Effective Communication Of Office Timing Changes To Employees
Direct Communication is Key
Describe about the principal of professional communication.
After communicating with all the employees in the organization, Petra Valos has is expecting to make the employees well aware of the fact that the office timing of the company would change considering the convenience of the employees. Considering the nature of communication with the staffs of the organization, it can be stated that Petra Valos has a clear point of view of how the message would be conveyed to the staffs, as the decision regarding the changing time of business is based on the convenience of the employees. After delivering the message, it is expected that some of the employees would prefer this shift timing changes and some would not prefer and thus a conflict would take place.
After going through the case study, it can be said that Petra Valos has selected one of the best methods to communicate with the staffs of the organization. Petra Valos has communicated directly with the staffs of the company and this direct approach is helpful in delivering the message to the employees of the organization. Apart from communicating directly with the staffs, Petra Valos could have communicated with the employees through sending the official mails to them. Direct communication in the organization is helpful in conveying the message to the employees that they are valued in the organization. In the technologically advanced area, sending email to the employees is the most appropriate procedure to inform the employees about any organizational changes. Apart from that, it can be mentioned that communicating directly with the employees helps in maintaining enough transparency in the organizational change management procedure. Therefore, it can be stated that to convey the message of office shift timing changing, Petra Valos could have communicated with the employees through forwarding the official emails to them, as this is one of the effective channels of communication.
The way Petra Valos has expressed the message is convenient enough and this is concisely expressed. The idea of changing the office shift timing has been presented in the best possible manner. However, going through the case study and the procedure of communicating with the employees, it can be stated that the message is designed in a proper manner to meet the need of the receivers. The messages conveyed to the employees of the company are well structured and easy for the understanding of them.
After conveying the message to the employees of the organization, Petra Valos has made enough provision for the feedback from the employees. This part is undoubtedly the most important portion, as this helps to build direct communication among the managers, employees and the HRs of any organization. The procedure of conveying the message is smart enough that the employees as well would get a chance to explain their opinions to the HR. Apart from that, if the employees feel that they cannot express their opinion in front of all the employees in the organization, they might take help of official email for addressing their concern.
Transparency is Important in Change Management
Wendy Tuohy said in the research work that the human brain is bombard with huge technology and this is overloaded with different information as well as multi-tasking activities. Apart from that, it can be stated that this vital organ might react very badly some times and thus Wendy Tuohy has gone inside the modern head of the human beings. However, it can be stated that research in the context of neurology sphere is can be considered as difficult work into the jerky new-millennium lifestyles, as a limited picture of the brain’s finer functions and the activities is provided by non-invasive observation procedures. However, some scientists like Dr. Jason have successfully discovered that human beings do pay a huge mental cost when they are asked too much of the brains at once (Jankovic, 2012).
He has stated that the human brain process a lot more data when they are well aware of the senses that are being bombarded all the time. However, it is required to mention that mechanism of attention does the filtering properly. From his research work, it can be seen that human brains struggle a lot to process competing sources of data and information. In this case, because of excessive use of the cable and television, human brains fail to remember all the details of more than one source and the over stimulation contributes in fatigue. However, it is necessary to explain that depression, anxiety as well as stress might contribute to a reduced potentiality to stay tuned (Roblek et al., 2013).
One of the effective ways of illustrating how the perception leaves impact on the ability of the human being to see what is out there as well as to look at visual illusions. In this part, it is required to focus on the way the brain process information and it can be stated that the sensory messages is transformed by brain in the location of conscious perceptions which are almost instantly chaotic in nature, collective activity taking into account millions of neurons seems essential for this type of rapid recognition. Perception is a procedure of gathering data and information through the sense organs, organizing as well as making sense of it. In this case, it can be stated that modern communication technologies like mobile phones, email and internet leaves deep impact on the human being’s perceptual faculties (Saeidipour et al., 2012).
Many research works have stated the fact that the potentiality to read more difficult texts is impacted by the advent of modern technologies. With the advancement of technology, it has been seen that the young children, teenagers and the adults see the things differently. Therefore, it can be stated that the human beings are extensively busy and humans are assaulted with the facts, pseudo facts and rumor. Reports have stated the fact that stress originated hormone cortisol as well as the desperation originated hormone adrenaline production is increased by multi-tasking. These hormones are effective for over-stimulating the human brains. Moreover, it can cause scrambled thinking or mental fog. Therefore, it can be stated that the modern communication technologies leave great impact on the perceptual faculties of the human being (Sari, 2012).
Employee Feedback is Vital
The article is based on the research on the Fore people in respect to establish that the non-verbal emotive expressions are universal. Because of the language barrier Paul Ekman faced lots of problem in respect of conducting the study. He tried to gather the information in accordance with their similarity of the emotive expression. Paul tried to gather perception of the Fore people regarding the image of emotive expression based on the stories. It has been found that they are well able to identify the emotive expression from different culture. However, they were unable to distinguish between fear and surprise. In addition Heider supported the research findings by researching on the Dani people. He came to the similar conclusion.
In addition to that, another research found out that different people from various culture and background change same facial muscle in respect to the similar emotive expression. The research has been criticized as the research used picture instead of word. In justification it is said that the word is just a means to express the words not emotion itself. The research has been able to answer several enquiries regarding the facial expression in respect to number, accuracy and effectiveness.
Eye contact behavior is most vital part of the conversation from a ver4y early days. It has been observed that the human emotion can be effectively derived from the eye contact solely. The eye gaze can be considered as the most primitive means of non-verbal communication. The eye expression can be also practiced for performing the synchronizing the signal. People tend to avoid the eye contact at the time of hesitation, non-fluent conversation as well as thinking. The eye contact is also incurred at the time of laughing, short answering along with facing interruption.
Social distance is mainly used for impersonal business. This non verbal gesture can be mostly noticed in case of working together in same room as well as social gatherings. The social distance is also important in respect to communicating across the desk in a formal environment. In case of one individual looks down to another an exact effect of domination can be established. The social distance highly demands the large use of louder communication power so that the communication can be performed effectively. In addition to that, the essential use of eye contact assists to maintain the social distance in the society. The social distance can be responsible for the reduced feedback as well as interaction level.
There are various different non-verbal behaviors which are highly effective for the communication plan. The kinesics is most focused on the reinforcing and emphasizing the perception of the individual at the social interaction with a means of non-verbal communication process. Moreover, the illustrator body movement, such as circular movement of hand also presents a greater use of communication process. Posture is also quite effective for reflecting the degree of status, confidence as well as respectability of any human being. Mirroring is also another crucial posture style of non-verbal communication.
A report was published in the website of BBC news that stated there is a consistent relation between violence video game use and aggression behavior. However, a large number of people denied the results as the research was deeply flawed. A major part of material connected with the study had not been subjected to peer review. Still, playing violent video game is often considered as a factor in motivating violence among the youth that increases crimes in the young generation such as high school shooting in the US. In the 1999, a student named by Arlene was responsible for the Massacre in Columbine High School by using a gun. This name was taken from a popular computer game Doom. However, according to (BBC News, 2016), most people who are well versed with the violent video games such as Mortal Kombat, Call of Duty as well as Hitman did not resort to violence. He also stated that there are also adult films, TV shows and movies that contents violence; therefore, it would be bad if someone only blames video games.
Impact of Modern Communication Technologies on Perception
Another article was published in worldpress that said playing video games is good for children. Typical human brain is unable to cope up with processing huge amount of information (fae713, 2013). However, among the gamers, it is found that their brains can adapt faster and they can keep track of all the information they need to play the games. Besides, a video game is also capable of helping the gamers to adapt informed as well as proper decision in a rapid pace in comparison with non-gamers (BBC News, 2016). Therefore, the chances are high that every person gains these benefits from fast-action video games. It is also seen that video games can be used for education as it creates a significant effect on the human brain. Many studies that approved that playing video games increase violence among the children. However, after comparing those researches, it was found that most of those researches used flawed methods to reach their conclusion.
Therefore, video games are not responsible for increasing violence behavior (The Age, 2013). Besides, it is also true that human culture has adapted the video games as a part of their civilization in many ways. It is also observed that several tasks with real world application can be assisted by video games as well. Video game can also help to perceive the practical implication of various activities in the real world and develop appropriate decisions. Therefore, from this argument it can be said that the society will only gain advantages from video games and will experience an enhancement in the near future (The Age, 2013). As video games help to evolve the brain, the chances are high that human race will become more fast and accurate when making decisions in critical times. It is true that if the society refuses to play video games for the false concerns of violence and aggression then it will be loss of the society only.
Sven Birkets most effectively explained in his book Gutenberg Elergies the contemporary scenario of the cyberspace as well as arguments on the printing literary material printing system effectiveness (“Gutenburg Elergies”, 2016). At the same time, Wen Stephenson will be focused on replying on the opposition of the statement made by Sven Bikerts that the digital print is barren for the culture of literacy. It never can be accepted that Sven Bikerts is right on his position. The digital print will effectively enhance the power of educational as wella as literacy material in an impressive way (Digital Culture – The Message Is the Medium., 2016). The reading in this so-called information age is highly different as it increases the data access in a crucial manner.
The facebook and twitter is mostly used in a significant fashion in order to selfie, sexting as well as social media accessing. It is summarized in the article that the facebook and twitter has been practiced for seeking the attention to themselves. This attention seeking intention is expressed in a various post of individuals in facebook and twitter. However, the article has forecasted that the narcissist word will be considered as endearment in the near future. The article has displayed an evaluated comparison between the older generations and the younger generation in respect to the use of facebook and twitter (Hey you, i., 2013). . Whilst the elderly people focus on outside beauty the younger people are highly self conscious about their own beauty.
Another news article illustrated that the narcissist means the entrancement of their own reflection. The article also narrated the mythology of the origin of the narcissist word. The article also disclosed that everyone in this contemporary digital world can be considered as the narcissist. The facebook can be stated as the greatest means of photographing, recording, uploading, tweeting as well as downloading (selfies, 2013). In addition to that, tweet as well as instagram can be considered as the more effective social media site. It is also found out that a student as well as mature adults uses the social media site as a mean of boosting themselves to other.
On the other hand, another newspaper article revealed that social media sites such as facebook as well as twitter are highly used for generating narcissist tendencies as well as transforming relations into a sexual race. It also supported the tendency of uploading the self portrait into the social media websites. It also focused on the facility of scoring a social position instead of communicating.
However, it is evident that the facebook and twitter along with other social media website has generated a greater tendency of self-concern as well as selfishness. In addition to that, the greater facility to present the beauty to the other people and getting the compliments has helped the increase of these tendencies in a signi9ficant fashion (Social media, sexualisation and the selfie generation., 2013). However, with the passing of time the tendency reduces the overall popularity of this kind of perception is well known in the digital world.
- a) “I wished to gain entrance into the accounting field for a considerable time-period as intellectual barrier is itself my challenger.”
- b) “It appeared to me that Smith did not consider the consultant’s recommended suggestion.”
- c) “We can’t ascertain the reason of leaving the screen door open at this point of time.”
- d) “I have been recommended daily intake of megadoses of Vitamin C1 by my sister, a nutritionist of University of Michigan.”
- e) “In the past a large number competitor firms were located on the West Coast offering competition. Now, the hardships and difficulties caused by current business contraction and stagnation forced majority of those firms out of business.”
- f) “Dear Mrs. Tardy
We regret that we cannot accept your request made by the letter received at 17 January. As your policy lapsed and cancelled on 1 December your cheque in the amount of $157 is being returned due to late arrival.”
- g) “We hereby wish to convey you that our company is pleased with your confidence on us.”
- h) “The prisoners were transferred away to the prison facility by bus at 8 of morning.
- i) “I believe that city and country agencies are cooperating with each other now.”
- j) “Many of us desire to maintain a spring recess for getting away the studies’ demand.”
- k) “When exactly will a stock market downturn seriously affect the entire population’s social life?”
- “Staff must submit copies of all sales transactions at the end of each working day.”
2.” Manager informed the staff members they’ll work all Saturday.”
- 3. “Personnel director will offer the job to the woman with most outstanding recommendations.”
- “The staff will deliver the stationery by noon.”
- “Mr. Black donated a painting by Gainsborough to the National Gallery.”
- “We returned you the cancelled cheque on Tuesday by registered mail.”
- “We intend that the manager administer program.”
- “The staffs made two critical errors in the setting up of this equipment.”
- “If you find the spreadsheet package ineffective, re-boot the computer and begin the process again.”
- “People believe that a lack of understanding about the risks of alcohol is a cause of student binging.”
- “Extensive statistical analysis subjected the model.”
- “The improvement of Russian economy caused the success in exporting more crude oil for hard currency.”
- “The manager is considering the creation of data base; however he did not estimate the potential of the usefulness in this regard.”
“Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks”:
- “Not: Chairman

But: It can be stated that chairman is a neutral job title, as this can be used for both male and female.”
- “Not: After the girls in the office receive an order; our office fills it within 24 hours.

But: After the female employees in the office receive an order; our office fills it within 24 hours.”
- “Not: Executives and their wives

But: The answer would be Executives and their family”
- “Not: Connie Green performed the job well for her age.

But: Connie Green performed the job well.”
- “Not: Dear Gentlemen OR Dear Sir

But: Dear Reader would be a nonsexist salutation at the time when the gender of the reader is not known.”
- “Not: Each student must provide his own lab jacket.

But: Each student must provide own lab jacket.”
- “The interview for the position of accountant should find the best person for the job.”
- “New staffs would be entitled to claim the removal costs for their family.”
- “Computes have improved human being’s working life enormously.”
- “The female employees in the office are very efficient.”
- “A member of the Cabinet is a respected member of parliament is granted certain privileges.”
- “The foreperson is responsible for O.H. & S.”
- “Salespersons must provide excellent customer service all the times.”
- “From the beginning of time, people have used horses in one way or other.”
- “She has done an amazing work for the person in the wheelchair.”
- “University courses have students from different background, different social classes, different color as well as different geographical areas.”
- “Jordan and other female employees from the office are devoured the salmon sandwiches.”
- “It is advisable to dress up smartly at interview irrespective of men and women.”
- “Prompt payment of your account would be appreciated.”
- “Your excuses are inexcusable.”
- “You must improve your keyboarding skills; otherwise you would not be able to work here for long time.”
- “I am not aware of my availability when you would pay me a call.”
- “Irrespective of your hard work last night, I think I would not be able to overtime today.”
- “The reasons behind policy changes were not reasonable enough.”
- “Unfortunately you interpreted the terms of contract wrongly; however, it is almost impossible for the company to pay you for your work.”
- “You are requested again to make the payment on an early basis; otherwise unfortunately we have to charge interest from the first of the month.”
- “We are sorry, but we cannot take this complaint that the goods were not properly packed. We are extremely sorry to let you know that it is tough for us to give you a refund as per the company policy.”
- “If you found that the CDs are faulty, we are requesting you to return them to the store.”
- “When it was written in the instructions, you could have read them properly.”
- “We pay enough attention to your valuable feedback. So, we are requesting you to provide some positive feedback for motivating the business.”
- “You must not buy the cheapest model from the market, as this is obvious to break down easily.”
- “We are trying our best to respond to your communication, but we are sorry to inform you that our representatives would not be able to reach you before the next Tuesday.”
- “It is tough for us to get onto the bloke who sold you the furniture.”
- “I came to know from my secretary that the mistake was not from her end.”
- “You are requested to make the payments on time.”
- “You are requested to supply the proper reference number, otherwise it would be tough for us to provide you the proper details.”
- “We are highly sorry for the confused orders and beg your pardon and promise to serve better in the next time.”
- “You should begin by looking for errors and checking for inconsistencies.”
- “He was an excellent task manager but not in people skills.”
- “The receptionist is responsible for maintaining the petty cash, doing the banking and writing the pay slips as well.”
- “Using word processor is more efficient than typing in many ways.”
- “I like abseiling but my friend like climbing cliffs.”
- “We shall compare Jo’s computer skills with other people’s computer skills in the office.”
- “Administrative assistant’s responsibilities:
- Typing letters
- Scheduling appointments
- Routing phone calls
- Replacing receptionist
- Maintaining files
- Organising work flow”
- “She is tall, slender and beautiful.”
- “He worked as a clerk, salesman and bricklayer.”
- “Along with your application, please include:
- A list of your past three employers
- A short biographical statement
- Copies of all published articles”
- “The dog show judge decided on the Staffordshire bull terrier for the first prize, and Fox terrier for the second prize.”
- “I took up the rugs to clean the floor and help the coolness of the house.”
- “The cupboard needed to be painted and varnished.”
- “The Prime Minister says his government has been responsible for the following improvements:
- Cutting down unemployment
- Increasing wages
- Improving the conditions of work”
- “The committee recommended the following procedures:
- Having invitations professionally printed
- Writing to the local member of parliament
- Leaving only main gate of the car park open”
- “Each location is linked through a centre reservations sector whose duties are:
- Directing inbound calls
- Controlling appointment for each location using a networked Shortcut software system
- Managing database
- Managing the central server
- Making outbound calls to database to encourage appointments
- Communicating with clients via telephone”
Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg said that in this new era of Social Networking, privacy is no longer a subject of concern. He also said that privacy is no longer a social norm. People have become comfortable while sharing more information in various social networking sites. However, in its initial days the things were not same. People raised question that why should the
out their privacy. People started to use Face book and other social networking sites as they could communicate and share information privately (Ethics and Internet., 2016). The scenario completely changed as the organization decided to change the privacy setting of its 350 million users. This also shows that the organization has evolved from where the initially started.
Every time Facebook brought changes in their system, they had to face protests and dissatisfaction of the users. However, this changed nothing as people are so addicted to the site that they slowly but steadily are adapting to each change. However, it is also true that a huge amount of people are still concerned about their privacy. However, it is also found that most of those people are either escaped abusive relationship or people who have marginal religious or sexual preferences (Johnson, 2010). There are some other people who fear of losing their jobs or who have been facing bullies throughout their lives. Therefore, it is highly important that the authority of Facebook must consider the condition of these people and must allow them to control their privacy. More than millions of people around the world want to limit the visibility of their personal information. However, they want onshore that information with their trusted person and friends. Facebook management and the CEO said that Facebook is making these changes in their privacy settings only to cope up with the changes that the world is facing right now. However, it is true that Facebook can still position them as the most popular social networking organization without making these 180 degree changes.
As mentioned by Mark Zuckerberg, people are concerned about their privacy which is absolutely not true. However, the meaning of privacy is entirely different for people. For example, young people have no control in t heir house that who comes in and who goes out. Therefore, some young people experiences mental problems as they cannot their personal lives. Most of those people find shelter in social media sites such as Facebook as they see it as a virtual world where they can control who will see their profile, who will see their information and all. If they cannot control these things even in virtual world then it will do more damage than good (Social media, sexualisation and the selfie generation, 2013). Besides, lots of incidents took place recently where several lawsuits were placed buy the Facebook users that someone has opened a fake account using their images and personal details. These things happened as Facebook has minimised the privacy settings of the users. Therefore, it can be said that settings related to privacy is still important in social media sites.
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