Impact Of Employee Motivation On Organizational Performance: A Study Of McDonald’s
Research Topic
In the current business scenario, the fast-food industry faces many problems as it is related to many sectors like commitment levels, financial, equity, and disagreement in setting boundaries. The specific issue that the research will discover is the impact of employee motivation on the organization performance. This report also presents many employee motivation techniques that could be imperative to improve the organizational performance.
The research topic is “to evaluate the impact of employee motivation on the organizational performance: in the context of McDonald.
The key purpose of this research is to evaluate the impact of employee motivation on the performance of the organization: in the context of the MacDonald.
To understand the employee motivation and organization performance: in the context of MacDonald
To evaluate the role of employee motivation in the organizational performance: in the context of MacDonald
To suggest strategies to motivate their employee in the organization: in the context of MacDonald
The literature review enables the researcher to gain their theoretical understanding with respect to the t research matter. This literature review facilitates understand the concept of employee motivation as well as organizational performance. It also supports to understand the impact of employee motivation on organization performance (Mone and London, 2018). In last, it discusses many strategies that would be imperative to improve the employee motivation level of their employees as it could be imperative for improving the organization performance.
To understand the employee motivation and organization performance: in the context of MacDonald
Lee and Steers, (2017) argued that motivation is the best way that encourages the employees towards their allocated work. It could be a power that provides strength to an employee for accomplishing their task in specified time and resources. It is stated that workforces might be energetic, enthusiastic, and clear about their specified goal, which would lead the company to accomplish their goal in the least time and cost. It is examined that motivation is an internal drive as it would inspire the employee for accomplishing their goal and gain their productivity along with organizational productivity (Huang, Ahlstrom, Lee, Chen, and Hsieh, 2016).
In support of this, Masa’deh, Obeidat, and Tarhini, (2016) illustrated that motivation could lead the organization to make a reliable decision with respect to their specified task and get a reliable outcome. It is also found that internal strength could facilitate the employee for completing their allocated work in the least time. Further, motivation could inspire their employee to boost their performance by accomplishing their specified time in limited time.
Aim and Objectives
Eldor and Harpaz, (2016) stated that organization performance relies on certain factors like financial performance, market performance of the product, and shareholder return. The organization effectiveness is aligning of a person who frames their independent trade as it is dependent on any targeted reason. It is illustrated that organizational effectiveness is imperative for accomplishing the specified task in limited time and cost. It could also support to improve the performance of the organization (Petrou, Demerouti, and Schaufeli, 2018).
To evaluate the role of employee motivation in the organizational performance: in the context of MacDonald
Owens, Baker, Sumpter, and Cameron (2016) illustrated that inspired workforces could rely on the organizational success. Higher motivated workforces could positively impact on the productivity of the organization as well as employees. Furthermore, it is illustrated that executives might create a real relationship with their subordinates. It could be a major issue for the company to create expressive contribution in any task hence organization could increase the morale of the firm.
In contrast to this, Zacher, Robinson, and Rosing, (2016) stated that there are many factors that could be effective for improving the organizational performance like a higher motivated employee, positive perception, and their emotions. Consequently, the organization would be capable to get higher competitive benefit in limited time and cost. Moreover, the organization could make an emotional connection of employee with their allocated work for the accomplishment of their organizational goal as it would be imperative for increasing the productivity of the firm as well as the organization.
To suggest strategies to motivate their employee in the organization: in the context of MacDonald
Owens, Baker, Sumpter, and Cameron, (2016) recommended that the organization should understand the significance of motivation in the improvement of the organizational performance. The organization might make a transparent relationship and flow from the top management to bottom management, which would be effective for getting higher satisfaction. The organization could aware their employees towards their allocated work and gain their interest in accomplishing the task in the available resource.
Kearney, (2018) suggested employee could be least satisfied by their compensation. A higher level of compensation could lead the employee for inspiring workforces to retain in the firm. It is illustrated that employee could be satisfied by traditional compensation method but only for the short term. Hence, the organization should use the modern motivation technique by which an organization revises the salary of employees in minimum 6 months.
On the other side, Bradler, Dur, Neckermann, and Non, (2016) examined that financial factor could inspire the employees for long-term. The organization should understand the importance of financial incentives and gain the productivity of the organization as well as employees in limited time. It encourages the employee to make a positive image of the organization in their mind.
Literature Review
The research methodology could be effective for choosing suitable techniques and tools with respect to attainment of the aim and objectives of research matter. There are different methods that are considered in the research methodology such as strategy, data collection method, sampling, data analysis method, research limitation, ethical consideration, and approach (Wallace, Butts, Johnson, Stevens, and Smith, 2016). These are discussed as discussed as below:
The research approach is effective for performing the research in a reliable way. The research approach facilitates the research scholar to develop a reliable plan by entailing different sources. In the research study, inductive and deductive research approach is considered. The inductive approach is practiced for collecting the non-numeric information about research matter. The deductive technique is an effective technique for developing a hypothesis about research matter. It is an effective approach for making reliable research hypothesis for the accomplishment of the research matter (Nica, 2016).
In this dissertation, an inductive approach is used by the researcher to conduct the research and meet specified research. The deductive approach is not practiced by the researcher caused of the subjective nature of the research matter.
In this research, the research scholar is used survey through questionnaire and literature review method is effective for collecting reliable information about research matter. In addition, survey through questionnaire technique enables to get views and opinion of research candidates about research concern. It could be facilitated to select realistic data with respect to the research concern. In addition, the research scholar will imply a literature review technique for getting conceptual data about research issue (Karatepe and Aga, 2016).
There are many kinds of research methods named descriptive, explanatory, and exploratory research method to collect reliable research matter. The descriptive research method is used by the researcher to conduct this research as it would be suitable in the case of the subjective nature of the research matter. The descriptive research technique facilitates to get conceptual data about research concern. This technique is effective to identify the relationship between employee motivation and organizational performance (Bradler, Dur, Neckermann, and Non, 2016).
For this study, both primary and secondary data collection technique is technique is practiced by research scholar. The primary data collection techniques enable to collect fresh information with respect to the current research concern. Moreover, the secondary data collection technique could be effective for collecting the information with respect to the research matter by considering many sources such as journals, books, offline, and online sources. The primary data collection is gathered by considering observation technique. This technique is imperative for the completion of specified aim and objectives in the least time and cost (Kearney, 2018).
Research Design
The data analysis is an effective technique for evaluating collected data of current research issue. The qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques are considered in the research to complete the study and get a reliable outcome. In this study, the researcher has considered both qualitative as well as a quantitative data analysis technique to collect information with respect to research matter. From the application of these data analysis technique, the researcher will be capable to get theoretical as well as numerical information with respect to research concern. For qualitative research data analysis, the technique is practiced for evaluating the non-statistical information while quantitative data analysis method is effective for examining the factual information (Owens, Baker, Sumpter, and Cameron, 2016).
The sampling technique is significant for choosing a suitable sample size for performing their study and obtain a valid result. The probability and non-probability sampling technique are used to evaluate the collected data with respect to the research matter (Zacher, Robinson, and Rosing, 2016).
For this study, the research scholar has practiced probability with considering the random sampling method for collecting appropriate sample size. This technique permits the researcher to randomly select research participants to form the whole population in the least time and cost and get a reliable outcome. In this, 55 employees of McDonald’s are selected by the researcher to conduct this research and get a reliable outcome.
The research limitation could negatively influence the growth of the business. There are certain components that could influence the research result such as time, resources, and cost. It is also analyzed that the specified time could mandate research scholar to complete this research in specified time, which could negatively influence the research result (Owens, Baker, Sumpter, and Cameron, 2016).
Ethical consideration assists the researcher to conduct their research scholar in a reliable manner. In this dissertation, the researcher considers many factors for avoiding the ethical issues from the research and get reliable outcomes such as the use of university guidelines, suitable referencing, and lack of plagiarism. It could decline possibilities of ethical concern from the research and support to make a reliable decision. Further, research scholar has practiced ethical norms to conduct the study and obtain valid and reliable result in an upcoming year. The researcher has used the ethical norms for not sharing confidential information of the research candidates to others (Zacher, Robinson, and Rosing, 2016).
Gantt chart is to evaluate time for the accomplishment of the research activities. The following table demonstrates the timeframe for this research:
Task (In weeks) |
1-2 |
3-4 |
5-6 |
7-8 |
9-10 |
11-12 |
13-16 |
17-20 |
21-24 |
Research planning |
Introduction |
Developing aim and Objectives |
Structuring of a research study |
Examine journals and research |
Research framework Preparation |
Research Design selection |
Research Methodology |
Draft revision |
Primary data collection |
Secondary data collection |
Analysis of data |
Drafting of findings and Interpretations |
Develop Conclusions and recommendations |
Completing the rest section of tasks |
Revision |
Final Submission of report |
With respect to above table, it can be analyzed that there are many research activities that could be accomplished by a researcher in upcoming 20 weeks like Research planning, Introduction, Developing aim and Objectives, Structuring of the research study, Examine journals and research, and Literature Review conduct. Apart from this, other research activities are research framework preparation, research design selection, research methodology, draft revision, primary data collection, secondary data collection, analysis of data, drafting of findings and interpretations, develop conclusions and recommendations, completing rest section of tasks, revision, and final submission of the report.
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