BUS707 Applied Business Research
For the success of any business or organization, accounting is very important. In accounting management, technology is the most researched field and these studies have been based on three main perspectives. The three main perspectives include; economics, psychology, and technical implementation. Therefore, technology offers a variety of experiences which help in choosing between the challenging theories from economics, psychology, and technological viewpoints or merges well-matched theories from different viewpoints, to develop whole and valid clarifications of the causes and effects of practices of accounting (Bodnar & Hopwood, 2012). For almost a century now XYZ a global company with roots in every continent has developed with sustainable progress being observed in every aspect of the company. It main aim is to bring energy utilization positive change in every continent. As per the records, there company gathered $47.011 billion as revenue from the sales. Up to date it’s the leading company the production of the mining and construction company with less competition experienced. Technological advancements have been one of the success contributing factors of the branches all over the globe. The research on accounting and technology based on the three perspectives has been established from a common root and it offers measures to control a common set of issues. One of the organizations that have evidenced how technology can influence accounting operations is XYZ in Sydney. In the course of this paper, the focus will be based on the three perspectives and the relationship between budgeting and the behavior of accounting managers in XYZ.
There has been an argument that the performance of accountants can be influenced by many things and technology is one of the many ways. The problem has been how technological performance can used as the measurement of accountant productivity in XYZ for the 1945 employees since the company was established in the year 2007. How can technology be utilized through the evaluation of the quality and quantity of the fulfillment of the goals that were set by the budget, effectiveness of the practices conducted by the accountants, and finally the total number of innovations or new ideas generated by the managers?
Measurement of accountants’ performance is based on a various standard which is mainly set by technological applications but have they been applied in XYZ. Usually, the standards of measuring managerial performance are based on technology efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, this research will try and identify the relationship between technology and the performance of accountants in XYZ.
Key Words: Accounting Technology, Innovation, Web-based social networking, printing press
Creative accounting technology allows an organization to enhance the proficiency of the workers and upgrade the efficiency towards achieving the objectives of the business. An accountant serves the duty of guaranteeing the business interfaces with the clients among different partners (Srinivasan, Lilien & Rangaswamy, 2002). Innovation is specifically identified with the execution of the workers as it enhances proficiency and in addition, lessen the hole that might be accessible for the association and the clients. Focusing on showcasing about representatives, technology gives correspondence channels, for example, messages and Skype which are fundamental while exhibiting highlights of an item to the employees and additionally offering answers for issues that are acknowledged over the span of the working of a specific item without moving to start with one geological area then onto the next (Teece, 2010). Likewise, the market is broad, and it is fundamental for accountants to offer an assortment of innovative administrations covering diverse age groups so they can encounter a feeling of assortment which is made to impact the clients mentally. For the representatives to be in a situation to deliver accounting solutions that fit a specific age bunch it is basic to have an item that is in accordance with the desires for that specific age group. This addresses most of the trades that an accountant may use in the business focus to extend care about the thing and its focal points to the goal area. Headway has four specific parts: publicizing, promoting, singular offering and arrangements progression (Awerbuch & Preston, 2012). Publicizing may join using strength packaging to show things, utilizing uncommon things for your association, or online advancements. A particular proportion of mixture happens when progression uses the four boss segments together. Accounting staff frequently expect an essential part in the progression of their duties (Qiaogen, 2008). To be constantly refreshed in regards to the different changes that are occurring in the market, research can be led with the guide of mechanical instruments which means the association creating merchandise and ventures that are client oriented.
Different technological apparatuses can be utilized to accomplish internet showcasing. A standout amongst the most widely recognized ways that are used by organizations is the utilization of internet-based accounting (Mairesse & Mohnen, 2002). Web-based social networking accountants are expanding every day because of the accessibility of gadgets that backings their usefulness. Ordinarily utilized web-based accounting life in the 21st century that have formed advertising to better levels of changes incorporate Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter. Organizations can post their items on any of the stages, and it very well may be shared effectively with the others which makes correspondences more available for budgeting purposes. By online networking, site advertisements assume a basic job in the advancement of items. Site promotions are pop-ups that are fused in the usefulness of a site giving a depiction of specific merchandise and enterprises offered by the association (Simkin, Rose, & Norman, 2012). The adequacy of the sites has been accomplished because of the expanded populace that is utilizing the site as a method for correspondence and additionally investigates.
The printing press for accountants is an innovative showcasing procedure that is broadly utilized by organizations to advertise themselves. The printing press has concocted online stages where accountants can peruse their productions which set a distribution for the ads. Video and Audio recording have in the recent decades ended up being publicizing stages. While discharging a specific media to people in general through media playing locales, for example, destinations, notices are incorporated which includes amidst a sound or video creation. Email is another technological tool that is utilized for web-based showcasing by the accountants.
Fruitful organizations on the planet today have corporate messages that are utilized to contact clients and workers in the event that there is an advancement (Moorthy, Voon, Samsuri, Gopalan & Yew, 2012). Through, joints the when a client has an inquiry or a request in regards to a specific administration or item, they can straightforwardly associate with the association which upgrades agreeableness.
What’s more, when inquiring about has been played out, the information can be broke down and put away in data frameworks which enhance quality and speed without being accessed by a third party.
Information integrity in the course of research can be imperiled through human blunder or, more terrible yet, through vindictive acts. Information that is unintentionally adjusted amid the exchange starting with one gadget then onto the next, for instance, can be imperiled, or even decimated by the researcher.
From the above illustrations accounting technology, which incorporates programming bundles, can help XYZ in each part of maintaining their productivity in the Accounting department. Recording purchases and deals, monitoring company’s stock and income, dealing with business’s ledgers and in particular, planning fiscal reports for examining, should all be possible at the pinch of a catch abandoning you allowed to concentrate on the commonsense tasks of your business.
Awerbuch, S., & Preston, A. (Eds.). (2012). The virtual utility: Accounting, technology & competitive aspects of the emerging industry (Vol. 26). Springer Science & Business Media.
Bodnar, G. H., & Hopwood, W. S. (2012). Accounting information systems. Upper Saddle River: Pearson.
Mairesse, J., & Mohnen, P. (2002). Accounting for innovation and measuring innovativeness: an illustrative framework and an application. American Economic Review, 92(2), 226-230.
Moorthy, M. K., Voon, O. O., Samsuri, C. A. S. B., Gopalan, M., & Yew, K. T. (2012). Application of information technology in management accounting decision making. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2(3), 1.
Qiaogen, F. (2008). Material Flow Cost Accounting Based on Environment Management and Its Application [J]. Accounting Research, 12, 010.
Simkin, M. G., Rose, J. M., & Norman, C. S. (2012). Core concepts of accounting information systems. John Wiley & Son Inc., Franklin Township, New Jersey, USA, ISBN, 97811, 18022306.
Srinivasan, R., Lilien, G. L., & Rangaswamy, A. (2002). Technological opportunism and radical technology adoption: An application to e-business. Journal of marketing, 66(3), 47-60.
Teece, D. J. (2010). Business models, business strategy and innovation. Long range planning, 43(2), 172-194.