Detailed Review And Comparison Of Single Page Application And AMPP Stack

Part A

This is a website that re-renders its content in relations to the navigations functions which includes, clicking a link in the ABC news blog. The link will be able to give back a response without necessarily having a functional server. Single page application varies on its implementation, they rely on the native APIs and use the same browser characteristics to ensure the main functionality.

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The application employs a very responsive nature, rendering its great ability to work best in all kinds of screen sizes.

The icons used for the application is supplied by the icons files that are called in bootstrap classes. They are very convenient since they are easily implement and clone easily to the webpage.

The text and modules animations were affected by the use of JavaScript and css cooperation. These parameters were moderately implemented to attain a harmony co-existence in the different models of presenting data.

The site has also been decorated by the use of images, which helped in bringing out the best out the designers arm, and also to clearly and rightly present the data to the reader. (Lowe, 2010)

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For a better performance of the ecosystem or the industry, new platforms for management information systems are necessary. With this new platforms and devices, companies are able to maximize the profit since the work is made easier. The emerging trends in new technologies has actually made businesses possible across the world. They have built patterns on how one can be able to predict the future outcomes.

This reports on client character with advanced abilities, execution of properties and distributors, stage and gadget dissemination, and computerized gadget utilization, over a multiscreen computerized world, including cell phones, tablets, work area, and smartphones, TVs and so on.

The structure of SPA

This kind of an application does not reload the page during usage so that it can give the best user experience and performance. It is fixed on a one page and uses the links to connect to other parts of the web application.

The figure below shows how the SPA works in the logics of a business and HTML templates move from the server to the user. This makes it that

At the point when the web application moves to the programs, the necessities for execution in server are very critical. The accompanying figure shows how SPAs take care of an execution issue with the business rationale and HTML formats move from the server and the customer.

Part B

HTML was used to design the interface of the web application and the home page or the dashboard of the ABC news blog consist of the navigation links which directs the users to the resources they need from the site.

During the development of the ABC news application CSS was used to design the style of the outlook of the application. Color of the interface together with the objects were used to design the system.


From the diagram, the traditional site has been moved to the client side (SPA) so that the performance can be improved of the server. Traditional server normally request the server where it gets the requests, indicates the feedback and send back to the person who requested it. And then repeats the same for each call.

This is the popular design for this developed system. This pattern is mostly used in web development. It divides the graphical user interface of the program from the logic of the business. It consist of the parts as illustrated below. Components includes the browser which sends requests, controller interacts with the model, controller invokes view, view renders next browser screen.


This project, as mentioned earlier, is a node js program. This is a JavaScript framework that has its front end files and backend files specially designed to separate the operations from interacting.

This is a web development security advantage since the back end files are not directly exposed to the dangerous world of naughty and curious persons, who are always ready to disregard and attack the application.

The navigation menu is an in page referencing menu that allows the user to navigate easily across the application (Avison and Fitzgerald, 2011). This was activated and implemented using JavaScript and CSS.

AngularJS is an open source application used for JavaScript system developed and maintained by google. This is designed to ensure that JavaScript developers uses structured approach in web development process for cutting-edge applications.

The reasons why AngularJS is used are;

  1. Maintainable  since it is an open source application for web development
  2. Testable- it supports both the unit and system testing which competes the use of traditional methods of testing web applications.
  3. Standardized- it helps to create a standard web applications which can employ modern properties such as the HTML5 APIs. Also, it supports modern devices and systems which can be used to access the applications.(Avison and Fitzgerald, 2011)

AngularJS is contained in the browser works as illustrated in the below diagram.


The client site is implemented in such a way that it receive data from the server site API which is the Restful service from the web applications. The main reason why the controller and the view are used is because that they are needed to process data in the model so that DOM is performed for the creation and management of the HTML elements which interacts with the user. These interactions will be brought back to the controller and the loop is closed.

Representation status transfer (REST) API is the kind architecture which is stateless and is based on HTTP protocol to show the model how the new web application will work. REST utilizes the existing technology and protocols to access the resources and modify them.
















The get, post, put and delete are used to modify information in the database. This contains verbs such as create, read, update, and delete operations in the database system. The response for these operations rely on the HTTP call type as shown in the table below.

First digit









Client Error


Server Error

This kind of web application uses the Apache server as the source of files to the users. The server communicates to the web application when it is connected to the internet. The web app will call the server and retrieves the files if accepted by the database. The user uses Apache SQL queries to call for resources from the database system. ABC news blog system has its database centralized at specific location.

 MySQL talks about queries which are run by the users so that they can access the resources from the database while the AMP environment talks about the Mobile web pages which are designed to load more instantaneously.

This application has been designed using a MySQL database, and the database file is attached to the project files in a db folder. It only contains a single table (news).

The landing page on the local environment navigation is http//: localhost: 3000/index.

The rest of the application will work on the same page. This application does not require login or authentication process, and therefore will be an open application.

This page is easily navigable, since node js is a light weight language and does not require a lot of browser res0urces to be kept running.

The page also contains a headers that bear the application titles and welcome information. The application footer is the collection of all the JavaScript files that have been employed to enhanced visibility and ease of access

The following code shows how the web application is communicating together with the server. GET – used by the user of the web to call for the display of a resource, identified by a link provided. E.g. the use request for the metric branches and then the server sends it back in the application as JSON formats the output results.

{  “name”: “node-authentication”,

  “main”: “server.js”,

  “dependencies”: {

    “bcrypt-nodejs”: “latest”,

    “body-parser”: “^1.18.3”,

    “connect-flash”: “~0.1.1”,

    “cookie-parser”: “^1.4.3”,

    “ejs”: “^0.8.8”,

    “express”: “^3.4.8”,

    “express-flash”: “0.0.2”,

    “express-myconnection”: “^1.0.4”,

    “express-session”: “^1.15.6”,

    “express-validator”: “^5.2.0”,

    “method-override”: “^2.3.10”,

    “mongoose”: “~3.8.1”,

    “mysql”: “^2.15.0”,

    “passport”: “~0.1.17”,

    “passport-facebook”: “~1.0.2”,

    “passport-google-oauth”: “~0.1.5”,

    “passport-local”: “~0.1.6”,

    “passport-twitter”: “~1.0.2”  }}

The POST – client will sent a post call for a new service to be created in a given representation. The post request will ensure that the client understand that a new resource has been created and accepted. This is a show in the code below. (Ratner, 2002)

“mongoose”: {“version”: “3.8.40”,

      “resolved”: “”,

      “integrity”: “sha1-Ay9bpVWCSXVZqHwfP0s5WcJkBqc=”,

      “requires”: {

        “hooks”: “0.2.1”,

        “mongodb”: “1.4.38”,

        “mpath”: “0.1.1”,

        “mpromise”: “0.4.3”,

        “mquery”: “1.10.0”,

        “ms”: “0.1.0”,

        “muri”: “1.1.0”,

        “regexp-clone”: “0.0.1”,

        “sliced”: “0.0.5”      },     “dependencies”: {ms”: {

          “version”: “0.1.0”,

          “resolved”: “”,

          “integrity”: “sha1-8h+sSQ2vHXZn/RgP6QdzicyUQrI=” } } },  “mpath”: {

      “version”: “0.1.1”,

      “resolved”: “”,

      “integrity”: “sha1-I9qFK3wjLuCX9HWdKcDunNItXkY=” }, “mpromise”: { “version”: “0.4.3”,

      “resolved”: “”,

      “integrity”: “sha1-7cR6daKhd7DpOCc121Lb7DgIzDM=    },

    “mquery”: {“version”: “1.10.0”,

      “resolved”: “”,

      “integrity”: “sha1-hgPwKwtSTResBTmoWZYSTuF7fLM=”,”requires”: {

        “bluebird”: “2.10.2”,

        “debug”: “2.2.0”,

        “regexp-clone”: “0.0.1”,

        “sliced”: “0.0.5”},

      “dependencies”: {

        “debug”: {

          “version”: “2.2.0”,

          “resolved”: “”,

          “integrity”: “sha1-+HBX6ZWxofauaklgZkE3vFbwOdo=”,

          “requires”: {

            “ms”: “0.7.1” } },”ms”: {“version”: “0.7.1”,

          “resolved”: “”,

          “integrity”: “sha1-nNE8A62/8ltl7/3nzoZO6VIBcJg=” } }  },”ms”: {version”: “2.0.0”,

      “resolved”: “”,

      “integrity”: “sha1-VgiurfwAvmwpAd9fmGF4jeDVl8g=”

The ABC is a standard website application which uses single page application procedures to allow its clients to access the resources. It uses the internet so that its clients can be able to access the resources and services they are in need of.  The management team of the ABC Company includes the senior executive and a strong record of tracking to providing its services.

The ABC Company provides its online services to all the clients across the globe in finance and offering of its services. The main work for developing the web application is so that the clients are able to work online and access these resources remotely.

The ABC dash board once the users are logged into, they should be able to view a graphical user interface as a representation of images or objects. The basic layout of this web application is that they have the main content areas.

The navigation will allow the users to easily get into access to the resources that they are in need of. This provide a clear and easier to use interface where the user will just select the dashboard, browse the available reports and then navigate to the account functionality.

The layout is arranged in such a manner that the visual elements are ether arranged in columns. The content is displayed all over the page. When a user just login to the system, it will by default open the dashboard page. Therefore the user will be able to be shown all the resources on the dashboard and can access all the data he or she needed.


In conclusion, single page web application is an application used together with the internet so that the users can be able to access the resources and the services they need. However, it is more advantageous since the server site is moved to the client site.

The web is presently far unique in relation to a few years prior since single-page web application has turned into another pattern for big business applications. As an ever increasing number of individuals utilize web applications, a requirement for an intelligent affair and real time, encounter is required from a specialized point of view, a solitary page web application has developed and to meet those prerequisites. Computerized media estimation administrations are a piece of this pattern. ABC Dashboard is the fundamental result of ABC Analytics and it offers cross stage advanced media estimation and gathering of people utilization investigate

All foundation learning and experience will assume an imperative job later on and difficulties of the undertaking


Ruby, S. and Thomas, D., 2009. Agile web development with rails. Raleigh, NC: Pragmatic Bookshelf.

Lowe, D., 2010. Hypermedia and the Web: An engineering approach. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Avison, D. and Fitzgerald, G., 2003. Information systems development: methodologies, techniques, and tools. McGraw Hill.

Avison, D. and Fitzgerald, G., 2011. Information systems development: methodologies, techniques, and tools. McGraw Hill.

Ratner, J. ed., 2012. Human factors and Web development. CRC Press.

Duyne, D.K.V., Landay, J. and Hong, J.I., 2002. The design of sites: patterns, principles, and processes for crafting a customer-centered Web experience. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.

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