Designing Apple Soft Food Product For Marks & Spencer

Importance of the development

This assignment focuses on designing a food product and launching the food product in the new target market. The product is containing mainly Apple soft. It has various kinds of flavors. They are such as Plain, Cinnamon, Apple, Strawberry, Raspberry, and Cherry etc. The initial procedure of baking started from collecting seeds. Gradually various kinds of flavors, textures, and digestible were introduced in terms of increasing the method of cooking and thus enhancing the taste. However, effective use of microbiologically induced changes also helped in creating the new product. Gradual changes were introduced in terms of controlling the traditional procedures which were used earlier while developing any baking product. Because of the rapid development of baking technology, baking has become an ingredient of greater purity. The utilisation of less equipment is also important for individual skill development (Filieri, 2013). The exceptional growth of information technology in the baking area has transformed cooking into a great new area. Various kinds of benefits can be perceived from the implementation of e-Learning within the organization.

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Bakery seems to be a conventional activity and therefore, it occupies a great importance in the case of the food processing industry.Taste of people are changing instantly, therefore to accrue a position in the market, new innovation needs to be been introduced in the food production industry yet it can be said people prefer to consume fresh products available in the bakery. However, the key challenge in any bakery firm is pushing the product into the market. As the population is growing rapidly and people are preferring fresh and ready to eat foods, therefore the demand for bakery products is increasing (Filieri, 2013).According to a survey, it has been seen that a food carryingplant-based wholesome usually has 10%-15% protein which is much essential for the health of people whereas consumptionof an excess amount of animal protein can be harmful to human health. Not only that it might cause cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, various kinds ofcommon grains like wheat, rice, oats, rye, corn, barley,and millet are a great source of protein.Plant-based foods contain a large amount of ironbut you should intake itwith fooditems rich in vitamin C to optimize your absorption. Each day we need to consume at least 1,200 calories, 50 g protein, 175 g carbohydrates, 40 g fiber, 45 g fat, 1,800 mg sodium to satisfy our energy.

There are many factors regarding nutrition for bakery and confectionery items. In the case of bakery and confectioneryproducts, they provide various kinds of nutritional values such as calories in the form of fat, protein, carbohydrate etc. In case of the development of apple product ingredients required are such as Gluten free rice flour 200 gram, Xanthan gum 1 teaspoon, 2 eggs, Extra virgin Olive oil 2 tablespoons, Salt ½ tablespoon. In this product, the amount of carried calory is 226 gram in the form of fat, total fat 5.07 gram, Sodium 188 gram, Total carbohydrate 40 gram, and Protein 4 gram in the form of the vitamin. While developing any food item nutrition value is being considered greatly. In terms of quality and quantity protein is a very important aspect. Flour contains 12 to 16 % protein. On the other hand,gluten contains 70% protein. Not only that, but bread is also carrying the same amount of protein. In this context, it is required to mention that flour is the most important ingredient without which production of any kind of bakery or confectionery item is not possible. Different types of flours are being used for different type of products (Khan et al 2014). Flours are detected as First Patent, Short Patent, Medium Patent, and Ling Patent. Therefore, the identification of these flours is important as they are being determined by the availability of separate nutrition values. The nutrient value of flour is being measured by the gluten forming properties. Therefore, it is believed that proteins contained by flours are much stronger and harder than any other ingredient used in developing bakery or confectionery item. However, the quality of protein depends greatly on the variety of flours. Thus the quality of protein plays a crucial role in terms of determining the available properties of flourthan the quantity of protein. When any food product is being developed it is also required to maintainfew aspects properly it includes quality like as color, strength, tolerance, high absorption, and uniformity (Wells, 2016).

The method used for the Development of the product

Implementation of properly researched findingsis important regarding the development of the food product. In order to collect data, primary data collection method was used, the feedback was collected from the retailers those are involved in the bakery business. Additionally, a structured questionnaire has been used for performing such activities. Those questions were as follows.

  • What are the potentialities of revenue generation for a bakery food product?
  • What are the opportunities that a food product will have after being launched in the market?
  • What expectations of the potential customers can be there from the product?

In terms of investigating the significant performance, various respondents were being selected randomly. Thus it can be said that the key objectives of the study were

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  • Finding the market potentiality in terms of the food product like Apple Soft.
  • Identifying various kinds of opportunities for Apple Soft food product.
  • Gathering knowledge regarding the level of Apple Soft food product.
  • Knowing the expectations of the customers regarding the Apple Soft food product

The method of data analysis was used in terms of gathering various opinions of the customers regarding various kinds of bakery products. This includes the distribution of channels, influences of pricing and thus the changed behavior of the customers toward the product. This procedure was used in terms of knowing the business effectiveness of the product. Therefore various statistical analyses were implemented (Al Karim, 2015). On the other hand, adescriptive statistical assessment has been done in termsof performing various primary data analysis. In this context, the standard deviation was being utilized to complete the procedure. Apart from that, the performance of the bakery food product suppliers was also been taken into consideration regarding the implementation of statistical assessment. In this context, it is required to be said that to complete the method, sample datawerecollected from the potential respondents who are in the bakery business or associated with food business (Annunziata et al 2016). Therefore, from the findings of the researchers, the most important factors which are required to be considered in terms of the performance analysis of the product has been identified. Thus, to perform this activity various statistical tests such as descriptive statistics tests, one sample t-test, etc have been done. Through performing these tests helps in selection of significant factors have been determined. From thesetests, it has also been observed that on-time delivery was given the highest amount of rating. Apart from that, from the statistical analysis, it has been revealed that the most important factor that plays an important role is on time delivery of any food product. Nutrition value generation has also given equal importance in this regard. Thus it can also be said from the observation of statistical analysis that the nutrition value of the product also plays a major role in the case of profit generated from the product. In addition, it can be said that Apple Soft is a well-performing product in the European market if these factors can be followed properly. Therefore, in terms of analyzing the perception of the customer toward the selection of the product implementation of various the research methodologies were important (Wells, 2016).


Food manufacturing companies are using various techniques in case of generating idea while developing food items. Many a time it has been seen that ideas are coming from the input of the customers. Therefore, it can be said that in terms ofmanufacturing a food item and launching it various required factors are such as equipment, facilities, procedures etc. In terms of if the product is not found to be technologically feasible, it is required to be terminated. In this regard verification of ingredients is important. While choosing the ingredients it is also required to keep in mind that they should be full of nutrition (Satimanonet al. 2011). From the findings of the research method, it can be said that various aspects are required to be maintained while developing the Apple Soft food product. As it is a food item along with everything the first priority should be given over the nutrition value of the product. Although due to the rapid development of technology there are many processed food items available in the market but people still prefer fresh food items like bakery products. In this context, Apple Soft having a rich amount of nutrition value will run in the market effectively. It is also believed from the implementation of various methodologies and data collected from various respondents that Apple Soft will also perform well in the market compared to any other food item. From the results of the research, it has also been seen that various respondents are influencing theprofitability of Apple Soft food product. These factors are such as hygiene, price, available nutrition value, profit margin and the system of distribution. This is so because it has also been seen from the research that people now a day prefer to consume fresh products enriched with real nutrients rather than processed food items. From the stated aspects of the respondents in order to have fruitful and uninterrupted business operations, various factors have been identified. These aspects are such as on-time delivery, replacement of the expired products, margin, handling different complaints of the customers effectively. Therefore, taking these aspects into serious consideration and thus generating the maximumamount of profit. Although it has been seen that the level of awareness is limited yet in case of Apple Soft it can be said it would have a higher amount of customer’s loyalty. This will help to generate a perception among the customers that Apple Soft is capable of servingquality products and thus serving better services to the customers. Apart from that, there are few expectations from the customers from the product.These are such as improved packaging, the durability of the product with good packing, the supply of fresh products having good quality, reasonable price.

Thus the research helped to understand that the product is required to be developed in a better way compared to any food product available in the market. It should have better packaging compared to any other food product available in the market. From Apple Soft it is required to mention as well that packaging of any product plays an important role as it appeals to the customers for the product especially of the purchaser of the product is new or the product itself is new in the market. Therefore one of the main concern is to provide special attention toward the packaging as it also helps to covey the details about the product such as the quality of the product, its generic grades etc. Therefore the developers of the Apple Soft food product and the packaging engineers are also required to give this segment special attention. In this context, it is required to keep in mind that as the product is new in the market;therefore, its packaging should be more elegant compared to the available products in the market. Then only it will be able to attract a segment of customer who prefers hygienic packaging along with sophistication.As the product is going to be new in the European market,therefore, safety is the major issue. The product manufacturer needs to take care of every detail of the product, ISI standards needs to be maintained in according to European market standard.

In terms of pricing of the product as the product is new in the market an understanding regarding all kind of production costs and marketing costs are required to be added. This will be helpful for revenue generation. Therefore, two types of costs can be considered in this context. They are fixed cost and variable cost. This type of cost includes equipment costs, property cost etc. On the other hand, variable cost is those which might change due to the changes in the volume of production. If the cost of ingredients change then there will be change in this product pricing. The product costs 100.8 p per piece utilizing products that are in the cupboard with higher nutritional value. On the other hand, variable cost is those which might change due to the changes in the volume of production. Compared to other products it is high in nutrition value, however, the cost is low. For example cost of traditional savoury pies are £3.75 only. They are such as raw ingredient, packaging material, fuel, electricity, and many other items those are being used while developing the food item to be sold in the market (Stark, 2015). Therefore, it is important that these variable costs will be evaluated properly. Thus it can be said that the above-mentioned factors are required to be maintained before examining any new product in the market (Papacharalampous, M. 2017).


The success of a product depends on various factors. Therefore, a realistic goal is required in this context. Not only that proper analysis in terms of financial activities is also required. As the Apple Soft product will be new in the market and therefore, in the European market thus the important factors such as nutrition value, packaging, proper marketing etc are required to be maintained. From the methodologies and findings, it can be said that people are going to prefer Apple Soft food product more because of its nutrition value, packaging and more loyalty compared to any other product available in the market. Apple Soft has a great opportunity of providing better services to its potential customers. Apart from that,the product has a great approach to the retailers and also hasimpactful plans in terms of marketing strategies regarding the expansion of business ona new horizon.As the target market of the new product is the consumers of Asda, M&S etc where customers mainly focus on the brand and they get savoury bakery related product, therefore the product requires having adequate nutrition, better packaging and proper information about the product. If the product contains an adequate amount of nutrition value people will be more attracted toward the product. Presence of proper and adequate information about the product also helps the customers to purchase the product. As all the ingredients are easily available in the market and they are ready to purchase it the cost of the product is lesser compared to other products.


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