International Business Fundamentals: Impact Of Poverty On Economic Growth
BECM technique
The concept which is related to the sector of poverty can be considered to be in application for a number of centuries and is stated to be existing in a large number of developing countries. In recent survey it can be stated that there is unprecedented rate of poverty which can be seen in the year 1960s and 1970s. In most of the cases it can be seen that the growth which is related to the economy has not reached most of the countries in the world (Ferrarini, Nelson & Palme, 2016). It can be stated here that the sector of the involvement of the strategy should be included into each of the organization so that the rate of poverty can be decreased to a marginal limit. One of the factor which can be stated here is related to the increase in the average income reduce the concept of poverty through the increase in the sector of inequality increase.
The main emphasis of the report is to take into consideration the sector of the impact of poverty on the economy growth. There are many factors which can be included into the sector of working which can be focused on the discussion topic. The different interacting phases in the concept are clearly explained in the concept.
The concept of the BECM can be stated as one of the strategy which can be seen in the sector of the implementation within the working of the organization. The motive of the implementation of the BECM is directly related to the handling of the internal matters of the countries. The main motive which can be stated in the sector is the implementation of the BECM so that the poverty line relating to the country can be decreased. In most of the countries there is an implementation of technique relating to no poverty. Motive behind the aspect is the decrease of the poverty line so that there can be growth in the economy and the sector of the advancement of the people. sustainable development can be stated as one of the factor which can also be included into the sector of thee working of the implementation domain so that there can be few sector of negotiation which is related to the development of the country.
The Being can be considered as one of the technique and the first step which is related to the technique of the BECM. The main sector of concern which is related to the step is related to the analysis sector of the topic which is concerned in the report which is related to the impact of the poverty on the economic growth. Most of the organization in the sector is working effectively in the sector of the vision which is related to making the country well developed and managed so that there are no problem relating to the sector of the development of the country. The main motive which can be stated in the context is related to the linkage of the people with the sector of the development so that poverty line of the country is not impacted and it can be kept in a marginal manner. The people should be directly engaged in the proper working in which they are indulged into so that the country would be engaged into a sector of independent and efficient sector. The concept of the sustainable development can be helpful for the countries which are below the standard of poverty and the concept can be beneficial in the sector of the up liftmen of the sector of poverty (Spenceley & Meyer, 2017). I am working in the sector of the situation analysis and I would be taking into consideration the aspect which is related to the concern area of poverty so that it can be decreased to a marginal limit. According to me I have majorly seen that whenever a country would be facing any form of poverty issue, the country is indicated as a backward country and in most of the cases different areas of exploring the country are minimized and concentrated.
The concept of engaging can be directly focused on how I can engage myself into a self-engagement prospective were I can directly indulge into different situations. Thinking from the point of view of a researcher indulging into different form of situation can be stated to be very much crucial in the area of the having a knowledge of the situation and how to interact with the situations. In most of the indulgence it can be stated that there are various countries were people tend to have high amount of difficulty in the sector of the working so it can be directly linked to the struggle which is seen in the earning. In the sector it can be stated that there is various constraint which can be linked to the difficulty of the life when it comes to the domain of the less income which is seen in most of the people. It can be stated here that most of the countries in recent times are facing major challenges which is related to the economy. The trend which is related to the constraint of economic sector is seen in the sector that the people are no able to provide proper security, food and daily essential material which are needed by the people. In the domain the controlling of the poverty line can be stated to be very much crucial in the sector of the economic growth of the country and the which can directly include the aspect of determine the poverty of the economic growth (Ferrarini, Nelson & Palme, 2016). Hence the economic growth of the country can be directly linked to the sector of the engagement of the people and how the working of is related to the different people.
The main concern area which is related to the contextualization is related to the concept discussion which is related to the report which is related to the poverty relating to the economic growth. The no poverty concept can be applicable in the sector of the country whenever the government which is related to the country indulge themselves into different activity which can help in the domain of the engagement of the people in the different sector. It can be stated here that the sector of poverty line can also impact the domain of the company outlook in the country. In most of the cases the sector of the budgeting and the sector of involvement of the resources can be stated to be very much crucial in the working of the concept. Downfall in the domain of industrialization can indicate a lowering of the poverty line which is related to the working of the concept. There are various techniques which can be implemented in the domain of the working with the economy which can directly enhance the working which is related to the concept. The main concentration area would be related to the upliftment of the different strategies which are incorporated into the sector of the improvement of the economy of the countries. One of the concern which can be related to the concept is linked to the implementation of the strategy and how the overall working can be imposed.
The one of the most important sector which can be stated here is related to the identification of the problem which can be linked to the poverty problem which is faced in a country. The problem detection can be considered as one of the crucial factor which can help a country to implement strategy which is related to the working and the engagement which is linked to the concept. The concept of the thinking can be very much beneficial in the sector of the identification of the problem which is related to the concept and how the division of the task would be maintained in the sector of working (Desai, R. M., & Rudra, N. (2018).
This can be considered as one of the stages which is related to the SSM. Relating to the poverty level of most of the countries it can be stated that there is various sector of challenges which are seen in the domain. One of the most interesting factor which can be stated here is related to the poverty level which is found in most of the advanced and developing countries. Economic situation in most of the organization can be stated to be very much worse and it is majorly seen in countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh, India (Cobbinah, Erdiaw-Kwasie & Amoateng, 2015). The reduction in the term of economy can be widely seen in the domain of the tough time which is seen in the states. It can be seen the sector that the situation in these countries can be found out to be very much unclear and messy. The currency worth which is related to the country can be stated to be impacting more sectors in the context of the working. Due to the sector it can be stated that the world usually follows the USA dollar. In the USA it can be stated that the poverty mark in the country can be stated to be controllable and in most of the cases it can be stated that it is relatively lower.
It can be stated here that the sector of the global issue can be stated to be one of the factor which can be directly be related to the concept of poverty. The second stage is related to the problem domain explanation. There is various aspect which can be related to the sector of global issue. In recent times it can be stated that there are various implementations which can be done in the sector of implementation sustainable development. The importance which can be related to the concept of the sustainable development should be taken into consideration in the different countries so that the sector of poverty can be controlled. The main responsibility in the sector can be stated to be for the government in order to superimpose regulations and conditions which can be used to decrease the poverty level. On the other hand, it can be stated that the government usually impose strategy which directly impact the sector of working of the countries and which can eventually lead to situation which can increase the level of poverty or the rate of poverty.
Contextualizing phase
Due to the factor of the definition which is related to the situation can be considered to be very much unclear and messy it can be stated that the main concern which is related to the increase in the rate of poverty is due to the issues which are related to the economy. The factor which is related to the context can be stated to be not well managed by the different world so it can be stated that the rate would be increasing more in the recent future. The main reason which can be stated here is related to the no involvement of the concept of the sustainable development which eventually lead to the people not earning a minimum wage which can help them to fulfill their minimum requirements. As stated in most of the areas of research the people in the context are unable to earn a minimum wage which may amount to a minimum $1.25. The model which is related to the CATWOE also focus on the factor of the awareness of the different elements which is related to the concept. Some of the other factor which is linked to the concept are stated below:
Customer: The general public who resides in the world.
Actors: government of the different countries
Transformation process: acknowledgement of the sustainable development so that there is a control which is related to the economy on an internal basis.
Worldview: The challenge which is related to the poverty is a difficult challenge.
The concept which is related to the conceptual model can be stated to be one of the factor which should be properly aligned with the need and the framework of the working so that it can be utilized in an adequate manner. One of the main factor which can be related to the topic which is discussed in the report can be stated that the government first primary role should be the detection of the area of the problem which has led to the sector of poverty in the country. After the detection of the problem the government should be planning to initiate a proper planning method which would be able to mitigate the problem in a strategically manner so that the line of poverty can be maintained and controlled (Koirala & Koirala, 2016).
Conceptual objective |
Present situation |
Explanation |
Need to add in the agenda YES/NO |
The reason behind the poverty in most of the states. |
In most of the countries where there is development the rate which is related to the poverty is increasing. |
In these countries the main factor which should be taken into consideration is related to the detection of the reason which lead to the factor of poverty. |
YES, it is mandatory. |
Level of economy |
In the world the level of economy is not stable |
The Government with the countries should be thinking properly how they handle the situation in an effective manner so that the rate of poverty can be decreased in the stated countries. |
YES, it is mandatory. |
New technique |
In most of the countries there is no adaptation of new technique which would be helping them to change the rate of poverty which is linked to the concept. |
It is very much important to know about the new techniques which can be implemented in the sector so that the rate of poverty can be decreased. |
YES, it plays a significant role. |
Goal which is related to sustainable development |
The countries were the population is high the rate of poverty is always high |
It is very much important for the organization to implement so that the rate of the poverty can be decreased which would be helping the economy of the country. |
YES, it plays a vital role. |
In this context it can be stated that the debate which is related to the key stakeholders should be done in a manner which is very much proactive. In most of the cases it can be seen that the stakeholders are the government of the countries which are facing the poverty line problem attached to the working of the country. The government should be taking it very much seriously that the topic of debate which is related to the poverty is a very important factor which should be given primary focus so that a proper mitigation plan relating to the topic can be obtained.
In most of the developing countries it should be taken into consideration that there should be appropriate planning and action being taken in the indicated manner of execution of the plan (Koirala & Koirala, 2016). The main plan in the context is the economic level enhancement and it can be stated that there is various implementation area but the proper implementation can be stated as one of the most important factor.
Application of soft system method
Managing the sector with the alignment of the topic can be stated as one of the concern area which is related to the topic. In most of the countries were the level of poverty in high should be implementing clear policies so that there is no problem seen in the internal countries affairs. This would be helpful in the sector of the orientation of a plan in order to mitigate the problem.
The data which are presented in the report are gathered from online resources and libraries and can be stated to be very much authenticated in a manner. Moreover, I would be directly responsible for the miscommunication and disloyalty if found in the case of the report.
- Government: The Government should be directly planning to invest in the different scenario of the report and make the countries decrease the line of poverty.
- policy makers: Updating of the policies would be helpful in the sector of working in a manner to reduce the poverty level.
- public: The public should be well aware of the different area of working which is related to the context so that there are no problem relating to the implementation of the policies.
The report can be concluded on a note that the Government and the people who reside in the government should be taking proper actions and plan according to the situation so that the problem which is related to the sector can be mitigated and the working of the people can be done in a proper manner. The main strategy which can be implemented here is related to the implementation of proper policy in the sector of working and living style of the people in the countries.
Recommendation 1: The government should be engaged in the sector of the working so to reduce the poverty level
Recommendation 2: The people should be willing to work harder so as to get a minimum income which would be helping in the sector of gaining of income
Recommendation 3: The rate of poverty should be decreased a maximum level so that there is no problem of poverty in the countries.
There can be various activity which can be linked to decreasing of the poverty level in the countries is that the countries can help to excel in different field so that people can directly indulge into the different activity of life which can help in the domain of interaction (Koirala & Koirala, 2016). The main sector of domain of interaction is related to the detection of the factors and the mitigation aspect which is related to the decrease in the level of poverty which would directly result in the sector of enhancement of the country. The interaction phase which is related to the concept can be linked to different stages. In the working it can be stated that majorly there are seven stages which can be implemented in the sector of working. In this context it can be stated that there is various sector which is related to the level and rate of poverty. The requirement and the factor which is related to the poverty level can be stated to be every changes and in most of the cases it can impose negative impact on the sector of the population and the mentality of the people who is linked to the satisfaction of the life. One of the important concept which can be stated here is related to the adaptation of new techniques which would be helping to change the overall scenario of the working of the country so that the line of poverty is below the level of margin. On the other hand, the government should also be taking charge off the goal which is related to the sustainable development so that the people would be directly benefiting from the concept of the implementation of the new strategy.
In this context we are taking the help of the CATWOE model which would be helping us to take a closer look into the different variants and how the working of the different countries would be altered. The main motive which can be stated here is related to the reduction of the amount of the poverty line so that there can be constant income of the people and they would not be facing any form of problem which is related to the living a peaceful and happy life (Fosu, 2017). The system thinking aspect can be broadly classified into two sectors which is the hard system method and soft system methods. Both of the approach which is stated here is linked to different prospective. One of the method in the sector is related to the thinking aspect of the human being which is the soft system methods and on the other hand the hard system thinking is related to the aspect of the machine
Week |
Key word |
Description |
1 |
Topic of discussion |
Taking into focus the requirement of the course I mainly decided the topic. The main reason for the selection of the topic was seen in the sector due to the factor that it has an important role to play in the life of the common people and the country. |
2 |
Report of instructors |
The formation of the report is done after the completion of the section of the topic. The main factor of emphasis is laid to the area of the ethical report which play a significant role in the section of the report. |
3 |
Report to customers |
At this phase the customer report is take into consideration |
4 |
Review on the weeks |
In this week all the review is taken into consideration which is done focusing on the selected topic. |
5 |
Completion report |
In this week the overall topic is covered taking into consideration the important factor and how the intended topic plays a role in the common life prospective. |
The main factor and the concern area is related to the selection of the topic. In order to select the topic, I had majorly indulged myself into the searching of the internet which has helped me a lot to gain knowledge of the different topics which I majorly can indulge into. After a period of research, a choice the organization Diksky which is an organization which is situated in the USA. The main focus which is related to the topic is focused on the aspect of delivering a standard of work which would be involving appropriate reasoning and standard attached to the concept. I have used different forms of diagram in the report which is linked to the scenario so that the discussion of the topic can be made in a proper manner with proper reasoning attached to the concept.
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