Design And Development Of A VPN Network For An SME

Scope and Limitation

Before technology evolved and virtual proxy network was introduced to the world, SME had only two options to extend their networks geographically. SME are often used a dial in service or a leased line based WAN (wide area network). These alternatives are still functional and capable of remote access as well. However, these technologies are very expensive and hard to configure. Recently, virtual proxy network was introduced to the SME and since then it has been a common practice as it is less expensive and offer more flexible option [1]. Virtual proxy network maximize the flexibility of business while keeping the software and hardware costs minimum. Virtual proxy network is very affordable as it operates on a portion of the public telecommunications infrastructure rather than on leased lines.

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One of the other advantages of the virtual proxy network is it provides secure seamless communication. Most of the SME, seeks for remote location in order to gain full control to the SME network for increase productivity and seamless connection. Corporate network can satisfy their needs through DSL connection as it offer flexible and high speed connection. However, there is high security risk by utilizing typical connection. For a secure connection, data must be encrypted to prevent unauthorized access and the connection itself must be secure to prevent unauthorized access to the network [2].

The scope of this project is to develop and understand a virtual proxy network for an SME. Even though there are certain limitation, the project scope must be full filled in order to complete the project successfully. The ultimate scope and limitation of the project is to demonstrate and develop a virtual proxy network for an SME.

  • The new virtual proxy network is implemented while considering some external factor as cost efficient and wide availability.
  • To implement new device and equipment in the current organization and so that overall cost of network can be easily reduced [3].
  • Proper configuration of network services and routing devices which is according to the requirement of the given organization.
  • WAP (Wireless access point) should be there which is needed for various devices from the client request. In contrast to traditional Private Networks, virtual proxy networks are only as fast as the slowest internet connection between two end-points.
  • Eliminating unpredictable internet performance creating disruption and inconvenience.

In order to implement the desired virtual proxy networks as required by the SME, there are several factors needs to be arranged properly[4]. The development process can be differentiated into several section. Firstly, the service, network and security requirements. In order to construct the virtual proxy network several sites are needs to be analyzed and connected with the main office. The main office must have control over the three different sites. The server needs to be kept in a separate room under the lock so that it can be restricted from any kind of physical access.

Tunneling: The whole virtual proxy network is constructed based on the tunneling. The tunneling process involves maintaining and establishing a logical network connection. A specific virtual proxy network protocol constructs the packets which are encapsulated within some other carrier or protocol.

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Encryption: Encryption is the process of encoding data that cannot be read without proper decryption. In virtual proxy network, data is encoded at each end of tunnel. Generally, data is encoded at a site, and on other end the data is decrypt[5]. However, a virtual proxy network required more than a key to decrypt and encrypt any information. Virtual proxy network may utilize either generic routing encapsulation or internet protocol security.

Firewall: The main functionality of the firewall is to protect the system from unauthenticated malicious users who may try to intercepting or exploiting a virtual proxy network connection. The firewall was implemented either at front or back of the virtual proxy network server. It is configured with specific filters to allow only virtual proxy network specific packets to pass. The firewall is configured to allow only tunnel data on its Internet interface to be passed to the server. 

a. Logical Design:


b. Physical Design:

c. Network topologies: 

Traditionally, hub and spoke network can be utilized for different type of networks. It is also widely known as star topology. When the internet is connected physically with an access point through wires such as spoke in a wheel. The hub works as parent devices as all traffic must pass through it, in order to reach any specific spokes. This approach is very much suitable for SMEs as communication among several sites is conducted through the main office. This topology also offers a high degree of functionality with enhanced security[6]. As every devices on different network is isolated from each other through a single connection of wireless router. Because inter-site traffic must pass through the hub first and then out to a spoke, too much inter-site traffic may create bottlenecks at the hub. An advantage of this topology is that it is much less complex than a full mesh topology.

d. IP Addressing:

Major Network:

Available IP addresses in major network: 1022

Number of IP addresses needed: 500

Available IP addresses in allocated subnets: 696

About 69% of available major network address space is used

About 72% of subnetted network address space is used

Subnet Name

Needed Size

Allocated Size



Dec Mask

Assignable Range


Administrative network



/26 –

Finance Network



/25 –

Sales Network



/24 –

Dispatch Network



/24 –

The main functionality of the security protocol is to allow IP traffic to pass among unit interfaces. It is also used to define a certain limit of traffic by specifying destination and source address. It will allow communication to particular traffic which provides an extra layer of security as packets cannot be received by any other devoices rather than the device with destination ID. Ipsec security policy is highly required in order to specify the interface to the private network. This type of policy is capable of enabling traffic outbound, inbound or in both direction. On other hand, a route based virtual proxy network needs an accept security policy for every direction[7]. As source and destination interfaces, you specify the interface to the private network and the virtual IPsec interface of the virtual proxy network. 

A failover is a type of operational mode in which the function of a system component are assumed by secondary system components when the primary component becomes unavailable through either failure or scheduled down time [8]. If one of the components does not responding or disconnected from the network, the network will use the secondary component as a replacement of the primary component.  Generally, store data is connected to server through basic configuration, as cross coupled or point to point. If one of the device is corrupted then, data cannot be accessible for a large number of users [9].

Virtual proxy network utilizes private encrypted tunnel which enables connection between remote employees with office location. For a secure connection, data must be encrypted to prevent unauthorized access and the connection itself must be secure to prevent unauthorized access to the network. This paper will present a virtual proxy network connection with all department of SME [10]. To better understand the responses of network failover, redundant link is necessary as well. This report will also demonstrate the configuration of the network devices according to the requirement of the SME.

VPN Service Configuration’s –

Step1: Configuring ISAKMP Policy

Setp2: Configuring transform set


This paper will present a virtual proxy network connection with all department of SME. To better understand the responses of network failover, redundant link is necessary as well. This report will also demonstrate the configuration of the network devices according to the requirement of the SME. The main advantage of the virtual proxy network is confidentiality. It utilizes tunneling and encryption to secure vital data. Firewalls and other security measures inhibits third parties from compromising certain business network. Other than that, it offers simplicity with centralization and high performance capability. This topology also allows employees at remote sites, access the network. The network solution should be created for understanding quality of standard for each and every device in the network.  The desired virtual proxy network system must be constructed in an isolate environments and it must have its own TCP/IP internet connection. To construct the virtual proxy network on the SME, there are certain aspect needs to be configured with appropriate functionality. 


 [1]S. Difaa and M. Azouazi, “Conception and implementation of centralized and dynamic VIRTUAL PROXY NETWORK services”, Contemporary Engineering Sciences, vol. 6, pp. 135-142, 2013.

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[4]J. Caicedo-Muñoz, A. Ledezma Espino, J. Corrales and A. Rendón, “QoS-Classifier for VIRTUAL PROXY NETWORK and Non-VIRTUAL PROXY NETWORK traffic based on time-related features”, Computer Networks, vol. 144, pp. 271-279, 2018.

[5]M. Liyanage, P. Kumar, M. Ylianttila and A. Gurtov, “Novel secure VIRTUAL PROXY NETWORK architectures for LTE backhaul networks”, Security and Communication Networks, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 1198-1215, 2016.

[6]G. Dragoi, S. Rosu, I. Pavaloiu and A. Draghici, “Knowledge Applications Development at the SMEs Level in a Virtual Business Environment”, Procedia Technology, vol. 9, pp. 431-441, 2013.

[7]M. Colombo, A. Croce and L. Grilli, “ICT services and small businesses’ productivity gains: An analysis of the adoption of broadband Internet technology”, Information Economics and Policy, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 171-189, 2013.

[8]S. Lota and M. Markowski, “Performance Analysis of Virtual Computer Network Based on Cisco Cloud Services Router 1000V in a Private Cloud Environment”, Journal of Applied Computer Science Methods, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 117-132, 2015.

[9]R. Seethamraju, “Adoption of Software as a Service (SaaS) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)”, Information Systems Frontiers, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 475-492, 2014.

[10]F. Ahmed, Z. Abedin Butt and U. Siddiqui, “MPLS based VIRTUAL PROXY NETWORK Implementation in a Corporate Environment”, Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering, vol. 06, no. 05, 2016.

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