Research Methods In Management


Research Methodology is considered an important part of the whole research that gives proper information regarding the collection of the data. This section includes the methods, processes, and techniques in order to complete the research in an effective manner.

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Data collection is an effective method to collect data regarding the proposed topic. this data facilitates in accomplishing the research with facts and develop a valid conclusion. The data is collected in this research by considering the primary as well as secondary research method. In the context of the primary research method, it is the data which give fresh information regarding the topic. It refers to experience, eyewitness and statistical data. Along with that, it can be documents, statistical data and eyewitness. Primary data is the approach that can be gathered through survey, questionnaires, case studies and observation (Palinkas, Horwitz, Green, Wisdom, Duan & Hoagwood, 2015). To accomplish this research, the researchers have focused on making questionnaires through which questions are made on the customer satisfaction towards online shopping. Both approaches are considered under this research as the combination of the method so that the research can be completed by taking consideration of an effective method.

On the other hand, a secondary source gives the data which is already taken in use by various researchers in their research. The use of secondary sources in the research includes previous research papers, official statistics and information taken by the internet and other articles (Sullivan-Bolyai, Bova & Singh, 2014). There is a huge benefit of using secondary data in the research as it is time-saving and cost effective approach. There are many authors who developed their research on the topic of customer satisfaction towards online shopping.

The instrument taken into consideration under the research for gathering the primary data is questionnaire in which the set of questions on customer satisfaction towards online shopping has been developed. The responses of the customers will be analyzed as per their response which will be helpful in drawing an effective conclusion. This method is used under this research in order to decrease vagueness and offers a comprehensive understanding of the data (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). There were 29 customers who have significant knowledge regarding online shopping. There are 10 questions made in the context of demographic and objective based question so that the researcher gets depth information regarding the proposed topic.

It is vital for the researcher to analyze the collected information for the purpose of developing valid as well as reliable results regarding the research issue. There are various methods which can be taken into consideration to analyze the data that is statistical analysis, thematic method, and disclosure analysis. For this research, the research has used the statistical method in which the data listing is used. The patterns and values of the data are investigated and after that, it has been tabulated. The data of quantitative is reflected in the graphs form to develop them more apparent and simple to understand by the users (Bell, Bryman & Harley, 2018). Along with that to make a better understanding of the graph, the researcher will explain the information about the generated graph in a brief way. With the help of the statistical data, the researcher would be able to represent the expressive statistics of the data entailing cross tabulation and graphs. For this MS-Excel are taken into consideration in order to preset the data in tables.  

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Data collection method

Sampling is the method that considered as the process in which the specific sets of units are taken into consideration from the sum population to make an observation. It has been shown by the sample that the entire behavior of the population, therefore, it can be focused that the sample shows the entire set of population. Sampling has different methods that facilitate in providing an effective conclusion (Palinkas, Horwitz, Green, Wisdom, Duan & Hoagwood, 2015). These methods entail non-probability sampling, stratified sampling, and random sampling method. The researcher has used a random sampling method to accomplish the research in which the customers of online shopping has been chosen for developing the survey randomly from the entire population of the customers. This method has been taken into consideration for this research in order to give equal chance to each individual to being chosen. The size of the sample for this survey is 29 where 29 customers are being chosen to answer the selected questions. The viewpoints of the customers were required to be considered for the purpose of completing the survey for which permissions are taken on the prior basis from the customers and the survey is conducted through monkey survey.

Ethics are referred as the values which help in determining about right or wrong while researching on a certain topic. This study has taken the importance of the ethical consideration in which at every step is helped in taking care of how well the research has been developed. The whole research has maintained the integrity of the research (Wilson, 2016). The confidentially of the participants has been preference so that personal information of the participants could not be revealed. This represents genuine and trustworthy research. Along with that, the prior information has been taken by the researcher from the participants so that the research can be conducted as per their suitable time.

The survey through questionnaire is obtained from different customers who prefer online shopping which has various gender and experience regarding online shopping. The analysis and results are mentioned below of the questionnaire.

Table 1:

From the above table, it has been found that majority goes to age between 25 and 34 in which 12 candidates are connected that group. It shows that mixture of genders has been included in the survey through questionnaire.

Table 2:

The above-mentioned table shows that majority of the gender of the survey was male as 15 customers are belonged from making gender.

Table 3:

The question is generated on the nationality in which the majority goes for India that exemplified that the range of maximum customers of online is linked from India. 20 out of 29 are from India that shows the importance of online shopping in India.

Table 4:

The above-mentioned table shows the employability status of the customers in which it has been found from respondents that they are doing part-time job. On the other hand, 12 customers have the employment status of networking.

Table 5:

Instrument design

From the above chart, it is stated that most of the participants agreed to shop online that represents the high interest of the customers towards shopping online. Online shopping helps customers to evaluate the things by making a comparison of desired products with different sites in which they can choose an effective product at affordable rates with other facilities related to post purchasing.

It has been analyzed through Bilgihan, (2016), that there are many people all over the world that prefer online shopping. Online shopping provides more comfort to customers as they do not require going outside for purchasing things. There are so many sires available of different products at different rates by which the customer is suitable to make compare things and get affordable prices of desired products.

Table 6:

With the help of an above-mentioned table, it has been found that most of the customer prefer to buy clothes and footwear through online shopping in which 19 respondents go with this option. It highlights that 65.52% customers that have fond of clothing and footwear which can be helpful for the research to give a recommendation to other manufacturers to apply the same thing in the context of increasing the range of the customers through online shopping.

It has been analyzed that there are so many options available for the customer to do online shopping in which more than customers prefer clothing and footwear option to do online shopping. According to Hasan, (2016), online shopping gives huge advantages to the customer to get more option and variety in a one go without going anywhere. Clothing and footwear are considered under fashionable products which are referred by every age group to make their status updated or complete basic needs.

Table 7:

The question has been raised in the context of the satisfaction level and dissatisfaction level of the customers through online shopping in which the above mentioned graph shows the majority of  19 customers who are satisfied from online shopping because they get good products as per their desire. On the other hand, 4 customers are neutral 4 customers are somewhat satisfied from the online services. It has been found that 2 customers are highly satisfied from the online services.

With the help of Zhuang & Babin, (2015), it has been analyzed that online shopping provides a satisfaction level to the customer through their services. When customer gets what they want from online shopping, it helps them to increase their trust in online shopping. Online shopping is based on trust and it is the responsibility of the online shops to make them as long as they can by providing a high quality of products to the customers.

Table 8:

From the above chart, it is stated that most of the participants are neutral towards after sale services of shop online. In contrast to this, 9 customers are satisfied with the services of the online shoppers as they get effective services of their bough products through online shopping.

It has been analyzed that most of the online sites such as flip kart, Amazon, eBay and many more sited give proper services to the customers after sales (Einav, Knoepfle, Levin & Sundaresan, 2014). There are option available on the online sites on which customer can complain regarding the defected piece if any get, along with that the expiry date of the products, broken piece during shipping and many more other issues are entertained by these companies in order to make customer satisfied from their services (Ramanathan, Subramanian & Parrott, 2017).

Data analysis

Table 9:

From the above table, it is determined that most of the participants did shop online 5-10 times a year. On the other hand, 6 customers do 1-5 times a year and other 6 do 10-15 times in a year. Rest 7 customers do shop online more than 15 times. It represents that online shopping has significant value in the life of the customers.

Wu, Chen, Chen & Cheng, (2014), stated that online shopping provides customer satisfaction as the customer chooses products as per their convenient by getting a number of options that increase the number of online shopping through customers (Mallapragada, Chandukala & Liu, 2016).

Table 10:

Above graph exhibited that 100% of respondents believed to this statement. It shows the satisfaction level of the employees towards online shopping as they get their products as per mentioned time.

These findings were supported by the view of Khanna & Sampat, (2015), as it is evaluated that trust is the major factor for online shops to sell their products to the desired target market. It is vital for the sites to deliver the products as per the estimated time so that the customers can get on time what they want.


It has been concluded from the above discussion that the online shopping is entirely based on the trust and it is vital for the online sites to keep the focus on the trust while selling the product to the customers. It is the research which is based on the customer satisfaction towards online shopping for which researcher has developed a survey through a questionnaire. With the help of the questionnaire, the researcher has been able to evaluate the response of the different customers and their point of view towards online shopping.  In the context of the plausible implication, it has been found that the company should focus on more customers or employees in further research because in this research the sampling has been chosen of 29 candidates who are quite less. Along with that, the research should imply that there should be the use of SPSS tool so that the collected information can be evaluated with a more efficient way. With respect to case specific suggestion, there should be focused on the time frame as this research has less timing to accomplish the research. On the other hand, another suggestion is related to the cost as the researcher was unable to access the data due to less budget of the research.


Bell, E., Bryman, A., & Harley, B. (2018). Business research methods. Oxford university press.

Bilgihan, A. (2016). Gen Y customer loyalty in online shopping: An integrated model of trust, user experience and branding. Computers in Human Behavior, 61, 103-113.

Einav, L., Knoepfle, D., Levin, J., & Sundaresan, N. (2014). Consumer behavior in online shopping is affected by sales tax. LSE American Politics and Policy.

Hasan, B. (2016). Perceived irritation in online shopping: The impact of website design characteristics. Computers in Human Behavior, 54, 224-230.

Khanna, P., & Sampat, B. (2015). Factors influencing online shopping during Diwali festival 2014: Case study of Flipkart and Amazon. in. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 24(2), 5.

Mallapragada, G., Chandukala, S. R., & Liu, Q. (2016). Exploring the effects of “What”(product) and “Where”(website) characteristics on online shopping behavior. Journal of Marketing, 80(2), 21-38.

Palinkas, L. A., Horwitz, S. M., Green, C. A., Wisdom, J. P., Duan, N., & Hoagwood, K. (2015). Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42(5), 533-544.

Palinkas, L. A., Horwitz, S. M., Green, C. A., Wisdom, J. P., Duan, N., & Hoagwood, K. (2015). Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42(5), 533-544.

Ramanathan, U., Subramanian, N., & Parrott, G. (2017). Role of social media in retail network operations and marketing to enhance customer satisfaction. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 37(1), 105-123.

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Wu, L. Y., Chen, K. Y., Chen, P. Y., & Cheng, S. L. (2014). Perceived value, transaction cost, and repurchase-intention in online shopping: A relational exchange perspective. Journal of Business Research, 67(1), 2768-2776.

Zhuang, W., & Babin, B. J. (2015). The Influence of E-Service-Quality on Customer Value Perception and Satisfaction: The Case of Third-Party Web Sites. In Marketing Dynamism & Sustainability: Things Change, Things Stay the Same… (pp. 114-117). Springer, Cham.

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