Debatable Topics In Employment

Challenges with Bamboo and Glass Ceiling

The relationship that exists within the various areas of the employment might lead to the factors that are related to the performance of the concerned organization in discussion. In the essay that follows I would like to present four debatable topics that are related to the various fields of employment within the organizations that have been functioning in a global setting. The first point that I would like to present deals with the challenges of the bamboo ceiling as compared to the challenges of the glass ceiling. In the second topic I would like to discuss the issues that are faced by the Bangladeshi workers who have been producing the clothes for the Australian market. The third factor that I would like to shed light on is the matter that pertain to the employment of the locals at the senior positions instead of employing the expatriates. The essay approaches the end with my attempts on the discussion on the gig economy and its impact on the full-time employment of the employees of the organization.

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The bamboo ceiling within the Australian territories do pose a serious challenge in the work field in Australia. The bamboo ceiling within the Australian territories tend to lead to the conditions wherein the people of the Asian origin might find it difficult to secure higher positions within the company (Baumgartner, and Schneider 2010). This might lead to the conditions wherein the concerned workforce of the organization might encounter problems due to their inability to secure the better positions win the concerned company. The women might feel the need to be as aggressive as the men in order to maintain their positions within the company. This might help them to overcome the glass-ceiling challenges (Lakshminarayanan 2011).

The glass challenge within the Australian territories play a huge role within the employment of certain sections of the workforce just like the bamboo ceiling. The glass ceiling tends to bar a certain section of the workforce from attaining better positions within the concerned company (Zhu and Tung 2016). The movie in discussion, “The Devil Wears Prada” tends to elucidate the factors that are related to the glass ceiling challenges that are faced by the women who have been placed at higher positions within the company. ( 2018). The glass ceiling tends to levy the changes that are related to the implementation of the biases within the given industry

Issues Faced by Bangladeshi Workers

In the Australian context, it might be pointed out that the bamboo ceiling poses to be a more important problem rather than those that pertain to the glass challenge that is encountered by the organizations. This hampers the various matters that are related to the proper functioning of the concerned organization due to the lack of the proper distribution of the talent within the organization. However, according to me, this seems to be the reason of the huge unemployment within the territories of Australia. The presence of the bamboo ceiling has also added to the matters that pertain to the discrimination within the Australian boundaries.

The absence of the basic privileges within the workforce of Bangladesh has been the major concerns of the various Australian firms that have been outsourcing the manufacturing departments to the various developing countries like Bangladesh ( 2018). The Australian companies might be advised to levy extra charges against all the various garments as well as the other products that are actually manufactured in Bangladesh (Truscott, Brust and Fesmire 2007). The extra charges that might be as low as the 2 dollars might help the economy of Bangladesh. The Australian garment industry is known to outsource the manufacturing department to Bangladesh thereby involving a great section of the population of Bangladesh (Taplin 2014). This might also help in the matters that pertain to the overall growth of the economy of Bangladesh.

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The amount that is collected from the clientele of the organization as a contribution towards the better living conditions within the territorial boundaries of Bangladesh might not reach the concerned workers. This might need the intervention of the UN in order to ensure the receipt of the funds by the concerned workers ( 2018). The people of Bangladesh who have actually been working for the Australian garment industry might be held responsible for the increase of the global waste due to their involvement in the fast fashion industry ( 2018).

The above discussion might point out to the fact that there exist discrepancies between the payments that have been offered to the actual labor force of the company. According to me, the company in discussion might need the intervention of the UN in order to ensure the receipt of the funds by the concerned workers who are active within the territorial boundaries of Bangladesh.

The transnational companies are generally observed to deal with the employment of the expatriates in the areas wherein the company has been expanding. The companies in the market are majorly observed to employ the expatriates to the newly acquired markets (Zhu and Tung 2016). This leads to the incurring of the higher costs within the company. These costs might be waived in cases wherein the senior manager is hired from the area wherein the company has been expanding. A look into the life of the expatriates in Dubai reveal the fact that the concerned people who have been deployed to the area have been suffering from debts and are being forced to encounter the barely moving legal system within the country ( 2018). However, this cost is comparatively lesser than the cost and the risk of employing an expatriate in the concerned area.

Employment of Locals at Senior Positions

The other critics might argue on the fact that the training of the newly appointed member of the organization might take up a huge lot of time and operational time of the concerned organization (Harvey, Buckley and Novicevic 2007). Thus, they opine that the employment of the expatriate might be beneficial as compared to the employment of the senior managerial and operational staff within the location wherein the company has depicted a recent growth. The expatriate staff might face issues regarding the matters that pertain to the cultural differences that might exist within the home country of the expatriate and the country wherein the person has been employed (Bodolica and Waxin 2007). The company needs to incur the costs of providing the necessary training to the concerned individual or the group of individuals who have been chosen for the completion of the concerned job at hand.

In accordance to the above discussion, I feel that the company might need to deal with the factors that are related to the employment of the senior managerial body from the area wherein the company has been expanding. This would help in the waiver of the costs in cases wherein the senior manager is hired from the area wherein the company has been expanding. This would also help in the reduction of the cultural gap that exists among the two different countries in discussion.

The implementation of the gig economy in the several areas of the work might lead to the conditions wherein the workforce of the company might face huge issues in the matters that pertain to the employment of the full-time workforce of the company ( 2018). The gig economy within the culture tends to incorporate the various matters that pertain to the part-time employment of the various members of the workforce of the company (Todolí-Signes 2017). This has been leading to the indication of the end of the full-time employment of the employees of the organization.

The gig economy might encourage the part time employment or the short-term employments within an organization. However, there still exist areas within the concerned organizations that lead to the conditions wherein the full-time engagement of the concerned employee is mandatory ( 2018). This is related to the matters that pertain to the senior positions within the hierarchy that is maintained within the organization. The Australian career cycle has been facing major issues due to the implementation of technology within the various fields of employment within the country. This reveals that the concerned industries tend to invent more jobs in order to employ the future generation ( 2018). However, there are positions within the organizations that do not encourage the frequent changes in the jobs.

Impact of the Gig Economy on Full-Time Employment

The above discussion has helped me to gather knowledge about the matters that pertain to the gig economy, a practice that is prevalent in the current society. According to my own opinions as well as the supporting cases, it might be pointed out that the gig economy might not be able to eradicate the concept of the full-time employment despite the encouragement that it provides to the short-term employments.


In lieu of the above discussion, it might be pointed out that there is a relationship that exists within the various areas of the employment. This relationship is known for leading to the factors that are related to the performance of the concerned organization in discussion. The bamboo ceiling, for example, poses to be a more important problem rather than those that pertain to the glass challenge that is encountered by the organizations. The garment industry of Australia might introduce a manufacturing unit within the territorial boundaries of Bangladesh. The Australian companies might be advised to levy extra charges against all the various garments as well as the other products that are actually manufactured in Bangladesh. The people who are employed under the various garment companies within the country Australia might benefit from the higher pricing of the end product. The companies in the market are majorly observed to employ the expatriates to the newly acquired markets. This leads to the incurring of the higher costs within the company. These costs might be waived in cases wherein the senior manager is hired from the area wherein the company has been expanding. On the other hand, the gig economy within the culture tends to incorporate the various matters that pertain to the part-time employment of the various members of the workforce of the company.

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