Significance Of Employee Retention In The Hotel Industry

Background to the research

The research report is based on the employee turnover intention and hotel strategies to retain them for Intercontinental Sydney, 117 Macquarie Street.  Each of the hotel organization is facing turnover of the employees as some of them are leaving the organization while some of the organizations are discharging the employees from the business. The turnover is included of cost of replacement, recruitment and selection (Tongchaiprasit & Ariyabuddhiphongs, 2016). The hotel industry can reduce the turnover rate but they are not reducing it to 0% as higher turnover rate is not good for the hotel organization, therefore the organization are tried to retain them for Intercontinental Sydney, 117 Macquarie Street and save the cost.

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The results of the workers leaving the organization leads to an increase in hire of number as well as cost of the training.  There is also an increase in cost of the employee’s training and decline into the quality of the services and talent losses. It creates huge impact on the business efficiency as well as productivity of the hotel that can affect the competitive advantage of the hotel into the market. Hence, there is success of the hotel business employee retention is required as the customer retention.

Research aim

The aim of this study is to find the aspects that help the hotels to keep talented employees for the longer period for time and its significance. 

The implementation of employee turnover rate and hotel strategies by the hotel leaders is required for the industrial survival. The research questions for this research study based on selected research topic are: 

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Research objectives

  • To analyze the benefits of employee turnover rate in the organization
  • To analyze relationship between employee turnover and job satisfaction
  • To analyze the hotel strategies used to retain the employees

The importance of this qualitative research is to analyze relationships between employee compensation, employee turnover as well as job satisfaction. The findings of this study are valuable to organizational leadership concerned with higher turnover rate of the employee by implementation of hotel strategies to retain skilled workers while increase into profitability of the organization (Abbas et al., 2016). The significance of this study is to contribute existing knowledge of the employee turnover.

Introduction: This section describes extensive learning on the worker turnover expectations as well as advantages of the holding staffs. It describes relationship between staff fulfillment as well as staff turnover goals.

Literature review: In this particular section, various research studies are conducted about the factors related to retainmnet and importance of the employee retention is being discussed.

Methodology: In this report section, qualitative methodology is used for gathering of data related to selected research topic, information investigating strategies, examining the methods. Moral contemplations are to be considered to avoid of misinformed to other exploration territory of this research study.

Findings and discussion: In this section, the findings are analyzed followed by the discussion.  

Conclusion: The entire research study is provided the summary of entire study. Recommendations are also provided based on the results. 

Literature review over a subject is done to identify the status of knowledge that is available over the subject (Hart, 2018). The review of the literary works reveal several knowledge that may be unknown to the author. Furthermore, the identification of knowledge even assists the readers to develop an improved understanding of the readers. The review of the literary work in the discussed paper have been done to establish the base of the research study along with ensuring that the findings from the study are reliable. The review has been done over “turnover intention” which is a measurement for the plan of the employee to leave their position or the organization is planning to terminate the employees from their respective position (Li, Kim & Zhao, 2017). The subject of the paper is employee turnover intention and the discussion have been pursued over the subject and the factors associated with it.

Problem statement

Turnover intention as discussed above is the measurement for the plan of the employee to leave their position or the organization is planning to terminate the employees from their respective position. The discussed factor can be involuntary or voluntary and both of them have their prominence (Harris, Lavelle & McMahan, 2018). The voluntary turnover refers to the scenario when the employee decides to vacate the position on his or her own and is derived by a better opportunity. The better opportunity here is referred to different aspects that includes better pay, travelling convenience, more recognition or any other aspect that the employee deems worthy. On the contrary, involuntary turnover refers to the scenario where the firm decides to remove an employee from their position (Jang & Kandampully, 2018). It can happen due to ‘n’ number of factors that includes employee performance, work ethics, firm’s financial condition and others.

 The impact of the turnover is crucial for the firm especially in case of the voluntary turnover. Voluntary turnover can develop structural and monetary stress on the firm, which is undesirable for the sustainability of the firm (Li, Kim & Zhao, 2017). On the contrary, involuntary turnover does not have such prominent impact on the firm because the firm has prepared for the situation before making the decision. Therefore, as the summary of the discussion it would be adequate to state that the voluntary turnover or employee turnover can develop certain undesirable situations for the organization and should be mitigated by retaining employee.

The factors for retention satisfy the employee’s needs that enhance the companies’ ability of adapting more effectively. The trends have defined the modern strategies of retention, which has benefits package and traditional salary and compensation to motivate the employee Khandelwal & Shekhawat, 2018). Some of the factors that retain the talent of in an organisation are provided below:

  1. Skill recognition:At any age the employees have effective retention strategy for the accomplishments of personal job that could recognize the skill as provided (Aguenza & Som, 2018). Recognizing the skill of an individual is restricted for the age, and it motivates the positive behavior, teamwork, ethics, confidence and the employees’ growth. Therefore, it provides with opportunities to learn and recognize the skill to enhance the performance of the individual, retention and effectiveness.
  2. The Climate for Working and Learning: It becomes crucial for learning and developing the opportunities where the talented employees get retain to have a working climate and supportive learning (Johara, Yahya & Tehseen, 2018). The concept specifically could be describing when there have work pressure; empowerment in the amount and responsibility which the employees could experience. The job tasks have a choice for the development; it has a meaningful and challenging work for provision and has opportunities for advancement and development (Allouzi, Suifan & Alnuaimi, 2018). The learning is appreciative as it is operationalized for learning and working climate. The employee retention is positively influenced.
  3. Job Flexibility: Flexibility in the job is vital as it could retain the employees with any age. The employment flexibility could be describing for scheduling variations to accommodate the working times of an individual, having workloads, locations and responsibilities along with the responsibilities of the families (Jenab et al., 2019). The individuals get empowers through flexibility for all ages of employees were the employees have flexibility options in job that could report to have higher levels of individual commitment, satisfaction, concentration, loyalty, mental capacity and productivity with any age (Sareen, 2018).
  4. Cost Effectiveness: For the flexibility of the job there are options needed to promote retention of the employee and cost-effectively fulfill the needs (Einarsen et al. 2018). The cost-effective “flexibility is critical for the employees having retention in spite of there is age disparity, level for skill/knowledge, position and employment duration.
  5. Training: For the employees training is the key factor for retention of any age. The job training needs statistical evidence which is critical for the development for the personal and professional need (Pandita & Ray, 2018). The employees are available to train and develop the programs that could facilitate the organizational growth.

The aspects of benefits for the retention of the employee make people stay with the organization (Dechawatanapaisal, 2018). It is identified that the employees have a satisfactory job and the pay, which benefits them to work productively.  With employee retention, certain benefits have been provided to the organization.

  • The organization get to know about the values, skills and the talent that their employees have.
  • The organization judged the performance, attitude, cultural fit of the existing employees’.
  • The expectations and aspirations are clear about the employees that are existing in the environment.
  • The environment and climate of the companies have been adjusted with the employees.
  • The training and recruitment cost are not incurable.
  • The family members of the employees could get adjust with the environment of the company.
  • It provides a welfare programs for the family.

There are many more advantages provided with employees’ retention. In some organization, the recruitment fees are expensive and it require some time to find and interview some new staff (Veenstra et al. 2018). For instance, it may take longer hours to conduct multi-stage interviews and recruiting an agency. The costs get mount up and provide training for the startup and expense. The fees and processes are spent on recruitment where the investment could be done for the brand, employees and the organization.  The longer the employee have experience in an organization the approach would be better. The customers and clients have brand with better position in order to promote the brand (Roy, 2018). The work could be delivered with high quality having ease across the company. The employees would develop a positive working relationship which could be easier to get motivate. If the employee is satisfied it will go above or beyond the organization, resolve the conflicts, share expertise, suggest some improvement, help co-workers and boost morale. Another best way to motivate and keep the employees happy is to make an effort in recognizing the employees’ achievements and reward. The rewards and recognition programs could be easily manage and set up for online platforms. The employees’ attrition could be reducing by generating good employees’ rewards and recognition program. There are schemes that are easy to manage, use and implement in order to improve the employees’ retention (Antony, 2018). The goals of the organization and the needs of the employees could be quickly set up. There is simple way to reward and recognize the achievements and hard work of the employee. The loyalty could be enhancing and performance could be improving with the brand. The managers could easily track the rewards and achievements of the employees with real-time reporting programs. Thus, a satisfied employee always like to go and beyond to support the organization when they are being provided with lot of benefits with job satisfaction.

Research aim, questions and objectives

Greater Empowerment: Those employees that have greater empowerment have higher job satisfaction because the boss could value and trust them. In certain situation, the employee feels great about the accomplishment. Confidence are built in the employee, which help mold the talent of the junior into senior management (Allouzi, Suifan & Alnuaimi, 2018). The employees that are empowered could know that the managers respect their new ideas, which could make things better. When an employee is empowered to make decisions and the things could be done for having reasonable judgment. Employee get more accountable by knowing the boss has the confidence about their employees’ ability to perform better, which means the job is done.

Challenge: The Challenges most of the employees’ face are about the diversity and inclusion, sexual harassment, technological efficiencies and more. The sexual harassment and misconduct could rock by accusations and stemming lawsuits for entertainment and media industries (Aguenza & Som, 2018). In most of the likelihood, female employees could probably on guard it as the issue in on the top-of-mind. In the workplace, the issue of diversity and inclusion are of wide-range and Peer pressure is not the reason to address the developing policies for age, ethnicity, race, religion, and sexual orientation along with disabilities people however, it could be caught unaware with increasingly diverse society.

Fascinating Work Environment: Every employee work for an organization were they are being respected and could feel could about contributions. The experience that the employees get in such an environment where they can feel energize and with best work done to free themselves (Pandita & Ray, 2018). For a great fascinating work environment, the employees should be provided with right tools needed. The workplace should be such that employees get excited to come to work.

The discussion above has made it evident that employee retention is one of the crucial aspects that supports the competitive leadership and sustainability of the firm. The factors to retain employee along with the benefits of the employee retention has also been identified. Another discussion that had been done in the sections above is the need for employee satisfaction. So, from the discussion above it can be stated that employee satisfaction is one of the crucial factor to ensure that the employee stays associated with the firm and are available for leveraging by the firm (Platis & Zoulas, 2017). Furthermore, employee retention is one of the most assessed topic in the literary works and certain strategies has been proposed by different scholars for retaining employees so that voluntary turnover or employee turnover intention can be limited to benefit the organization (Aguenza & Som, 2018).

The importance of employee satisfaction has been determined from the review of the literary work in the section above. One of the key identification for the employee satisfaction is recognition and monetary motivation (Ma, Mayfield & Mayfield, 2018). However, hospitality industry prohibits themselves from accounting compensation and work appreciation. Paying attention to the above-discussed factor is one of the primary strategy to mitigate employee turnover intention and increasing chances of employee retention (Platis & Zoulas, 2017). The compensation can be categorized in two primary categories that includes direct compensation, which accounts for pay incentives and remuneration; while the second is indirect compensation, which includes unemployment insurance, health and accommodation.  Meeting the discussed monetary motivations increases employee satisfaction.

Literature Review

Technology has inducted itself in nearly every industry and hospitality is one of the affected ones. So, it becomes crucial that the employee are being trained so that the technology can be leveraged. Furthermore, the need for training employee is not limited to the technological advancement but further extends (Lee et al., 2017). Hospitality industry is one of the industry where every employee is a front-end employee and had to directly interact with the customers. Therefore, with proper training and development they can offer enhanced productivity. The training can be related to both verbal and non-verbal interaction. As part of the verbal interaction, the employee can be educated withy new languages based on the customer base or new words and accents that supports interaction with customers (Fletcher, Alfes & Robinson, 2018). Non-verbal interactions may include dressing, body language and similar other attributes. The discussed training and development leads to improved self-esteem, reduced business cost, improved teamwork, better service, greater consistency and others. All the above-discussed benefits adds to employee job satisfaction and in the process mitigates the threat of employee turnover intention.

Ambience and nature of work is one of the primary factors that determines the level of job satisfaction for the employee. It is evident from different scholarly works that there is a direct correlation between ambience and nature of work and the satisfaction of employee. The work in the hospitality is one of the most effort consuming because of no accurate timetable. In certain cases, the employee had to attend the customers even after the completion of their work hour, which is undesirable. According to Gilani and Cunningham (2017), because of this uncertainty in the nature of work many skilled professional are moving towards professional jobs. Work-life balance has been considered as a primary factor for happiness and the hospitality jobs lack in it. Furthermore, the hospitality employees may even face abuse from the customers in some cases, which also leads to their dissatisfaction. Excessive pressure, poor management, working hours and other factors are adding to their dissatisfaction. According to Lee et al., (2017), nice ambience is one of the primary needs for mitigating the threat of employee turnover intention.

Hence, to summarize the discussion of literary work over the strategies to mitigate the threat of employee turnover intention, it would be justified to state that it could be done by improving the level of employee satisfaction. The level of employee satisfaction can be improved by paying attention to certain factors and those factors include felicitation of the employee based on their performance, improving their skills through training and development programs and by providing a positive work place environment.

Hence, to summarize the review of the literary work, it would be justified to state that employee satisfaction and employee turnover retention are adversely related. The higher the employee satisfaction level is the lower the employee turnover intention will be and for lower employee satisfaction rate, the employee turnover intention will be higher. The review has detailed the employee turnover intention and its impact, which is adverse on the firm as they face financial and structural loss. The factors such as the skill recognition, cost-effectiveness, training and others are crucial factors that ensures the retention of the employees. The detection of the factors for the employee retention also derived the need for identification of the benefits of the employee retention and the identification revealed that the benefits offered by employee retention were extensive and the most prominent benefit was the financial benefit. The financial benefit here refers to the cost saved from repeated training, recruitment cost and others. Finally, the strategies for improving the employee retention and in the process mitigation of the employee turnover intention were also discussed which revealed that the firms should offer proper felicitation to its employee in terms of finance or recognition, should train employees and provide a suitable work experience.

Factors to Retain Talent

According to Mackey and Gass (2015), qualitative research design is used to connect comprehension along with findings of research solutions for the targeted questions. This particular strategy is used for various discernments of the clients as well as employee practices, quality along with measurements. The qualitative methodology procedure is used to gather information and data which later the hotels can use pertinent discoveries as well as proposal to increase execution, enhance the employee turnover rate plus increase into competitive advantage into the Sydney market. The qualitative research design is used for this study to collect along with analyze data where the hotel can use of proper findings to improve its business performance and improve the employee retention ration, competitive advantages (Brinkmann, 2014).

The selected research topic is based on employee turnover retention and therefore books as well as academic articles are relevant to the topic, and however the researcher had reviewed the articles. The selected data collection method was primary data collection method using interview method. The information was analyzed as well as compared with the gathered data by use of the method such as one-to-one interview (Flick, 2015). At first, the researcher used of scholastic journal articles about the theme to assess selected research topic. One-to-one interview method is a meeting procedure where the questioners were made set of the questions to interview on the employee turnover and hotel strategies to retain them. The interview is consisted of 8 open ended questions related to selected research topic.

The selected sampling method for this research study is purposive or judgmental sampling (Ledford & Gast, 2018). It is used to analyze the human asset challenges in the hospitality industry that is retention of the talented employees. With use of this sampling procedure for examining, the expert can able to settle judgmental or choice to compromise in the example. The face-to-face interview was conducted with the general manager which was consisted of 8 open ended questions. The entire process was taken of 45 minutes to provide answer to the questions.  

In this particular study, the selected data analysis technique is qualitative. Translation of the reordered meetings was done to make it simple for the investigation of research information (Silverman, 2016). The selected research topic is critical ideas which were created from meeting transcript with related examples based on employee turnover. Thematic analysis technique was to be done is the qualitative method where collective themes were created with level of the parallel response and meaning to the data transcript.

Following are ethical considerations which are done for this study such as:

  1. There is proper maintenance of the information privacy which is gathered from the interviewee. The information should not be shared with other without the permission of authorized person. The researcher should avoid of misleading of the information.
  2. The gathered data from the interview method will be utilized for the academic purpose only. It should not be used for any commercial purpose.
  3. The researcher should avoid of biasness as well as misleading of the information. Discrimination along with offensive words is to be avoided in this research study.

The finding of this qualitative research is one-to-one interview with the general manager to analyze employee turnover, hotel strategies to retain the talents and attitude of the employee. Based on the selected research objective, the open ended questions are to be answered. The satisfaction level of the employee is required to retain their job. As per the respondents, job satisfaction is mostly required to achieve higher employee turnover rate. The job satisfaction affects level of the commitment of organization that is resulted in higher turnover retention.

Benefits of Employee Retention

The hotel strategies are to be implemented to retain them for Intercontinental Sydney. The hotel organization are motivated their employees by providing them rewards in order to enhance the employee turnover rate. The organization is implemented of reward system based on their performance in their work. The organization also provided loyalty bonus to their employees those are working in the organization for long period of time.

The low employee engagement as well as loyalty is lead to higher turnover rates. When the individuals are viewed of positive levels of the organizational collaboration, then they are motivated to show high level of efforts. Higher perceived level can generate high level of engagement of employee along with better organizational fit.  There is an increase level of engagement, and then the employees are become more satisfied as well as committed. The result is that the employees are feeling empowered along with engaged that can lead to better organizational performance as well as high level of job satisfaction.

As per most of the respondents, training is conducted to train the employees and empower their skills as well as knowledge to perform organizational work. The training s provided to the employees so that they can understand about their hotel services and employee satisfaction as top most priority. The employees are provided training related to attitude training, orientation, and philosophy training. The interviewee said that if they are not provided with proper training, then they should leave the organization.

From the research findings, it is discussed that the employee satisfaction is one of the main factors behind the employee turnover retention.  In order to meet with employee satisfaction level, improvement of motivation level of the employees is required. The hotel industry provides 24 hours services to their customers; therefore they have to keep patience to meet with customer’s demand. The employee rotation policy enhances internet of the employee. When the employees are involved in their work, then it increases their level of satisfaction as well as reduces the turnover intention. The hotel industry is provided rewards to their employees for hard work and their dedication towards the job. It is discussed that rewards can increase satisfaction level of employee plus commitment towards hotel services.  Due to lack of communication, improper feedback as well as lack of development, there is low employee turnover retention. Therefore, those are improved to increase the rate of turnover of the employees in the hotel industry 

Following are the recommendations which are provided to the hotel industry such as:

Recruitment: It is recommended that the hotel organization should implement of recruitment and selection process as the turnover process is started with the recruitment. The hotel should recruit of best employees for providing services to the employees those are expertise in field of hotel management.

Training: The hotel should provide training to the employees based on managerial perspective for development of future leaders. Training opportunities are provided to internal staffs for getting promotion rather than recruitment from the hotel market.

Employee satisfaction: The hotel industry should provide first priority to the employee satisfaction by motivating them to work and rewarding them based on their hard work. The organization should understand causes of the employee turnover, and develop of hotel strategies to reduce the rate of turnover.

Scope of the report

It is concluded that employee turnover is important factor in the hotel organization bottom line. Replacement of the employee can affect the productivity of the business along with its entire business performance. When the researcher measures the employee turnover retention, then it helps to determine how much staffs are leaving the organization. It is summarized that the turnover creates of monetary stress to the organization which provides huge effect on the reputation of the hotel organization. The hotels are concerned that it is critical to retain skilled employees and satisfy with their own needs. Employee retention strategies and hotel strategies are implemented to retain the skilled and knowledgeable human resources.  

As per this research study, the main aim of this particular study is analyze the aspects which help the hotels to keep talented employees for the longer period for time and its significance. One of the main elements to hold of talented employees in the hotel services is providing higher level of employee satisfaction. The literature study and interview helps to analyze the factors of employee retention.

The limitation of this research study is that there is limited time to research based on selected research topic. The data are to be collected from only one interview such as the general manager of the hotel. If there is enough time for the research, then more management person’s interview should be done so that the research outcome should be accurate and proper. 


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