Issues Management Process: Identifying The Issue, Assessing Potential Threat, Strategy Options, Communication Objectives And Evaluation Of Success

Identification of the issue

The manager of the Food co corporation needs to develop a working hypothesis on the problem that is existing within the organisation by consulting with the employees and the indigenous employees against whom the complaint have been charged (Lewis et al. 2015). In addition to this, the manager as well needs to consult with the legal lawsuit to understand the issue in depth and to evaluate the situation in an effective way.

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The first issue faced by Food co foundation that the company has been alleged on the grounds of 250 existing and former employees who are indigenous. The case shows that the company has been charged of discriminating against the indigenous managers in terms of their promotion. The second issue that can be understood is that the employees from indigenous background has not been provided with an opportunity of promotion despite of their eligibility and experienced skills. The third issue found from a survey on the company found that only a limited percentage of employee got upper level promotions from the indigenous employees. The fourth issue is that these would lead to the fall down of reputation and fourth issue is vulnerabilities faced by them on their financial productivity.

In order to evaluate the significant threat to the organisation it is necessary determine the scope of the threat related to the charges on racial discrimination. As stated by Sargeant (2016), the manager is required to gather essential data to cover the complete scope of threat evaluation. In this, it is necessary to recognise the significant vulnerabilities that could give rise to threats. Finally, the company is needed to Performa an in depth analysis of the legal threat.

The organisation was vulnerable as the legal threat on the company on the grounds racial discrimination could highly affect the popularity of the company. Poor reputation due to charges may lead to the reduction of the number of customer’s preferring their products and lowering down of productivity within the organisation (Henry et al. 2017).

The strategic options to protect the reputation of the company and to reduce the risk factors is by developing legal, administrative and policy infrastructure that will be helpful in protecting violations.  The company as well may develop strategic media plan for engaging the members of the community with the organisation. This will also be contingent with the establishment of culture of respect for the human rights, effective governance and by enabling the environment for a vibrant society (Berry and Hou 2016). On the contrary, managers of the Foodco, foundations are required to be aware of their role in framing the ethics within the organisation that could be helpful in strengthening the relationship and reputation of the organisation.

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The company needs to enhance the ethical environment and culture of the workplace along with improvement in customer service for finding solution to the issue (Davis et al. 2016).

The company is needed increase the cost of attendance in the conference by almost 150 employees by speaking to the employees through telephone and by conveying it to them through mail.

Evaluation of potential threat to the organization

They need to increase the utilisation of knowledge amongst the team members by sponsoring team members and by educating them in the context in the year 2019. Moreover, they need to increase the cost efficiency of the project event by almost 10% by the end of the next year.

The company can needs to implement proper leadership for evaluating roots of the issue to manage the problem within the certain period (Bailey et al. 2017).

The company needs to reduce the time for responding to customer centred queries in order to address the legal issue by 1 hour by the end of December 2018.

Understanding foot prints

Handling operations and projects

Handling risk as well as opportunities

Involving Stakeholders externally

It is necessary to improve the mapping of the stakeholders thereby recognising the issue within the workplace and influencers including all the employees.

This will be done by investing in the workplace and organisational content.

In this, it is also essential to incorporate the social and human rights issues including the rights of the indigenous people within the risk evaluating plans.

Evaluation of human rights related risk and the influence

With the help of investors

It is necessary to enhance the tracking and the process of reporting the involvement of the employees and the impacts that is there on the associated results.

It will be carried out by executing high quality plans of involvement.

The organisation is required to focus on social investment plans ad regional content plan for optimal development of community and benefits of the business.

Cooperating and collaborating with the employees internally and externally.

Community legal solicitor and civil society members and the organisational members

The company is needed to enhance the tracking and reporting of the efforts made on the diligence caused on human rights

This will be carried out by executing human rights due diligence actions.

 The company is required to use SD and HSD equipment has to promote due diligence and social issues evaluation in workplace.

Evaluating and planning the social issues occurring within the workplace (Girard, J. and Girard 2015).

Policy and legislative members

The action taken need to be communicated carefully using effective communication tactic for retaining the reputation of the organisation and win over the customer. In this is context, the first communication tactics is that the company is needed to promote positive self-talking to illustrate their issue to the audience and to motivate the employees. The second tactics is that the FoodCo. Company is needed to communicate their situation through leadership actions and by maintaining high standards in organisation.

In each of the focus areas of business, different units of business and operation will be needed to have specific actions. The complete plan will be consisting of 42 particular action and projects across the organisation with clarity in responsibility for driving performance objectives, therefore, action plan will help the company to track, measure, and supervise the involvement of the stakeholders (Bresnen 2016). Since every organisation is unique in their formation, the business units is required to develop fit for purpose ways to accomplish the action plans by evaluating and addressing the issues made by the stakeholders. These issues will be reported to the company leadership through the process of regular updates consisting of summary of findings and examples when appropriate. This action plan will go through a process of governance method that consist of executive leadership and the board of directors of the organisation (Girard and Girard 2015). By doing so, the members of the organisation will be evaluating the engagement issues of various working group within the organisation that will be led by the members of the sustainable team.

The company is needed to share the most effective practices through stakeholder involvement issues while launching company guidance on social issues. The company is also needed to adopt the stakeholder training process and utilise enhanced and expanded indigenous awareness training for all the employees. In this context, they are also needed to implement training on human rights practices for the major project and operational leaders for engaging with the industrial organisation and development guidance.


Bailey, Z.D., Krieger, N., Agénor, M., Graves, J., Linos, N. and Bassett, M.T., 2017. Structural racism and health inequities in the USA: evidence and interventions. The Lancet, 389(10077), pp.1453-1463.

Berry, J.W. and Hou, F., 2016. Immigrant acculturation and wellbeing in Canada. Canadian Psychology/psychologie canadienne, 57(4), p.254.

Bresnen, M., 2016. Institutional development, divergence and change in the discipline of project management. International journal of project management, 34(2), pp.328-338.

Davis, P.J., Frolova, Y. and Callahan, W., 2016. Workplace diversity management in Australia: what do managers think and what are organisations doing?. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 35(2), pp.81-98.

Girard, J. and Girard, J., 2015. Defining knowledge management: Toward an applied compendium. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 3(1), pp.1-20.

Henry, F., Dua, E., Kobayashi, A., James, C., Li, P., Ramos, H. and Smith, M.S., 2017. Race, racialization and Indigeneity in Canadian universities. Race Ethnicity and Education, 20(3), pp.300-314.

Lewis, T.T., Cogburn, C.D. and Williams, D.R., 2015. Self-reported experiences of discrimination and health: scientific advances, ongoing controversies, and emerging issues. Annual review of clinical psychology, 11, pp.407-440.

Sargeant, M., 2016. Age discrimination in employment. Routledge.

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