Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior When Choosing Leisure Destinations: A Study
Analysis of Respondents’ Personality and Characteristics
Describe about the consumers’ behavior in choosing holidays and leisure destinations.
The study provides a deep understanding about the consumers’ behavior in choosing holidays and leisure destinations. In most of the cases, the holiday plans of the people majorly based on their individual budget and leisure time. It has been noticed that choosing the holidays is one of the major consumption decision that the consumer make after analyzing a number of factors. Some factors are there that influence the choices and preferences of the consumers in selecting the leisure destination. Here, the study considers major factors that include personality, motivation, and demographics. Here, the study went through a survey process where five respondents participated and delivered their responses about choosing leisure destination. Among the five respondents, here the study has chosen the first, second and fourth respondents. In this study, the behavior and characteristics of the respondents would be analyzed with the help of theories of personality, motivation, and demographics. In the survey, six specific destinations are mentioned on which the respondents provided their responses. The holiday destinations mentioned here include:
- Destination 1: Spain, France, and Italy
- Destination 2: Las Vegas
- Destination 3: New Zealand
- Destination 4: Hong Kong
- Destination 5: Gold Coast
- Destination 6: Barossa Valley
Here, it is important to mention that the costs of spending holidays in those places vary due to the differences in the cost of journey, hotels, meals and some other factors. Furthermore, depending on the factors of cost, duration, activities, accommodation, food, and transportation, the respondents provided their responses about holiday destinations.
Following the viewpoint of Ryckman (2012), the theories of personality defines that this particular factor is a psychophysical system that emphasizes the uniqueness of the individuals. From the survey, the personality of the three respondents is characterized in this study. The respondent 1 is male and involved in study and building career simultaneously. He belongs from Australia and likes to make some experiences through contributing his leisure time in preferable holiday destinations. Open to new experience personality is present in the nature of the respondent. The factor ‘Cost’ received most of the importance form respondent 1. Rest of the factors lies much below in the importance score. Among the six holiday destinations, it has been found that the cost of ‘destination 1’ is much higher in comparison to other destinations. As he provides much importance to the factor cost, thus for him the ‘destination 1’ lies in poor choice. He prefers the destination 5 based on the cost factor as it needs the lowest amount of holiday expenses. From this, the cost conscious personality of the respondent 1 is revealed. The reason behind this personality is his young age and low income per year. Apart from this, the ‘destination 1’ is chosen based on the factors of duration, activities, accommodation, and transportation which received less importance. Thus, it is the last destination choice of the person. However, it has been found that he ranked ‘destination 2’ on the top of his choice of destination. ‘Destination 2’ received the top priority by the factor activity. This revealed that in choosing the holiday destination, he prioritizes the factor ‘activities’ more than the factor ‘cost’. This defines that the person carries an adventurous nature that overlaps his cost conscious personality.
Factors Influence on Consumer’s Holiday Destination Choice
Respondent 2 is a female person of mature age and belongs from the country Canada. Presently, she is pursuing her career as management consultant and earning a good amount every year. Open to new experience, high need for power, careful and efficient personality she carries. Among the six factors, she provided more importance to the factors ‘duration’ and ‘activities’. Based on the factor duration, she does not consider any of those places as ‘very good’ holiday destination. Besides, the ‘destination 1’ received the ‘very good’ rank based on the factor activities. This reveals that she is an adventure loving person. Apart from this, the factor ‘cost’ does not influence her much as she ranked ‘good’ the ‘destination 1’ and ranked ‘very good’ rest of the destinations. This personality is carried because of her high income. Along with that, she prefers ‘destination 6’ in the top of her choice of holiday. It has been found that ‘destination 6’ received ‘very good’ rank based on the factor cost and ‘good’ rank based on the factors duration, activities, accommodation, and food. The factor transportation make the person to provide less rate to this destination though this particular factor does not influence her choice much. Through analyzing the responses of the respondent, it can be said that the person has a high degree of willingness of contributing both time and money for experiencing different holiday places is found in her personality.
The respondent 4 is a young person who belongs from the country Brazil. As pr her responses, it has been found that extraverted nature is present in her personality. She is quite open to have new experiences through contributing her leisure time in the holiday destination as per her choices. Moreover, the factor ‘activities’ received highest priority by the respondent 4 and the cost acquired the second place in her importance score. However, the person has not found any place as attractive as she wants based on the activity factor. Though, ‘destination 1, 3, and 4’ received ‘good’ rank by the person in terms of available holiday activities. As activity received the highest priority, it can be said that the person carries an adventurous nature to the highest extent. Apart from this, it has been found that the factor ‘cost’ influences her choice of destination and thus she provided the low rank to ‘destination 1’ because of its high rate of cost. Though, moderate degree of cost conscious personality is present in her nature as she ranked ‘very good’ to rest of the destinations. However, she ranked the ‘destination 3’ on the top of her choice of holiday destination. This is chosen by the factors cost, duration, activities, food and transportation.
Through analyzing the personality of these three respondents, it has been found that all the persons are open to have new experiences through contributing their time and money in holiday destinations.
As opined by Steimer & Mata (2016), the theories of motivation defines that the factors needs, behavior, and satisfaction influence as well as motivate people to go in a specific direction. As per the responses of Respondent 1, it has been found that he needs to spend such holiday destination that covers low holiday expenses. Along with that, large number of holiday activities provides high satisfaction the person. However, the satisfaction level of the person is determined by the balance of cost he has to spend and the activities that the tourist destinations provide. Low expenses and more number of leisure activities motivate him to choose such places. Besides, the behavior is a major factor that influences his choices and preferences of holidays. As he is a kind of moody person, the choices depend on his mood swings and willingness at specific times.
Insights for Marketers and Travel Companies
The Respondent 2 needs to have high duration of holiday packages and large number of leisure activities. Cost does not influence the choice of the person and thus high cost does not affect her satisfaction level. The satisfaction level goes upward as the need of the person regarding holiday choices fulfilled as per her expectations. Unlike the respondent 1, the holiday choices do not depend on the mood of the respondent 2. As the person has high need for uniqueness and high degree of openness personality for having new experiences, the unique tourist spot and leisure activities motivate her the most.
The Respondent 4 needs more leisure activities which would increase her satisfaction level against spending on leisure time. She has high need for uniqueness that defines that such destinations that provide unique experiences motivate her to the larger extent. Apart from this, a kind of moody behavior is found in her nature which defines that her choices are motivated as well as influenced by the present mood.
According to Bianchi (2014), the theories of demographics define that some factors are there that include age, gender, family situation, income and ethnicity influence the choices of the persons. Respondent 1 is an Australian male person who earns low amount of money. It has been found that he wants to visit Las Vegas and have leisure experiences as well. One of the major reasons behind choosing this particular destination is low holiday cost. Moreover, as per his responses, it has been found that he takes his own decision in the case of choosing holiday destination.
Respondent 2 is a female Canadian who works as a management consultant and earns a good amount every year. The responses show that she is married and her husband plays a major role in making the holiday decisions. She wants to visit the place Barossa Valley in order to have a new experience. In this case, both the choices and preferences regarding leisure destination of the married couple influence the decision. As the income is relatively high, the expected cost of visiting several destinations does not affect their decision making processes.
The Respondent 4 works as a bartender in Brazil and her marital status is de facto. She wants to visit New Zealand and the destination is chosen by the preference of her partner. As the person does not earn much amount, the cost factor influences them to choose the holiday destination. The income of the respondent is considered as a major factor in this case. However, the family’s pretax income is higher than the person’s income. Thus, the cost does not influence her leisure decision making to the larger extent. Due to this reason, she provided importance to all the factors and prefers this particular destination.
In this particular section, the study provides recommendations to the marketer of the holiday destination Las Vegas. The prime characteristics of the visitors include adventurous loving, open to new experiences, fun loving, leisure activity loving, and less cost conscious (Olson, 2015). It is the largest city of Nevada that lies in the desert surrounded by baron hills (Crowder, 2014). The huge resort hotels, sparking lights and fountains are the major attraction of the city. The cooler winter temperature attracts the visitors to spend their leisure time there. The marketer of this particular holiday destination is recommended to apply the theories of learning and memory. This specific theory covers four perspectives that include behaviorism, cognitive, humanistic, and social factors (Olson, 2015). The marketer is suggested to concentrate on the observable behavior of the visitors. The cognitive factor defines that the marketers need to learn the mental process of the visitors in making the holiday decisions. In order to more precise, it has been found that the moody nature of the people affect the people’s decision making process. Thus, the marketer should provide such packages that make the visitors to choose Las Vegas as their holiday destination. They can provide more leisure activities so that the visitors depend less on their moods and attracted by their ‘open to new experience’ personality. From humanistic perspective, it can be defined that the emotional factor influences the individuals’ decisions. The social factors defines that the individuals’ choices are influenced by the group activities. Thus, the marketers are suggested to provide some group activities along with the individual activities. Along with that, the marketer need to make sure that the visitors would able to have the experiences at reasonable cost so that they would attract more number of tourists.
Through analyzing the responses, it has been found that the respondent 1 has chosen ‘Destination 2’ as the best holiday destination. Respondent 2 lies the ‘destination 6’ in the top of her choice of destination. Respondent 4 has chose the ‘destination 3’ on the top of her choice of her holiday destination. Along with that some motivation as well as psychological factor influence the decision making choice. Some recommendations are suggested that highlights the tourist destination of Las Vegas.
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