Influence Of Implementing Business Excellence Models On Employee Motivation

Literature Review

Every organization wish and aim is to provide best quality products and make its working environment, efficient through quality operation in all parts of the organization. This aim brings us in discussing on how the business model ISOO 900 and EFQM model helps in motivating employees to foster them to provide quality leadership and be able to provide the same quality values to the customers hence leading to the success of the company. (Gómez-Gómez 2014) Due to this concern I visited two  companies one  in the United Emirates, Aabar Investment PJS company and the other company was a GC American companyy which is located in America which was established in 1992. (Escrig 2015) The organization deals with the manufacturer of  dental products and wholesaler. Aabar Investment PJS organization is located in the United Emirates, and it was established in 2002, its purpose was to flourish the development of the emirates by providing various activities such the development of global industrial champions in sectors such as aerospace, ICT, semiconductors, metals & mining, renewable energy and utilities, and the management of diverse financial holdings. It is also involved in real site development. The aim of both companies  is to have lasting economic value. Their goals are to maintain and create partners for investing and expanding the organization; this aim has led to the existence of the organization until now. Every organization aim is to maintain economic value, which is difficult if its management is not of standard quality that is required, quality management is provided by the employees, and for the employees to provide quality management there is a need of driving force that motivates them to maintain the quality management , that’s why the business models are used in organization as a tool to motivate the employees to maintain the quality management, in our study we will look on the two models that are to be implemented in the company in order to maintain the leadership that is of standard and how the model will help in increasing the company economic value, because the company is not only a national company but an international company that aims to create partnerships with other organization that will lead to expansion of the organization. In order to achieve its goals, there is a need of implementing the model and evaluating the model if there suit for the organization. (Toma 2018) 

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Due to quality research, light has been found in determining and coming up with excellent business models that promote quality management by supporting and motivating the employees to maintain standard management. (Quendangan 2018) The paper aims at reviewing the evolution of the business excellence model. In the last two decades, the model used in business approach was mostly for recording and self-assessment of the quality of management that lead to the success of the organization. (Vijay 2015) Hence every organization tends to satisfy their customers and as well gain a profit, which he’s determined by the market management. This led to concern about how to improve the quality of management in order to achieve excellent market management. This also led to a search of the models and ways to attain excellent economic performance. Most of the organizations used different methods in determining standards which were to be adopted by their suppliers hence there was a need of coming up with a single model that was to be used internationally to maintain and measure standards. (Sallis 2014) This gives rise to ISO and EFQM though the EFQM model was introduced to increase the competitiveness of the European economy. EFQM established in 1988 in the 14 organizations in Europe and later spread to the world. It was used to assess the application of European quality award while ISO was founded in 1947 bin Switzerland and its aim was to provide international standards. (Tickle, 2016) ISO leads to the formation of ISOO 900 which is related to the quality management system and also helping the organization to meet the desires of the customers and also another organization shareholders. These two models have evolved and become popular in the organization due to their excellent result in quality management and also making sure that customer satisfaction has been met and other organizational stakeholders. (Martín-Gaitero 2014) 


I visited both GC American company and  Aabar investment company, Aabar investment company deal with the development of global industrial champions in sectors such as aerospace, ICT, semiconductors, metals & mining, renewable energy and utilities, and the management of diverse financial holdings. (Christensen, 2018) It also deals with the real site development. I was able to walk around the company departments learn how it operates and know its top managers. The company is led by a board of directors who controls on how the organization works apart from the board of directors there also investment committee, they are grouped into different investment, according to the line of investment, apart from the investment committee, they have a corporate structure that divides the roles of the company. The GC American Company is a company that deals with manufacturers and wholesaler of dental material that the company does trade with. On my survey, I focused on the following method to gather information. (Jankalová 2018)


I employed an observation method during my walk into the companies, I was able to determine how the organization operates to maintain its huge task, on my observation  there were some sectors which were perfect in productivity and also in their operation, this was due to  supervision and motivation of the employees. In areas where there were less motivation and lack of quality management processes, offered poor services and slowed down the operation. On the sector of customer services of both companies, there was tenderness of slowing operations, especially in the handling of the customer’s products, after a customer makes an order there was a lot of delay, especially for the workers who were working in the warehouse. In one of their ports the company also sorted online customers; by observing the views of the customers I noticed that after the customer have requested a product it took long for them to get feedback and also delivery OF THE PRODUCT.

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I Employed This Method In Determining The Strengths and shortcoming of the adopted excellence business model. How the model works and what changes are required in order to achieve excellence quality management fully. I had to interview a sample of employees so as to obtain raw data concerning the two companies.

In my interview, I majored on the top manager and the departmental managers (investment committee)

The first one to be interviewed was Musaabe Al Kaabi, a chief executive manager who deals with petroleum and petrochemical the following were the question presented to the executive manager. The interview took place in his office as he was comfortable in the interview to take place there

The sample of the interview

ME; hello Mr. Musabe, What’s your role in the company?

Manager; my role in the company is to manage the production of petroleum and petrochemical

Me; is your role at the company leading to achievement of the company objective?

Manager; yes, I work tirelessly for this company

Me; how is the company management system on your job line?

Manager; the management system is quite well because we use a business model

Me; which type of business excellence model does the organization use?

Manager; we use Baldridge criteria for performance model

Me; How effective is the model?

Manager; the model is effective because it focuses on customer interest and strategic plan

Me: What is the shortcoming of the model?

Manager; the shortcoming of the model is that it does not offer categories such as leadership quality, people result, customer result and key performance result

Me; thanks for the interview sir, is nice talking to you

Manager; welcome m always available for help and if you need any other assistance

The second interview was with the department head managers in supply chain Mr. Abubakar

The interview

Me: Hello Mr. Abubkar, how is your department doing to achieve its objectives

Manager; the supply department is doing well, unless for some technical defaults.

Me; what are the causes of this departmental failure?

Manager; is due to the negligence of duty of some employees.

Me; which business excellence model does the department use to overcome the technical problem?

Manager; we do not use any model, but we are planning to incorporate one

Me; thanks manager for the interview forward to seeing you again.

Manger; you’re welcome anytime

The third interview with the Aabar investment company, I interviewed the sales manager

Me; hello how is the department doing?

Manager; the sales department is working well despite some failure in the field area

Me; is there any improvement that is needed in the managerial area?

Manager; yes, there is a need for a business excellence model.

Me; thanks manager for your time

Manager; welcome analyst

The fourth interview in the same company was interviewing the employee who is in charge of the customers

Me; hello Mr. Mohammed, how is the work taking you?

Employee; the work is good, but so tiresome. Generally, it’s doing fine

Me; is there any complaint from the customers?

Employee; yes, most of the employees complain of poor delivery of products and poor contact.

Me; what your measure to curb this problem?

Employee; we have a system that helps in reducing this problem but it is not working efficient.

Me; do you have alternative software for your solution?

Employee; we don’t have unless a new software is installed in the system.

Me; if a new system is installed will it bring change?

Employee; yes it will.

Me; thanks for your time, I forward to see you again?

Employee; always welcome.

After the first interview, I also visited a GCA American company that is a manufacturer and a wholesaler, a distributor company for dental materials responsible for business operation in the US, and also Canada. Their products are then distributed all over the world. I had to visit various departments to gather information from the departments, and on my interview I majored on the heads of department.

The first department I visited in the sales and marketing department in which I interviewed the manager in charge

Me; hello, how is your department doing?

Manager; my department is doing fine only there are times it picks out well over time it does not

Me; how do you ensure quality management of the department is maintained?

Manager; through supervision and motivation of the employees

Me; is the department working to the satisfaction of the organization?

Manager; it is not working for its satisfaction because there some system that are failing, such as delivery sector.

Me; thanks for your time I forward to see you again.

Manager; always welcomed.

The second person in the organization to interview was the head of operations and manufacturing sector. The sector faced operation problem during production. The software that the department was using was not efficient for the department. I visited the head of department to interview him in order to identify the system the department was using its strength and shortcomings.

Me; hello Mr. Donavan,

Manager; hello

Me; what type of business excellence model do you use?

Manager; we use business performance improvement model

Me; how effective is the model?

Manager; it’s effective because it helps in designing of product and improving manufacturing sector.

Me; does it have short comings.

Manager; yes especially in branding sector

Me; thanks to Mr. Donavan forward to see you again

Manager; welcome

The third person to interview was a quality assurance manager. This department was dealing with inspecting products to make sure that they are of good quality and meets the required standards, for satisfaction of the customer. I visited miss Doreen in her office to ask her some few question about the department.

Me; hello miss Doreen,

Manager; hello analyst

Me; how do you maintain the quality of your product?.

Manager; by using a business performance improvement model, that helps in improving the quality of the products.

Me; the software is it efficient for the department

Manager; it works well in my department unless if there some few improvement to improve management quality.

Me; thanks for your time miss Doreen forward to seeing you again.

By the same company, I decided to walk into the CEO’s office to see if he was present for the interview, after meeting the CEO the following are the question that I administered.

ME; hello Dr. George, how is the company doing, is it working towards achieving its goals?.

CEO; the company is doing well, and in recent years, it has increased its sales, and there is the great hope of expanding the business.

Me; I can see the model you’re using is well effective does it have shortcomings?.

CEO;  the model that we adopted five years ago, is doing well, though it has some of its shortcomings, it’s more concerned with leadership and standard rather than being concerned with the customer and the way to improve marketing management.

Me; thanks for your time Dr it has been a pleasure sharing with you information about the company.

The above answers lead to the need of implementing the other two models which could cater to the shortcomings found in the two companies. Some of the department had installed business excellence software but they were not working to their best.


After data collection, I found that both companies have their own adopted model that they use to maintain their quality management, however, in both cases, I found that in both companies there were  limitations in those models. (Teletov 2016) For the first company, there had a problem of lack of customer result support and also a failure of employee motivation, this lead to complaints from customers due to poor services and poor delivery. (Enny 2015) But the company is forwarding to  maintain the economic value for the bitternesss of the company , hence there is a need of implementing a new model into the organization in order to achieve the business stated objective, for the second company they had limitation in sales and also in the supply chain sector this is whereby there was a problem in employee motivation not performing to their best. Hence, they needed a model that will help them attain their goals as the company. (Gómez 2017) Due to the limitations that are found I both companies I proposed the two models ISOO900 and EFQM models to be an implementation their system

Iso900 Model

I proposed the implementation of ISO900 model which deals with international standard in quality management and quality assurance by helping companies to meet regulatory standards, improve in customer relation and also achieve continual improvement. (Jankalová 2018) By both companies implementing the model, they will be able to achieve excellent management qualification. (Karishma 2018) Hence leading the company to achieve its goals

Efqm Model

This is a model proposed by the European foundation to promote excellence management in organizations, hence its a tool to make organization become competitive, regardless of size, sector or maturity of the organization, this model helps the organizations to achieve the desired result in the management system, as seen in the present two cases of both companies there is the luck of this model. (Popa 2018) By implementing this model into the system will improve the management system to motivate the employees to work smart and help the companies achieve its desired goals. (Kerr 2018).The model is concerned with a plan strategy, leadership, customer support, social support and more of the excellent management support which, if applied in both cases could yield the desired result


In my conclusion, I found out that the companies need to implement models that help in keeping a culture of management excellence in order to achieve the company’s objective, hence due to this I recommended the company to implement the two models incorporation with the existing one for the benefit of the company by installing the two models the management system will be efficient, and excellent quality is assured. (Vijay 2015). This will help the company overcome its shortcomings and excel. The model was also to motivate the employee to maintain quality management practices on their work.


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