The Relationship Between Self Service Technology And Customer Satisfaction In Saudi Banks
Research Question
The research proposal is designed for studying about the various aspects of self service technology and how it has benefited the banks in Saudi Arabia. Due to the adoption of self service technology, the clients no longer need to consult with the employees or even ask for their help or support while managing the banking transactions. The self service technology will easily guide them towards the management of banking activities through automated voice and thus will make it convenient for the customers to manage the banking activities properly too. With the fulfillment of roles and responsibilities and managing the banking activities properly, it will be easy to create a sense of trust and loyalty among the customers, furthermore keep hem satisfied as a whole too.
This research attempt to answer the following question:
Is there relationship between Self Service technology and customers satisfaction in Saudi Banks?
The objective of this research is to examine the relationship between Self Service technology and customers satisfaction in Saudi Banks
Customer service and satisfaction are the primary goal of all organizations especially the banks sectors. According to (Gunawardana et al., 2015) there is a relation between self service technology and customers satisfaction in banks in Sri Lanka. Because there is a few studies in this field in Saudi Arabia, this study intend to examine this relation in Saudi banks to contribute developing the community and achieve vision 2030 by helping the banks to understand the customers and achieve what they want, to gain customers’ loyalty and satisfaction
is defined as the services are done by customers without need the employee and it`s provided through electronic channels, such as the Internet, telephone and ATM .This services make the bank have competitive advantage to achieve customers satisfactions .Sindwani and Goel (2015)
Retail banks use many types of self-service which play a significant role in consumer communication with retail banks such as such as, mobile banking, telebanking, internet banking system, ATM services, and SMS services, replace the old card with new one without need to employee, transaction the money between accounts, Deposit the money all of these services without need the employee. (4)
According to this research paper, there are many advantages of self-service technologies such as improve efficiency, flaccidity, productivity and also increased corporate performances. Therefore it is very necessary to understand the client evaluation of this self-service (Orel, & Kara, 2014). And advantages for the banks is to reduce the cost by reduce the employee and available of services 24/7 hours from any place,
Advantages of Self Service Technology
There are main five attributes can be used such as reliability, the ease of use, efficiency, security, and convenience. (4) At that time the use of mobile is increased rapidly in the last few years through which many retail banks adopted many self-service technologies to improve their efficiency and productivity
The customers can obtained accurate services without error and they can depend on the services provides by the bank they can have the transactions completed in required time (4)
The customers can interact easy with services, the services user-friendly and they can use it without any help from others. The services have clear instructions to guide them if they need, and Interacting with the system does not require a lot of the mental effort (4)
the customers can obtained on services and transactions quickly service with taking shorter waiting time and save their time and the client’s can to access their accounts through self-service technology and they can transfer money from one account to another by using this technology without reach at bank and stand for a long time (4)
The customers feel safe using the services that introduced by bank and the percentage of risk rate is low. The information of customers saved and without misuse of information and no one without authentication can have this information (4)
The customers can have many services and can access their account from anywhere and can be transferred or receive money without reaching bank (Piotrowicz, & Cuthbertson, 2014).
Almost all organizations compete based on service, to achieve Customers satisfaction which play role in all organization. Customer satisfaction determines the success or failure of services. (Sanjuq, G. 2014).
Traditionally customers interact with service organizations by face to face communication system and it takes more time, therefore, this technology reduce this type of problem. This technology reduces the time and many customers do not reach the bank because they transfer money or check balance by using mobile banking services and ATM services. Now they can replace the old card with new one without need to employee. This technology plays an important role in the field of service and it is defined as a technology which enables users to produce a self-service platform .According to research, it is estimated that self-service technologies are completely depended on e-services (4)
In banks sectors to survive they must gaining a competitive advantage by offering service with high quality to achieve customer satisfaction is becoming increasingly important. Sanjuq, G. (2014).
Five Attributes of Self Service Technology
The economy in countries depends on banks as banks play an important role in the economy. (6)
The banking sector in Saudi Arabia is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world .The establishment of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) to supervise the banks and to ensure that their works are legal and to impose sanctions on violators of laws and regulations. The global crisis has created in 2008 had a negative impact on Saudi banks, causing the failure to develop efficiency, but because of the strong fiscal policy and the government’s reserves in Saudi banks, was able to balance and restore its reputation and status. (6)
Many banks are competing with each other to provide better service. By now there are 12 domestic banks are operated currently in 2018. Which are (The National Commercial Bank (NCB), the Saudi British Bank (SABB), Saudi Investment Bank, Alinma Bank, Banque Saudi Fransi, Riyad Bank, SAMBA Financial Group, Alawwal Bank, Al Rajhi Bank, Arab National Bank, Bank Al Bilad, and Bank Al Jazira (5)
Sanjuq (2014) in his article attempts an evaluation of the various impacts of the service quality on the matters related to the customer satisfaction in the banking sector of Saudi Arabia. The article takes into consideration the service qualities that are observed to underlie the SERVQUAL model. The author of the article had undertaken a quantitative approach in the composition of the article. The authors had provided the concerned clients of the various Saudi Arabian banks located within the city of Riyadh. The provided questionnaire was prepared on the basis of the convenience methods. The study was conducted on 412 clients who had been attached with the various banks present within the concerned locality. The data was analyzed by implementing the usage of the statistical tool of SPSS which resulted in the determination of the reliability coefficient. The method used for the analysis was regression analysis. The article by Sanjuq (2014) revealed the fact that the SERVQUAL model is one of the most effective ways to measure the satisfaction of the various customers who have been related to the banking industry, especially the industry that involves the retail banks.
Sharma (2017) in the article argues that the future of the banking organizations is heavily dependent on the customer services that are offered by the concerned branch. The author attempts a study on the customer service that is offered by the banking institutions in India. The article in discussion was composed on the basis of the various responds that were received against a questionnaire. The questionnaire was a close-ended questionnaire and consisted of eighteen questions. The respondents were asked to respond on the basis of the level of the satisfaction that the concerned clients might have experienced. The composition of the article incorporated the responses of 50 respondents of the survey that was conducted in the Bhiwani and the Dadri districts of Haryana, India. The data was analyzed using the SPSS tool after implementing the percentage and factor analysis. The findings of the article reveal that the performance of the various banking organizations that have been operational in the selected areas. the results revealed that the major aspect of judging the banks were the factors that pertained to the handling of the grievances of the clients and the promptness of the handling the clients.
Customer Satisfaction
Sindwani and Goel (2015) in the article deals with the technology-based self-service banking services that are availed by the clients of the concerned financial institutions . The article deals with the impact of the technology-based self-service banking services on the loyalty of the clients. The article was composed on the basis of the survey that was conducted on the clients of the concerned banks. The survey that was conducted on the clients of the banks contained close-ended questions. The data was collected on the basis of the various matters that pertained to the impact of the technology-based self-service banking services on customer loyalty. The study was conducted on a sample size of 414 members. The total sample size was divided into two equal groups. An explanatory factor analysis was conducted on the first sub sample size with the help of the SPSS tool. The second sample size was subjected to a confirmatory factor analysis with the help of the AMOS software. The article reveals the fact that the personalization is one of the most important factors that might have a significant impact on the customer loyalty.
Wang (2017) in the given article tends to deal with the acceptance of the self-service technologies depends on the ability of the concerned client to deal with the technological matters along with the various factors that are related to the willingness of the concerned clients to get accustomed to the system. The concerned article is composed on the basis of the data received from the cross-sectional field survey approaches in the matters that pertain to the to attract the real-time clients who tend to use the self-service technologies that has been installed at the various supermarkets. The sample size for the completion of this study consisted of 281 clients who visited the supermarkets. The author had conducted a survey on the willing respondents who had used the self-service technologies at the time of checking out of the supermarkets. The article reveals the fact that the ability of customers to use the self-service technologies is affected more directly by the factors that pertain to the ease of usage, the anxiety involved in the usage of the technology and the interactive needs than their willingness to use the technologies.
The approach of this research will be a deductive approach which interested in developing a hypothesis based on the current theory, then designing a research strategy to test the hypothesis (1). for the method in this study will use a quantitative method which is distribute the surveys to different banks in Saudi Arabia and collected the data to achieve the main objective of the study and to answer the research questions
The Banking Sector in Saudi Arabia
.This research based on quantitative strategy which is technique for gathering information from customers using sampling techniques and Results produced usually numerical to predict the future of a product or service or relation between two variables to make changes accordingly (2)
The purpose of this research to examine the relation between the Self service and customer satisfaction in Saudi banks during 2018.The data are collected from all of 12 banks in Saudi Arabia where they branches in Jeddah by using questionnaires which is a focuses on collecting and disseminating data to wide groups of people easily .the questionnaire which consist of two parts (personal information and scales to measure the customers satisfaction on self Services) . The sample of this research consisted of 600 customers (where 50 customers from each bank) selected randomly supported by branch managers of these banks. The primary data of this research will be collected from the questioners in beginning of 2019. For the secondary data will be collected from previous articles and journals and books match it to this research .the data are collected will be analyzed by SPS software to examine the relation between the Self service and customer satisfaction in Saudi banks
This research will achieved benefit for individual and society to grantee better serves .In this research a number of ethical issues will be considered at all stages. The participants will be provided through the consent forms to make sure they understand the purpose of search and their rights. The participation is Voluntary not mandatory and they can withdraw at any time without lead to any consequences with the Bank or deny any of the features .informed them the time expected to complete the questionnaire is no more than 10 minutes. All data collected from volunteers will be treated in a private and confidential manner. Names will remain anonymous. For the researcher will be accurate, honesty, transparency, confidentiality, integrity and avoid misuse of data. (3)
According to the (H Gunawardana, & Perera, 2015) , The title of this article is Impact of Self Service Technology Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A Case of Retail Banks in Western Province in Sri Lanka. According to the author in this modern generation, there are many technologies developed in the field of banking sectors and many Sri Lankan banks adopted self-service technologies
This research paper surveyed around 215 clients from various commercial banks which are located in Sri Lanka. Many advanced technologies provided oriented organization services to enter into self-service technology and this is rapidly increasing in the banking sectors and they found there is relationship between self-service technology and customers satisfaction in banks in Sri Lanka (H Gunawardana, & Perera, 2015) , this research aimed to study this relation between Self Service technology and customers satisfaction in Saudi Banks on banks in Saudi Arabia .based on research objective and research framework the research hypothesis as follow :
- There is a relationship between Self Service technology (reliability, the ease of use, efficiency, security, and convenience) and customers’ satisfaction
According to above hypothesis, research frame work would be build based on that: the research would test, (if service (reliability, ease of use, efficiency, security, and convenience) effect on customers’ satisfaction
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