Manage Human Resources And Strategic Planning
Steps for managing the HR strategic plan
Describe about the Manage human resources and strategic planning.
There are some of the crucial steps involved in managing the Strategic plan for the Human Resource department. The effective process of developing Human Resource strategic plan helps to enhance the desired efficiency and the concerned effectiveness for the concerned business (Gilbert, De Winne, & Sels, 2015). Identification of the opportunities, as well as the problems affecting the HRM plan, is very crucial. There are some of the important steps as followed below:
- Formation of the recruitment strategies
- Development as well as the training strategies
- Development of the restructuring strategies
- Outsourcing strategies
- Building up of the collaboration strategies
For the effective management of the Human Resource plan, it is very crucial to identify the desired needs of the considered firm as this will help in building up of the effecting and effectual strategies. These strategies listed above reflect the roles and the responsibilities of the HR managers in managing the concerned firm. The restructuring strategies consist of the reduction of the number of the staff by different methods such as termination or attrition. It also helps in redesigning the tasks as for creating the well-designed jobs. Moreover, it reorganizes the work as to become more efficient. The use of recruitment strategies needs to be effective as to recruit out the potentially skilled candidates to the firm.
There are certain external factors like the economy within which the firm operates including the political as well as the legal influences the execution of the business methods of the concerned firm. PEST analysis needed to be done in an effective manner as to understand the desired situation in a well-defined manner. It contains the political factors, legal factors, socio-cultural factors, economic and the technological factors which are necessary for the development and growth of the concerned firm. It helps the HR managers to identify the desired political factor which affects the performance of the concerned firm (“HRM and Quantitative: Decision Tree and Vector Analysis in HRM Theory”, 2014). The HR practices cover the following:
- Impact of the change in enterprise agreements related to bargaining and the legislation of the firm
- Funding for the desired programs
- Change I the leadership
- Organizational culture
- Engagement of the employees
- Leadership styles and the management practices
- Restructuring of the firm
- Healthy as well as the safety programs
GAP analysis is another useful practice for the HR managers as this determines the desired method for preceding the required work.
Figure: GAP analysis
The changing recent trend throughout the concerned market segments critically affects the execution of the work process for the concerned firm. The firm needs to formulate effective strategies as dealing with the potential challenges that come within the execution of the concerned business practices.
The planning for the concerned organization is crucial it helps in developing the future plans for the development as well as the expansion of the firm. There is a crucial requirement for the change in managing the workforce for the next 10 to 15 years and the supply of the labors needs to be as per the demand for the concerned firm. The introduction of the concerned labors is very crucial as to execute the business process of the concerned firm. The labor supply is the engaging of the labors on the basis of a number of hours they work within the concerned organization and they are paid as the rate per hour they work within the firm. There are different types of the recruitment agencies will help in providing the skilled labors as well as the workforce for the execution of the business procedures of the concerned organizations.
Importance of technology in HR
There are eight of the crucial steps which help in developing the effective and the efficient workforce for the concerned organizations. These are as follows:
- Laying out a plan and scheduling the plan
- Performing the desired staffing assessment
- Developing of the demand data
- Comparing the demands as well as the supply data
- Developing the workforce plan
- Communicating and implementing the desired workforce plan
- Evaluating and updating the concerned work-force plan
It is important to understand the desired requirements of the firm and formulate effective strategies as per the needs of the labor supply for the concerned firm. Moreover, it also includes the benchmarking of the desired skills and the experienced required by the firm to evaluate the desired growth as well as a development of the concerned firm. The staffing assessment evaluates the effectiveness’ and the efficiency of the concerned firm.
Technology plays the most significant role in designing the desired job roles for the employees associated with the concerned firm. There are different types of the organizations which use the innovative as well as the latest technologies to evaluate the desired growth of their concerned firm. The managing of the concerned employees, as well as the recruitment process, has been made very easier for the HR department. The use of the social media, as well as the different media platforms, are considered for the promotion or advertising of the vacant posts. As to facilitate the desired expansion of the concerned firm, the use of the latest as well as the innovative technologies is considered to be most crucial. These technologies have generated a large impact on assigning the desired jobs to the concerned employees within the workplace concerned. The recruitment process has been made very reliable for the applicants as well as the for the Human resource managers of the particular firm. It helps in improving the skills, autonomy, and responsibility of the employees regarding the job and provides motivation to them and also reduces the absenteeism (“HRM and Quantitative: Decision Tree and Vector Analysis in HRM Theory”, 2014). These are very helpful in evaluating the significant growth of the concerned firm.
There have been a lot of the changes throughout the legal and the industrial needs for the Human Resource departments. There are desired changes at the Macro level, such as listed below:
- Employment as well as the Unemployment Situation
- Technological Changes
- Organizational Changes
- Demographic Changes
- Skill Shortages
- Governmental Influence
- Legislative Controls
The technological changes have brought the desired innovation in the recruitment process for the concerned firms and the managers or the HR department has become more accurate in recruiting the skilled workforce for the concerned firm. Moreover, these can also affect the execution of the working process of the HR department and on the other hand, this generates a crucial impact on the HR strategic planning for the concerned firm (Thompson, 2011). As for example, these changes may affect the firm to hire the potentially skilled candidates and it sometimes affects managing of the employees within the firm. It sometimes affects the management of the performances of all of the employees associated with the firm in many other ways. The most crucial challenge is to maintain understanding regarding the implementing or the formulating of the new and effective strategies within the firm.
The HR strategic plan needs to be consulted with the senior management team, of the concerned organization as well as the directors need to approve the strategies as to enhance the effectiveness of the firm. Consulting the desired research for the Human resource planning will help in moving on the right track and will improve the overall performance of the firm. The management of the employees is considered to be of great importance and the Human Resource department is engaged in managing the employees effectively and therefore, the strategies need to be consulted with the members of the board of directors s the HR managers executes a lot of responsibility. There are different types of the consultation methods such as communication by e-mailing, or by communication with the help of letter to the concerned personnel. The meeting with the board of members of the senior managers provides the desired platform to put forward their own view in formulating the most effective ways for the recruitment of the desired HR to the concerned firm.
Changes in legal and industrial needs
There are some of the crucial areas which needed to be considered on top priority before a formation of the Strategic objectives as well as the desired targets for the HR services. these are the planning issues for the concerned workforce, strategies for successful planning, workforce skills, employment as well as the equity plans, black economic and the concerned empowerment initiatives, motivation to the employees and the fair treatment problems. Moreover, there are some of the other points related to the payment or the wages provide to the employees or the concerned labors. There needs to be career development framework for the employees working within the firm as this will enhance the effectiveness of the organization on a large scale (Ulrich, 2009). Policies, as well as the desired frameworks, are considered to be of huge importance for the development of the business methods of the concerned firm. It is imperative for the Human Resource Managers to understand the desired needs of the employees within the firm as this will help in achieving the desired goals of the organization concerned.
The mental, as well as the physical well-being of the employees, are considered to be of great importance within the concerned firm. These strategies are important as to keep the number of the employees healthy and fit within the firm and moreover, it evaluates the successful execution of the business process within the organization concerned. The provisions for the HR services are as listed below:
- Schemes or the effective plans for the occupational sick pay, leave applications and access to the concerned medical advisor of the concerned firm
- Different plans for bereavement or any other special leave
- Considering the rehabilitation for the unfit or the injured employees
- Financial provision of the concerned employees regarding the sports, hobbies, social activities and many others
- Provision for the canteen as well as the other facilities
- Provisions for employees funds for their welfare
- Provisions for information regarding handbooks
- Running of the different pre-retirement courses
- Welfare and health as well as safety legislations
In order to enhance the effectiveness of the organization concerned, it is very imperative to understand the key components of the HR plan. There are three of the significant key components such as:
- Forecasting the needs of the staff
- Evaluating the desired supply of the number of employees
- Balancing the supply and the demands
There are certainly other important points which need to be considered under these three of the crucial points. The employee management, as well as their performance management, is considered to be the top priority for the Human Resource Department. There are numerous traditions to predict the concerned business needs, to facilitate forecast different workers firm require running a business with which job role these people necessitate to fill (Ulrich, 2009). A few of the factors are, to comprise the circumstances of the market, the interior business funds, the requirement for the concerned goods or services as well as the enlargement expectations for the respective business.
There are some of the crucial challenges that are faced by the respective managers and these create a potential barrier between the executions of the work processes of the firm. These challenges include the communication problems, issues related to the implementation of the effective strategies as per the choice of the HR, the collapsing of the concerned view of the candidates and many others. Some of the challenges are listed below:
- Change management with other departments
- Development of the effective leadership
- Successful planning of the entire development process
- Management of the employees
- Retention of the employees
The collaboration of the working process as well as the view of the HR managers with the different other departments helps in evaluating the successful growth of the firm, whereas the communication problem affects the execution of the business methods of the firm. Moreover, the employee’s retention within the firm is of great importance and this also gets affected by the challenges caused due to several other factors. The most crucial challenge is to maintain understanding regarding the implementing or the formulating of the new and effective strategies within the firm, if there is some problem regarding the effective communication between the employees then this may affect the growth of the concerned firm.
There are four of the important key steps for the formation of the strategic plan for the Human Resource department. These are as follows:
- There needs to be the identification of the concerned opportunities and the issues within the organization. These will help in analyzing the desired needs and the changing demands of the concerned market segments. The HR managers need to have effective and effectual skills as to improve the overall performance of the firm.
- The current demand, as well as the future demands of managing the firm, needs to be considered. The job function and the desired needs of the employees need to be identified and fulfilled as this will provide the desired elevation to the growth of the concerned firm.
- The available Human Resources needs to be analyzed properly as this will increase the effectiveness of the concerned firm (Varma & Budhwar, 2013). Moreover, the strengths, as well as the desired skills of the concerned employees, needs to be identified as this will improve the effectiveness of the Human Resource department in managing the concerned organization.
- Finally, the effective strategies need to be implemented by getting it approved by the relevant personnel as this will help in increasing the effectiveness of the entire firm. Moreover, the HR managers need to maintain the desired balance between the supply and the demand of the employees.
The environment initiatives increase the demands for managing the employees in a well-defined manner as to provide complete satisfaction to them. The green initiatives for the desired Human Resource department from the different wider programs for the CSR are to enhance the effectiveness of the concerned firm. Green HR fundamentally comprises of two of the major essentials specifically environment sociable HR practice as well as the conservation of awareness capital. Inside an association, human resource along with their system are the fundamental base of any company, be it the monetary company or the desired concerned sustainable business. These are merely accountable for preparation as well as executing person’s with the eco-friendly policy to generate a green environment. People argue that with no facilitating the human resource as well as applying sustainable policy, departing green may be a tough nut to break (Varma & Budhwar, 2013). These processes have the desired positive along with negatives effects on the execution of the business process of the concerned firm.
The HR plans need to be reviewed as to enhance the efficiency of the concerned firm. The reviewing of the desired plan helps in identifying the different issues and the needs to make some important changes to the plan. These helps in monitoring the desired activities for the formation of the plan are on the right track or not. The performance management plan provides the desired ability to the concerned managers as to evaluate the desired performance of the concerned employees of the firm. It helps in establishing the desired focus on the skill development as well as the concerned learning activities as per the desired choices. There is a need to document the individual performances of the employees as to support the compensation and the career decision planning process. The development of the HR plan needs to be approved by the concerned personnel as this will help in increasing the effectiveness of the entire plan.
Gilbert, C., De Winne, S., & Sels, L. (2015). Strong HRM processes and line managers’ effective HRM implementation: a balanced view. Human Resource Management Journal, 25(4), 600-616.
HRM and Quantitative: Decision Tree and Vector Analysis in HRM Theory. (2014). CBR, 13(06).
Red Deer Cave people are the latest addition to the human family. (2012). New Scientist, 213(2856), 4.
Thompson, P. (2011). The trouble with HRM. Human Resource Management Journal, 21(4), 355-367.
Varma, A. & Budhwar, P. (2013). Managing human resources in Asia-Pacific. Hoboken: Routledge, Taylor, and Francis Group.