Literature Review On Graphical Design/ Visual Design/ Screen Design

Literature Review

This assignment deals with the topic of graphical design. It is the process by which visual communication is made with the help of photography, typography and illustrations. It is a subset of communication design and visual communication. The designers creates symbols and combines them with images and text that will form messages and ideas of visual representations. Visual arts are used by the designers to design the graphics and the page layout techniques such that visual compositions are created. There are a large number of application of graphic design. They are corporate design for the design of logos and branding, editorial design for magazines and books, environmental design as well as web design.

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In 1922, William Addison Dwiggins first coined the term. It is applied to everything that can be viewed for example road signs, interoffice memorandums, technical schematics to reference manuals. Graphic design can be made to sell a product or idea. It also finds application in the decoration industry for enhancing the scenic beauty and visual story telling. Other areas where visual design is used are in television and film documentaries. There is another aspect of graphical design known as information design. It has been implemented with the advent of web. Information design includes data visualization that involves the use of programs to interpret the data and present it visually. Visual design and graphical design are closely related and is used interchangeably. Therefore, it is referred to as information graphics. The following paragraphs will provide a literature review on graphical or visual design.

According to Janzen et al. (2016), the difference between the visual efficiency of the left and the right eye and the binocular path are the most important visual signal to measure distance. Mid-air pointing was measured on a large screen however, the distance between the targets were changed. The two laws that guided visual design are Welford’s two-part formulation and one-part Fitts’s law formulation. They imply the calibration of 3-D visual design and the interaction between 3-D pointing devices with the environment. Both the physical and the virtual targets were examined to determine whether the artificial binocular signal performs the same as that of only physical binocular depth signals.  The use if the 3D printing have helped in maintaining  a keen approach to the development of the pointing devices in the industry.

According to Groeger et al. (2016), 3-D printing is one of the emerging technology that offers a great level of flexibility in the world of printing. The flexibility that is provided is before the actual printing of the objects. The authors have suggested a new technology named HotFlex that allow 3D objects precise parts to transit from solid state to any other deformable states and vice versa. The new approach will enable to hands-on personalization, remodeling as well as customization of 3D objects after it has been printed. The problem that existed in 3D printing will be eliminated by the use of HotFlex.

According to Brule et al. (2016), design processes are being reported that leads to the creation of MapSense. It will help the visually disabled children to map them visually. The educational needs of the children are studied, their preferences are given priorities. The research has helped the impaired children to acquire visual skills, assist them in their education and so on. MapSense was implemented in institutions within two days based on the researches. It will help the children and the caretakers to take care of the impaired children. Both of them agree that the technology has proven to be successful and empowering.   

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Mid-air pointing and 3D printing

According to Neate et al. (2016), a number of people use handheld screens for watching TV that the television broadcasters are designing to accompany a TV programme. The Dual-screen use cases that splits attention however, unpredictably. The complexity of Dual- screen is not explained in details in this literature therefore, will have a negative impact on user experience. As a result, to investigate the objectives of the dual-screen empirical techniques will be used. The study focusses on the adjustment of complexity in so that convergence is allowed on optimum experience. Therefore, the dual- screen should be designed in such a way to enhance the user experience.

As mentioned by Luyten et al. (2016), a proper visual language should be set to present the information on near- eye out- of- focus displays. User’s peripheral view are used to position the displays close to the user’s eye. In this literature, display areas, spatial variables and retinal variables role, the interaction and motion influence of the language are explored. Research showed that the visual language could be accomplished by using orientation and meaningful motion. To increase the perception and comprehension of display on near-eye out-of-focus displays motion is important. However, if direct interaction is allowed with the content then perception can be further improved.  This research describes about the visual language used in various fields with the help of peripheral view devices.

According to Serrano et al. (2016), non-rectangular displays that has unlimited constraints in shape can be created by emerging technologies. However, such displays are quite different from the traditional methods that places contents on rectangular screens and then raises the design questions. The methods of collecting information on the related topic are a group study that will collect free- form display scenarios, designing a proper framework to identify text mappings and a number of quantitative research to assess the hypotheses. The research have found that the rules should be applied for non-rectangular displays. The results also provided guidelines for the proper design of visual interfaces.

As commented by Bader et al. (2016), our eyes with the help of multiple cues can perceive depth. However, not all depth cues are perceived by current 3D display. The present 3D display supports convergence and binocular disparity however, focus cues are not supported. When an individual distance needs to be focused then the eye lens is stretched. Multilayer and light field displays have been proposed by previous works that required accommodating the eye. At first, the 3D printing was facing some problem that has been eliminated by the use of HotFlex. Any object is viewed by the visual efficiency of the right and the left eye. These type of displays enables user to focus on different depths and the contents that are out of focus will be blurred out. Therefore, the researchers argue that use of multilayer displays are much better than the use of 3D displays that has the potential to extend standard GUI design space.  The other application of visual design is in film industry. Lot of graphics are used while making the film.

Design for visually disabled children and dual-screen experience

As per the view of Bakhshi et al. (2016), GIFs have become quite popular in social media nowadays. Tumblr is regarded as a popular platform to share animated GIFs. Users of tumblr follow blogs that generates a feed or post and then the users can choose to like the blog or reblog the posts. These information will be used in this article to analyse the signals of engagement of 3.9 million posts. The results of analysis showed that animated GIFs are helping the users to get more engaged in social media. A lot of posts have been analysed to find the reason that makes GIFs more engaging. From the result it is found that engaging GIFs have more motion energy resolution and uniformity.

As suggested by to Hiniker et al. (2016), previous research found that limiting children’s screen time helps for the healthy development of the child while challenging the families. Researchers have investigated various children and their transition from the screen based activities. This will help them to understand the boundaries that the families has set on the children. The review was carried out with 27 parents to know the effect of transition on the children. The screens are turned on so that the parents can perform independent activities. Parents think that this will be beneficial for their children.

According to Metatla et al. (2016), interface mode is growing day by day. However, researchers pay more attention on performance of tasks rather than on experience and engagement. The participants that use visual congruent mapping will have better performance. Results found that displays with more congruent graphics would have more preference for enjoyment than a display that is incongruent.

According to Zhou et al. (2016), the mobile devices have adopted visual protection that helps in detecting the person looking at the mobile screen with the help of glyph notifications. The responses come through visual protection. The results of this research indicated that the mobile consists of privacy management systems that will help alleviate cognitive and social burden by managing the privacy issues of the device in dynamic settings.  

According to Genc et al. (2016), one of the most important growing area of interest of HCI is the Head Mounted Projection Display (HMPD). All the aspects of HMPD have still not been investigated and there are enough information regarding the effects of HMPD on the performance of visual attention. To gain information, a minimum of 18 people were investigated under three experimental conditions like standing, control as well as walking. The results are considered under two visual perceptual tasks. They have both dynamic and static displays. Results revealed that dynamic display are accurate however, it was lower in walking condition in comparison to the other two conditions.

According to Mark et al. (2016), in HCI research, the external influences are given more attention and focus is given on workplace multitasking. In this article, focus will be given on influence of individual factors on multitasking like stress, sleep and personality. The information was collected from forty information workers in two weeks. Result found that the online screen focus of the workers on an average was 40 seconds.

Visual language and non-rectangular displays

According to Woodward et al. (2016), most touchscreen device are not designed for the children and the interfaces used by the devices do not allow the interaction of the children. Previous research has proven the interaction between touchscreen devices and children to be isolated. Most of the interactions are visually complex. This article will identify the impact of interface complexity in children. Touch and gesture data are collected from 30 adults and 30 children that that analysed the similarity and differences along with the effects of interface complexity. Touch interactions were affected by the interface complexity mainly related to visual salience. However, it did not affect gesture recognition. Design recommendations are provided that supports the design of touch screen that might be suitable for children.

According to Liu et al. (2016), large amount of data can be handled by small groups with the help of wall-sized displays. This paper deals with five operationalize situations that will increase the level of coupling along with testing the effects of providing shared interaction support for a data manipulation task in each situation. The results of the research show that close collaboration has been benefitted by shared interaction. The display encourages collaborative manipulation. It is preferred by the users due to its high efficiency while reducing the fatigue and physical navigation. The time cost caused disruption and communication of in loose collaboration are identified and trade-offs are analyzed. The trade-off that is analyzed is in between the parallelization and close collaboration.

According to Tanaka et al. (2016), Haptic Wave device is presented that allows cross- modal mapping of digital audio to hepatic domain. This mapping is intended to be used by the audio engineers who has visual impairment. A number of participatory design activities are adapted for the visually impaired users where the act of prototyping facilitates dialog. The Haptic wave was tested in the laboratory and then implemented in the real world. The characteristics of the Haptic wave is that it is kinesthetic and can manipulate sound without translating the existing visual interface.

According to Hamilton- Fletcher et al. (2016), Sensory Substitution Devices (SSDs) converts visual data into another sensory channel that will improve the sensory and visual functioning of visually impaired persons. In this literature, display areas, spatial variables and retinal variables role, the interaction and motion influence of the language are explored. Research showed that the visual language could be accomplished by using orientation and meaningful motion. This article describes about the conversion of the visual data into electronic data using the sensors and other technical approaches.


From the above discussed articles, it is clear that visual design and graphical design are closely related terms and can be used interchangeably. The application of visual design is increasing day by day. Television and its broadcasters are using this technology extensively to provide the users with hand-held devices for viewing the motion pictures. It is also being used by the mobile manufacturers to provide privacy that is inbuilt in the system. The parents are protecting the use of touchscreen from their children by the use of graphical design. Through the glyph notification of screen design the person looking at the device can be detected. 3D printing has developed to HotFlex by the use of this technology. The research has helped the impaired children to acquire visual skills, assist them in their education and so on. At first, the 3D printing was facing some problem that has been eliminated by the use of HotFlex. Any object is viewed by the visual efficiency of the right and the left eye. The other application of visual design is in film industry. Lot of graphics are used while making the film. This is the advantage of using graphics design. It will help the visually disabled children to map them visually.


Bader, P., Henze, N., Broy, N. and Wolf, K., 2016, May. The Effect of Focus Cues on Separation of Information Layers. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 509-514). ACM.

Bakhshi, S., Shamma, D.A., Kennedy, L., Song, Y., de Juan, P. and Kaye, J.J., 2016, May. Fast, cheap, and good: Why animated GIFs engage us. In Proceedings of the 2016 chi conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 575-586). ACM.

Brule, E., Bailly, G., Brock, A., Valentin, F., Denis, G. and Jouffrais, C., 2016, May. MapSense: multi-sensory interactive maps for children living with visual impairments. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 445-457). ACM.

Genç, Ç., Soomro, S., Duyan, Y., Ölçer, S., Balc?, F., Ürey, H. and Özcan, O., 2016, May. Head Mounted Projection Display & Visual Attention: Visual attentional processing of head referenced static and dynamic displays while in motion and standing. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1538-1547). ACM.

Groeger, D., Chong Loo, E. and Steimle, J., 2016, May. Hotflex: Post-print customization of 3d prints using embedded state change. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 420-432). ACM.

Hamilton-Fletcher, G., Obrist, M., Watten, P., Mengucci, M. and Ward, J., 2016, May. I always wanted to see the night sky: blind user preferences for sensory substitution devices. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2162-2174). ACM.

Hiniker, A., Suh, H., Cao, S. and Kientz, J.A., 2016, May. Screen time tantrums: how families manage screen media experiences for toddlers and preschoolers. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 648-660). ACM.

Janzen, I., Rajendran, V.K. and Booth, K.S., 2016, May. Modeling the impact of depth on pointing performance. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 188-199). ACM.

Liu, C., Chapuis, O., Beaudouin-Lafon, M. and Lecolinet, E., 2016, May. Shared interaction on a wall-sized display in a data manipulation task. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2075-2086). ACM.

Luyten, K., Degraen, D., Rovelo Ruiz, G., Coppers, S. and Vanacken, D., 2016, May. Hidden in plain sight: an exploration of a visual language for near-eye out-of-focus displays in the peripheral view. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 487-497). ACM.

Mark, G., Iqbal, S.T., Czerwinski, M., Johns, P. and Sano, A., 2016, May. Neurotics can’t focus: An in situ study of online multitasking in the workplace. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 1739-1744). ACM.

Metatla, O., Correia, N.N., Martin, F., Bryan-Kinns, N. and Stockman, T., 2016, May. Tap the ShapeTones: Exploring the Effects of Crossmodal Congruence in an Audio-Visual Interface. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1055-1066). ACM.

Neate, T., Evans, M. and Jones, M., 2016, May. Designing visual complexity for dual-screen media. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 475-486). ACM.

Serrano, M., Roudaut, A. and Irani, P., 2016, May. Investigating Text Legibility on Non-Rectangular Displays. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 498-508). ACM.

Swaminathan, S., Roumen, T., Kovacs, R., Stangl, D., Mueller, S. and Baudisch, P., 2016, May. Linespace: A sensemaking platform for the blind. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2175-2185). ACM.

Tanaka, A. and Parkinson, A., 2016, May. Haptic wave: A cross-modal interface for visually impaired audio producers. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2150-2161). ACM.

Woodward, J., Shaw, A., Luc, A., Craig, B., Das, J., Hall Jr, P., Holla, A., Irwin, G., Sikich, D., Brown, Q. and Anthony, L., 2016, May. Characterizing How Interface Complexity Affects Children’s Touchscreen Interactions. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1921-1933). ACM.

Zhou, H., Tearo, K., Waje, A., Alghamdi, E., Alves, T., Ferreira, V., Hawkey, K. and Reilly, D., 2016, May. Enhancing Mobile Content Privacy with Proxemics Aware Notifications and Protection. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1362-1373). ACM.

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