Impact Of Employee Motivation And Job Satisfaction On Organizational Performance – Research Proposal


The overall performance of every organization is directly related to motivation and job satisfaction of employees. Employee motivation is termed as the factors that are availed to employees to increase their vigor in the workplace (Bruce, 2012). Management in all organizations are always concerned and working to come up with new ways to motivate their employees. Job satisfaction, on the other hand, is the measure of how much employees are satisfied with the work they are performing in the organization (Rajbhandari, 2017). Work supervision and the nature of the job itself are some significant factors that largely contribute towards job satisfaction. Behavioral, affective or cognitive components are the major aspects that are considered when measuring job satisfaction. It is a fact that human resources are the most critical assets of any organization. The issues of employee motivation and job satisfaction and their correlation to organizational performance should, therefore, receive much attention from the management of an organization. My research, therefore, will be centered on how the presence or absence of employee motivation and job satisfaction impacts the overall organizational performance and productivity. The study will also seek to gain an understanding of the various methods that companies incorporate to motivate their employees. The perception of multiple stakeholders, such as lower level employees and the management, on the significance of employee motivation and job satisfaction will also be a principal aim of my research.

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Additionally, numerous benefits emanate from my area of research. Organizations that focuses on motivating employees and ensuring they are satisfied with their jobs reaps huge benefits for itself. On the contrary, an organization with no culture of driving its employees correlates with high human resources related problems (Maylett & Wride, 2017). My research will therefore also focus on identifying and coining solutions for human resources problems that emanate from lack or poor motivation and job satisfaction. The study will be based at Unilever Company headquarters in London. This conglomerate is a consumer goods manufacturer boasting of being the world’s largest company dealing in consumer goods based on 2012 revenue. It is also the seventh most valuable company in Europe. This Company will be a good source for the data required in my research due to its large size. It also consists of various departments from where the much required reliable data can be obtained.  

Before settling on my research topic, several human resources questions kept revolving in my head. The main research question is, what is the role of motivation and job satisfaction of human resources in improving the performance of the organization? This question will be supported by several other sub-questions to form the foundation of my research. They are;

  1. Are employee motivation and job satisfaction essential?
  2. What are the implications of failing to install an employee motivation incentive in organizations?
  3. What are the cornerstones of employee job satisfaction?
  4. In what ways can organizations achieve employee motivation and job satisfaction?
  5. What are the roles of human resource managers in implementing employee motivation and job satisfaction strategies?

Research questions and objectives

Guide by the research questions above; my research project will seek to achieve the following goals;

  1. Determine the significance of employee motivation and job satisfaction in organizations.
  2. Determine the impact of employee motivation and job satisfaction on the performance and productivity of an organization.
  3. Determine the implications of failing to install employee motivation and job satisfaction incentives in organizations.
  4. Determine the critical cornerstones of employee satisfaction and ways in which organizations can achieve employee motivation and job satisfaction.
  5. Determine the roles of human resource managers in implementing employee motivation and job satisfaction strategies.

Various scholars have come forth to discuss the relevance of job satisfaction and motivating employees’ in organizations. Such scholars have also explained the nature of motivation and how it’s imparted to employees. Motivation is based on an individual’s psychology. As such, motivation is an internal feeling and cannot, therefore, be forced on employees (Olsson, 2008). Subsequently, various inner feelings act as motivators. Diverse needs, aspirations, and desires to achieve some targets are some of the most common motivators. Motivation is also known to produce behaviors that are goal oriented. People are induced to behave in certain ways for them to achieve their pre-set goals. Motivators are either positive or negative. While managing employees, managers can use positive motivators such as salary or wage increments, promotions, bonus and recognition in the workplace (Dwivedi, 2009). In instances where employees fail to improve their performance after being subjected to positive motivators, managers may embark on negative motivators. Such motivators include warnings, demotions, and cutting previously allocated installments (Shah & Gardner, 2008). It has been observed that employees can be induced to adhere to the desired behavior by fear of negative motivators.

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Motivation has been known to bear significant benefits to all stakeholders of an organization. To begin with, it is through motivation that negative attitudes are transformed into positive attitudes (Latham, 2012). With minimum motivation, minimum activities are undertaken by employees contrary to set organizational targets. Motivation, however, fills in the desire of employees to perform to the best of their ability. Motivation also helps in improving the performance levels of employees. Research has proved that various motivation techniques aid in increasing the efficiency levels of employees while in the workplace. This means that employees can undertake tasks to their best of ability while at the same time wasting minimum resources and time (Deci & Ryan, 2013).

Further on, motivation aids in the achievement of motivational goals. Motivated employees are always compelled to achieve organizational goals that have been set by the management. Such employees are also aware that it is only by attaining organizational goals that they can make their own goals related to work (Frey & Osterloh, 2013). Subsequently, all employees are collectively involved in contributing their efforts towards the achievement of a common goal.

Scholars have also come forth to explain various ways through which employees can be motivated. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory has been of consideration while coming up with methods of motivating employees. According to Maslow, the needs of employees play a significant role in shaping their behavior (McGuire, 2012). Motivational incentives could either be financial or non-financial. Pay increments and allowances are examples of financial incentives. Employees who receive a regular pay increase in the course of the year are most likely to be more motivated. House allowances and commuter allowances among others are likely to motivate employees greatly (Podmoroff, 2016). Other companies motivate their employees through commissions. Commissions are more common to employees working in the sales department than in other departments. They are given a sales target to hit in a certain duration of time but are not limited to the goal. Any extra sales above the target are rewarded at an agreed a fixed rate per unit. On the other hand, employee recognition is an example of a non-monetary incentive. Recognition motivates employees by satisfying their ego by giving them special respect or regards in the presence of their colleagues (Pink, 2011). Raising the status of employees, improving the organizational climate, providing opportunities for career advancement, and job securities are other forms of non-financial incentives.

Preliminary Literature review

Job satisfaction is the extent to which jobs are satisfactory or unsatisfactory to various job holders (Marr, 2012). Job satisfaction among all employees is an aspect that all organizations strive to achieve while undertaking their day to day activities. However, not all organizations can accomplish this. There are various aspects of job satisfaction that should be observed at all times and in all organizations for employees to fulfill their work expectations. Multiple scholars have documented these aspects through many organizational pieces of research and studies. Many employees have endowed respect in the workplace as an essential contributor to job satisfaction. While in the workplace, employees expect to be treated courteously by their superiors as well as their subordinates and colleagues (Maylett & Wride, 2017). Studies have also revealed that a work environment engulfed by trust facilitates thriving job satisfaction among employees of such an organization. A healthy work environment also plays a significant role in improving employees’ job satisfaction. Employees are more likely to get satisfied with their work when working in areas that are free from discriminatory practices, harassment, and stress.

Further on, reports indicate that employees are more satisfied in organizations where they are offered paths for career development (Christiansen, et al., 2017). Unless employees are presented with opportunities to develop their career while in their present jobs, there are likely to quit working. All employees long for an increment is earnings as well as more significant responsibilities. These can only be achieved by organizations offering workers opportunities to pursue their career goals and grow.

Numerous factors make employee job satisfaction an essential aspect of organizational performance. When employees are satisfied, the rate of labor turnover is subsequently lower (Doré, 2005). High rates of turnover have over time been attributed to high costs in the human resources department of many organizations. Job satisfaction, therefore, aids employees to retain the best talents they have while at the same time nurturing a healthy and stable organizational environment. As such, organizations with low labor turnover incur low recruitment and orientation costs. Job satisfaction has also been reportedly associated with higher productivity. Regardless of the position being held by a worker or their pay grade, employees who are satisfied by their jobs are more productive. This is because satisfaction brings with it increased concentration and commitment (Wiencke, et al., 2016). When employees are satisfied with their jobs, the organization in question is bound to record an increase in profits. When the level of productivity per employee increases, it means that more units are to be produced in a given duration of time.

My research will involve the collection and analysis of data from employees, departmental heads and managers of Unilever Company. As such, various methods will be employed to collect the required data. Discussed comprehensively henceforth are the multiple data collection methods to be implemented;

Interviews have been in use for a long time as a method of collecting qualitative data. This method of data collection is usually useful in collecting data that is highly personalized. They are also crucial in probing into issues where revealing the underlying factors is the main aim. Interviews are also a reliable option when the number of respondents is limited and yet there is a desire for quality return rate (Guest, et al., 2012). As in my research, interviews will aid in the collection of significant personalized data of employees about their personal view about job satisfaction and motivation incentives that are in existence in Unilever Company. This method will also aid in siphoning significant information from the management of Unilever Company about how they ensure their employees are satisfied and motivated. The parties to be interviewed will be; Chief HR officer, departmental managers, sales managers, and employees from all departments.

A questionnaire is a tool for collecting information through a series of written down questions which are then filled by all respondents in a sample population (Guest, et al., 2012). Surveys on the hand are processes of collecting data by inducing a wide range of data collection techniques. At Unilever Company, questionnaires will be very useful in collecting data for my research. There will be several questionnaires that will be used to obtain the desired information from various parties as follows. Each of the following categories of workers will receive a separate questionnaire with 15 – 20 structured question per questionnaire; subordinate employees at the lowest levels of production, line managers, departmental heads, interdepartmental supervisors, head of human resources and the top executive. Questionnaires are useful because they are cost-effective, anonymous, they cover all aspects of a topic as well as giving quick results (Saris & Gallhofer, 2007). On the other hand, several disadvantages are linked to questionnaires. First, correspondents could be dishonest and provide false data. Understanding and subsequent interpretation of asked questions could be different among different correspondents. Lastly, significant emotions and feelings cannot be conveyed easily through questionnaires.

A focus group is a relatively smaller group of people who are diverse demographically but are in the same sample population where data is intended to be collected. This method involves a joint study of people’s reactions and feelings about a research question (Guest, et al., 2012). This method will be applicable in my research when it is not possible to get in to touch to individual employees targeted in my study. As such, it will be more viable and will consume less time to organize a group of employees maybe during lunch break and ask them the relevant questions related to my topic of research. Focus group will help me collect general views related to motivation policies and subsequent job satisfaction from departmental managers and employees from each department.

The research will involve traveling to Unilever Company and seeking the attention of various correspondents. As such, five working days will be dedicated for interviews with all target correspondents. Questionnaires will then be issued out, and correspondents requested to fill them within three working days. Another three working days will be dedicated to focus groups. In total, therefore, 11 working days will be my suitable timescale for data collection. Afterwards, I will require 21 more days to analyze the data and compile a comprehensive report.

Below is a prospected expenditure for my research;


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Christiansen, B., Bryan, S. & Harish, C., 2017. Handbook of Research on Human Factors in Contemporary Workforce Development. illustrated ed. s.l.:IGI Global.

Deci, E. L. & Ryan, R. M., 2013. Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior. illustrated ed. s.l.:Springer Science & Business Media.

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Latham, G. P., 2012. Work Motivation: History, Theory, Research, and Practice. illustrated ed. s.l.:SAGE.

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McGuire, K. J., 2012. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. An introduction. illustrated ed. s.l.:GRIN Verlag.

Olsson, F. M., 2008. New Developments in the Psychology of Motivation. illustrated ed. s.l.:Nova Publishers.

Pink, D. H., 2011. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. reprint ed. s.l.:Penguin Publishing Group.

Podmoroff, D., 2016. 365 Ways to Motivate and Reward Your Employees Every Day: With Little Or No Money. revised ed. s.l.:Atlantic Publishing Company.

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Shah, J. Y. & Gardner, W. L., 2008. Handbook of Motivation Science. illustrated ed. s.l.:Guilford Press.

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