Analysis Of ‘I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings’ By Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou and her literary works
Kirkpatrick (2016) is of the viewpoint that the life as well as the contemporary events plays a significant role in the kind of literary work that an author pens down. As opined by Emmanuel (2017), the past experiences as well as the surroundings in which an author dwells inadvertently find representation in the works or the themes which the concerned author uses in the majority of their literary works. In other words, it can be said that the past experiences, events and the people in the life of an author can be seen as the guiding force or the sieve through which the literary work of an author can be understood in an effective manner (Evans, 2014). In this regard, the literary work “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” written by Maya Angelou is an important one since it is not only an autobiographical account of the author but also shows the important influences which has played a pivotal role in the life of the author. This essay will analyze the work “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” in the light of key influences which played a significant role on the composition of this work and also its themes.
Maya Angelou (1928 – 2014), one of the most ardent supporters of the Harlem Renaissance, is best known as an African-American poet, singer, civil rights activist and memoirist (Muhammad & Tatum, 2015). According to Muhammed (2016), Angelou’s autographical work “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” is a prominent one since it not only sheds valuable light on the life of the author under discussion here but also established her reputation as a writer. As opined by Xavier (2017), the evil machinery of slavery was abolished in the 19th century itself yet its adverse effects still persisted in the 20th century as well. This finds adequate representation in the various forms of discrimination and also the limited amount of growth opportunities that Angelou got in the 20th century (Pramanik & Banerjee, 2017). It is this discrimination and the isolation of the lives of the black skinned people in the nation of America which finds representation in the majority of the literary works of Angelou. For example, it is seen that the majority of her works like “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” and others are redolent with the theme of various forms of discrimination that the colored people had to face in the nation of America. More importantly, the work under discussion here also discusses the manner in which these aspects have not only affected her own personal life but at the same affected her work as an artist. According to Engel (2016), the majority of her works are centered round the lives of black skinned and their fight against a world dominated by the white skinned people.
“I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” is an autobiographical work which focuses on the persona of life journey of Angelou in the white dominated society of America in the 20th century (Emmanuel, 2017). The work, at the same time, highlights the influence which different people as well as events in her life and also her growth as an author. In this context, mention needs to be made of Mrs. Bertha Flowers, who helps her in the initial phase of her life (childhood) to come out of her inhibitions and also to express herself in an independent manner (Mendonca, 2015). For example, the work clearly reveals that Marguerite is not comfortable speaking to strangers or even to express her thoughts for that matter. As opined by Evans (2014), it is through her association with Mrs. Flowers and the various sessions that she shares with her that she not only develops the confidence to speak to strangers but at the same time inculcate her love for books as well. This obviously helps in the growth of her artistic abilities as a writer and also as a person as well.
Themes in ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’
Angelou is known for the elaborate language that she uses to express simple themes in an elaborate fashion (Muhammad & Tatum, 2015). This is perhaps one of the main reasons why the majority of her works are redolent with the usage of smiles, metaphors, innuendos and similar kinds of literary devices (Kirkpatrick, 2016). As a matter of fact, the effective utilization of these devices helps the author to convey her opinion to the readers. More importantly, it is seen that the author in the work under discussion takes the help of these devices to create an aura of beauty as well as an environment which is appealing for the children (Xavier, 2017). However, at the same time, it needs to be said that through the usage of these artistic elements she also tries to convey the challenges, problems, discrimination and other problems that the African-Americans or the black skinned people commonly face in a world dominated by the white skinned people (Emmanuel, 2017).
Marguerite and Mrs. Flowers are the main characters in the literary work under discussion here and it is the encounter between the two characters that forms the cruix of the work. Marguerite is a self portrait of the author herself and is shown as a girl who does not feel comfortable expressing herself (Evans, 2014). Mendonca (2015) is of the opinion that Marguerite’s only close relationship is with her brother Bailey and although she obeys the instructions of her grandmother yet she shares no special feelings for her. More importantly, the portrayal of her character and her actions also highlight the key features of the lives of the black skinned people in the 20th century and the problems that they faced. The character of Mrs. Flowers is in stark contrast to Marguerite and in a way represents the pedestal that Angelou was to attain in the latter part of her life (Evans, 2014). Furthermore, it is encounter with Mrs. Flowers and also the various precious moments that she shares with her which brings about the much needed change in her life and also artistic abilities. This artistic development and the impact or the role which an individual can wield on the individuals forms the theme of the work under discussion here. The work has its setting the 20th century American society wherein the black skinned enjoyed very limited amount of power as well as opportunities (Muhammed, 2016).
The work of Angelou under discussion here also sheds valuable light on the social, economic as well as cultural aspects of the 20th century American society (Engel, 2016). The work by dint of showing specially the life of the author and the customers who used to frequent her grandmother’s store clearly indicates that the lives of the white and black skinned people were completely separate (Xavier, 2017). More importantly, the meager economic prospects of the author’s grandmother’s store, is a pertinent reflection of the limited economic options which were available to the black skinned people (Mendonca, 2015). This becomes evident from the limited amount of cakes, pineapples and other good foods that were being offered by the author and for which she craved (Pramanik & Banerjee, 2017). However, at the same time, it needs to be mentioned that there was much unity among the black skinned people and they were very willing to help out other individuals. This becomes evident from the help which Mrs. Flowers offers to Marguerite, the help offered by Marguerite to Mrs. Flowers in carrying her shopping bag, the help that the grandmother of the author offers to the barbers and others (Kirkpatrick, 2016). Thus, in a way it can be said that the events mentioned in the work and the context itself is not only a reflection but also a criticism of the 20th century American society. Moreover, by narrating the incidents of her childhood she gives a social chronicle of the age and at the same time by showing the limited options that were available to her she criticizes it as well.
To conclude, the work of an author is dependent to a great extent on the kind of past experiences as well as the present situation of the authors. More importantly, these incidents as well as the people with whom the concerned author is associated influence the author and their literary works in a substantial manner. This finds adequate representation in the work “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” of Maya Angelou. The work shows the influence which the encounter and association which Mrs. Flowers was to have on the life of Marguerite, the portrait of Angelou herself. Thus, although the work is concerned with the artistic as well as the personal growth of the author yet at the same time it is redolent with the common issues that the black skinned people in the 20th century American society.
Emmanuel, I. U. (2017). Family and the Bildungsroman Tradition in Maya Angelou’s I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings and Chimamanda Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus. Lwati: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 14(1), 59-79.
Engel, S. (2016). Stamp of Authenticity: Using The Maya Angelou Forever Stamp to Explore Quotation and Authorship. The CCCC-IP Annual: Top Intellectual Property Developments of 2015, 12.
Evans, R. (2014). Maya Angelou’s” I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” And the Advantages of a Pluralist Close Reading. CLA Journal, 58(1/2), 36-47.
Kirkpatrick, A. (2016). The Caged Bird Sings of Freedom: Why Allowing Sex-Reassignment Surgery for Transgender Life Prisoners Facilitates Rehabilitation and Reconciliation. S. Cal. Rev. L. & Soc. Just., 26, 37.
Mendonca, M. G. M. (2015). The Pulitzer Trio: Revisiting Works of Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison and Alice Walker. Ruminations: The Andrean Journal of Literature, 26.
Muhammad, G. G. E., & Tatum, A. W. (2015). “I Know What the Caged Bird Feels, Alas!”: Reflections on Mentoring and Scholarship in the Academy. Journal of Education, 195(2), 15-18.
Muhammed, M. M. (2016). Beyond the Law of Transitivity: A Functional Stylistic Study of Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Journal of University of Babylon, 24(1), 188-197.
Pramanik, I., & Banerjee, S. (2017). Maya Angelou’s Shaker, Why Don’t You Sing?: a Paroxysm of Confession. Writers Editors Critics (WEC): Vol. 7, No. 1 (March 2017), 7, 95.
Xavier, K. K. (2017). The Defining Impact of Books in Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. The Journal, 15.