Essential Skills For Succeeding In Professional Life
Introduction to programming
A career can be defined as the actions and the progress made by a person during the time of his lifetime. The career is often seen to be comprised of the jobs held as well as the titles earned and the work accomplished over the long period of employment. A career needs to include education, training and even work experience. In career, an individual needs to think about how that person can grow in the job or move into another job. I want to choose the profession of software analysts and have therefore taken admission to the Bachelor of information systems in the Asia pacific international college (APIC) Sydney. This assignment will mainly be focusing on the different subjects that this course provided and will contain a comparison of the subjects that are offered in the same course in Victoria University in Sydney. This would be followed by a brief discussion of the skills required for succeeding in my professional life.
The career I want to pursue is the career of the software analyst. This position is also called the computer systems analyst. The main job role is to check the computer programs and thereby to ensure that they are meeting the needs and demands of the users. The candidate needs to act like a quality control specialist of a development team. The individuals need to go through the software product before it is released with fine toothed comb in order to make sure that every aspect of the software product can successfully meet the expectations as well as standards. Different types of skills are required by a software analyst in order to conduct their hob successfully. The skills need are quite similar to that of the skills of the software developers as well as the other IT specialists. This should require the knowledge of programming language as well as that of the knowledge of the computer systems and the hardware. Depending upon the specific software being developed, the analyst must also need to be very familiar with certain business network or the graphic engine for the certain product or the service. A common part of the job of the software analyst is to bridge the gap between the IT side of the company and the business side of the company. When the business executives see the demand for the software product or a technology need in the company, they would explain their needs to the IT department. The software analysts would then be translating those business needs into something the computer experts as well as the developers can successfully work with. During the project, the analysts will be the one to ensure work-in-progress to the executives and thereby detail the ways about how the completed project would be helping to meet the needs that are initially demanded. At the end, the analysts would be checking to ensure that the completed product is correct and this would be then demonstrated to the executives mainly by the ways by which the product would be performing. Often good software analysts need to portray a dual nature. They need to be technical experts in order to work with the IT but they also need to be business minded and at the same time sociable to work with the executives and the consumers. The careers are usually exciting and at the same time lucrative for those who are interested in both the affairs of the business and solutions technology can bring.
IT Infrastructure System
One of the five subjects that are covered in the business information systems is called the introduction to programming. This subject would be helping individuals pursuing the subject to develop an extensive theoretical as well as practical foundation for effective understanding of the basic concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP) techniques. This subject has combined the principles of programming especially with the OOP constructs and principles. These include data types as well as the common control flow structures, basic data structures, console output and input as well as the file input or output with the introduction of the graphical components in the programming. Therefore, when the business organization would suggest me of a technological need, it would help me in developing the preliminary structure of their need and work in association with software developers to help them understand what is needed and wanted. In such case, programming would be highly important. Another important subject that would be of exceptional help to me is the IT infrastructure system. This system is seen to introduce the different fundamentals of the potential values of the information technology introduction of the firm. This subject would be helpful to job seeker as it combines the service, resource as well as capability oriented views of the organization in a number of components. The components are hardware like servers, computers, data centers, switches and others. The software section includes Enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), productivity applications and more. The other components which I will develop knowledge about is the network system as well as the Meatware system like the network administrators (NA), developers, designers and end users with access to any IT appliance or service and others. These would help the business professionals to develop the ideas about how the information can be helpful in the exploration both conceptually and empirically. The aspirant would be able to understand the organizational impacts of the IT infrastructure flexibility in the context of internet based environment and utilize the information for their benefits.
The other subject taught at the APIC University is the System analysis and design that helps in exploring the different techniques, tools and the methods of the system analysis in the business environment in the form. This subject would help the aspirant in the development of analytical skills for various types of information requirement analysis. This would even include even problem identification along with feasibility assessment, case analysis, data modeling, specifications and socio-technical issues of the systems development life cycle. Another important subject is the innovation and new technologies. This subject is very important for the individual as it introduces the different ways by which different types of new and innovative technologies are helping to increase the ability of the modern organizations for effectively globalizing different types of business procedures. This helps the aspirants for extending their reach to the different global partners as well as the consumers. His subject is usually designed in ways by which the aspirants get the scope of exploring the technological changes as well as the drivers for the information system innovation. This would help me to come up with innovative designs that meet up the technological or the business needs of the organization thereby helping the business part and the IT part to work together meeting the vision of the organization. Another important subject is the Management Information system. This subject would be helpful for the aspirants in providing a comprehensive overview of the different types of issues that professionals might face during the time of selection, use as well as management of information system. This would help the aspirants in implementing the business strategies and gain competitive advantage. This subject also helps in understanding the integrative coverage if essential new techniques, IS applications and the impact the component have on the business models and managerial decision-making.
System Analysis and Design
All the studies that had been included in the curriculum is the business information system are core subjects. These would help me to become knowledgeable and skillful about the programming methods, the IT systems with which I would be working. It also helps in development of skills of innovative and new form of technologies that would prove to be helpful in meeting the technological demands of the organization. The different tools and strategies required for analysis the information technology systems in the business environment are also taught by the medium. However, the subject had not focused on the different aspects of business management in general. The subjects are focused on certain main aspects of information system but they should have introduced general management business management topics in the preliminary months so that the aspirants can get used to the ideas and conflicts that need to be considered in regular basis. Every business professionals need to be developing general business kills like emotional intelligence, leadership and management skills, effective communication skills, teamwork efficiency, and many others. This would help in regular day-day-day activities in the business organization that would enable harmonious working culture.
The subject that is not provided in the APIC University but is provided in the Victoria University Sydney is the ICT management. This subject would help me by providing me an opportunity in exploring the depth and breadth in the planning as well as in the risk management and change control in the small IT business. It is mainly designed for equipping aspirants with the different analytical, communication, and project management that would help in taming the IT business interfaces. This subject also provides aspirants with the scope to develop the ICR service agreements for effectively managing a collaborative relationship between the IT department and the others. Since, I am planning to be a software-analyst who had to bridge between the It department and the business part, this subject would be extremely important. The aspirants can thereby exhibit proper professional capacity for promoting sustainable procurement practice and thereby ensure organizational outcomes for reduction of the administration overheads.
Another subject that needs to be included is the network management study. Although APIC is provided IT infrastructure subject is covering a part of this subject, but is not focusing on the network management in details. Therefore, this study would be providing aspirants with with broad understanding of the operation, administration and maintenance of the network systems. The subject would me to study specialized as well as in depth technologies in the network management. This would even include algorithms, protocols, and even the Network Address Translation (NAT), Microsoft enterprise network management, IPv6 networks, Microsoft server management and Microsoft HyperV virtualization. This would help me in developing and enhancing skills, which would be extremely important to understand the network, and internet-based-activities and changes them efficiently.
Another important subject which although not extremely important but may help in enhancing my abilities and skills is the software development knowledge. My aspiration is to become a software analyst but not the software developer. My role is to provide a preliminary framework and development of ideas of the technological needs on which the software developers would be working. Therefore, in a way I have to work in collaboration with them and hence, it would help in gaining additional benefits if this subject is included in my syllabus. The skills of software development would help me to work as team with them and understand the progress of work, requirements and the various over aspects required to meet the goal of the technological need by the business firm.
Innovation and New Technologies
While working in the business environment, the most famous skill that needs to be developed is the interpersonal skills that include effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Other important skills that also need to be developed are the team-working skills, business-writing skills as well as oral skills. Often in the business environment, every aspirant would need to work in the team and communicate with team members as well as seniors and higher authority during regular working activities to ensure smooth workflow. Active listening skills, feedback skills, empathy, and compassion are some of the communication attributes that ensure development of strong relationships among employees. When colleagues share strong bonds on the team based on mutual trust and respect, the team working becomes much easier and goals are achieved at faster rate. Effective communication skills and team-working skills and prevent conflicts at workplace. Constructive feedback skills help in development of transparency in the workplace for which ego-clashes and complex feelings are not developed among workers. Collaboration and coordination can be achieved by effective team working skills that prevent blame games and make it a supportive environment for all members working in the team.
In order to develop the above-mentioned skills, I would attend business workshops that are led by stalwart business professionals. The mentors would help in effective identification of the different communication issues that I lack and accordingly guide me by providing me with strategies that would help me to overcome the barriers. This would help me to develop my communication skills as I am an impatient listener and due to my introvert nature, I also cannot participate in feedback exchange skills. This can impede my team-working attributes, as I would need to work with teams both in IT sectors as well as in business management sectors. This would help me to develop the skills and become an efficient business professional expert in the future.
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