Human Resource Strategies For Charity-Care

Environmental Analysis

The strategies for resources are concerned with a relationship that is two-way between strategies of the overall business and the separate resource areas strategies such as technology, finance, information and people. The strategy of human resource at Charity-Care is a vital element of the resource base. All companies run two strategies side by side, short term and long term. Research by Mazzola, Marchisio and Astrachan (2008 p.241) shows that short-term strategies are used for the achievement of the goals which are desired in the dynamic environment or deviation from the goals of the organization while long-term strategies are linked directly with the future aims and objectives of the organization. Human resource has several strategies which can be integrated into the business plan of Charity-Care and which can be divided into three basic elements namely staff, organizational culture and reward planning. The staff as a resource is known as the hard approach dealing with the deployment, supervision, control and motivation of employees in the organization through processes and systems. It assists in the classification of the people based on their core competencies for possible strategies in the future are also targeted at the setting and evaluation of the performance of individuals. In addition, it also deals with retention, recruitment, development and training of staff.

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On the other hand, organization culture is about how the company is organized, beliefs, procedures and rules, which define the culture of the company. Organizational culture includes person culture, task culture, role culture and power culture. The key element in the power culture is controlled, whereby in this type of culture, decisions are centralized around one key individual. In the power culture group work is not evident, thus the organization can swiftly react to any kind of danger posed to the organization as no consultation is involved. In the role culture, organizations are split into different functions and each function is assigned a role. The role of culture is common in today’s organizations. The task culture is a team-based approach for the completion of a particular task. According to Hahn and Powers (2010 p.63) organizations establish specific “project teams” that complete tasks on time. In this culture, staff feels motivated as they are empowered in the making of decisions within their team and also feel valued as they are given the responsibility of bringing the task to a successful end. The person culture, on the other hand, is most common in not-for-profit organizations whereby the organization’s focus is a particular aim or the individual (Sullivan & Richardson, 2011 p.4).

Future Labor/Skills Needs

Environmental analysis is the scanning of the business environment to establish if it is feasible for the conduct of business. Charity-Care can look at opportunities for the accomplishment of competitive advantages in the firm’s environment. The main point for the environmental analysis and keys to competence is the acknowledgment of the competition between firms which is basically a run for knowledge strengthening since it is the power and position of a market (Lau, Liao, Wong & Chiu, 2012 p.1244). The top management of Charity-Care are not able to maintain concentration on all the firm’s activities and the necessary competencies to undertake. Therefore, the management’s objective is for the attraction of attention to the competencies affecting competitive advantage, as managers are judged based on their ability to exploit, cultivate and identify the core competencies that make growth possible. The environment is not considered stable, as it may change in regards to the change of the external and internal organizational forces. Charity-Care should therefore be bendable and flexible to such environmental changes. As a business adapts and evolves to the changes in the organizational forces and to new opportunities and conditions, it should formulate strategies to deal with the dynamic environment which should be changed and updated over time (Nadkarni & Barr, 2008 p.1398).

According to Sageer, Rafat and Agarwal (2012 p.33) employee skills are integral to the success of any organization. Skilled employees assist the organization in integrating, building and reconfiguring external and internal resources so as to address rapidly changing environments. Further research by Njoroge and Yazdanifard (2014 p.677) the more flexible employees are or the more they have the ability to fulfill the congruence of the business activities, the more they will be in a position to work on adapting and integrating their skills, resources and functional competencies to match the supplies of the organization’s dynamic environment. The dynamic skills and competencies of employees at Charity-Care usually assist the organization in spotting new business environmental patterns, dysfunctional practice and avoiding tactical blind spots (Christensen & Rog, 2008 p.747).

According to (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2012 p.14) the revolution of information technology has brought effects that are dramatic to the labor market and jobs. A variety of manual and routine tasks which were previously being carried out by humans have since been automated, thus replacing workers. In contrast, new technologies have complimented non-routine, social and cognitive tasks, which has made work in such tasks more productive. The effects of new technology have polarized the labor markets; while there have been a stagnation of low-skill jobs, fewer jobs and those which are lower-paying for middle-skill workers have been prevalent. On the other hand, high skilled workers have been getting higher pay which has increased labor inequality. Artificial intelligence advances have greatly accelerated the ability of computers of performing cognitive tasks, which has heightened concerns about the automation of the jobs requiring high skills. New technology has complimented many tasks at Charity-Care which has increased innovation, quality and productivity. Machine learning and big data have increased the ability of machines to perform social (language), physical and cognitive tasks. Greater access to data, telecommunications and analysis tools have affected job roles and job design which have allowed many workers to focus more on innovation, continuous improvement, collaboration and social interactions. In addition, new technology has enabled jobs requiring high skills to be more motivating intrinsically, which has enabled more decentralization and improved the use of skills and tasks (Beniger, 2009 p.17).

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Recently, the new Labor-led government announced a new bill that would implement the amendment of the Employment Relations Act 2000 (Forth et al., 2013 p.67). Most of the changes which the previous government made generally provided greater rights for workers. Potential changes which were proposed by the previous government seek the inclusion of the collective agreements, whereby the change will be based on a recent case law and may be including calculation methods or pay. Charity-Care managers must pass on information regarding workplace trade unions to potential workers along with a form on which the worker will indicate their willingness of being a member (Kruppe, Rogowski & Schömann, 2013 p. 245). In addition, there are improved protection measures for members of the organization which includes an extension of the threshold of twelve months to eighteen months.

Charity-Care’s strategic objectives and targets for human resources services are to ensure that the employees of the organization have the ability to meet staffing needs in the future. For the achievement of the goal, the line managers and human resource employees at Charity-Care must work together in the assessment of the current employees’ qualifications and skills. The strategy will help in determining the best action which the organization’s human resources can take such as planning on succession. Charity-Care should also implement cross-training which would support the strategies of the organization’s human resources. Cross-training would improve Charity-Care’s workforce expertise and mobility by broadening the employees’ expertise and skills. In addition, Charity-Care should measure the engagement of their employees to ensure that they are fully engaged. The human resources professionals at Charity-Care should also continually strive for executive leadership by becoming members of the executive.

Charity-Care should implement the use of the human resources information system. Although the system’s implementation will be costly to the organization, the benefits are high. For example, the organization, human resource professionals and employees will benefit from a computerized human resource information system that is well-functioning. In addition, employees, HR professionals and the organization can benefit from a well-functioning computerized human resource information system. In addition, Employees, HR professionals and the organization can benefit from a well-functioning computerized human resource information system. In addition, Charity-Care will benefit from the electronic storage of data in a single place that is easily accessible. Charity-Care will be able to pull the data from reviews of performance and the salary history of employees which would assist in making salary bonuses and raises.


The best technology and system which Charity-Care can use to support agreed human resources practices and programs is the human resource information system (HRIS) which is a means of distributing, retrieving, analyzing, manipulating, storing and acquiring of pertinent information regarding the organization’s human resources (Normalini, Kassim, Ramayah and Kurnia, 2012 p.608). The system includes customized software programs which are run on a computer server.

Strategic Human Resources Plan

Charity-Care’s strategic human resources plan should include an assessment of the current capacity of the human resource. Before the company makes any move in the hiring of new employees, it should understand the current pool of talent in the organization and aim at developing an inventory of skills for all the current workers. The organization should then forecast the requirements of the human resource. Charity-Care can achieve this by assessing its demand for employees who are qualified and the supply it has of those employees either outside or within the organization and manage the demand and supplies carefully. In addition, Charity-Care should develop strategies for talent addition. Research by Daley (2012 p.122) shows that the development of talent is an integral part of the process of management of human resources. Lastly, the organization should review and evaluate whether the plan has assisted the company in the achievement of goals in factors like employee satisfaction, retention, company profit and production.

Implementation and Risk Management

The implementation of the human resources strategic plan would involve the company’s top management so as to provide support for the plan so as to minimize the risks. If the plan is running smoothly, I would move on with the plan, although if there are any challenges along the way, I would change up various aspects to ensure that the plan suits the needs of the company.

  1. What emerging HR practices  and trends might you find in your industry

Reviewing culture and continuous

Speeding up of performance management

Digitalized rewards and recognition

HR robots (Artificial intelligent driven HR)

Use of online skills management

Increase in contingent workforce management and part-time employment

Changes in consumer patterns and expectations

Trends in economic

Change in political or legislative

Change in qualification or educational.

  1. What is meant by term “future labor needs”?

“Future labor needs” are the resources needed in the workforce planning for identifying and responding to future human resource wants that are required in the accomplishment of a certain project (Franzel, 2018).

  1. What options are available for sourcing labor supplies and what are their benefits and restrictions

Using consultants or contractors

The hiring of interns and fresh graduates

Hiring causal labors

Employing offshore workers.

The option for sourcing labor supplies is beneficial in clearing the organizational workload and maximizing profits. The options are restricted to work as full-time employees and their employment contract is recognized as temporary.

  1. What strategic objectives and targets relate to a human resource?

Ensuring the organization’s workforce is capable of meeting future staffing needs

Effectively building and maintain good working relationships.

Improving organization operations through good communication, planning and strategizing.

  1. What options are available for the provision of Human resource services?

Outsourcing (whereby the service are carried out in other places away from the organization)

External provisions by contractors or consultants

Merging of business units

Internal non- human resource provisions

  1. What should be included in the human resource plan
    the human resource plan should include project organizational charts, roles and responsibilities of team members and staffing management. Furthermore, staffing management includes recognition and reward systems, training required for the development of skills, how performance reviews will be conducted, the timeline for skills or resources and how resources will be acquired.
  2. What legislation must you consider when developing HR strategies and plans? Explain the purpose of each legislation

Workplace and safety legislation

Equal employment opportunities legislation

Sexual harassments

Age discrimination in the employment

  1. List four benefits of strategic planning?

Allowing an organization to be proactive but not reactive.

Making of business durable

Helps the organization to increase market shares and profitability

Eases the operation of an organization.

  1. What strategic services could you utilize when developing a strategic plan?



Service partners

  1. What is a PEST analysis?

PEST analysis is defined as a measurement tool that is used in the assessment of markets for a certain business at a specific period (Kayaga, Kingdom and Jalakam 2018 p.49). The term “PEST” stands for political, economic, social and technological factors. A thorough analysis of the factors assists the organization to make the right decisions. Furthermore when analyzed well, “PEST” also helps a firm to improve its operations by studying several factors that might influence the business (Gheibi, Karrabi, Mohammadi and Dadvar, 2018 p.1).

  1. Define 3 real benefits of planning?

Determining Milestones- Planning helps in assessment of the milestones and establishment of quantifying goals.

Allocation of Resources- planning assists in allocating the limited resources in the organization like material, people and time in a systematic or orderly manner.

Clear vision- Planning helps the organization to ensure that coherent actions are established and are consistent with the priorities and values of a decision maker. Furthermore, planning assists managers in controlling and bringing the solution to a situation.

  1. Briefly, describe an approach you would take when developing an HR strategy?

Goal setting is a suitable approach I will take when developing an HR strategy. The approach involves the development of action plans that will motivate and act as a guidance of employees towards the goals (Baum, 2018 p.873).

  1. Provide a detailed description of the functions of Human Resource Management?

The functions of human resource management include planning, staffing and employee development.

Planning- the function determines the type and number of employees and resources required to accomplish the goals of the organization. Planning requires information collection and analysis in order to forecast human resource supplies and predict the future needs of human resource.

Staffing- This is a human resource function of acquiring, employing, developing,  remunerating people and making sure skilled employees are available. The function makes sure that the right people are available for selection at the right time (Bányai, Landschützer and Bányai 2018 p.3692).

Employee Training and development- This function includes an attempt to improve both future and current performance of a staff by increasing their abilities and capabilities through increasing one’s skills and experience in a particular subject or education. Furthermore, the function also provides promotions and support career development in the organization (Collings, Wood and Szamosi 2018 p.1-23).

  1. What things are involved when implementing an HR strategic plan?

There are different things required while implementing an HR strategic plan include performance appraisals, action plans and performance reviews.

  1. Periodically evaluations of the strategic plan are needed for long-term success. What objectives you will include by doing these evaluations?

Increasing the overall market share by a specific figure

Increasing customer retention

Achieving and maintain effective customer services.

Expanding the sales to the global sales.

Improving distributions and supply relationships. 


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