Innovation Report Of Airbnb Based On BCG Most Innovative Companies 2018

The business case for innovation

Airbnb, Inc. is of the leading private companies of the world. The headquarters are located at San Francisco. The basic activities performed byAirbnb is the operation of online market place and provision of services in the hospitality department. It was founded in August 2008. Ten years after its existence, it has boomed in a great way. It is now accessible through its mobile applications and website under the address of The company has extended its business throughout the world by offering a wide range of lodging, home stay and tourism. Airbnb does not hold any real estate listings. It does not conduct events like a broker, connecting others. For the bookings received by them, they take the stated fares and commissions (Sundararajan, 2014).

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In the contemporary era, Airbnb, Inc has to face several challenges in the ongoing procedure of its business. But to give a blow to this, it has been innovating various things to easen its business. The company has reached among the top 50 companies in the BCG most innovative companies of 2018. Also it was one of the most innovative companies in the year 2017. It has successfully provided lucrative offers for the customers and the travelers to avail the specialized and the reasonable offers granted by Airbnb. The key modes of innovation include the attractive and specialized tour, provision of easy access to the customers with the executives and providing interesting trips. The major challenge is the competitive market (Ram & Zhang, 2018).

The leadership style of Airbnb, Inc has been one of the best around the globe. This is because it has taken the hospitality industry to different heights in a span of very little time. In about 10 years, it has reached top global market with a treasure of 31 billion dollars. The leadership styles of Airbnb include the most appropriate methods to reach the desired goals. It included an unbreakable determination and will to achieve success, the prevalence of trust among the employers and the employees who are working together, proper and unambiguous communication styles and a very responsible attitude towards work (Hajibaba & Dolnicar, 2018). The leadership style was a mixture of providing the right services to the consumers at reasonable pricing along with the desired profits of the company.

The leadership style used in Airbnb is based upon the demarcations between leadership and management. This leadership style involves the taking of decision of what to do, the development of the ability to do the above skills mentioned. Further, a factor ensuring that the desired activities are completed. The leadership style includes the appropriate vision, strategies and the proper direction with correct motivation, inspiration and communication between the staff and the management. Innovative leadership is the key and it has been used here. It is a kind of leadership different from the others (Zhang & Friedman, 2017). There is effectiveness, guidance and direction of the behavior of tasks, maturity of the employees to follow these directions are important in this style.

Leadership Challenges

Brian Chesky is the Chief Executive Officer of airbnb. He believes in the obsessive perfection of the matters of the company. This means that he desperately wants all the innovations to be made with flaws and resolve all the challenges immediately without fault and flaws. The CEO has been known as the most promising workers around the globe and he has successfully implemented measures to take the company among the top 50 most innovative promising companies of the world. The greatness lies is the span of time (Zervas, Proserpio& Byers, 2017). The time period was really short. Chesky, put Airbnb in the process of long term success back in 2009. He visited the hosts personally and channelized the problems and resolved all the challenges to make it the best.

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Brian Chesky has been very famous in the leadership of his company because of his unconventional ways of handling the challenges.  He is one of the most important entrepreneurs of the world. Back in 2008, he was bankrupt (Forgacs&Dimanche, 2016). After that he handcrafted during the US presidential elections, cereals based upon the theme of elections and sold them at the democratic and the republican national conventions. This had shown immense potential on his part especially the ideas which no one had thought before. Brian Chesky possess the hunger to know things like children and he goes to the roots of the problem. After proper examination he can resolve the disputes in the most efficient manner. This makes him different from the others.

In the path of success of Brian Chesky, he has faced various challenges. The most important challenges faced by him is the competition of the other companies in the market. Other similar companies are booming up in the present scenario which provides similar offers and lucrative deals for the customers at the best prices. Another challenge faced by him is the booking of the hotels and the trips during the peak seasons at the best holiday destinations. The other challenges are included under the Airbnb faced by him is the short term vacation of the rental department, which increasingly hyped in the modern nations (Guttentag, 2015). The challenges faced by Brian Chesky is also regarding the regulations imposed upon the Airbnb. There are challenges regarding the expansion of the company across the different countries. The companies settled in the different in the same sector often do not welcome the competitive company and create problems for the same.

Innovation Challenges

The challenges faced by Brian Chesky under the leadership of Airbnb can be resolved by him through the efficient and the utmost planning of the strategies of the expansion of the business. With the implementation of the proper planning, the problems in relation to competition can be improved in a great way. The providing of special offers and grants at the reasonable prices during the peak seasons like during the summer breaks or during the Christmas vacations could overcome the challenge of competition. Application of the best methods can be highly effective to resolve the challenges arising during leadership (Lampinen & Cheshire, 2016).

The various challenges faced by Airbnb under the innovation methods include the following. The website of Airbnb is accessible to the ordinary people for the purpose of rent and other measure in relation to innovation. In the innovation methods, the major challenge faced is the cancellation of the bookings at the prime times. This creates a lot of inconvenience for both the parties. The expectation of the bookings are sometimes not up to the mark. There are often various malfunctions regarding the stay or the facilities in lodging faced by the innovation of Airbnb. There are choices regarding the hosts but these choices are not met with according to the needs of the consumers or as stated by them (Kaplan & Nadler, 2015).

There ample reasons as to why the innovative measures do not move forward in the desired direction. One of the major causes for this challenge is that the innovation methods are not properly tested. They are inaugurated on the basis of the anticipations and expectations that it would function in a particular manner. These methods do not do by that way very often and results in the lack of proceeding towards success. Besides this, there is lack of proper planning in the procedural steps of the business. The abrupt modes of cancellation can also be a big bottleneck in the direction of success for Airbnb. It has to be checked that the hotel applications and the websites of the Airbnb work in the appropriate manner (Koh& King, 2017).

The failure and the challenges of the Airbnb meet has been recorded from many aspects. These failures and challenges decrease the growth of the company and creates hindrance for the achieving of success for the company. The most important yet a petty component of the failure is the trust factor. Once the trust and faith is broken in the company, the fate of the company begins to lower in the minds of the consumers. The requirements of the consumers are not fulfilled often. Sometimes the bookings are deceptive and also, there is not a good return of the value for money of the consumers. The customer care service is not very abrupt in the dealings with the customers and resolving their issues (Petropoulos, 2017).

In order to change the situations and overcome the challenges faced by Airbnb there is an immediate need for the overcoming of these challenges. If these challenges and issues are not overcome immediately, then the of growth and the pace of success would be lowered. The customers would start finding alternatives in the lodging department or in the tourism industry. the first step to curb these challenges is the making of appropriate which are customer friendly and implementing them (Yang et al., 2016). The customer service of Airbnb should be made more prompt in action and resolve the disputes. The abrupt cancellations of the bookings should be stopped completely. Provision of quality services as expected by the customers at the implied rates should be granted to them.

The organizational priorities in relation to the leadership and innovation hold a very important position for the prosperous market of Airbnb. Both the leadership and that skills are complementary and supplementary to each other. Innovation includes the procedure of making something novel, which has not been made before, in the past (Libert, Wind & Fenley, 2014). Leadership is the procedure of making the others follow the path of the head of the company. It helps in the facilitation of the employees to understand the path of success in their business and follow the methods implemented by the leader. Without leadership, the innovation cannot function because there will not be anyone to implement the innovative modes. And without innovation there would be lack of the path of success and invention which the leaders are bound to follow in the business procedure (Meleo, Romolini& De Marco, 2016). Thus, they are both very important to each other and also very important for Airbnb.

The direction of the meeting of Airbnb should towards the implementation of the efficient modes of working and towards the achieving of the business goals and profits. The meeting should conduct the appropriate awareness and training programs for the employees so that they can have a better understanding and knowledge about the wants of the customers. The meeting should implement measures to update the website of Airbnb with the addition of the latest offers and deals (Oskam&Boswijk, 2016). The application of Airbnb in the mobile should be made more attractive to attract more customers. They can prepare programs for providing the best facilities to the consumers at reasonable rates. This would ensure the direction of the meeting of Airbnb to the path of success.

To improve the failures and the challenges faced by the management and the chief executive officer of Airbnb, it is recommended that the communication skill between the management and the employees of the companies should be widened. There should be awareness and training programs held to educate the employees and resolve the challenges regarding the customer service.  It is further recommended that for the cancellations done, Airbnb should initiate the issuance of refunds. This would help in gaining back the trust of the customers upon the companies (Minami &Ushiama, 2017). It is also recommended that the supporting agents should possess their own customer facing mail addresses. It is further recommended that response should be given to every consumer upon their queries.


After a close perusal of the above facts and information it can be concluded that Airbnb is one of the best companies across the globe. It has achieved success in the lodging department very easily in a short period of time. The CEO, Brian Chesky is responsible for such growth. However it has faced plenty of challenges and failures in the past. To overcome these methods, there are three practical steps given to improve the condition of the company. There should be awareness and training programs for the employees, there should be an advanced website to adhere to the problems of the customers and a prompt system of resolving the queries of the customers.


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