Enhancing Business With Cloud Computing And Big Data Technology

Exposure to the idea

In the modern times there are many of the problems and challages that are faced by the organisations. One of the major problem that is most commonly faced is the lack of proper technology and the technical employees (Etro, 2015). One of the main reason behind this is the fact that the technologies are changing in a rapid speed and the process of adapting the technology is not being changed at that speed. The storage of the data is one of the major problem that is faced by the organisation. The use of the technology helps in the process of enhancing the business and make it available to the people.  But the major problem arises when there are problems in implementing these technologies. There have been a numerous number of technologies that is been used in the businesses these days but not all these technologies are getting success in business. Also, the cost of these technologies are very much high. Therefore, once there is a loss in using the technology then there arises other financial issues for the organization (Bahrami & Singhal, 2015). Apart from this not always right trained workforce is available who can use the technology in a perfect manner. Hence the organisations has to train these people which requires time and money. The use of the modern technologies can help with the process of enhancing the security of the organisation, providing better sales and other such issues.

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 The problem that must be solved is to implement a proper web service in an organisation… Hence for the process of enhancing the technology the use of the big data is one of the most important things that is to be ensured (González-Martínez, Bote-Lorenzo, Gómez-Sánchez & Cano-Parra, 2015). The use of the cloud servers is also one of the major solutions to this problem. The cloud servers adds  benefits like the security feature, with the use of the cloud servers the data of the customers as well as organisational data always safe. The Cloud computing is one of the major technology that is been developed in the last few years. It can be explained as the practice of using a network servers that are hosted remotely on the internet in order to store or manage and the process data, rather than using the local servers or any personal computer. That is it can be explained as the large sets of systems that are connected in any private or public network in order to provide an online infrastructure to different applications, data and file storage systems. The concept uses the principal of the reusability of IT capabilities. The cloud computing is one of the most used and one of the major part of the internet society. With the use off the cloud systems the nessacery of using different kinds of application that are stored in the local servers have reduced in a significant manner.

Proposed method/technology

The proposed method / technology / etc.??

In order to solve this kind of the problems that are related to the business, there can be some of the major steps that can be taken by the management of the organisation. (Aazam, Khan, Alsaffar, & Huh, 2014). The use of the updated hardwares and proper software can help in the process of enhancing the business. One of the other major thing that must be done is to ensure that the organisation hires the employees that are skilled in a certain technology. The major thing that is needed to understand is that how a piece of technology is changing the execution of the business (Raj, Babu, Ariwa, Nirmala & Krishna, 2015). One of the major thing that must be ensured that before any new technology is implemented in the organisation, the technology must ensure that the technology is needed in the organisation. Other than this, other major thing that can be done in order to enhance the business is to hire new employees and train them for the proper use of the technology (Ahmed & Hossain, 2014). The use of the modern technologies can help with the process of enhancing the security of the organisation, providing better sales and other such issues.

The technology that can properly help in the process of the storing the huge sum of the data that are to be stored is the use of the big data and cloud computing services. The use of the cloud computing services helps in the process of storing the data in a very helpful process. Also using the cloud services and the big data helps in the process of using the propitiatory software (Sharma, Bansal & Sharma, 2015). Using the propitiatory software also helps in the process of fewer machines loads.

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Technology is the most important thing that can help an organisation in the way of success. The use of the technology makes it easier for the organisation to develop proper plans and use them for the process of enhancing the business (Dempsey & Kelliher, 2017). The problem that is described in the paper is that many of the organisation lacks the proper use of the technology, and this is one of the major things that is to be solved. The major thing that is needed to understand is that how a piece of technology is changing the execution of the business. One of the major thing that must be done is the use of the online marketing concept, this can bring some of the major changes in reaching the public in an easier manner. The use of the online web services can help the organisation in developing of the of results of the business (Schneider & Sunyaev, 2016). Also, these can help with the process to ensure that there are certain cases where the use of these technology can help in maintaining the employees of the organisation. The use of the cloud based storing systems and use of the big data helps in the process of enhanced storage of the data that are stored. Using the big data helps in the process of easy sorting of the data in a easier manner. The cloud computing can help the organisation in many ways. Like the need of buying huge memory devices are not required. The cloud helps in the process of sorting huge data in the servers. Also, one of the other major benefit that the cloud helps is with is that there are not any need of using the propitiatory software (Marinescu, 2017). The cloud servers comes with the software like the ERP and others. This can help the organization with enhanced data software and other settings. Learning the cloud servers and using the big data analytics is also one of the major things that is to be implemented.

How it is expected to solve the business problem

Why:  What is the strategic motivation for this change?

In order to enhance any business, there is a need to motivate a change in the business process. One single change can help in the process of changing an entire business. In order to implement a technological change, the major motivating factor that plays a huge role is the enhanced business operations (Chou, 2015). The motivation helps in creating better results in using the technology. The technology of the web servers can help the organisation with better results in reaching the customers. This has to be ensured by the organisation head that all the changes that are to be implemented are used in a proper way. While the process of taking the decisions there are also need to take permissions form stakeholders of the organisation. The external stakeholders of the organisation or the shareholders help in the process of proper management of the financial aids that are needed for the using the technology. (Puthal, Sahoo, Mishra & Swain, 2015). The use of the technology can help in creating an interest among the customers. This change will let the customers visit the organisation web pages and application visit any time and hence sales of the organisation will also increase. With better results from the move, it will also motivate the employees of the organisation to work more. The more the employees work there will be more money for the organisation (Zissis & Lekkas, 2012). This is one of the other motivational factors for the organisation.

The proper storage of data can also help the employees of the organisation to easily access the information without the use of any tricky mechanism. Also, there are some of the major software that can help in the process of enchasing the business processes.

In order to implement this change, there is a need for some of the major conditions that are nessacery. There are some of the major changes that are needed to be understood before the cloud servers are implemented (Arora, Parashar & Transforming, 2013). In order to implement the process the first major step that is to be taken is implementing heterogeneous system support. For the process of cloud management, there are need to understand the latest virtualization software and solutions. The need for the extended hardware systems is also one of the major things that is to be implemented before the using of the cloud management software (Dinh, Lee, Niyato & Wang, 2013). The second major step that is to be taken is to ensure proper service management process. That is the management must ensure simple tools for the process of implementing the cloud management software (Xu, 2012). The other thing that is to be considered is the dynamic workload management systems, on-demand and elastic while consistently able to meet consumer service level agreements (SLAs), the cloud must be workload- and resource-aware. The cloud servers increase the level of abstraction and make the majority of the components data centre visualised. The data management tools are also one of the other major things that is to be implemented in a proper manner.

Introducing the proposed change in the Enterprise

The proper development of the administrator, developer and end-user interfaces is one of the other major things that is to be done (Fernando,  Loke & Rahayu, 2013).  Cloud computing is a paradigm shift in how data centres and service providers are architecting and delivering highly reliable, highly scalable services to their users in a manner that is significantly more agile and cost-effective than previous models. Thus these conditions are to be ensured before the changes are to be made in the organisation in order to properly implement the process of enhancing the business architectures.

In order to implement such a huge change in the organisation, the head management of the organisation will be responsible (Chen & Zhao, 2012). The decision of implementing the technology is to be taken by the top management of the organisation.  The changes involve some of the biggest challenges in the process of the implementation. In order to implement the organisation needs to buy some of the major new technologies in order to implement the change, hence there are needs for use sum of money (Bonomi, Milito, Zhu & Addepalli, 2012). This has to be ensured by the organisation head that all the changes that are to be implemented are used in proper way. While the process of taking the decisions there are also need to take permissions form stakeholders of the organisation (Latif, Abbas, Assar & Ali, 2014). The external stakeholders of the organisation or the shareholders help in the process of proper management of the financial aids that are needed for the using the technology. The internal stakeholders or the employees of the organization also need to be properly teacher of the technology that is to be implemented. The use of the big data and the cloud servers can help in the process of enhancing the organisation levels of proper using of the data. The use of these technologies also helps in keeping the data of the customers safe. The security feature of this software is one of the major things that is to be properly implemented.

The use of the cloud computing services and the big data services help to enhance the data storage process of organisation. The secured data storage helps in enhancing the process of storing the customer data and organisational data in a safer manner.. The changes are to be made in every level of the organisation (Albakri, Shanmugam, Samy, Idris & Ahmed, 2014). In the management level, the use of the cloud computing and the big data can help in processing the list of the employees and the stakeholders. This can help in the process of managing the finances of the organisation. In the working level, the cloud computing can help in the process of storing the data of the customers and using these data for the process of enhancing the business. The use of the big data can help in the process of better understanding of the data and process of better analysing of the data. This also ensures that the data of the organisation is always safe and are never lost (Furuncu & Sogukpinar, 2015). The use of the cloud helps in keeping data back up and hence the organisation does not need to worry about the loss of the data. The security of the data is one of the other major benefit that can be used by the organisation. This ensures customer satisfaction level of the customers. Thus it can be said that the use of the cloud servers and the big data can be implemented in each and every level of the organisation for better results.

In order to implement this change, there is a need to present this with the help of proper resources of the organisation.

The major need is to ensure that the changes are always needed to explain this factors to the head of the organisation to ensure that all the benefits of the process are well explained to the customers. The organisation at first needs to ensure that a proper third party services that can ensure security and service to the organsition. One of the other major thing that is to be done, is to ensure that the data which are provided to the third party for the process of storing, has to be copyrighted by the name of the organisation and not the third party (Drissi, Houmani & Medromi, 2013). Proper assurance must be taken from the third party also, that is the third party keeps ata of the organisation safe. This has to be ensured by the organisation head that all the changes that are to be implemented are used in a proper way (Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2016). While the process of taking the decisions there are also need to take permissions form stakeholders of the organisation. Thus, it is the work of the managers of the organisation is to ensure that these terms and conditions are to be made clear before the third party cloud servers are to be used. In order to ensure that big data work in a proper manner the use of the software like the Hadoop and other software is used.


Thus concluding the topic it can be said that use of the cloud computing and big data is one of the major technological implementations that can be done. This ensures that all the data of the customers are always safe. This has to be ensured that the cloud computing system helps in the process of better management of the data. The biggest problem that is faced by many of the organisations can be solved using the cloud computing systems. This also ensures that using the software the organisational data can be easily processed.

 The use of latest technology can also help in the process of ensuring that sales of the industry grow up. The cloud servers come with the software like the ERP and others. This can help the organization with enhanced data software and other settings.  But the major problem arises while implementing these technologies. There have been a numerous number of technologies that is been used in the businesses these days but not all these technologies are getting success in business. Thus, it has to be ensured that all the technologies are used in a proper way. Some of the other major things that must be ensured while the using of the cloud servers. The organisation must select the best possible solution for sharing the data files. One of the major suggested platform is the use of the hybrid cloud systems. The hybrid cloud servers’ helps the orgasaition in ensuring that all the data of the organisation are safe as well as the applications can be used without any collateral damage. The use of the hybrid cloud also ensures low cost solutions to the customers.


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