Disruptive Technologies And Their Impact On Business: A Report

  • The presentation will discuss about the progress that I have made on the research paper that I am supposed to submit for my course work.
  • I would like to mention in this particular context that the topic which I have selected for the research paper is “Disruptive Technologies and their Impact”.
  • The topic is of special interest to me not only because of the contemporary nature of it but at the same because of the relevancy of the topic under discussion here from the context of the modern day world.
  • Disruptive technologies have emerged as the latest trend within the technological industry in the wake of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
  • The major technologies of the world can be grouped together into two broad sections, namely, the disruptive technologies and the sustainable ones.
  • The major difference between the two kinds of technologies is the fact that the disruptive technologies disrupts the business market of the already existing ones and leads to the creation of new ones whereas the sustainable one does not.
  • The primary work that I needed to do was to prepare an initial draft and also a brief outline of the entire paper.
  • I submitted the initial draft to the professor for the purpose of approval and on the basis of the feedback which has been provided to me by my professor I would proceed with the completion of the entire paper.
  • After getting approval I set about the task of finding adequate amount of information regarding the concerned topic.
  • I initially began by finding articles, journals and similar kinds of literature related to the topic of disruptive information on the diverse kinds of internet databases like Google Scholar, ProQuest, JStore and others.

I ensured that the articles, text books and similar kinds of literature that I found were not only relevant to the topic but at the same time were peer reviewed ones.

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  • On the basis of the feedback that was provided to me by my professor I structured the research paper into several broad headings.
  • The broad headings would be introduction, meaning of disruptive technologies, examples, the impact of these technologies, future of the business world and the management strategies to address the emerging trends.
  • In the introduction section of the paper I would discuss about the correlation that exists between the business enterprises and the usage of the recent technologies.
  • For the completion of this particular section of the paper I selected a few articles.
  • These articles provided me with a brief overview of the relationship the business world and the diverse kinds of technologies.
  • In this particular section of the paper I mainly tried to take the help of the article “What is disruptive innovation” of Christensen, Raynor and McDonald which not only provides a working definition of the disruptive technologies.
  • The section will also show the changes that the definition of disruptive technologies have undergone over the years.
  • In this particular section of the research paper I would provide examples of the different kinds of disruptive technologies which have been used by the various organizations over the years.
  • Past examples of the disruptive are paper which replaced papyrus, renewable energy which replaced energy produced by the fossil fuels, emails, desktop computers and others.
  • Some of the present examples of the disruptive technologies are 3D printing, virtual reality, Internet of Things and others.
  • This section of the paper will analyze the manner in which the various established business of the world utilized the diverse kinds of disruptive technologies for the process of their business.
  • It is found that the various established business enterprises utilized the different kinds of disruptive technologies like 3D printing, 5D printing and others for the manufacture of superior kind of products and services which are much superior to the earlier products or services offered by them.
  • This section of the paper will discuss about the manner in which the diverse new start-up business enterprises like Afterpay, Platter, Tribe and others are utilizing the disruptive technologies will be analyzed.
  • The manner in which the disruptive technology of social media marketing is being utilized by various start-up organizations and the diverse kinds of benefits that the usage of these technologies provides to these organizations will also be analyzed.
  • I will analyze the manner in which diverse kinds of disruptive technologies are being used by the national governments of the different nations of the world in this particular section of the paper.
  • For example, I found that the national governments of the various nations of the world like Canada and others are taking the help of the disruptive technology of internet for the electoral process.
  • In this section I will analyze the manner in which the diverse kinds of disruptive technologies have impacted the customers.
  • It is pertinent to note that the emergence of the diverse kinds of disruptive technologies and their extensive usage by the various organizations have significantly improved the number of choices that are available to the customers of the present times.
  • The future of the business world in the light of the emergence of the various kinds of disruptive technologies and their extensive usage by the various business enterprises will be analyzed in this section.
  • I found out that the use of the disruptive technologies have changed the business model used by the various model used by the various organizations.
  • The emergence of 3D printing and other kinds of technologies is helping the organizations to manufacture the kind of products or services which were unthinkable in the earlier times.
  • This section will discuss about the strategies that the management teams of the diverse organizations can use to address the various emerging trends within the technological sector.
  • I think that the use of the strategy of innovative value chain is likely to help the various organizations to not only address this particular issue.
  • In the first week I would work on the feedback which has been provided by my professor and at the same time try to find relevant articles and others kinds of literature about the same.
  • In the second week I would prepare a rough draft or outline of the entire work.
  • In the third I would elaborate the rough draft which I have prepared and will complete the entire work.


  • I personally believe that for the effective conduct of any work a person needs to follow various kinds of steps or stages.
  • For the completion of the research paper which I am required to submit for the course work I would follow several steps.
  • This would range from getting an approval from my professor to searching relevant literature regarding the topic and the final writing down of the paper.
  • Afuah, A. (2014). Business model innovation: concepts, analysis, and cases. Routledge.
  • An, W., Zongtan, S., Yanbo, S., & Yuan, X. (2017). Analysis of Disruptive Technology Identification Methods in Foreign Countries. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy ofEngineering, 19(5), 79-84.
  • Brummer, C. (2015). Disruptive technology and securities regulation. Fordham L. Rev., 84, 977.
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  • Cheng, Y., Huang, L., Ramlogan, R., & Li, X. (2017). Forecasting of potential impacts of disruptive technology in promising technological areas: Elaborating the SIRS epidemic model in RFID technology. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 117, 170-183.
  • Christensen, C. M., Raynor, M. E., & McDonald, R. (2015). What is disruptive innovation. Harvard Business Review, 93(12), 44-53.
  • Cooper, I. D. (2015). Disruptive technology and medical librarians. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 103(1), 1.
  • Dale, J., & Kyle, D. (2015). Smart Transitions?: Foreign Investment, Disruptive Technology, and Democratic Reform in Myanmar. Social Research: An InternationalQuarterly, 82(2), 291-326.
  • Disruptive innovation is key for a sustainable economy. (2018). The Guardian[online] Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/disruptive-innovation-sustainable-economy
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  • Ebersold, K., & Glass, R. (2015). The Impact Of Disruptive Technology: The Internet Of Things. Issues in Information Systems, 16(4).
  • Emery, E. (2017). Disruptive Technology: Social Media from Modiano to Zola and Proust. French Politics, Culture & Society, 35(1), 76-89.
  • Fan, L., & Suh, Y. H. (2014). Why do users switch to a disruptive technology? An empirical study based on expectation-disconfirmation theory. Information &Management, 51(2), 240-248.
  • Flavin, M. (2017). Free, Simple and Easy to Use: Disruptive Technologies, Disruptive Innovation and Technology Enhanced Learning. In Disruptive Technology EnhancedLearning (pp. 19-52). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
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  • Ganguly, A., Das, N., & Farr, J. V. (2017). The Role of Marketing Strategies in Successful Disruptive Technologies. International Journal of Innovation and TechnologyManagement, 14(03), 1750016.
  • Ganguly, A., Nilchiani, R., & Farr, J. V. (2017). Technology assessment: managing risks for disruptive technologies. In Managing Technological Innovation: Tools andMethods (pp. 25-54).
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  • Habtay, S. R., & Holmén, M. (2014). Incumbents’ responses to disruptive business model innovation: The moderating role of technology vs. market-driven innovation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 11, 18(4), 289-309.
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