Impact Of Employer Branding In Attraction And Retention Of Talent In Australian Retail Sector
A Case Study of Camilla and Marc Retailers.
This particular study illustrates the impact of employer branding in attraction and retention of talent. The recent trend of employer branding has been investigated and explained in this study in the context of retailers based in Australia.
1.1 Research background
The concept of employer branding is mainly reliant on the basis of brands which can be described as symbol, name, term or even combination of several things which focus to detect the products and services offered by an organization and metamorphose them from other competitors. Nonetheless, in accordance to the marketing literature, an organization is greatly impacted by the brand and the external stakeholders are identified by the firm. The employers and employees can associate with each other based on the brand image which is crucial for any organization. Employer branding can be categorized as the advantages of the functional, psychic and socio-economic advantages resulting from employing organization (Ahmad and Daud, 2016). Employer branding permits firms to compete in an efficient manner in the context of human resources and hence, hike up the employee loyalty by effective engagement, retention and attraction policies.
1.2 Problem Statement
In recent times, there are some massive changes have been took place in retail sectors of Australia and organizations are required to have skilled as well as talented workforce in order to survive in the era of globalization and innovative technology.
Recently, greater rates of turnover are being seen in the Australian sector. As a result, there is an increased cost acquisition of desired workforce and huge loss is being observed in valuable knowledge. The retail sector is now facing serious problems in managing the employer branding as well as in the recruitment and retention of the workforce. Furthermore, it has also been observed that the demands of the youth generation are far greater than the aging population. Therefore, it is essential for firms to meet the needs of the younger workforce by building as well as maintaining sustainable strategies for employer branding which can ensure that talent is successfully recruited and retained(Dash and Mohapatra, 2016).
1.3 Research aim
The research aim is: Investigate the impact of employer branding particularly in attraction and retention of talent in Australian retail sectors by undertaking the case of Camilla and Marc limited.
1.4 Research objectives
The key objectives of the study are:
- To evaluate the strategy of employer branding in Camilla and Marc retailers.
- To discover the impact of employer branding in the attraction as well as retention of skilled talent.
- To analyze the challenges faced by the case company for attracting and retaining workforce.
- To provide recommendations for the total intensification of the strategies of employer branding.
1.5 Research questions
- What are the key strategies employed by the management of Camilla and Marc?
- How does employer branding influence the recruitment and retention of skilled workforce?
- What are the major challenges faced by the company for recruiting and retaining talent?
1.6 Hypothesis
H1 = employer branding plays an important and positive part in the attraction and retention of employees.
Ho = no influence is laid by EB
1.7 Variables
Dependent variable: Employer branding
Independent variable: Attraction, employee engagement, employee loyalty, satisfaction, motivation, balance involving work and life and work environment.
1.8 Expected results
It has been expected that the results will assist in realizing the aspects which influence EB on attracting and retaining the workforce in Australian retail sector. Through the results the top management can design effectual strategies in order for increasing the EB effectiveness.
2.1 Employer branding
The concepts of employer branding have become highly famous since the last few years because of the shifting of the pattern of the atmosphere of business. Skilled staff should be retained during high turnovers since it has a crucial effect on interruptions of service, information loss and cost to the customers (Ewerlin and Süß, 2016). It is expected of the organizations having low turnover that they would be more profitable since the morale of their employees are improved in the long run. It is evident from the various market researchers that the organization have less turnover and this can be improved by retaining the skilled employees within the organization. Enterprises should design as well as execute several management tools in order to retain the staff to improve the quality of employment.
Objectives of the study
2.2 Benefits of employer branding
According to Faldetta, (2016) the key benefits of employees are associated with accession of talent, retention, and performance and employee engagement. The benefit of talent acquisition is that a firm is enabled to recruit human capital. A strong EB strategy can assist in the advertising of opportunities as well as conveyance of exemplary brand message which would provide support to the company so that it can reach the zenith in talent and the talent would also select the company.
The figure above demonstrates the positive effect of deliberate as well as well-planned approach for the deployment of effective EB strategies which assist the work force to internalize the values of the organization, assist in the retention of employees along with offering a competitive edge specifically in an economy that is knowledge based and thus, the productivity is increased(Fernandez-Lores et al., 2016).
Some fundamental criteria should be met in order to achieve competitive advantage. Employer branding is similar to product branding and corporate branding. The attractiveness as well as the precision of the brands is portrayed through this. Therefore, to be an effectual employer brand, the organization should be noticeably resonant, distinguishable and relevant as compared to its rivals.
A psychological contract is formed between the employers and employees through EB. The staff is greatly engaged and loyal towards the firm through the achievement of psychosomatic contract(Gambrill, 1990).
2.3 Impact of EB on attracting and retaining talent
As entailed by Ibidunni et al., (2016) a business is fortified by EB in order to compete efficiently and effectively as well as motivate the staffs by implementing appropriate strategies for attention and retention. The employer branding concept should not only be applied in the process of recruitment but also cover the broader views of management of personnel in firms such as reward and performance management. Employer brand equity assists in the propulsion of talented people for the application of a job.
2.4 Conceptual framework
Conceptual framework aims to indicate the relationship between several factors. The conceptual framework that has been developed that illustrates the impact of EB on attraction, satisfaction, and retention as well as employer brand advocacy as they are one of the most significant factors helps in increasing the overall profitability (kithae and Keino, 2016).
3.1 Research design
Research design aims for the effectual production of information which is required to solve the problem statement within the provided resources. The 3 classes are developed based on the problem framework are descriptive structure, exploratory structure and explanatory structure. This study employs the exploratory structure to assure that the research is cohesive and effective.
3.2 Research philosophy
According to the Saunders’s research onion model, research philosophy is relied on epistemological and methodological concepts that are under consideration while executing the research study. The research philosophy employed in this regard is the interpretivism approach since it is ensconced with relevant objectives and the questions for the research. It is based on qualitative research approach. Realities are better understood with the help of interpretivism. It is also regarded as anti-positivism in compare with positivism of natural science(Kucherov and Zamulin, 2016).
Expected results
3.3 Research approach
An inductive research approach is used here to determine if EB plays a role in the attraction and retention of workforce. The inductive approach is flexible and is the best approach to use in case of qualitative research. Inductive approach follows a logical path which assists in the development of thinking and observation.
3.4 Research strategies
The primary research strategies employed in this study are survey, action, study and archival research. This case study has been selected because it effectively evaluates the impact of EB on employee attraction and retention. Comprehensive contextual analysis forms the basis of the study.
3.5 Methods for data collection
There are two types of data collection methods, namely, primary and secondary data. Secondary data is basically data collected from previous researches while primary data is a collection of recent information. They can be either quantitative or qualitative. Primary data is generally obtained from interviews, survey, observations and other methods. Secondary data can be gathered from previous research papers, books and websites. Primary qualitative data will be obtained from the employees of Camilla and marc in this study(Schwab, 2006).
In this report both primary as well as secondary data have been used. Primary data is used to accurate address the targeting issues whereas secondary data will be useful in realizing the research problem better.
Interview is an essential component of qualitative research approach. Interviews are conducted to cover the meaning as well as the factual levels which are helpful in order to understand the experiences of the respondents. It is also an effective tool to gather information about the topic in question. This research proposal conducts semi-structured interview with the Camilla and Marc management in order to verify their perspective(Kucherov and Zamulin, 2016). The key benefit procured from interview is that speech can be easily corrected, relationship is built and appropriate candidate can be selected along with accumulating recent information. Other benefits bestowed include procuring adequate data, lesser expenses, high flexibility and increased amount of information gathered. Nonetheless, it is not free of drawbacks such as bias by interviewer and greater time required for Analyzation of data obtained.
3.6 Sampling
Sample is regarded as the sub-unit of a population which is categorized into sampling tools which are probable and non-probable. Random methods of selection are used as methods of probability and non-probability methods are based on the judgment of the researcher (Kucherov and Samokish, 2016). Numerous non-probable methods are available such as quota, snowball and purposive along with many others. Purposive is also referred to as judgmental sampling tool has been selected by the author. The interview will be taken of five managers of Camilla and Marc retailer who belong to various departments. The semi-structured questionnaire will be prepared and disturbed among them.
3.7 Data analysis tools
Analyzing the data is a crucial part of any research and this research applies a thematic analysis on the accumulated data which has been procured from the respondents. Extraction of the essence of interview is done along with the emergence of specific themes. Furthermore, a comparison will be made between the literature review and the data from interview.
3.8 Research limitations
The key limitation in this case is that only a single company has been selected for case study. In addition to this, the report has been prepared in a limited amount of time along with limited word limits. Some other limitations are lesser experience of research and time constraints.
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