Leadership Report: Personality Tests And Leadership Styles

Introduction to Leadership

Leadership is one of the essential skills in a manger. In order to be successful in an organization, it is essential that the individual have the ability to lead a team. There are many methods to select leaders and make them lead in the team, but in many organizations, it is essential that managers take a leadership or personality test in order to be eligible for promotion (Bowden, 2017). However, personality tests tend to restrict the personality of an individual, which is often very unique, into the styles in the test. The Myers-Briggs, for example, attempts to classify every personality that is unique into 16 types (Agung and Yuniar, 2016). Many critics of personality tests also find the tests misleading and imperfect. They argue that it is not possible to accurately describe every potential of the current employee, their personality and thus, their preference for working styles, based on just 4 factors. However, nowadays personality tests have become a large part of the organizational structure. Many managers all over the world use these tests as a basis for promotion, or a way to weed-out employees who do not fit the organizational culture (Banks, et al., 2016).

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One of the most common Personality tests is the Myers-Briggs test, which is based on the works of Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist. It was developed by a wealthy housewife, Katherine Myers, who was trying to understand her son-in-law (Ahmed, 2016). In the beginning, Jung only presented 8 different types of personality, which had been expanded by Isabel Myers Briggs into 16 personality types (Hoch and Kozlowski, 2014). Even though the Myers-Briggs foundation does not recommend using the Myers-Briggs test to hire and fire employees, but the test has been used for the same purpose everywhere (Carnes, Houghton and Ellison, 2015).

Most personality tests are based on a basic platform. DISC is a personality test that focuses on four main traits- Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Cautious. My personality test revealed that I am Cautious. This would mean that I am careful, logical and analytical. These are skills that every leader should have since they would need to analyse situations and make logical decisions carefully. The decisions those are made by the leader can influence the entire team, which is why it is essential that the leader has the ability to critically analyse the situations and make logical, carefully thought-out decisions based on the analysis. According to the test, I also have task-oriented and reserved traits (Webber and Webber, 2015). This means that I do not like to socialise to a large extent, and more oriented towards the task that is at hand. Task-orientation is a trait that is important for a good leader since it helps in ensuring that one is focussed on the tasks that are required to fulfil the goals of the organization. A task-oriented leadership style would suit the requirements of a manager as well, which is why it is essential for many of the leaders to be task-oriented in the organization (Janssens, Simon and Marshall, 2018). It is essential in the organization to have effective task planning and reward-punishment systems, task-oriented leader turns out to be very effective (Deinert, et al., 2015).

Leadership and Personality Tests

My traits also include being reserved, which means that I prefer to work alone, which has been proven to be beneficial to me as well. The report suggests that active and engaging social settings have been known to drain my energy rather than replenish it. Thus, as per the Myers-Briggs test, I turn out to be an introvert. However, being task-oriented and reserved would mean that I would need to work on my people-related skills, which is also essential for a leader (Liou, et al., 2015). A task-oriented leadership style can also clip the creativity and autonomy in the organization, which can decrease job involvement and motivation (Hargreaves and Ainscow, 2015). Employees who are creative, and cannot stick to the strictest of deadlines would not be able to work under a task-oriented leader either.

Thus, while my leadership style would be task-oriented, it would be safe to assume that there are both strengths and weaknesses to my personality, which is why it is essential to keep in mind that the personality test will not deter an individual from performing their duties (Sharif and Scandura, 2014).

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Dear Colleagues, my superiors and friends.

When I was young, I use to dream a lot. I dreamt of being a movie star, a musician or singer, or a pilot. If someone would told me that I would be the manager at one of the largest organizations in the world, then I would have laughed on their faces. It’s easy to get lost in the world of make-believe and fantasies when you are young, but it’s so much harder to face reality when you grow up. But some aspects that help is being in an organization that shares your values, and goals. I’m here today to tell you the future goals for the organization. I hope that while you will listen, you will also imbibe the goals so that it is easier for us to move forward as an organization. It is not my aim to be a sheepdog, herding the sheep into the gates. The organization is not just a farm that is holding you, hostage, inside, but your home, which is why we would also like to know your opinion at the end of the day.

There are many goals that we have for the organization, and the first one is to make the organization more sustainable. We have been doing our best to reduce the number of pollutants we release to the environment, and to do our best for the society around us and the environment. In this regard, we would be launching a program to help the soup kitchen nearby once a week. As part of this, I was hoping that you would consider giving some of your time, maybe 1 hour or so a week, to help us in making the community a better place. Sustainability is an essential element for every organization to succeed. We also want to ensure that the organization is ethical, which is also an important aspect of success. This would be the main goal for the company.

Task-Oriented Leadership Style

Another goal is improving the condition of the employees of the organization. Employees are an essential element of the company, and they make the company or break it. I have been extremely fortunate to have excellent subordinates who have been working under me. We will soon be conducting a survey, so you can anonymously let us know what bothers you about your work. This will be used to improve the working conditions in the company. We do this because we care about the company and because we care about the employees as well.

We at the organization aim to meet deadlines provided to us. However, I will be the first to acknowledge that we can improve on this. I believe that it is essential to improve on time management in the organization, since time management can benefit the employees, both in their personal lives and professional lives as well. Time management will help employees improve their work-life balance.

The final goal is to increase productivity. Productivity has become one of the biggest negatives for the organization. As you can see, the productivity of the other centre that is nearby is higher than ours, even though we live in the ideal market and have the target audience. Thus, we need to increase the productivity of the organization. For this, we will have a meeting later, to discuss innovative methods to increase productivity,

Those were the three main goals for the organization. Thank you for listening to me on this lazy afternoon.

Looking back at the speech, I think most of my message was clear. The speech was intended to be given to an audience which would include my supervisors and my subordinates, and I think the message was clear to both the audiences. Most of my personality came across very well in the speech as well. I have a task-oriented personality, which comes across in the speech very well. I felt that the elements of framing were the tactics that had been most important to me, primarily because it involved the use of morals and the importance of the mission and goals. I was able to successfully focus on the mission and the goals and the need for them to be completed (Hancock, 2016). If I were to re-record and re-do the speech, I would remove add one more goal, such as organization planning, to ensure that there are enough goals for everyone to focus on. I would also change the goals around, and give everyone the plan so that they can meet the organizational goals. I would also try to be more succinct in the way that I talk (Lucy, 2012).

The two leaders that have been chosen include Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.

The Challenge Control Matrix

For Bill Gates, the challenge control Matrix is that there a large or high challenge, and a high control as well. Bill Gates was one of the few people who had a high control even when the challenge was high. He responded to the challenge with an equally iron fist. When Microsoft was crashing, it was essential that he do so to ensure that the stock of the product did not come crashing down (Yang, 2016). He was always in control of the organization and ensured that everything had been according to the plan that was set out by them. This level of control ensured that the company did not go down (Hoch, et al., 2018). By doing this, Gates increases the capability of the organization, thus ensuring that the organization is in the reins. This helps in removing all the disloyal employees, and those who are not capable of working hard as well. This type of leadership can benefit the organization (Oreg and Berson, 2014).

Strengths and Weaknesses of Personality Tests

The same is true for Mark Zuckerberg When the challenges that the organization, or the leader increases, the control that they also have increased. This shows immense capability, as it takes a strong leader to keep control over an organization when there are challenges. This can, however, be of no use when the product or challenge is such that the employees need a certain amount of autonomy. If the nature of the employees is to be autonomous, then this style will not help the organization to a very large extent.

The above is the Challenge-Control Matrix for me as the challenge increases for me, the control that I have decreased. This means that I shall have to do my best to ensure that I hold the reins of the organization if I am in power. This works for the organization if the employees are extremely capable of handling everything themselves. It also works if the challenge is such that the employees need autonomy (Spillane, 2012). However, otherwise, it does not help the organization to a very large extent, which is why it is not encouraged. Most challenges need a quick response, and this quick response, which can mitigate most of the risks of the challenge, cannot be done via this method, which is why it generally not encouraged. For large organizations, there are thousands of employees, and the challenge might not allow for autonomy either.

Through the assessments, it was found that I have a mixed locus of control. My locus of control score was 5, which resulted in a mixed locus of control. This means that as a leader, I would be equally likely to believe that events are not in my control, or that I have the power to control all events around me. I am equally likely to believe that the events that are happening are not really in my control, as well as equally likely to believe that the events that are going on in my life are in my hands. Individuals with both external and internal focus of control are likely to believe that events are in their hands or not (Johnson, 2017). However, they are also likely to be proactive and take matters into their own hands as well. They are likely to take risks in their lives. However, they are also equally likely to look at powers such as luck, religious faith or some other powerful person. Thus, it is important to assume that the leaders who have an internal and external locus of control are very rare in the organization. It has been found that people with an internal locus of control are more likely to be leaders. The main weakness is that these people are also likely to take risks.  

It has been found that I have a Type A personality. A Type A personality type is one that is characterized by high ambition and drive. Most Type A personalities have an aggressive attitude and are focused on the quantity and not the quality. Most Type A personalities have an unrealistic sense of urgency as well. This correlates to the personality test taken above, which showed that I had a task-oriented personality type, which would focus on getting the task done, no matter the cost (Shamir, et al., 2017). One of the biggest weaknesses of a Type A Personality is that they are at a greater risk of coronary heart disease, which is why it is essential for my personality type to take it slow.

Leadership Styles

The major areas for development would need to be the importance I give to task-orientation, and on the importance, I give to work itself. Thus, it is essential that I improve in my aggression and focus on the quality of the work that is given.

The organization of my dreams would be in the service industry. It would not be a very large organization regarding size, and thus, the people in the organization would be forced to interact with each other on a regular basis. The mission of the organization would be to focus on people since it is a service-based organization. The organizational culture would be a clan-based culture. People would be able to interact in a normal, ordinary way, and the behaviour would be based on the employee code. There would be 3 or 4 departments, each consisting of one manager and one assistant manager. It would be the horizontal system, with as little hierarchy as possible. There would be formalisation, and this would have a significant impact on the employees as well. The role of the leader would be to guide the fellow employees or followers to enhance the vision of the leader, which would also be in line with the vision of the organization. The office would be light, with natural sunlight filtering in the materials would be made of light wood. The dress code would be casual, and there would be flexible work schedules as well.

According to the scale, I have very high scores in Personal Appeal, Ingratiation and Legitimate Tactics. These are the tactics that I would use the most. I have found that personal appeal is one of the best methods that can be used, primarily in cases where the person knows me personally. Going and appealing to them generally gets them to agree to what I have to say. A personal appeal, however, only works when the individual likes you, which is why it does not work in most cases (Naseer, Raju and Donia, 2016).

I also have a high score in Ingratiation. This refers to the tactic wherein there are different ways in which the employees can feel good about themselves. This is not used very often since, with time, the effect that it can have on individuals tends to go away very soon. However, Ingratiation is one of the best tactics that is known to me, since whenever it is good, it is always effective. The reason behind this is that people like feeling good about themselves, and where someone can make an employee, or another leader in the organization feel good about themselves, they are generally going to be more successful than any other leader.

The third and final tactic in which I am good at is Legitimate Tactics. This is based on the legitimising power that the individual has, due to the position that they are in. This tactic is quite useful when the individual is in a very powerful position. This tactic relies the most on compliance with the rules and regulations of the organization. This tactic cannot be used to persuade anyone (Shin, et al., 2015. However, it can be used to bring someone back in line, to ensure that they are following the rules of the company. It has been noticed, that the higher the position, the better the legitimising power that the individual has, which is why it is essential for most organizations to have enough individuals in the managerial power. This tactic mainly works because most individuals or employees are scared of getting fired if they do not follow the instructions of the individual (Sethuraman and Suresh, 2014).

Organization’s Future Goals

I have moderate scores in everything else, which means that even though I tend to favour the above tactics, I can effectively use all the other tactics as well. Most of the styles that have been chosen by me are based on the position that I hold, and the relationship that I have with the individual that is being asked a favour.

I would like to work as a manager in the service industry. I have a preference for the service industry since, from the time I was young, my parents worked in the industry as well. This personal connection has been known to draw me into the service industry. I would like to be a senior manager because it identifies with the education that I have received. One of the most important aspects of my life was my experience as an intern in the service industry when I did my MBA. My hobbies, which include reading books on business, and looking up business journals online, are also suited for the position of a manager as well. I like going to business conferences, and I have been on the panel of a few conferences as well. I think being in a panel, and attending conferences helps me socialize and meet other people who have the same interest as me, which is why I find it important to attend these panels and meetings as well. I am also extremely fond of teaching others, and being a manager would also give me the perfect position to teach and guide other employees in their activities, which would be beneficial. I love to travel, and it has been my fondest dream to travel all over the world. The managerial position would give me the perfect opportunity to travel and explore the world.

My primary aim is to help the employees and my subordinates. It is essential to keep in mind that as a manager, I would be responsible for the tasks of all the employees. I would be in charge of ensuring that the employees and subordinates have excellent job performance, involvement and job satisfaction as well. This would make the organization function better.  Being a manager would also be about learning from my subordinates which is appealing to me.  

I want to make the organization a better place to work in. I want to create an organization that values the employees that work for the company. These are, according to me, the basics of any organization. The value of employee satisfaction is important to me. Along with these are values such as honesty and teamwork, that should be a part of every major organization. It is essential that this organization has these values as well. However, there are also some values that are not so common among many employees, such as commitment to work, and basic humanity. To become an ethical leader and manager, these are also some of the values that I feel are important as well.  

My main career goal is to reach the position of the CEO in the organization. To do this, my short-term goal is to get the skills and diplomas that are required to attain the promotion. Over the next three years, it would be my goal to attain at least 3 diplomas. One of the diplomas would have to be in Human resource management. Another would be in organization planning, and the third would be in Advertising. This would help me in the role of manager. The three diplomas are essential, as a large part of being a manager would be managing the employees, and a diploma in Human resource management would help. I also plan on traveling to various conferences over the country, so that I can get more knowledge about managing a business. The travel will also help me get the experience, and meeting individuals who can be of help further down the line as well. 

The plan is to ensure that there is a linear development. A linear development is when there is growth in a straight upward graph. This is the type of development that is often quick. However, it is very effective as well. 

I took the Sexuality IAT. It was supposed to reveal a link and a personal preference for straight people over gay people in an organization. It was found that I had no personal preference for straight people over gay people. I also took the gender-workplace test, which reveals the preference that women stay at home and men in the workplace. It was found here also that I have a preference for neither, which shows that I have no bias against women in the workplace.

This is a strong liberal leadership, and it shows that as a leader, I have no bias in the organization. It also shows that both men and women would be welcomed in the organization and that I believe that diversity would be one of the biggest strengths of the organization (Kim, 2016). Diversity can be known to help the organization to get better ideas. Multiple voices, with different backgrounds and experiences, can assist in providing unique solutions to the problems that are at hand. It would help the organization become better and more creative. It would also increase the organizational performance, and since the performance would increase, there would also be a direct relation, that would lead to an increase in the profit. It would also lead to better public relations for the organization (Storey, 2016). The customers, on seeing the individuals with their ethnic backgrounds, or sexualities, would prefer to shop at the company, rather than anywhere else.

There are many benefits to diversity in the organization. Diversity can also bring in local market knowledge and insight into the organization. Knowing the local market can impact the profit of the organization, making it extremely profitable and competitive. By having the largest market share in the local market, the organization’s profits would increase dramatically as well (Chughtai, Byane and Flood, 2015). Diversity can also help in marketing the products to a certain target audience. This would be extremely important for the organization since there would be many targets that would be directed to a particular gender or sexuality, and having members of the gender or sexuality in the organization would make the difference (Durante, 2017).

Research has also proven that diverse teams work better. The presence of multiple mindsets and cultural and ethnic diversities help teams that have more diverse members be able to perform better in the organization. Thus, by increasing the diversity in the organization, they would be able to successfully ensure that the teams in various departments produce a better output for the organization.

Diversity has also been known to improve the performance of the employee in the organization. Employees who have a diverse range of skills would be able to help each other, which would be of immense benefit to the organization. In a company where inclusivity is a huge priority, employees will feel that they are valued and that they are needed in the organization. Thus, they would tend to perform better. They would be more motivated to go to work, and they would feel that there is a place for them in the organization (Romagar, Hughes and Trimble, 2017). This would increase job involvement, and as the employees would be involved in the job, this would be of immense benefit, since job involvement is directly linked to the growth of the organization. Thus, for the company to grow and become better, they have to have a leader or manager who accepts inclusivity, which is why I feel that it is for the benefit of the organization that I would be inclusive to the sexual and gender minorities (Nahavandi, 2006). However, I feel that it is not just providing them with the job, but providing them with a salary that is equal to their position, and equal to how much a white, heterosexual, male would make. This would make them feel that they are included truly, which would increase the reputation of the company as well (Applebaum, 2016).  

Changing Behaviours

  1. Observe yourself:

Identify specific behaviours that are related to becoming a self-leader.

  1. Developing Positive and Motivating Patterns of Thought
  2. Setting Personal goals for oneself.
  3. Self-reinforcement

Set specific goals for yourself for each behaviour. Include a timeline for each goal

  1. Create a gratitude journal, and stick with the gratitude journal for at least 6 months. The gratitude journal will contain 3 positive thoughts that the individual had throughout the day. The timeline for the goal is to keep the journal for at least 6 months so that the
  2. have at least 5 new personal goals every month. The timeline would be to finish the goals within the month that they were created.  
  3. Have a list of 10 things that the individual likes about the work that they did in the past month. This list will be updated every month, and the project will continue for 6 months.

How will you measure your goals?

  1. Set up opportunities for rehearsal:

Identify settings where you can practice the new behaviours. (List at least three.)

  1. At the Individual’s table
  2. During group conferences at the end of the month.
  3. During off-site visits

Identify and work with individuals who can help you rehearse.

  1. Establish reminders:

Establish reminders in your work environment to encourage new behaviors.

  1. 1stMonday of the Month
  2. 15thof the month
  3. Last Monday of the month

List individuals who can help you.

  1. Co-workers
  2. Sub-ordinates
  3. managers
  4. Set up rewards and “punishments”:

List rewards that would encourage you to use self-leadership behaviours. Clarify when each should be used.

  1. Cash Bonuses. Cash bonuses can only be used when the individual has finished all three of the goals for 6 months.
  2. Small rewards: Small rewards, such as gift certificates, can be provided to those who have finished the goals for one month. This should be provided at the end of the month.  
  3. Appreciation: An appreciation for every employee that is trying their best to stick to the goals should get a verbal appreciation at the least. This can be used on a weekly basis.

List things that would stop unwanted behaviours. Clarify when each should be used.

  1. Verbal Disapproval: If the employee has not finished their goals for the week, verbal disapproval can be used. This could be used every week since no physical item would be needed.
  2. Disapproval: A letter stating the disapproval, and the reason can also be presented to employees who have been shying away from finishing their goals. This should be used once a month and can be used as a warning.
  3. Deduction from salary: This is the most extreme measure, and should only be taken if the employee has not finished even one goal in 6 months. It should thus be given at the end of 6 months.

Changing Cognitive Patterns

  1. Focus on natural rewards in tasks:

List aspects of your job that can naturally encourage self-leadership behaviours.

  1. Openness to talk: Openness in the organization to discuss the failures and the successes of the organization are essential in ensuring that self-leadership is encouraged.
  2. Training the employees: New employees who usually need to be trained requires self-leadership behaviours.
  3. Dealing with customers: Dealing with customers can help encourage self-leadership behaviour.
  4. Establish constructive thought patterns. Look for opportunities rather than obstacles. List your opportunities
  5. Opportunity for promotion
  6. Opportunity to work with some of the best bosses in the country.
  7. Opportunity to change organizations if the need requires.
  8. Use positive mental imagery. Re-evaluate your priorities, beliefs, and assumptions.

My main priority is the organization and my team. I would need to ensure that the team is well-settled and can adapt to the surroundings. Ensuring that the goals of the organization are met and that the goals of the company are met. My belief is in my team, and myself. The assumption is that we can do anything together, and we can succeed. It is the assumption that we have for every aspect of the organization, and it often does lead to success.

The issue that is chosen is the ban by the US government to provide insurance to cover birth control pills for women on the basis of religion.

The pre-theoretic is that this is wrong and that organizations should not be exempt from providing life-saving medications to female employees. They should, in fact, be encouraged to provide maternity leaves to their employees, or an option for care in the workplace (Chiu, Balkundi and Weinberg, 2017).

3 people, Bob, Susan and Hannah, are discussing the following issue. All 3 are in the White Hat

Bob: I agree with the issue because women in America need insurance for birth control pills since 50% of women use them for hormone adjustment. This is not fair to women who are solely dependent on the health insurance that is provided by their company for birth control pills. Besides the population growth due to this could be enormous. Why should we strain our already near-empty reserves?

Susan: Women also make up a large percentage of the workforce, which is why the country should consider making the laws more women-friendly. Plus, more children mean the less time the women actually get for work. This would also be a large strain on the finances of the families as well. They are already the working-class and need the health insurance to get the pills to survive on the money they are earning.

Hannah: But it is a fact that organizations can operate within their legally given right to religion. There is nothing that can argue with that since it was in the Amendments of the constitution. There is literally nothing that the organization can do about this, so I don’t even know why anyone is trying and saying anything different.

All three switch to the red hat

Bob: But women will die without the pills provided by insurance. Where is your humanity? There will be more homeless people on the street, and more people living off of the minimum wage. There will need to be an increase in the food, living space, as well. It would be sad to see so many people who do not have access to anything; even the basic medicines fight for even fewer resources.

Susan: Think about how sick some women get, not to mention PCOS/PCOD. Women need the pills to survive. They will also, as Bob said, need the pills to ensure that they do not get pregnant. America already does not have a paid maternity leave. The increase in pregnancy would just get the government to support more sexist laws. So, fight against this. Your life depends on this.

Hannah: But religion is beyond the constitution. You cannot place facts on religion. In most countries, you would be stoned for saying what you are saying. Be happy you are in America, where that does not happen at all.

All three switch to Black Hat

Bob: But I do agree that it is a constitutional privilege, but the problem in the issue is that the laws were made before life-saving pills came into the scenario, but the laws haven’t changed much. The constitution was made in the 1800s before anybody might have even thought of birth control. They did not have organizations with hundreds of thousands of employees then. I think they should remove such old laws.

Susan: Religion should be exempt from the organization. They are supposed to be providing the employees with insurance; they cannot discriminate against women. Any workplace that can choose their religion over the rights of the women in the country will be terribly sorry for doing such a thing.

Hannah: There’s a simple solution, women can just go and buy the pills. They don’t need to be covered by health insurance if women really want to get their hands on it. They can probably take some money out of their salary, and buy the pills anyway. Just because some women want to have the pill, does not mean that the organization should cover for it.

Yellow Hat

Bob: Well, I think during the next election, Democrats will come and change this law.

Susan: I also know that our organization is not religious, so that issue does not exist for us in the future.

Hannah: I know that in the future, America will become a Christian country.  

Green Hat

Bob: We should try convincing the government, and hold a novel protest outside the White House.

Susan: I agree. Let us make posters and start arranging everything for the protest as well.

Hannah: I am convinced. Let me join you. How about making pink Hats?

Blue Hat

Bob: We can call MoveOn Foundation to help with the protest, or join theirs, since having a protest might not be the best idea.

Susan: I shall put in the requests for the leave.

Hannah: I’ll tell everyone else about the protest as well.

The largest ethical dilemma that I faced was when I had to interview a pregnant woman for the position of manager, which had been a promotion for her. She was pregnant and was on the verge of taking maternity leave. However, she was also one of the brightest women working in the company (Burton, 2015). She deserved the job that was being interviewed for. However, due to a number of reasons, her promotion had kept being delayed for almost 2 or 3 years. She was now considered for the job, which is the reason behind the interview, and it had to have been my decision of whether to promote her, and have to find a replacement for her within one month of her working, or choose someone else who was not expecting (Chin, Desormeaux and Sawyer, 2016). The internal discussion I had was regarding company protocol, and how much it would cost the organization to promote her, and pay her the extra in maternity leave as well. The external debate that we were having was also the same (Stryker, 2018). We would be wasting the company’s money and resources, especially when the budget was very tight for most expenses. However, the decision that I made was that I would let the woman have the job, since she was the most qualified for the job, even though she had been pregnant (Lisak and Erez, 2015). This was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make, though my colleagues have to choose between a transgender person, and a disabled person, both of whom had been equally qualified for the job that they were applying for (Lee, Lee and Seo, 2015). This question of ethics would come into that decision as well since both of the potential employees belonged to a minority group. They had to choose both of them, to avoid any ethical complaints and to avoid legal liabilities as well.

The Manager is mainly responsible for ethical decisions in the organization. This is an important decision to take since the situations are often very complex. If the manager requires, they can take the advice of the assistant managers, and the higher-ups as well (Tribe and Bell, 2017). If it is a very large ethical issue, the CEO and the board of trustees will have to decide the issue within the organization. The conversations mostly take place via email or conference call. However, if the CEO and board of trustees have been called, then the conference room is used for the conversations (Randsley de Moura, et al., 2018). This will impact my own approach since I would also talk to my colleagues, and the manager as well if need be (Crosby and Bryson, 2018). However, I would not go higher than my manager. Organizational codes and regulations would shape a lot of my decision-making, and the code is often written during these meetings (Hammond, et al., 2017).

The main metric I have to determine the success of the ethical decision is the benefit of the decision, versus the harm that was caused. If the benefits outweigh the harm, then I consider the decision to the right decision. This is conveyed very easily to the stakeholders, many of whom are aware of the decision-making process as well. This would have a drastic impact on the stakeholders since they have been involved in the organization. This also has an impact on the approach taken to an ethical dilemma. It slows down the approach, and there needs to be a lot of analysis that goes into the approach that needs to be chosen (Amran, et al., 2016). Analysing and examining the approach, looking at the benefits and disadvantages of each step is one of the essential steps in the decision-making process. This has, however, been known to slow down the process to a large extent. 


Agung, A. and Yuniar, I. 2016. Personality assessment website using DISC: A case study in information technology school. 2016 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech).

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