Promotional Techniques And Core Message Of IKEA

Commonly used promotional techniques of IKEA

The most commonly used techniques for IKEA are social media marketing, television commercials and external mediums including the billboards. Thus, it can be concluded that IKEA is having extensive process and approach of promoting their brands in the market. The major advantage that they gain from the initiation of extensive promotional strategy is coverage of larger customer section (Thomas & Alluru, 2016).

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For instance, with the help of the social media marketing, they are targeting the coming of the age customer segments that are more comfortable in online marketing. On the other hand, with the help of the traditional promotion through television commercials and billboards, conventional and conservative customer segments are being targeted.

It is also identified that with the help of the social media marketing, IKEA is promoting their products as well as leveraging it as a medium for determination of the customer feedback. This is due to the reason that social media is serving as the platform for the two ways communication process between the brand and the customers. Thus, the data being gathered by IKEA from their social media channels are being used in offering new products in the market (Ashley & Tuten, 2015).

This is one of the major reasons of having updated product portfolio with IKEA at any point of time. In addition, advertisements through billboards are also enabling them to cater to larger customer sections by having the maximum visibility. This should also be noted that IKEA also involve personalized promotional campaigns in accordance to the festive seasons in different countries (Huang & Sarigollu, 2014). For instance, in the Canadian market, special commercials are being promoted for the Christmas season with having customized elements. This is also helping them to tap the festive craze among the customers and creating more value for them. This approach of IKEA is customized due to the reason that different country of their operations is having different sets of festivals and accordingly they set out their festive promotional events.

Core promotional message 

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The core message that is being communicated by IKEA through their promotional techniques is simplicity and relaxation. According to their message and content, they are selling furniture for enhancing the comfort level of their customers. In addition, their furniture is having simplest design as possible (Smit, Boerman & van Meurs, 2015). This will enable further comfort for the customers. Thus, with the different promotional techniques, IKEA communicates the message of simplicity and relaxation. The major objectives of the promotional strategy of IKEA are to communicate the customers about to what extent their products will provide relaxation to them and how much the products are simple to install and use.

Core promotional message of IKEA

According to Roggeveen, Nordfaalt and Grewal (2016), the major advantage that is being gained by IKEA from their promotional message is the opportunity of catering to larger customer section. This is due to the reason that simple design approach of their content is generalized in accordance to different customer segments. Thus, more customers are getting related with their message. The authors have also stated that majority of the customers willing to have comfort from their home furniture and targeting this basic objective is helping in creating better brand recall value of IKEA among their customers. However, on the other hand, it is stated by Kim, Spiller & Hettche (2015).

that content communicated by IKEA is narrow in comparison to their competitors. This is due to the reason that in the current scenario, different customers are having different sets of requirements and preference pattern. Thus, catering to these diversified requirements will not be possible by having a narrower approach. In addition, it is also being stated by the authors that the simplistic and minimal approach of their content may not attract the premium customers due to the reason that premium customers are having different meaning of having home furniture over having just as a medium of comfort.

Evaluation of their promotional mix

In general, it is identified that IKEA is communicating consistent message across their promotional mix. This is due to the reason that television commercials of them are communicating the simplistic approach of their products and this same are being communicated through the digital mediums. In addition, the social media marketing of IKEA is centered on the convenience that the customers will gain from having the products of IKEA (Luo & Zhang, 2013). Thus, the core objective of communicating that, product of IKEA will provide relaxation and comfort to the user is common across all their mediums.

On the other hand, it is also identified that billboards of IKEA are having simplistic designs with the brand name taking the centre stage. There are minimal information given about their products in the billboards and minimal use of pictures. This also denotes that IKEA is maintaining their similar approach across all their mediums. The major advantage that is to be gained by them from having this singular approach is better brand recall with the customers. This is due to the reason that with their present promotional activity, IKEA is known for their simplistic and convenient approach over just being a furniture seller and retailer.

Evaluation of promotional mix used by IKEA

Recommended steps

It is recommended that sales promotion can be initiated by them in order to enhance the effectiveness of their promotional mix. This is due to the reason that initiation of the sales promotion will enable IKEA to have more customer engagement and involvement in their promotional strategy. In addition, this will also initiate the connections between the products of IKEA and their potential customers.

These customers will be able to have the hands on experience on the products of IKEA and probability of conversion to sales will be more (Teck Weng & Cyril de Run, 2013). On the other hand, it is also recommended that IKEA should also use the print media in extensive manner mainly in the developing markets. This is due to the reason that print media is having maximum penetration in the emerging markets compared to other mediums. Thus, it will help IKEA in gaining the major coverage of the target markets and probability of more sales volume will also be more. Use of print media will also enhance the diversity of the promotional mix of IKEA.


Ashley, C., & Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement. Psychology & Marketing, 32(1), 15-27. Retrieved from:

Huang, R., & Sarigöllü, E. (2014). How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix. In Fashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors (pp. 113-132). Springer, New York, NY. Retrieved from:

Kim, D. H., Spiller, L., & Hettche, M. (2015). Analyzing media types and content orientations in Facebook for global brands. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 9(1), 4-30. Retrieved from:

Luo, X., & Zhang, J. (2013). How do consumer buzz and traffic in social media marketing predict the value of the firm?. Journal of Management Information Systems, 30(2), 213-238.Retrieved from:

Roggeveen, A. L., Nordfält, J., & Grewal, D. (2016). Do digital displays enhance sales? Role of retail format and message content. Journal of Retailing, 92(1), 122-131. Retrieved from:

Smit, E. G., Boerman, S. C., & van Meurs, L. (2015). The power of direct context as revealed by eye tracking: a model tracks relative attention to competing editorial and promotional content. Journal of Advertising Research, 55(2), 216-227. DOI: 10.2501/JAR-55-2-216-227 

Teck Weng, J., & Cyril de Run, E. (2013). Consumers’ personal values and sales promotion preferences effect on behavioural intention and purchase satisfaction for consumer product. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 25(1), 70-101. Retrieved from:

Thomas, M., & Alluru, J. R. (2016). The disastrous consequences of the IKEA Effect: Apple, Intel and Wang Labs learning the cost of true love. Strategic Direction, 32(1), 8-10. Retrieved from:

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