Preliminary Design Of A Small Manufacturing Facility For Developing Reinforcing Steel Product
Project Overview
This research paper covers the building of a manufacturing facility for developing reinforcing steel for the Queensland construction market. The preliminary designs of both factory and the manufacturing processes for the reinforcing steel bars and the mesh are also covered in this paper. The manufacturing process is the step of transforming the raw materials into the final product and it has a complete chain which is circular. Starting from the design of a product, the procedure comprises the purchasing of the raw materials, modifying the materials into better and final products. The preliminary study design of the feasibility and the construction cost is made. It is aimed to lattice with the collision of monochromatic optics. This design uses two separated rings vertically, with the interaction part between them and the characteristics of the operating machines are analyzed by the design.
Designing the efficient factory for the reinforcing the steel and mesh is the exercise in the reality-based creative. The factory design process affects the effectiveness of the project stage of the factory design and fitting and also the efficiency production in terms of the systems of production that comprises the space, working environment, utilization, materials flow and the safety. The process of designing a factory, mostly the layout process determines the flow of materials during the process of production. The layouts where the stations are arranged without the structured before the evaluation of the results and planning in longer throughput times, work in the progress, high inventories with the raised production costs (Abkowitz, 2012).
By designing the factory based on the models where the relevant aspects of the layouts, capacity, capability and the environmental concerns can be investigated and secured beforehand, it is will be possible to attain fast installation or the configuration of factory securing fast. In the model-driven scenario for the development, the parts of the model, resources and processes are the carriers of information that is applied and refined throughout the processes of working. The planning process and the layout are the two aspects of the manufacturing procedures because of the fact that the machines are used to realize the operations have the dimensions and interfaces to the media and the equipment of handling materials. The determination of the exact process plan and layout is the negotiation amongst the operational benefits and the physical constraint. Working with the layout of the model, machine tools and the operations in the model-driven procedure help in visualizing the dependencies between the various line aspects and development activities (Adams, 2017).
The major aim of the research project is to develop a schedule and manage the allocation of resources and the cost to the activities involved in the construction and design of the small manufacturing facility (Adoko, 2017).
The objectives of this project include:
- To analyze the associated risks of the project
- To develop the schedule of activities for the design and construction of the reinforced steel and mesh manufacturing facility
- To allocate the resources to the various activities
- To find the plan of cost estimation
- To enable the project to be finished within the provided time and cots
- To increase the project of the accompany(Arch, 2010)
In the designing process layout, the cost of handling the materials need to be minimized, which are a function of the quantity of moving materials multiplied by the distances it is moved. This shows that the department that incurs the maximum movements should be situated closest to every other and the ones that don’t interact frequently should be situated far away. Two methods can be used to plan the process layout; relationship and block diagramming (Billows, 2009).
Project Aim
The design begins with the data on the predicted movements of the materials through the departments in the processed facility. This info is normally given in the chart form which gives the unit loads elated between the subdivisions over a certain duration of time. A unit load can be the solitary unit, a pallet of the materials moved from the place to place. The aim is to allocate every sector to the block on the grid-iron so that the loads are reduced. The layout solution should represent positions of every department. The following stage in the design of the layout (Commission, 2016)
When conniving and describing the strengthening in the concrete structure, the dimension referred to for the wires and bars are based on the normal sizes. The term normal size is used in the place of breadth to refer to the diameter of the circle with the same area to the cross-sectional areas of the wire or the bar. The desired sizes of the great yield strengthening bars are 8, 10, 12, 20, 25 and 40mm.
In the factory for manufacturing the steel and mesh, the cranes are normally used as a machine which is equipped with the wire that can be used to lift the materials and also transfer them horizontally. It is used in this factory to lift weighty things and also transport them from one place to another. The cranes use unpretentious machineries to create the mechanical benefit and hence move the loads past the usual capability of human. The type of the crane being used in the manufacturing industry of the steel is just a small jig crane which is located inside a workshop. The crane master is usually capable of giving the orders to the trade wheels workers outside the crane which allowed the rotation by the small robe attached to the load. For the stability, the additions of the moments about the crane base should be close to zero so that the crane does not overturn and the stress within the base must be less than the stress yield of the materials or the crane can fail (Crowson, 2017).
The reinforcement for the concrete normally comprises the deformed welded steel mesh fabric and the steel bars. The usual strengthening relies wholly on the alkaline condition given by the cover of concrete for the guard against corrosion. In some situations, epoxy covered, galvanized and the stainless steel can be applied (Cunningham & Wood, 2011).
In the UK, the reinforcing bars are normally specified, ordered and delivered to the requirement of BS 4449. This caters for the steel bars with the yield of around five hundred MPa in the three classes of ductility: grads B500C, B500A and B500C. Bars are round in the cross section with many rows of the transverse ribs that are spaced uniformly with or without the longitudinal ribs. The patterns of the transverse ribs vary with the grade and can be applied as the means of identification (Dahlgaard & Khanji, 2012).
All the reinforcing bars are produced by the process of hot rolling where the cast steel billet is reheated to around 1100 to 1200 degrees Celsius and then bowled in a mill to decrease the cross-section and convey the design of the rib. There are 2 processes of getting the needed mechanical characteristics in the hot rolled bars: microalloying and heat treatment. In the other method which is known as the self and quenches temper method, the water of high pressure quench the surface of the bar as it exits the rolling mill generating the steel bars with the strong tempered outer layer and a core that is softer and ductile. In the microalloying method, strength is attained by adding some quantity of elements of alloying during the process of making the steel. The steels of micro alloys attain the class of C ductility. Another procedure that can be applied to generate the high yield bars comprise the process of cold twisting to form the steel bars identified by the spiralling the longitudinal ribs (Davies, 2014).
Project Objectives
In addition to the bars being made in the cut straight lengths, billets are rolled into the coil for the circumference of 16mm. In this form, the product is very ideal for the automated procedures like the link bending, cold deformation and microalloying applied for the coils of high yield. Cold deformation is used by the continuous stretching that is less unfavourable to the ductility than the process of cold twisting mentioned above. The products of coils have to be de-coiled before the application and the automatic links bending machines incorporate the rolls of strengthening. Larger machines for de-coiling are also applied to generate the straight length (Dewhurst, 2013).
Fabric reinforcement: The steel fabric reinforcement is the arrangement of the longitudinal bars and the cross welded bars together at their point of intersection in a shear-resistant manner. The fabric is generated under the controlled processes in the factory to the requirement of the BS4483. In the fabric for the structural reasons, the ribbed bars can be used that comply with 4449 and the wire that is used can be generated from the hot rolled rod by drawing the rod via a die to generate the plain wire or the cold rolling the rod to form the ribbed or indented wires. The standard fabrics have the regular arrangement of the mesh and the sizes of bars and also identified by the numbers for reference. Type A is the mesh that is square with identical long bars generally applied in the ground slabs. Type B is the structural or rectangular mesh normally good for the application in the thin spinning slabs. Type C is the rectangular and long mesh that can be applied in the pavements, and two-way spinning slabs by giving the separate sheets in every direction. Type D is the wrapping and rectangular mesh used in the encasement concrete of the structural sections of the steels (Fui-Hoon, 2009).
The purpose manufactured fabrics specified by the buyers can have any combination of the size of wire and also spacing in any direction. The manufactures may decide to subdivide the purpose made fabrics into some categories: special fabrics which comprise all the standard combination of wires and the bespoke fabrics which comprise more complex arrangements where the wires size and the dimension can be varied within the sheet (Gaidis, 2012).
For the hot rolled reinforcement, the relationship of the strain and stress in the tension is linear up to the field, where there is the increase of strain at a stable stress yield or stress. The small increase of the stress results in the hardening of the work which is accompanied by the elongations. High stress or the tensile strength is reached beyond which the elongations is accompanied by the reduction of stress to failure. The micro-alloy bars are known by their high ductility and for the QST bars the strain-stress curve is the same shape but with less ductility (Gao, 2009).
To speed the building by lowering the period required to fix the strengthening, this can be attained on the place, given enough space, and the constant source of the skilled personnel. In many occasions, careful collaboration and planning at the early stages and application of the reinforcement assemblies prefabricated can give a good benefit.
Designing the Process Layout
Facility plan is the organization of the machineries, workstations, departments and the common parts within the facility. Layouts have the repercussions for the productivity, value and the effectiveness of the factory. Layouts choices affect how proficiently the workers can work, how they can produce fast and difficulty they encounter when automating the system. There are 3 types of layouts: fixed position, product and process layout (Garber, 2013).
This type of layout group same activities in the work center or the departments according to the function or the process they perform, for example in the factory that reinforces the steel and mesh, and all the drills would be placed in one work centre. A process layout is known for the recurrent processes or the bunch production that assist dissimilar customers with dissimilar demands. The apparatus in the process layout is an overall resolution and the workers have skills at managing the equipment in this department. The good thing about this process layout is the plasticity and its challenge is inadequacy. Customers and the jobs don’t flow through the system in a good way, backpedalling is the movement from one sector to another which can take a substantial period and lines also tend to change (Garcia-Diaz & MacGregor, 2012).
Materials movement and storage are affected directly by the kind of layout. Storage space in the process layout is very big to accommodate more in process inventory. The factory of the steel and mesh reinforcement may look like a warehouse with the work centre scattered between the storage aisle. The catalogue of in-process is great since the materials moves from one work centre to another in batch waiting to be managed. The inventory of the finished goods is little since the steels and the mesh are made for the specific seller and distributed out to the buyer upon the accomplishment.
They are typical of the project where the product produced is very fragile, heavy and bulky to move. In this layout, the products remain fixed for the whole cycle of the manufacturing. Workers, equipment and materials are brought to the site of reinforcement. The use of the equipment is low since it is usually less expensive to leave the apparatus idle at the site where it will be required again in some less days than to move it back and forth. The workers at the work site are normally extremely experienced at doing the specific jobs they are asked to do (Heldman, 2010).
This type of layout arrange the activities in the line in accordance with the operation sequence that needs to be performed to assemble the products. The workflow is efficient and orderly moving from one station of work to another down the assembly line until the end products come off the end of the line. Because the line is made for one kind of the product other services, the special machine can be bought to match the product-specific processing requirement. Because of the great level of demand, the product layout is extra automatic than the process layout and the work of the workers is dissimilar. They do defined tasks that don’t demand more wages as the workers in the process layout. The main apprehension in the product layout is matching the assembly line so as to no workstation becomes the bottleneck and hold the flow of the work through the line (Hendrickson & Hendrickson, 2009).
Manufacturing Process of a Steel Bar and Wire Mesh
The product layout requires the material tone moved from one place to another along the assembly line and get the similar patterns. The conveyors are the common materials handling machines for the product layout. The conveyors can be set automatically to control the speed of the work and also stopped by the workers according to their pace. The storage space along the line of assembly is small since in process inventory is consumed in the product assembly as it moves to the assembly line. Completed steels and mesh may need the distinct factory for the storage before being moved or transported to the stores or dealers and the process layout (Hopkin, 2012).
Combination of layout: many occasions can demand the mixture of all of them and are known as the hybrid or combination layout. For example, in this factory, the process layout can be used for the majority of its processes along with the assembly in one place. Also, it may use a fixed layout for the final products assembly.
Cellular layout: this is the layout type where the machines are gathered conferring to the processes required for a set of same items that need the same processing. The processes are grouped into cells using the technique of group technology which identifies parts that are of similar properties. Workers in the cellular layouts are well trained so they can operate all the machines within the cell and take the role for its output. Sometimes the cells fed the assembly line that reinforces the product. The automated version of cellular manufacturing is the elastic system of manufacturing with a computer that controls the relocate the segments to various processes. The cellular layout gives the faster time of processing, less handling of the materials, less work and also reduces the cost of the entire project. It also allows the production of small batches that increases the flexibility. Because workers operate the machines in the cell, boredom is a minimal factor and more anatomy and ownership of job is present since the workers are responsible for the cells (Köper & Zaremb, 2009).
Design Phases of Manufacturing Facility |
Stages of Facility Development |
Activities involved |
Duration (Days) |
Starting date |
Ending date |
Site Inspection |
2 |
20/10/2018 |
22/10/2018 |
Incorporation of changed required |
1 |
23/10/2018 |
24/10/2018 |
Risk identification |
6 |
25/10/2018 |
31/10/2018 |
Planning of design and construction activities |
9 |
01/11/2018 |
10/11/2018 |
Legal Requirements |
3 |
13/11/2018 |
16/11/2018 |
Facility design Phase |
Conceptual design development |
7 |
17/11/2018 |
24/11/2018 |
Resources identification and management |
4 |
25/11/2018 |
29/11/2018 |
Conceptual design review |
3 |
30/11/2018 |
02/12/2018 |
Architectural design development |
6 |
03/12/2018 |
09/12/2018 |
Facility Construction Phase |
Engineering and architectural drawing development |
4 |
10/12/2018 |
14/12/2018 |
Raw materials and physical resources flow |
5 |
15/12/2018 |
20/12/2018 |
Fitting of cranes and machinery |
4 |
21/12/2018 |
25/12/2018 |
Facility Development |
Initialization of facility construction |
2 |
27/12/2018 |
29/12/2018 |
Construction equipment management |
8 |
30/12/2018 |
07/01/2019 |
Quality control |
5 |
08/01/2019 |
13/01/2019 |
Facility inspection |
4 |
14/01/2019 |
18/01/2019 |
Control system |
7 |
19/01/2019 |
26/01/2019 |
Facility Evaluation and Monitoring |
Test plan development |
2 |
18/03/2019 |
20/03/2019 |
Facility completion |
2 |
21/03/2019 |
23/03/2019 |
Operation testing |
1 |
24/03/2019 |
25/03/2019 |
Facility closure |
Operation handover |
4 |
04/04/2019 |
08/04/2019 |
Facility closure |
2 |
24/05/2019 |
26/05/2019 |
Reducing the total number of parts: the decrease in the numbers of parts in the product is a good way of reducing the cost of reinforcement. Fewer parts mean the less buying, handling, inventory, time for the processing, equipment, testing and the inspection of services. It reduces the intensity of the activities related to the product during its whole life. Some of the strategies to the part count reduction are based on the application of one structure piece and the selection of manufacturing procedures such as the moulding, injection, casting etc (Lang & Centre, 2010).
Develop a modular design; the use of the module in the design makes the manufacturing activities simple such as the testing, inspection, redesign, service and maintenance. The modules add the versatility to the updated product and also help run the tests before the end assembly is placed together and allow the use of standard components to enable the reduction of product variation.
Reinforcement Process of Steel Bar
Cost estimation: accurately predicting the cost of the project is very important for the survival of the reinforcing steel factory design. The estimators of the cost provide the cost information to the design teams and also the constructors should develop the feasibility and the budgetary determinations.
Assembling the materials: the materials used for the design of the factory or the manufacturing industry should be set ready all of them so that the construction run smoothly (Loucks & Beek, 2017).
visiting the site: the site where the design is to occur should be visited before construction so as to estimate the size, the number of the materials needed, total amount of money, number of days it can take and other activities that can be done on the site.
Construction: after everything is put in place, the construction of the entire factory can start, then the materials needed for the reinforcement of the steel and mesh are arranged inside the factory (Poursaee, 2016).
System test, evaluation and validation: after the construction of the building, it can be tested to ensure that it is very strong and it can operate for many years. Also, some of the data and the results can be recorded during evaluation which can be used for validation (MacKenzie, 2009).
Design Phases of Manufacturing Facility |
Stages of Facility Development |
Activities involved |
Resources |
Site Inspection |
Manufacturing facility Sponsor and Manager |
Incorporation of changed required |
Facility project sponsor Project manager |
Risk identification |
Risk manager Project manager |
Planning of design and construction activities |
Project manager Construction manager |
Legal Requirements |
Facility project manager |
Facility design Phase |
Conceptual design development |
Design engineer Facility project manager |
Resources identification and management |
Project manager Construction manager |
Conceptual design review |
Design engineer |
Architectural design development |
Design engineer |
Facility Construction Phase |
Engineering and architectural drawing development |
Architecture Project manager |
Raw materials and physical resources flow |
General manager Project manager Construction manager |
Fitting of cranes and machinery |
Contractor Construction manager |
Facility Development |
Initialization of facility construction |
Construction manager Contractor Facility project manager |
Construction equipment management |
Design engineer |
Quality control |
Quality manager |
Facility inspection |
Quality manager |
Control system |
Quality manager |
Facility Evaluation and Monitoring |
Test plan development |
Testing and commissioning engineer |
Facility completion |
Operation testing |
Facility closure |
Operation handover |
Construction manager Manufacturing facility Manager |
Facility closure |
Manufacturing facility Sponsor and Manager |
The net operating profits are also reported on the statement of income since it displays the profit of the company produced form the operations. The employed profit is a convoluted term since it has been applied to refer to the different financial ratio. Most of the employed capital is the all assets of the factory less all current liabilities (Menon, 2009). The table below shows the distribution of cost to the resources required during the design and construction of the manufacturing facility in Queensland, Australia:
Resource required |
Work duration during design and construction |
Cost |
Manufacturing facility project manager |
680 Hours |
$42,000 |
Project sponsor |
150 Hours |
$12,000 |
General manager |
1500 Hours |
$24,000 |
Construction manager |
920 Hours |
$63,000 |
Testing and Communication Engineering |
42 Hours |
$2,000 |
Design Engineer |
310 Hours |
$7,800 |
Project Contractor |
820 Hours |
$42,000 |
Risk Manager |
48 Hours |
$2,300 |
Quality Manager |
188 Hours |
$9,400 |
Statistical methods that was invented for the simple usage and the results regarding the variation within the project can be used. The statistical quality control applies the principals of the statistics at every design stage. For the continuous improvement of the system, monitoring every process is important for the case of mass production. This can be made easy by the statistical tools such as the histograms and the control chart
The examination of the buildings life cycle will display that every stage can be known as the project in its own right even though each part will be of dissimilar size and intricacy. When a manufacturing industry for the steel develop a new field, the feasibility study could be of substantial size even though the major project would shield the design, production and development parts. To be able to mechanize a project like reinforcing the steel bars and mesh, the parts must be broken down into tasks and stages which can be broken down again into more subtasks until one can get enough and a controllable structure. The choice of the work combined in the work breakthrough structure is made finest by the project team drawing on their practice or doing the session of brainstorming (Navarrete & Cole, 2013).
Once the major work has been decided, they designers can break it into other subtasks which should fit into the project cost cording system. The WBS is the rational point of start for the successive planning networks. Its benefit is that the allocation of cost can be given to every task in the WBS and when needed the factor of the risk can be added which will help in the building the whole project cost ad create the register of risks for the risk assessment. The WBS is a good tool which can clearly show who is accountable for the work, how much it will cost, and its relationship to other tasks in the project (Papp, 2014).
The good project management on the construction must pursue the efficient use of the labour, materials and the equipment. Improvement of the productivity of the labour should be the main concern for the cost control.
Labour: the productivity in the reinforcement of the steel is defined broadly by the output per the labour hour. Because the labour comprises the bigger part in the design cost and the labour hour quantity in doing the work in construction is susceptible to affect the management that are the capitals or the materials, and this type of productivity is referred to as the labour productivity. The overall productivity of the labour is a measure of the effectiveness of the operating system in using the labour, capital equipment to convert the efforts of labour to the reasonable output. The labour productivity is also linked with the product per hour, for example, the cubic of steel reinforced per hour. In this case, the productivity of the labour is not identified with the importance of the construction facilities but by the cost of construction. for example, the rates of wages in the US has been reducing and because the wages are a significant component in the cost of construction, the construction value per hour of work will also reduce which suggest the lower productivity (Peters, 2014).
for example in this company of steel reinforcing; to reinforce like 200,000 pieces, the company can incur the cost of : $30000 on the wages, $2000 for the security guards, $1500 for the bag of nails, $40000 for the purchase of the crane,$50000 for other materials, and $1000 for the factory utilities and rent
Equipment and materials: the selection of the good type and size of the equipment of the construction affect the time and the effort. It is normally significant for the site planners of construction to know the properties of the main equipment most commonly used for the construction of factories and the ones that can be used inside the factory for the steel bar and mesh reinforcement (Rappaport, 2015).
One family of the construction machines used for the excavation is classified as the cranes. The crane shovel comprises of a mounting that provides the stability and mobility of the machines, turntable which have the control units and the power and the front end attachment which serves the special function in the operation. When designing the manufacturing factory, a tractor consisted of the non-revolving cab and a crawler mounting can be used. When the blade of moving the earth is joined to the front end of the tractor, the assembly is referred to as the bulldozers (Reid & Sanders, 2016).
The function of the compaction machines is to generate the greater density in the soil. The basic forces applied in the compaction are the kneading, static weight, and the soil layer thickness for the method of the compaction. Some of the compaction equipment used in this project are the rollers with dissimilar operating properties. The role of the grading machine is to bring the earthwork to the needed shape and elevation. Major examples of the grading machines used in this projects comprise the grade trimmers and the motor grades (Rocha-Lona & Arturo Garza-Reyes, 2013).
The derricks were employed to use in the construction of this project. They were being used to lift the equipment in the manufacturing building. The derrick comprises of the vertical mast and inclined sprouting from the mast foot. The mast is held by the stiff legs joined to the base while the topping lift joins to topmast and the inclined boom top. In this project, the guy derrick was used and was moved easily from one floor to the next in the building under the construction. Other equipment that was used includes the concrete vibrator, saws, grinders, hummer and the drill. The total cost of equipment used in the factory can go up to $50000 (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2010).
Stages of Facility Development |
Activities involved |
Duration (Days) |
Starting date |
Ending date |
Cost |
Facility project planning Phase |
162 |
20 Days |
20/10/2018 |
26/05/2019 |
$246,000 |
Site Inspection |
2 |
20/10/2018 |
22/10/2018 |
$4,000 |
Incorporation of changed required |
1 |
23/10/2018 |
24/10/2018 |
$4,600 |
Risk identification |
6 |
25/10/2018 |
31/10/2018 |
$7,300 |
Planning of design and construction activities |
9 |
01/11/2018 |
10/11/2018 |
$12,800 |
Legal Requirements |
3 |
13/11/2018 |
16/11/2018 |
$1,400 |
Facility design Phase |
Conceptual design development |
7 |
23 Days |
17/11/2018 |
24/11/2018 |
$2.600 |
Resources identification and management |
4 |
25/11/2018 |
29/11/2018 |
$6,300 |
Conceptual design review |
3 |
30/11/2018 |
02/12/2018 |
$800 |
Architectural design development |
6 |
03/12/2018 |
09/12/2018 |
$8,600 |
Facility Construction Phase |
Engineering and architectural drawing development |
4 |
28 Days |
10/12/2018 |
14/12/2018 |
$2,300 |
Raw materials and physical resources flow |
5 |
15/12/2018 |
20/12/2018 |
$4,800 |
Fitting of cranes and machinery |
4 |
21/12/2018 |
25/12/2018 |
$3,800 |
Facility Development |
Initialization of facility construction |
2 |
26 Days |
27/12/2018 |
29/12/2018 |
$7,200 |
Construction equipment management |
8 |
30/12/2018 |
07/01/2019 |
$5,800 |
Quality control |
5 |
08/01/2019 |
13/01/2019 |
$1,400 |
Facility inspection |
4 |
14/01/2019 |
18/01/2019 |
$1,200 |
Control system |
7 |
19/01/2019 |
26/01/2019 |
Facility Evaluation and Monitoring |
Test plan development |
7 |
42 Days |
18/03/2019 |
20/03/2019 |
$7,200 |
Facility completion |
2 |
7 Days |
21/03/2019 |
23/03/2019 |
$32,500 |
Operation testing |
1 |
24/03/2019 |
25/03/2019 |
$600 |
Facility closure |
Operation handover |
4 |
04/04/2019 |
08/04/2019 |
$8,400 |
Facility closure |
2 |
24/05/2019 |
26/05/2019 |
$1,800 |
The critical path method is the algorithm for scheduling the activities of the project. It includes all the lists of the activities needed to be completed by the project like the design of the manufacturing factory and the design process for the reinforcement of the steel bar and the mesh. The time or the duration that the activities are going to take can also be included. How the activities depend on each other can also be described in the critical path method, the CPM can calculate the longest path of the activities planned using the values available to the logical endpoint. This determines the shortest time that can be taken to completes the manufacturing factory design. The CPM analysis can be used to select the logical endpoint in the projects and identify the long series of the dependent activities (Schutt, 2009). The tool can show the critical path
- Resource analysis
Resource required |
Initials |
Type |
Maximum Units |
Standard rate |
Ovat. Rate |
Accruel |
Cost/use |
Base Calendar |
Manufacturing facility project manager |
M |
Work |
100% |
$80/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
Prorated |
$0.0 |
Standard |
Project sponsor |
P |
Work |
100% |
$70/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
Prorated |
$0.0 |
Standard |
General manager |
G |
Work |
100% |
$60/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
Prorated |
$0.0 |
Standard |
Construction manager |
C |
Work |
100% |
$40/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
Prorated |
$0.0 |
Standard |
Testing and Communication Engineering |
T |
Work |
100% |
$30/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
Prorated |
$0.0 |
Standard |
Design Engineer |
D |
Work |
100% |
$35hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
Prorated |
$0.0 |
Standard |
Project Contractor |
P |
Work |
100% |
$50/hr |
$0.0/hr. |
Prorated |
$0.0 |
Standard |
Risk Manager |
R |
Work |
100% |
$68/hr |
$0.0/hr. |
Prorated |
$0.0 |
Standard |
Quality Manager |
Q |
Work |
100% |
$70/hr |
$0.0/hr. |
Prorated |
$0.0 |
Standard |
- Strategies to ensure Optimum Resource Usage
The resource leveling assist in raising the capability and efficiency of the team members. The work distribution should be reduced for significant activities and the risk manager should be appointed to support the work by identifying the associated risks related to the project (Sharma, 2012).
Resource required |
Initials |
Type |
Maximum Units |
Standard rate |
Ovat. Rate |
Cost/use |
Accrual |
Base Calendar |
Manufacturing facility project manager |
M |
Work |
200% |
$85.0/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
$0.0 |
Prorated |
Standard |
Project sponsor |
P |
Work |
100% |
$95.0/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
$0.0 |
Prorated |
Prorated |
General manager |
G |
Work |
200% |
$50.0/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
$0.0 |
Prorated |
Prorated |
Construction manager |
C |
Work |
200% |
$40.0/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
$0.0 |
Prorated |
Prorated |
Testing and Communication Engineering |
T |
Work |
100% |
$60.0/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
$0.0 |
Prorated |
Prorated |
Design Engineer |
D |
Work |
100% |
$70.0/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
$0.0 |
Prorated |
Prorated |
Project Contractor |
P |
Work |
100% |
$80.0/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
$0.0 |
Prorated |
Prorated |
Risk Manager |
R |
Work |
100% |
$30.0/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
$0.0 |
Prorated |
Prorated |
Quality Manager |
Q |
Work |
100% |
$45.0/hr. |
$0.0/hr. |
$0.0 |
Prorated |
Prorated |
Task name |
Task name |
Original Duration |
Crashed Duration |
Baseline Start |
Baseline Finish |
Crashed Start |
Crashed Finish |
Original Cost |
Crashed Cost |
Cost Variance |
Manufacturing facility project |
162 |
157days |
20/10/2018 |
26/05/2019 |
20/10/2018 |
07/02/2019 |
Facility project planning Phase |
20 Days |
18days |
20/10/2018 |
26/05/2019 |
20/10/2018 |
08/11/2018 |
$246,000 |
$245,800 |
$200 |
Site Inspection |
2 |
2days |
20/10/2018 |
22/10/2018 |
20/10/2018 |
22/10/2018 |
$4,000 |
$4000 |
$0.0 |
Incorporation of changed required |
1 |
1 day |
23/10/2018 |
24/10/2018 |
20/10/2018 |
21/10/2018 |
$4,600 |
$4600 |
$0.0 |
Risk identification |
6 |
6days |
25/10/2018 |
31/10/2018 |
20/10/2018 |
26/10/2018 |
$7,300 |
$7200 |
$100 |
Planning of design and construction activities |
9 |
9days |
01/11/2018 |
10/11/2018 |
01/11/2018 |
10/11/2018 |
$12,800 |
$12600 |
$200 |
Legal Requirements |
3 |
3days |
13/11/2018 |
16/11/2018 |
12/11/18 |
15/11/2018 |
$1,400 |
$1400 |
40.0 |
Facility design Phase |
23 Days |
Conceptual design development |
7 |
5days |
17/11/2018 |
24/11/2018 |
16/11/2018 |
21/11/2018 |
$2.600 |
$2600 |
$0.0 |
Resources identification and management |
4 |
4days |
25/11/2018 |
29/11/2018 |
20/11/18 |
24/11/2018 |
$6,300 |
$6000 |
$300 |
Conceptual design review |
3 |
3days |
30/11/2018 |
02/12/2018 |
20/11/18 |
23/11/2018 |
$800 |
$750 |
$50 |
Architectural design development |
6 |
6days |
03/12/2018 |
09/12/2018 |
03/12/18 |
09/12/2018 |
$8,600 |
$8600 |
$0.0 |
Facility Construction Phase |
28 Days |
Engineering and architectural drawing development |
4 |
4 days |
10/12/2018 |
14/12/2018 |
09/12/18 |
13/12/2018 |
$2,300 |
$2300 |
$0.0 |
Raw materials and physical resources flow |
5 |
4days |
15/12/2018 |
20/12/2018 |
15/12/18 |
19/12/2018 |
$4,800 |
$4800 |
$0.0 |
Fitting of cranes and machinery |
4 |
4days |
21/12/2018 |
25/12/2018 |
19/10/2018 |
23/12/2018 |
$3,800 |
$3800 |
$0.0 |
Facility Development |
26days |
Initialization of facility construction |
2 |
2days |
27/12/2018 |
29/12/2018 |
22/12/18 |
24/12/2018 |
$7,200 |
$7200 |
$0.0 |
Construction equipment management |
8 |
8days |
30/12/2018 |
07/01/2019 |
20/01/2019 |
28/01/2019 |
$5,800 |
$5800 |
$0.0 |
Quality control |
5 |
5days |
08/01/2019 |
13/01/2019 |
20/01/2019 |
25/01/2019 |
$1,400 |
$1200 |
$200 |
Facility inspection |
4 |
3days |
14/01/2019 |
18/01/2019 |
20/01/2019 |
23/01/2019 |
$1,200 |
$1100 |
$100 |
Control system |
7 |
7days |
19/01/2019 |
26/01/2019 |
20/01/2019 |
28/01/2019 |
$1500 |
$1450 |
$50 |
Facility Evaluation and Monitoring |
42 Days |
Test plan development |
7 |
7days |
18/03/2019 |
20/03/2019 |
16/03 19 |
23/03/2019 |
$7,200 |
$7200 |
$0.0 |
Facility completion |
2 |
2days |
21/03/2019 |
23/03/2019 |
20/03/19 |
22/03/2019 |
$32,500 |
$32500 |
$0.0 |
Operation testing |
1 |
1 day |
24/03/2019 |
25/03/2019 |
23/03/19 |
24/03/2019 |
$600 |
$500 |
$100 |
Facility closure |
Operation handover |
4 |
4days |
04/04/2019 |
08/04/2019 |
03/04/19 |
07/04/2019 |
$8,400 |
$8400 |
$0.0 |
Facility closure |
2 |
2days |
26/05/2019 |
26/05/2019 |
22/05/19 |
24/05/2019 |
$1,800 |
$1800 |
$0.0 |
Risk Identification |
Risks likelihood |
Risks severity |
Ranking of risk |
Risks impacts |
Strategies of risk mitigation |
Financial risk |
3 |
4 |
7 |
high |
Leveling of resources and crushing down the projects to reduce the project cost |
Quality risk |
2 |
1 |
3 |
low |
Development of quality standards for uses of resources and appointment of team members |
Unequal work distribution among the workers |
4 |
5 |
9 |
high |
There should be deployment of procedures of leveling resources for managing workload. |
Employees risks |
3 |
2 |
5 |
medium |
Ensuring safety of employees and also reducing their number |
The precedence diagram method is the visual representation techniques that show the activities in the project. It is the way of designing a schedule of the project diagram that uses the nodes and boxes to show the activities and connect them with the arrow that displays the dependencies (Sharma, 2012).
The network schedule techniques give the designers a good tool for controlling the project. They allow the graphical portrayal of the activities of the project and the relationship between the activities. This gives the basis for determining the critical path of the project, foresee the shortages, and identify the resources reallocation to solve the problems. Through the use of the readily available software, the network times are very easy to rework and update hence give the designers the current project status and information and control all the activities (Sharma, 2012).
In the overall chain of the manufacturing processes, planning and scheduling the maters a lot for the between manufacturing management. The Gantt chart is the most known tool for project management in the manufacturing procedure. The Gantt chart ensures that the good management of the procedure and optimized applications of the manufacturing resources, it helps to keep track on the budget hence reducing the cost of manufacturing, it helps in the calculation of the requirements accurately and prevent the flow and shortage of materials, it visualize the timeline and present the dependency of tasks and complex relationships (Ungar, 2012)
Figure : Gantt chart
The figure below shows the cash flow of this small manufacturing company with the initial capital requirement of $309,000 and the expected profit of 125 after a duration of 3 months of operation.
The profitability of this project can be evaluated after the analysis from the above analysis of the cash flow. The table above helps in analyzing that the estimated cost of this project is more than the initial cost incurred on this project development stage by leveling effectively resources.
Estimated cost $250000
Actual cost: $245800
Cost variance: $4200
The return on the capital used is the profitable ration that measures the how effectively and efficiently a company can generate the profits from its capital used by the comparison of the net operating profit to the employed capital. It shows the investors and designer how many dollars in profit each money of the capital produce. ROCE is a long-term ration of profitability since it displays how the assets are performing when taking into consideration the long-term financing.
Hence this ROCE is of more importance than the return on equity that evaluates the company’s longevity this ratio is based on the two significant calculations: the employed capital and the operating profit. The net operating profits are also reported on the statement of income since it displays the profit of the company produced form the operations. The employed profit is a convoluted term since it has been applied to refer to the different financial ratio. Most of the employed capital is the all assets of the factory less all current liabilities (Wiele & Iwaarden, 2008).
Return on capital employed =net operating profit/ capital employed (total assets-current liabilities) = 36,000/309,000 * 100%
= 12%
This design paper discussed the preliminary design of the manufacturing factory and the design process of the reinforcing steel bar and the mesh. More research has been carried out in many sectors that include the layout of the manufacturing industry, a list of the activities and many others. Rebar is the steel bar of the steel wires applied in the tautness scheme in the concrete strengthened structures to reinforce and help the concrete under the tension. Rebar increases the tensile strength of the structure and often deformed for the better bond with the concrete. The corporate rebar is prepared of uncompleted tempered steel making it fond of rusting. The cover of the concrete is capable to give the pH value which is very high to evade the corrosion reaction. The little concrete cover can compromise the guard through carbonation and penetration of the salts.
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