Recommendations For Running A Successful Guerrilla Marketing Campaign
The following report reflects on a fast food organization which has a supervisor. The supervisor of this organization focuses on certain ways which can be used for maintaining and strengthening positive relation (Zheng et al., 2015). The relation is mainly established among the employee of this restaurant. The last part of the report mainly deals with a list of recommendation which can be used for improving the employee strength within this fast food organization.
In the coming pages of the report, an idea has been provided regarding the issue or problem. After that, various results of the research have been provided. The last section of the report will be needed for solving the major issues in strengthening employees.
At present, this fast food center is encountering large number of issues due to employee union. It can easily provide large number of benefits for the workers while it can create large number of disadvantages for employers like federal governing law (Conway et al., 2016). All the given workforce does not unionize which means that the relation with employee should be adversarial in nature. A proper understanding with respect to union for employers can be considered to be helpful for avoiding any conflict. It can be considered to be easily helpful for working with an organized workforce.
Higher Wages: The biggest disadvantage of having an employee’s union is that the overall labor cost can easily rise (Flammer & Luo, 2017). Union workers can be considered by 22 percent which is more than non-union parts. By the help of collective bargaining, the employees of fast food center are given freedom to talk with each other before sending it to the representative. The whole conversation is on the behalf of negotiation of the wages, working condition and other benefits which can easily lead to much higher cost of production.
Strikes: If the fast food center does not agree to the wages, benefits or any rules of workplace which has been requested by union members, then the employees are allowed to strike. There is certain number of federal laws which limit the workers of fire striking (Griffin, Bryant & Koerber, 2015). A strike does not money directly from the production loss, it can also cause a large number of issues. Publicity from the given strike can easily result in the overall sales. The customer can easily boycott various products and services. It can be seen that vendors and commercial customers may stop working with this fast food center. It can also be anticipated that the people might be able to pay bills or even deliver things which bought by them.
Decrease Human Control: If the individual focus on certain number of parameters like merit, productivity or even another objective (Zukauskas & Vveinhardt, 2015). It is seen that the individual might lose opportunity for a union workforce. It is seen that many unions might negotiate with the rules of workforce which can be used for promoting and protecting worker depending on seniority instead of merit.
This particular research has helped in improving and strengthen the positive relationships among the employee union of this fast food center. Employers and Labor union are considered to be opposite of the bargaining table (Eisenberg, 2018). They mainly focus on diverging interest so their relationship can be adversarial in most of the cases. Both the employers and union can easily gain much of the interaction if they can easily improve their overall working relation. Union management focuses on characterization relation between employees and labor which can be considered for improving the performance of fast food center. Apart from this, union-management also focuses on improving sustainability which can easily benefit employers and employees of Fast food centers.
The analysis has provided certain methods which can be used to strengthening the positive relationships among the employee union in this fast food company. This fast food company should adopt certain number of steps like
Promoting open Communication: Communication can be considered to be important for maintaining harmonious relationship among the employees. It goes also for establishing relationship among employees along with relationships among employers and managers (Cullinane et al., 2017). This fast food organization should focus on in-house communication. It should highlight the importance of communication which can easily play a key role in understanding various situation for practicing communication. It easily plays a key role in understanding the situation which can be used for communicating in various scenes.
Encouraging cooperation: The fast food organization should focus on idea that working together is not a competition but is an effort to reaching the common aim. Each and every individual play a key role in the goals (Swailes & Blackburn, 2016). The organization should select two employees for working on the board of each week. The appointed employees should remove and add new ones which are inclusive of motivational messages.
Ask for Feedback: The supervisor of this fast food center should ask their employees for various kind of feedback. Supervisor should look for request and assure their employees of things which they for input (Ramstad, 2015). All the given suggestion should be distributed in the form to each and every one when they require feedback. The feedback can be given on any topic like interpersonal issues or even comment on any particular project of this fast-food company. An individual employee can easily email it to supervisor of the organization (McManus & Mosca, 2015). It is the duty of supervisor to receive the email and carefully consider the comments of the employees. A forum should be held in this fast food restaurant so that a particular topic can be easily discussed. Employee should come with a proper idea which can be easily shared easily. With the help of regular session on various topics, employee can easily understand that the organization requires feedback (Zheng et al., 2015). It is the duty of supervisor to make changes based on the feedback so that proper result can be obtained.
Inspiring and Rewarding: It is noticed that people are better, happier and when they are motivated by proper encouragement and inspiration (Conway et al., 2016). The supervisor of this fast food center should not criticize or even punish them. It can be stated as one of the ways by which supervisor can easily phrase it. Supervisor can easily offer reward in the offer of bonus or another reward at the given point for motivating the employees. When an individual member of a team reaches the goal, supervisor should acknowledge it by gathering the whole team and announcing its achievement (Flammer & Luo, 2017). The win of individual team of team can be considered to be win of the whole organization.
Sharing the vision: The vision of this fast food organization should be a secret and it should be shared with entire with the staff so they can become aware of the target of the organization (Griffin, Bryant & Koerber, 2015). If the vision of this fast food center is a lofty one, then it should be brought down to earth and its meaning should be explained to individual. Visual aids should be used for drawing attention and improving the understanding (Zukauskas & Vveinhardt, 2015). The aid should include each department and its role for fitting for understanding the importance of the outcome.
From the above pages of the report, it can be easily stated that this report is all about fast food center. The supervisor of this organization wants to maintain and strengthen positive relationships among the employee union. In the above pages, all the current issues encountered by this fast food organization has been addressed in details. The last section of the report mainly deals with a list of recommendation like promoting open communication, encouraging cooperation, asking feedback, inspiring reward and lastly sharing vision has been discussed in details.
There are large number of recommendation for this fast food organization like
- The restaurant should promote open Communication among its employees.
- The restaurant should encourage cooperation among its employees.
- The supervisor should ask for feedback from its employees on different topics.
- Higher management and supervisor of this fast food should inspire their employees with rewards.
- Supervisor and higher management should share the vision of the organization among its employees.
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