Analyzing And Comparing Samuel Escobar’s Contextual Theology With Other Theologians

Thesis by Samuel Escobar in the book

The purpose of the following essay is to develop a proper understanding about the theological concepts as demonstrated by Samuel Escobar in his book “The New Global Mission: The Gospel from everywhere to everyone.” (Escobar, 2003). The author of the book Samuel Escobar has contributed a lot to the theology over the years. His contributions will be evaluated as per the theological thesis proposed by him. His contributions will be compared and contrasted with the contributions of the other theologians such as Moltmann, Pannenberg and others. It will be justified enough to compare the works since this will bring out the best ethical considerations regarding theological aspects in the book and other sources. The perspectives described by Escobar have been very important for the further reading in this field.

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In the book “The New Global Mission: The Gospel from everywhere to everyone.” Samuel Escobar has brought out certain issues in the world regarding the theology (Escobar, 2003). The several aspects of the Christian theology like the existence of God and the Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, the teachings of Bible, Salvation of the human beings from the sins and the role of the Church in the society (Atkinson et al., 2013). In the book Samuel Escobar has pointed out that the importance of the missions has decreased in the northern part of America and especially in the USA (Escobar, 2013). In the book Escobar has administered the essence of the theology and the issues related to the missionaries who work as the messengers of God. The presence of the Holy Spirit in the Christianity has been an elemental fact and Escobar has put much emphasis on this fact particularly. The relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Christian missionaries has been a very integral matter of discussion in the context of the book (Escobar, 2013). 

The Holy Spirit has been adjudged as the main resource for the missionary dynamism in regards to the missionary activities. In the book “The New Global Mission: The Gospel from everywhere to everyone.” (Escobar, 2003). Escobar has said that the guidance of the Holy Spirit will be an effective fact for the people who have faith in the Christianity. In his thesis of the book, Escobar has said that one of the fastest growing fields in the Christianity is the authenticity of the Holy Spirit. This aspect is however most commonly is observed among the poor people of the world as they believe in the message of the gospel that has emphasized on the divine power (Anderson, 2014). Escobar has also stressed on the fact that the grace of God has always given the human beings with a sense of purity of mind and there will be a sense of spiritual confrontation among the human beings and this has been portrayed in the arguments of Escobar. Samuel Escobar has also put some focus on the on the participation of the women in the missionary attributes. The viewpoints of the other theologians can also be compared in this section as well. Escobar has pointed out that Church has not been able to fulfill its duties when it deals with the question of women in the churches (Stott, 2015). 

Comparison of the contextual approach of Escobar’s views

In this book “The New Global Mission: The Gospel from everywhere to everyone.” By Samuel Escobar, the author has put forth several issues that have been dominant in the mission enterprises in the current times (Escobar, 2003). This is why Escobar recommends that these issues regarding Christ, God, Holy Bible, Missionary issues and others. Samuel Escobar is a native of Peru and he has pointed out the facts that the things God is doing all around the world (Anderson, 2014).

Escobar has been very much serious about the facts regarding the approach of the missionaries in the various areas of the world. On the contrary, the contemporary theologians have counter argued his points as well. However, both Moltmann and Pannenberg have shown the church to be the resistant force against any change. Thus the participation of women has not been supported by them as well (Escobar, 2003). According to those theologian scholars, the churches have always been rigid and they have taken the pride in their own customs. This has been one of the biggest strengths supporting the view points of Samuel Escobar and his book “The New Global Mission: The Gospel from everywhere to everyone.’ However, in contrast to this factor, Bonhoeffer has said that this maintenance of the orthodoxy has been due to the lack of the brotherly love indeed (Placher & Nelson, 2013). Pannenberg has showed that the systematic theology has always presented the Christian theology in a comprehensive and coherent manner. However on the contrary, it can be argued by the theologians like Kierkegaard that God has His existence and the theological aspects of Christianity are very much true indeed. The difference between the Christianity and Christendom has been the main issue of the contemporary theologians (McGrath, 2016). 

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According to the other theologians of the time, the progress of the Christian theology has gone through the proper struggle in regards to the progress of the human race. Many cultural changes have taken place in the current times and the development of the theology has not been that much as per the cultural changes (McGrath, 2016). The protestant theology of the nineteenth century can also be brought into the lens of the changes. The Christian theology has gone on to confront with the several changes in the modern society (Stott, 2015). The primary concern and worry regarding this was the development of the Christian theology that has more human attributes than that of the Bible or the Divine Power of the Holy Christianity (Placher & Nelson, 2013). Both Moltmann and Pannenberg have gone on to describe the several aspects of the eschatology in regards to the development of the Christian theology. The aspects of eschatology concerns with the power of God and the last acts of the Christian religion that have been discussed by Escobar in his book “The New Global Mission: The Gospel from everywhere to everyone.” as well (Migliore, 2014). 

However, the contributions of Samuel Escobar and his book have been immense. The four different factors of the Christian eschatology like Resurrection, Last Judgment, Heaven and Hell has been discussed and celebrated all over the world as well (Placher & Nelson, 2013). However, as a member of the other ministry, I would take the things said by Samuel Escobar in a positive manner since he has come up with the above mentioned decisions relating to the place of the women in the Church in a logical manner. These things are indeed very beneficial for the proper understanding of the Christian theology regarding the contemporary times. I will try to assimilate with the positive sayings of Escobar within my ministry as well (Migliore, 2014).  


As per the above discussion, the paper can be concluded by saying that the human beings will have to be more broad minded and accept the position of the women within the church. The role of the God, Christ and Divine Power will also have to be understood. The viewpoints of the other authors have also been described properly as well. This has created a harmony between the several points that have been raised here. However, the progress of the Christian theology will have to be according to the progress of the society as well.

References and Bibliography

Anderson, J. A. (2014). Renewing Christian theology: Systematics for a global Christianity. Baylor University Press.

Atkinson, D. J., Field, D. F., Holmes, A. F., & O’Donovan, O. (Eds.). (2013). New dictionary of Christian ethics & pastoral theology. InterVarsity Press.

Escobar, S. (2003). The new global mission: The Gospel from everywhere to everyone. InterVarsity Press.

Escobar, S. (2012). Doing Theology on Christ’s Road.”. Global Theology in Evangelical Perspective: Exploring the Contextual Nature of Theology and Mission, 67-85.

Escobar, S. (2013). A time for mission: The challenge for global Christianity. Langham Global Library.

McGrath, A. E. (2016). Christian theology: An introduction. John Wiley & Sons.

McGrath, A. E. (2016). The Christian theology reader. John Wiley & Sons.

Migliore, D. L. (2014). Faith seeking understanding: An introduction to Christian theology. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.

Placher, W. C., & Nelson, D. R. (2013). A History of Christian Theology: An Introduction. Westminster John Knox Press.

Stott, J. (2015). Christian mission in the modern world. InterVarsity Press.

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