The Role Of HR In Learning And Development Interventions To Support Business Strategy: A Case Study Of Security Industry Authority (SIA)

A Critical Analysis of (SIA) Security Industry Authority

The paper will help in presenting the critical analysis of the Security Industry Authority (SIA) which is based in London, United Kingdom. Moreover, the paper will evaluate the importance of training needs and need analysis for bringing success for the entire firm. It needs to be understood that Human Resource manager plays vital role in bringing success for the firm by motivating the employees by various means. Training is necessary when staffs are not performing up to a certain level of performance. This paper will demonstrate Learning and development outlines how a company develops its capability of workforce, skills and knowledge to remain successful.

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The primary focus of SIA is to regulate the industry of private security in the United Kingdom. The two duties of this organization are to manage a scheme of Voluntary Approved Contractor and to monitor the necessary licensing of an individual’s (Kloetzer, Clot and Quillerou-Grivot, 2015). SIA reports to the Home Secretary in the terms of Industry of Private Security. Objectives of primary that SIA follow-

  • To raise values in the industry of private security; and
  • To decrease criminality in the industry of private security.

Objectives of secondary-

  • To build up extend policing family by associating further meeting with the industry of private security.
  • To encourage development and investment in the industry of private security.

Training Needs Analysis is the process in which an organization identifies development and training needs of their staff’s member so that they can do their work effectively. By training needs, SIA can decide what specific skills, knowledge and attitudes towards work are needed to improve the performance of employees according to company’s standards (Francioni and Bakker, 2016). The employer needs to articulate the aim of the training that what will be the outcome of the training for an organization. Some methods for conducting training-

  • Surveys- it helps out performance deficiencies in specific areas. The question of the survey focuses on specific work and need of an employee.
  • Observations- managers watch the tasks of staffs in regular work situations. Observation provides information on performance gaps.

Interviews- it allows collecting data on performance gaps which communicating with each staff or a group of staffs (Larsen, 2017).

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The execution of the above methods will help in facilitating the effectiveness of the employees regarding the execution of the business processes. The use of the surveys will facilitate the effectiveness of the work processes by identifying the gap in the execution of the work processes. The use of the training need analysis will help in providing perfect measures to each the employees regarding their role and the concurred work processes. It is important as it offers proper guidance regarding desired activities which needs to be performed in order to evaluate the effectiveness throughout the work place and to achieve the desired goals for the organization. The use of the training interventions will provide more power to the workforce and will improve their overall performances by increasing their skills and knowledge regarding the desired work.  For example, the role of an HR is to take care of employees as they are the ones which effectively contributes in enhancing the overall growth of the firm throughout the concerned market segments. The HR can support the business by increasing the reliability, effectiveness, skills, knowledge and capability of each of the employees associated with the firm. 

The Human Resource department is an important contributor to the success of an organization since they are mainly responsible for organizing and maintaining the workforce (Bolden, 2016). The HR department of SIA is responsible for many aspects of developing and hiring staffs. Through Learning and development, HR’s goal to improve employee and team performance by growing and boosting skills and knowledge of an employee. The role of the HR in development and training includes evaluating the needs of creating manuals of training, training, facilitating instruction and ensuring the training objectives have been met. HR help businesses to conserve cost when developing benefit materials, compensation packages and employee assistance programs (Karoliny, Bálint and Tiszberge, 2015). The HR managers motivates the employees by various ways like with the help of rewarding programs, appraisals, promotion and by providing incentives. The motivation provided to the employees brings more effort from the employees towards the evaluation of the concerned work processes and finally it helps in achieving the goals of the firm. Therefore, in this way the HR managers contributes towards the growth and development of the concerned organization and increases the efficiency of the entire work procedures.  They arrange training sessions which significantly improves the sills, knowledge and the quality of the work process executed by the employees.  

Method of Training/Learning Needs Analysis Session for (SIA)

All training programs should begin with a need analysis; it is usually the first step in the training process.  The purpose of need analysis is to identify the performance required to fulfil the company’s goals to improve profits, productivity and work quality. According to a study, it reveals that some of the police members do not rely on SIA that puts an impact on the working relationship among police and the organization. The study will assist in evaluating the new policy, latest developments and technologies an organization is using. According to HR, the motive of the training is to be sure that all the staffs understand their work and be a success in the chosen area (Brown, Kulik, Cregan and Metz, 2017).

During a skill gap analysis, businesses identify the different types of skills, which staff needs to fulfil his duties and skills they need to meet their business goal (Bagayoko, Hutchful and Luckham, 2016). Therefore, SIA must develop a improved strategy to advertise the advantage of rule and regulation to the police to rise the confidence of police in both the SIA and the industry of private security. This will inspire the police to increase their levels of connection with private security officers and security of private organization (Diphoorn, 2016). SIA should also control the requirement of competencies in two methods, firstly, keeping the connection between the actual duties of private security officers and secondly by the competency requirements. They are having a lack of communication skill. Some weaknesses are observed in SIA that is a problematic investigate process.

In this competitive business world, firm conduct training programmes for new and existing staffs. Learning and development practices help the employees to observe positive reaction from people and also in understanding the needs of the people. L&D specially focused on helping individuals to learn new skills, so they are productive and motivated at work (Liljenberg, 2015). Learning & Development is essential for every organization as it drives and satisfies employees to feel valued and able to develop and grow throughout their careers. The industry will be able to react to changes and adjust to a growing competitive market. L&D confirms individuals’ top quality of service and approach for better business.

SIA require to communicate well to the organization about the bounds of its enforcement policy. There are various political restrictions which bounds the enforcement of SIA’s approach. SIA has some limits in street presence, and it does not fully capitalize on the intelligence it obtain. The SIA does not prosecute enough, so its investigation process is problematic. The unfavorable observation is, respect for private security workers among the police has not been improved as a significance of regulation (Hilliard, 2015). Customers are not ready to pay higher amounts for the services. At the end, there are important bounds on the resources existing for the industry to invest in the progress of their staff and services.


The paper concludes the critical analysis of SIA that revealed the procedure adopted by the organization and the two objectives that follow. Training and development analysis had shown a method of conducting training and its impact on the employees of SIA. It had also evaluated the role of the HR function in support of the business strategy and the contribution of HR in a successful business organization. The paper discussed the application of the needs analysis of SIA and knowledge gap faced by the organization. It also presented the evaluation of Learning and development practices and effectiveness of an organization and conclude the reason for knowledge gap.


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