Issues Concerning Cyber Security: Ransomware, Artificial Intelligence, And Blockchain
Issues concerning cyber security
The aim of the paper is to discuss the cyber security threats, how the improvement in technology is becoming a danger for the general public and health care units as well. The literature shares, there are multiple ways in which people may face cyber security issues in the internet. However, despite the fact the security systems are becoming more and more secured and strong. There are some securities issues are still found such as, Malware, which includes viruses, trojan horses and malicious software’s with which the attackers attacks the computers and mobile phones through malicious websites virus led .apk links (Tuvell, & Venugopal, 2015) Others may include Phishing and Denial of Service (Hulten, et al, 2014). This paper, however, works towards identifying the issues, the importance of more secured systems and the tools and techniques that be used to curb the issues. This research paper has shown the possible cyber security issues which company could face if it does not maintain the secure security program.
There are issues concerning to cyber security which are raised by the rise in technological advancement, following are some of the issues people would be facing in coming years. However, the main issue of the cyber security is related to bombing in which ill-intentioned persons come together to attack the secure system of the organization (Donahoe et al. 2017). These issues show the possible problems which company could face in its business.
Ransomware Evolution: This is called to be the curse to cyber security amongst the data professionals and IT people. This virus attacks directly to the customer and the business information, in order to remove these viruses, the cyber criminals are needed to be involved and their egregious demands are to be fulfilled (Richardson, & North, 2017). According to the literature these attacks have gone to 36% in 2018 and the cost is double the percentage. The cybercrime is growing the fastest in this area (Hampton, & Baig, 2015)
The expansion of Artificial Intelligence: This is another issue pertaining to security and threat, robots these days are used to defend against the cyber threats and attacks, however, the attackers are using the robots to attack as well. According to a report it has been estimated till 2025 that the businesses will have to spend almost $2.5 billion on Artificial Intelligence in order to prevent themselves from the attacks (Dilek, Çak?r, & Ayd?n, 2015). Nevertheless, both the parties are seen using the robots for more or less the same benefits. The robots are not required to be paid; therefore, it is on a one time expenditure which is, however, seen as an investment for them. They are also able to work 24 hours all seven days of the week. Due to which the security professionals are finding it difficult to act against them, there is rarely a chance to deal with the attack immediately (Helbing, 2019).
Ransomware Evolution
Blockchain Revolution: it was seen in 2017, there were a lot of crypto currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. The blockchains are the base to create crypto currencies, which is yet another technical revolution and innovation which provides the secure transaction to the public (John Mason 2018). Blockchain is a security method against the cyber security issues being faced by the companies; it is based upon the public, private keys, wherein the private key is given to the owner having an access to the bitcoin assets. It has been said that while storing data in the blockhain it becomes incorruptible (Kakavand, Kost, & Chilton, 2017).
Cyber attacks are becoming even more widespread in the UK, which is becoming an issue for the people and businesses globally. Despite the introduction of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which is meant particularly to develop and promote security around the personal data. The amount of threats pertaining to cyber attacks are continuously increasing. According to a recent report being published, more than 50 percent companies are experiencing cyber attacks which have compromised their data; this number is inclusive of the companies for which the entire IT infrastructure has been hacked. Out of these, 77 percent companies are however, utilized the fireless techniques (Businesscomputing, 2018). The importance of issues also raises for the fact that 98% of the businesses in today’s scenario is operating online, with the advancement in technology and globalization even the small business houses are gaining huge profits by working online through social media sites, their own websites, they are using software to keep and maintain their employee and customer data, most importantly every business is using online banking, saving their UPI codes and banking passwords online. The customers on the other hand are also buying online. According to a governmental statistics, out of 4 in every 10 business is dealing with cyber threats in the last year. The attacks include viruses, which is the most common of all, hacking, data compromising and theft of financial and customer’s information (Kevin, 2018). Nonetheless, if proper security program and security concerns are not followed then it might negatively impact the business outputs as well. There are several ill-intentioned persons who have been impacting the business
The review of the literature pertaining to the cyber security unearthed few more threats which people would be facing in the coming years as the technology in every field is advancing. The few technology advancement and related security threats are being given below (Hampton, & Baig, 2015).
Artificial Intelligence
Connected Cars and Semi-Autonomous Trucks – the technology has upgraded to connected cars and driverless cars, according to the literature the connected cars in order to optimize their operation and passenger’s comfort, utilize onboard sensors (Fagnant, & Kockelman, 2015). This is performed through Smartphone integration. Alone in 2015 half of the connected car vehicles are being sold, it has been predicted that alone in 2025, the new cars sold will be connected to the user Smartphone, however, this will give an another chance to the attackers to attack the drivers personal information (Anderson, 2014). The route and signals of the driver and it will make it convenient for the attackers to compromise the user’s information and personal data through attacking their Smartphone which is generally on Bluetooth while driving and the unlocked (Petit, 2018). The hacking and stealing data is not only limited to the private companies and hackers, the entire nation is facing this adverse situation through state sponsored attacks. The nation sometimes also uses the skills of these hackers and cyber IT individuals in order to gain access to other governments data and policies, for which the government attacks the infrastructure (Donahoe, Hathaway, Twomey, Lewis, Nye & Tikk, 2017). Therefore, these attacks are seen happening in private and public sector both, the review identifies that in 2018 and beyond these attacks are expecting rise, especially before the elections and meetings (Azmi, Tibben, & Win, 2016). Internet of things is other major concern becoming omnipresent. The major harm it results into is as it grows, if one device is attacked by the attackers, for them it will become easy to hack and compromise every connected device to the parent device (Pacheco, & Hariri, 2016). There is a kit called botnet kit, which makes it easy for the attackers to attack every connected device, despite the security they ensure, according to a study IOT is responsible to infect more than one million devices every month (Abomhara, & Køien, 2015). The healthcare industry is also flourishing and every day coming up with the latest technology to ease the patient and treat them more scientifically in order to remove the human errors. Smart Medical Devices and Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) is another major evolution in the same field as the medical records are becoming digital, the technology evolution also raises certain privacy and security concerns pertaining to patient’s health (Topol, 2015). According to a report, more the number of devices is connected to the hospital the more vulnerable will be the patient’s information and medical records (Yang, Li, Mulder, Wang, Chen, Wu, & Pan, 2015). The attackers will be in a position to directly compromise the devices connected to the patients. It will be easy for the attacker to increase or decrease the dosage, theoretically and disable the monitoring system (Pilkington, M. (2017). The given tools and cyber security system should be supported by the device anti-software system which would be helpful in strengthen the security program and save confidential data from the ill-intentioned persons.
Blockchain Revolution
Phishline gives the user the patented and highly erratic simulations for multiple viruses, this covers the e-mails, mobile phones, vishing (Voice), Smishing (SMS). This also prevents the user from duplicate templates. This is the only tool so far which provides attack simulations (Sadeh, Wescoe, Brubaker, & Hong, 2016). The main secure technology system and cyber computing system have been adopted to strengthen the security mechanism in business.
Firewall, this is an age old method to prevent attack and data theft, this cyber security tool monitors the traffic on the network as well as on the connections and the attempts which are made to break the security. This tool decides whether or not the intruder should pass freely onto the network (Yunfei, Yuanbao, Xuan, Xuan, & Qi, 2015).
Antivirus software, these software’s when installed alert the user of any virus and infection due to malware attack while opening a website or mails. This tool also helps scanning e-mails in order to prevent any malicious attachment it might have (Dietrich, Gadhe, Boice, & Carpenter, 2016).
PKI Services, this technology is different from SSL and TLS technology being used, this technology, however, is used to encrypt the communication over the server. This technology is also responsible for the HTTPS in the browser. SSL on the other hand is also responsible for internal networks (Fagnant, & Kockelman, 2015).
Penetration testing, in order to test the business security systems, the penetration security proves to be useful, in this technology, the professionals use the same techniques and tools which are being generally used by the hackers to attack and compromise the company systems, these are however called the ethical hackers. This helps identify network security issues in order to create a firewall and safety against them (Pilkington, 2017). This will not only increase the confidentially of the data but also help in reducing the insider trading and malfunctioning in the security data program. The penetration testing is used by hackers to create bombing in the targeted computer so that they could drag confidential data for the system and strengthen the business outcomes.
From the literature review, it has been identified that despite the fact that there are a number of tools and techniques have come up in order to protect the company data, attackers are still growing with their up gradation in technology. However, as the technology is improving so is the need to stay more aware and protected. There are a number of ways being identified, among which penetration technique has been proved successful, companies such as Facebook and Google also award people who identify a glitch in their security system and help them improve over the same. Now in the end, it could be inferred that advance technologies and cyber security installation should be supported by the secure mechanism which will assist in restrain the malware attacks of the ill-intentioned persons in effective manner.
Importance of the issues in private and public security
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