it can be inferred that cloud computing is an IT mechanism which has to be considered as a relevant and one of the most significant tool for the business organizations in storing the important and confidential data. Moreover there are a number of benefits and dis-advantages which are associated with the system and have also been undergone in providing potentially values for institutions of higher education and other business organizations. On-demand services can resonate positively with the current university tight budgets across the nation and other parts of the world. A number of benefits of the transition to cloud computing have been mentioned out in this above carried out analysis along with concerns regarding the general implementation of this application.
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