Shared Team Experiences And Team Effectiveness: Evaluation Of An Article
Relevance of Topic and Content in Selected Article
Relevance of Topic and Content in Selected Article
The article selected for evaluating the topic of importance of shared team experiences and effectiveness is “unpacking the contingent impacts of entrained rhythms and task characteristics”. Selection of this article and its content is observed to have significant implications on explaining ways in which “shared team task-specific experiences” might impact team effectiveness in crew-based arrangements.
Theses stated by Author
In the article the theses stated by the author is focused on analysing relationship between shared team experiences and team effectiveness. The theses also considered offering practical implications for staffing crews in healthcare settings.
Hypotheses development in this article included testing variables like shared team task-specific experiences, team effectiveness, interactions with task characteristics and task difficulty. The hypotheses formed considered testing relationship among all these above variables to attain desired study findings.
From analysing the article, it is gathered that qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in analysing the relationship between STTS experience, team effectiveness and task characteristics for testing set hypotheses (Hu & Liden, 2015). The research is deemed to attain reliable data as the 26 individuals those were selected in interview included surgeons, nurse’s anesthesia providers and technicians related in crew-based team arrangements.
The gathered findings from article is considered being significant as it revealed results on variation in team composition, dynamics that makes healthcare ideal for experiencing the hypotheses relationship (Luciano et al., 2018). It revealed pre-surgery briefing must be conducted by team to increase task characteristics awareness and promote team collaboration.
The conclusion derived from the article explained that there are two major issues identified in shared team experience. The issues revealed by this article are previous exclusion of complacency from theories related with STTS experienced in crew-based arrangements and low realization of conditions under which contemplacency is observed to manifest team efficiency.
Annotated Bibliography
Hu, J., & Liden, R. C. (2015). Making a difference in the teamwork: Linking team prosocial motivation to team processes and effectiveness. Academy of Management Journal, 58(4), 1102-1127.
In the article the author is focused on analysing relationship between shared team experiences and team effectiveness. The theses also considered offering practical implications for staffing crews in healthcare settings. Moreover, from analysis of the hypotheses those were tested and the methods used in testing them it has been revealed that it is necessary to understand that manifestation and counterviewing forces intervention such as synchronization and competency on STTS experience. The article revealed pre-surgery briefing must be conducted by team to increase task characteristics awareness and promote team collaboration.
Luciano, M. M., Bartels, A. L., D’Innocenzo, L., Maynard, M. T., & Mathieu, J. E. (2018). Shared team experiences and team effectiveness: Unpacking the contingent effects of entrained rhythms and task characteristics. Academy of Management Journal, 61(4), 1403-1430.
The above article explains the difference that exist in team collaboration and effectiveness through analyzing the link between practical motivation, team processes and effectiveness. It also focused on revealing facts that team collaboration process is captured through task driven procedure of team cooperation along with affect-based team viability. The article also proposed a theoretical model that associates team prosocial motivation to team efficiency as considered by team processes. It is revealed that team process is captured by means of task-driven processes of team collaboration and is operationalized by organizational citizenship behavior.