The Bonding Between Authentic Leadership, LMX And Employee’s Psychological Capital
Literature Review
This assignment helps to develop the cultural competence learning result and graduate attribute by developing the knowledge and awareness regarding how effective Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), authentic leadership and management support communicate on employee results. The literature review section includes the bonding between authentic leadership, LMX and employee’s Psychological Capital by taking consideration of many journal articles, books and online resources.
It has been found that this kind of process is made probably through the leaders who use their leadership skills as well as knowledge. Along with that, it shall be noticed that each leader of the organization is in practice of becoming the authentic leader in order to be more capable of attracting the positive psychological capital. After involving into authentic leadership they amplify the trust to overcome in the company where the trust of the employees over the organization is increased. Along with that, it facilitates to provide their appropriate contributions that can be effective in the attainment of the objectives of the company. Tepper, (2007) elaborated that a leader can become the leader if they have the readiness to become an effective leader. A leader with optimistic psychology capital can enhance slowly by a non-ending process that includes self-study, training and education.
According to Wang, Sui, Luthans, Wang, and Wu, (2014), authentic leadership develops the core of positive organizational behaviour which is hard to amplifying the PsyCap (Psychological Capital) and developing the climate related to the psychological. It is related to the prototype of leader behaviour that brings upon and develops optimistic capacities of psychological and a positive climate of working. Authentic leadership has the ability to foster the self-awareness and balance the process of information and connect simplicity on the level of the leaders working with followers and encouraging self-development for both subordinates as well as leaders. Authentic leaders can enhance the productivity of the employees and support team members to work in coordination.
It has been found that the authentic leadership has the great style of leader that encourages many employees to perform in well efficient manner. It enhances the trust of the employee which in turn affects their citizenship behaviour (Walumbwa, Luthans, Avey, and Oke, 2011). There is another factor of PsyCap (Psychological Capital) that shows the connection with transformational and authenticity leadership. These factors evidence the positive bonding between authenticity and transformational leadership. It has been found that gathered evidence shows PsyCap of employees which are considered to their attitudes and beliefs in the strength and direction usually referred as desirable the aims for efficient human resource performance in today’s organization challenges.
It has been found that the feature of Leader-Member Exchange reflects the authentic and interactive bonding that improves the relationship between leaders and followers. This bonding can nourish the social exchanges in a positive manner through virtue of developing credibility and winning the trust of followers. It can be seemed by the relationships that result in successful follower performance. It has been found that authentic leadership can be able to attract the improvement and maintenance of exchange bonding with followers. The aspects of balanced processing, self-awareness and internalized moral perspectives demonstrate the trustworthiness of authentic leadership. It has been found that this exchange bonding shows to consequences in efficient follower performance (Avolio, Walumbwa and Weber, 2009). The role of the authentic leadership can impact the development and the improvement of exchange relationships with followers. It has been analyzed that the imperative bonding between LMX and performance is due, in aspect, to the tangible as well as intangible advantages that followers can attain the high level of quality of LMX. This kind of advantages entail the behaviour of the leader that provide followers job feedback information in order to defend them against unconstructive influence and activating job relevant resources for them. It has been analyzed that there are various advantages related to LMX to followers in order to valuable social connections that prevent them from unfairness and encourage them to tackle challenging tasks. Leader member exchange theory shows a departure from same kind of leadership theories. It has been found that there are number of theories that have focused on the features of effective leaders. On contradictory, LMX has focused on the bonding that affect the personally characteristics between leaders and followers. The concept of LMX can be effective within the organization when leader and employee have better understanding regarding maintaining the relationships between them.
Authentic Leadership
Psychological capital of employee entails the various outcomes such as performance, firm financial performance, job satisfaction, organizational citizenships, Deviant behaviour and intention to quit. PsyCap gives the conceptual model that on what way individual resources of psychological allow persons and companies to carry out more efficiently (LeMond, Camacho and Goodlin, 2015). It has been found that the constructs of PsyCap, featured by the four facets of that is resilience, hope, optimism, and self-efficient that develop to the efficient functioning of organizations. The main focus of PsyCap on the strengths sooner than the weaknesses of the individual, with each aspect highlighting an encouragement propensity aims and succeeds (Memili, Welsh and Kaciak, 2014).
There is a great relationship between them as they have been elaborated to be experientially distinct with co-relation ranging from .35- .48, that represents the moderate amount of shared variance but also elaborating the lack of co-linearity. It has been found from the above discussion that the PsyCap represents the meta-analytic affirmative link with evaluations of self-related job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviour and organization commitment and performance. Likely, AL has developed analogs associations not only in the magnitude but also in direction, with results of an organization that exhibit affirmative actions with follower job satisfaction, follower organizational citizenship behaviour and follower organizational commitment and performance (Story, Youssef, Luthans, Barbuto and Bovaird, 2013).
There are different kinds of employees at the organization and in modern societies; employees are often categorized as “White Collar” or “Blue Collar” workers. This categorization includes a huge deal regarding their lives of individuals within these categories. This analysis evaluates the consequences of the personality traits as well as status of their parent on the probability of achieving the occupation of white collar over the baseline category of a blue collar occupation. PsyCap is considered as the multidimensional construct of hope, self-efficacy, resilience, and optimism which is referred in the term of HERO (Yildiz, 2017). It is vital for the organization and their leaders to develop the psychological capital for different kinds of employees with considering HERO.
There are various aspects which need to be considering in examining the value and beliefs of an employee within the organization. Psychological capital can be developed within the business by enhancing the involvement of employees regarding their performance and training. PsyCap has the tendency to show the vital work behaviors and attitudes, along with that, it is considered as the high order construct which put huge impact over the job satisfaction of the employees and their work performance within the business. It has various outcomes of PsyCap such as performance, firm financial performance, job satisfaction, creativity and innovations, absenteeism and stress relaxation. This outcome can enhance the productivity of the employees which would facilitate in increasing the revenues of the company. It has been found that sustainable competitive advantages in highly competitive environments need context-specific, renewable which is hard to imitate resources. Luthans, Norman, Avolio, and Avey, (2008), proposed that this kind of benefits can be completed by developing, investing and handling psychological capital. There are two ways by which PsyCap can be developed in order to handle different kinds of employees. These two ways are psychological capital training interventions and authentic leadership development. PsyCap is improved by brief and majorly focused on micro-interventions, which is relied on the exercises and group discussions framed in order to influence the impact of participation’ level of hope, optimism, resilience and efficacy (Olaniyan and Hystad, 2016). On the other hand, authentic leadership development impacts the performance of the employees and it helps to enhance the relationship between employees and employer. The great bonding between employees and manager can create the good environment within the organization which influences everyone to put efforts in bringing incredible output.
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)
Emotions are untainted human psychosomatic observable fact. An employee is significantly pretentious by their behaviors in the place of work (Hasson, 2014). The performance, decision-making approach, team spirit, turnover and leadership of the employee can be affected due to emotions. The feelings of employee can influence the entire productivity of the business and emotions directly impact the interpersonal relations (Avey, Luthans and Jensen, 2009). Emotions have the potential to impact the decision making, creativity and interpersonal relationships with employee. The performance of the employee is entire dependent on the emotions because happy and satisfied mood of the employee can help them to work more with an effective manner. it has been found that the emotions in the workplace has been referred as a vital in the term of employees’ well being and job satisfaction only. Anger is the emotion that leads to aggression towards colleagues at the time of sadness which leads to dissatisfaction with the job. An emotion such as anger is not the prolonged similar as mood, rather emotion keeps a concise episode of harmonized amendments in body as well as in mind which influence the performance of the employee.
Source: (Pervez, 2010).
Emotions have a significant impact on the task on which an employee is performing, the efforts they put and how they impact other employees around them. There are some points are below mentioned which express an effective impact over the performance of the employees. In the context of effect on absenteeism, it has been found that the positive mood of employees is liable to reduce the absenteeism of the employees (Pervez, 2010). Along with that, it has been found that a positive mood is linked with the decision making process as well. The fresh and satisfied mood of leaders and employees help them to take and effective decisions in the context of growing the business (Avey, Patera, and West, 2006). Mind with no objection can create or develop more ideas in order to increase the range of creating products which facilitate the company to be different from other companies. Helping behaviors increase in the employees due to have positive attitude towards working.
It can be concluded from the above discussion that positive leadership can amplify the productivity of the employees as they can share their point of view regarding the process to the leaders. This paper has entailed effective information regarding the relationship between leadership, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and employees’ Psychological Capital (PsyCap). It has been found that PsyCap has a significant impact over the employees as it includes four aspects of HERO that refer hope, self-efficacy, resilience, and optimism. Psychological capital can be developed within the business by enhancing the involvement of employees regarding their performance and training. Along with that it has been found that attaining sustainable competitive advantages in highly competitive environments need having context-specific, renewable and hard to imitate resources. Emotions have significant value within the organization that is why it is vital for the leaders to keep consider the emotions of the employees because a positive attitude towards working can enhance the productivity of the employees.
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