International Marketing For The Digital Social Media
The Popularity of Digital Social Media
Digital Social media is considered as one of the popular which is used by the companies as it can be easy for them to market their products in the highly competitive market. This paper will highlight the concept of digital social media which is considered to create innovative international marketing strategy. The product which is selected is Mobile Phones.
In the present scenario, digital social media is famous among people. People of every age group spend their time on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. Social media can also be considered as one of the best sources which can help in enhancing the demand of the products and services in the competitive market. It will also boost the overall demand of the customers in relation to the new product which is launched by the company (Palacios-Marqués, Merigó & Soto-Acosta, 2015).
So, this is considered as one of the opportunity for the companies to sustain in the competitive market. The businessmen focus on considering the digital social media source to market their products in the market. With the help of social media sites, promotion of the products can be done in a proper manner. It can be stated that social media is a strategy which is considered by the companies so that it can be easy to communicate effectively with the target audience and also it helps the companies to focus on the overall goals and objectives in the competitive market (Karjaluoto, Mustonen & Ulkuniemi, 2015).
It can be seen that social media is considered as the growing source as majority of people uses social media sites in their routine basis. The improvement in the mobile connectivity has enhanced the “Go” social activities and it can be easy to share the content and videos on social media. The companies now days are using social media sites to promote the products and services on the international platform. Through this source it can be simple for them to focus on enhancing the demand of the products and services in the market. In the present scenario, every companies whether it is large or small are using social media as a source to promote its products and services. With the help of social media sites it can be easy to boost the overall profitability of the company in the highly competitive market (Kumar, Bezawada, Rishika, Janakiraman & Kannan, 2016).
International marketing strategies can be the strategies which are used to promote the services and products on the global platform. With the help of the social media platform it can be analyzed that the profits can be enhanced by the company and also this impact the market share. To market the products on the international platform it can be seen that there should be proper planning, positioning and also promotion of the products so that people or the customers can have proper knowledge of the products and services in the market. It can be analyzed that no matter what large as well as small companies take use of the social media concept as it can help in boosting the overall sales in the competitive market (Guesalaga, 2016).
Marketing on the International Platform
It can be seen that potential customers can easily login in to the social media sites in many countries and the message transferred by the company can be conveyed on the global platform. The social media plays a great role in creating innovative international strategies. To promote the product related to mobile phone the company can consider the use of digital social media strategy. With the help of digitalization the company can easily post the information or the overall features and with the help of social media sources like Facebook and Instagram it can be easy for the customers to have proper knowledge of the products offered in the market. By posting the pictures on the social media sites, it can be easy for the company to convey the information of the mobile Phones. This attracts customers towards the product in the competitive market (Chang, Yu & Lu, 2015).
It can be seen that social media is one of the effective sources that can be used for innovative international strategies. It is one of the sources which can be considered as the cost effective. By using social media, the company has to pay low wages if comparison is made with the other sources of marketing. The channels of social media are not costly and it can be easy to interact with the large number of the customers in the competitive market. The product related to Mobile phones can be offered in an easy manner in the competitive market. With the help of social media it can be easy for the companies to emphasize on catering the targeted customers. The companies on the domestic level require lot of amount to market the mobiles phones on the international platform but with the help of digital social media, it can be simple to market the products in the competitive market (Constantinides, 2014).
The digital social media it is also considered to create innovative international strategies as through this it can be easy for the companies to gather the responses of the customers. It can be seen that customers can easily know about the mobile phones and can also ask about the queries through social media sites. So, it can be seen that it is one of the best source that can help the company in knowing the mindset of the customers before making the products on the international platform (Wang & Kim, 2017).
With the help of social media the product related to mobile phones can be introduced by the company on the international platform. It can be cost effective and also way which can help the company in boosting the overall sales in the competitive market. The innovative international marketing strategies can be created if there proper use of digital social media as it can be stated that without the use of social media sites it is not possible for the company to achieve growth in the highly competitive market. It can be analyzed that social media has the requirement of the marketing personnel who take into consideration more than one language. The countries also have social media sites that can help to communicate in a proper language and it will also help to enhance the demand in the market. The customers get attracted towards the products offered in the market. With the help of digital social media it can be possible for the company to communicate with the customers in their own language. It will help to boost the overall demand as well as overall profitability of the company in the market (Leeflang, Verhoef, Dahlström & Freundt, 2014).
Social Media as a Cost-Effective Source
It can be seen that there are different cultures and customs considered by the people and on these factors the focus can be given through digital social media. The company or the marketer can know about the overall mindset of the customers in relation to the demand and preference. By emphasizing on the social media it can be seen that they can advertise the mobile phones according to their culture. So, it can be stated that social media has enhanced the overall communication process more targeted and safe. The main motive of digital social media is to make the organizations more responsive in context to the local and regional customs (Dwivedi, Kapoor & Chen, 2015).
Also with the help of digital social media, it can be easy for the company to enhance the satisfaction level of the customers. It has been noticed that companies can response to the queries of the customers immediately which solve the overall queries and can help in attaining the positive outcome (Felix, Rauschnabel & Hinsch, 2017).
For example: the customers have the query related to the mobile phone and he or she posted the query. If these queries are resolved immediately then it can be easy to enhance the overall satisfaction level of the customers towards the products and services offered in the competitive market. It will also create positive image of the company in the mind of the customers which is considered as one of the positive factor in relation to the profits in the competitive market.
With the help of digital social media it can be analyzed that it can be easy to adapt the changes in the multiple markets. Social media helps the company to bring modification in the activities according to the changes which take place in the market. Through social media it can be easy for the company to make the customers aware about the products and services in the market and also it is seen that they boost the Knowledge of the customers which is introduced in the market. Like at the time of introducing the new mobile phone in the market, the company starts posting pictures on the social media platform. This grabs the attention of the customers towards the new mobile phone introduced by the company in the market. By grabbing the attention of the customers it can also be one of the popular products on the global platform (Tiago & Veríssimo, 2014).
Through social media channels related to Facebook and Instagram the companies can easily post the videos and pictures of the product which make the customers to know about the new product in the market. Now day’s social media is a best source which helps the customers to know about the new brand available in the market. So, it can be stated that without the use of social media it is not possible for the company to survive in the highly competitive market (Tuten & Solomon, 2017).
Through Facebook account the company can promote its products and services which can also lead to the increase in the demand of the products on the international platform. Digital social media is considered as it is one of the innovative international strategies which boost the sale of the products and services on the global platform. Without the overall sales it is not possible for the company to survive in the market and the large market share will also be not attained (Scuotto, Del Giudice & Carayannis, 2017).
Gathering Responses from Customers
It can be seen that there are various types of international marketing strategies which is considered if proper digital social media is used. The first type is related with individual marketing strategy. In this it can be seen that the emphasis is given on the targeted market which need the company to collect the relevant market data. So, social media is one of the best sources of collecting the different factors related to economic, political and also the social factors in the specific countries. Through digital social media it can be easy to know the exact or accurate of information of the country. Also, with the help of this it can be easy for the company to focus on revising the product which will maintain the requirement of the customers in the individual market. The requirement in the market can be maintained by taking into consideration the factors related to social and economic factors (Gürhan-Canli, Hayran & Sarial-Abi, 2016).
It can be stated that the tools which are considered for international marketing strategies are also linked with digital social media. It can be simple for the people to advertise the products. Like the mobile phones can be advertise through social media sites by posting the posters and also pictures of the products. Social media is one of the internet source so it can be shown to large audience in one go. By posting the picture the company can easily make the customers aware about the mobile phones introduced in the market and it can be done between the large numbers of audience. Also, through digital social media it can be easy for the company to emphasize on the contest for which people have to share the news about the preferences of their own as also of their family. It will give a platform to the company to advertise the overall product on the global platform (Aichner & Jacob, 2015).
Digital social media can also help the company in maintaining the goodwill in the market. By posting the pictures of new mobile phone it can be easy to elaborate the features and also design with the help of pictures and videos. It will enhance the image of the company in the competitive market and will boost the overall sales of the company (Okazaki & Taylor, 2013).
Price promotion is also one of the strategies that can be considered with the help of social media. It can be seen that the product like mobile phone can be introduced with various promotions. By giving discount it can be easy to boost the sale of the product or it will help to maintain the large customer base in the competitive market. the company can also promote the products by offering freebie at the time of purchasing the product and it can only done with the help of digital social media sites related to Facebook and twitter. By posting the picture of the mobile phone with the offer can attract the attention of the customers towards the products. It will directly help to boost the demand on the international platform (Ngai, Tao & Moon, 2015).
Effective Communication Process
Also with the help of digital social media it can be easy for the company to invite the customers for the tradeshows. The company can organize the tradeshows which will be one of the opportunities for the company to introduce the products in the front of customers.
In context to the mobile phones the company can invite the customers for the tradeshow and when customers attend the tradeshows then it will not only boost the demand but also helps the company to gather the feedback of the customers in relation to the launch of new mobile phones in the market. So, it is the best source that can be considered by the company and it is one of the innovative international strategies which will help the company to attain positive outcome in the highly competitive market (Ryan, 2016).
Therefore, it can be concluded that companies should focus on social media as it can help to create innovate international marketing strategies. With the help of social media sites it can be easy to achieve positive outcome and also it will directly enhance the sale of the company in the competitive market. Through digital social media, the company has the opportunity to boost the sale of the products on the international platform. So, it is considered as one of the best methods or the source that can help the company to sustain in the competitive market. Social media channels should be considered by the companies as it can help to enhance the market share and also the demand of products and services in the market.
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