Attitudinal Dimensions Of Professionalism And Service Quality Efficacy Of Frontline Employees In Hotels
Quality Policy of Lumiere Hotel
What is the quality policy of Lumiere hotel? Describe the objectives and as well as goals.
Lee, K.J., 2014. Attitudinal dimensions of professionalism and service quality efficacy of frontline employees in hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 41, pp.140-148.
The quality policy of Lumiere hotel described the objectives and as well as goals. The underlying policy is very essential in continuous improvement. It helps in evaluating the performance and measuring the quality provided by the underlying hotel. It is very essential for the top management to develop the appropriate quality policy for this company. In the quality policy of the company, there is a commitment involved that the underlying company must improve their services continuously. The quality policy must be communicated between the employees of the underlying company. The underlying hotel provides the quality management and improves their services continuously. The quality policy of the underlying hotel includes different behaviors and principles which include:
- The underlying hotel develops the profitable relationships with their customers. The hotel focuses on evaluating the needs of their customers in order to become successful in long term.
- The underlying hotel achieves their commitments related to cost and quality.
- The hotel under discussion enhances its research in order to improve the quality of their products and services. It follows the higher level of practices.
- The hotel takes survey in order to evaluate the needs and demands of customers and to provide best practices to the customers. The hotel innovate their business processes.
- The underlying hotel provides training to their staff members in order to provide best quality services to the customers.
The underlying hotel provides all of these quality services and functions to their customers by adopting the quality policy. This quality policy helps the underlying hotel to become competitive in the market. The quality policy of the hotel provides help and guidance in improving its services. The customers want improved services. The underlying hotel followed the quality policy that fulfills all the standards of good services ISO 9001 (Moliner, 2015 p.307).
The five stake holders of the underlying hotel are:
- Individuals/customers
- Businesses
- Tourist
- Competitors
- Suppliers
Individuals want the best quality services and food from hotel. Due to a change in the taste, individuals want differentiated products in order to satisfy their needs and demands. The underlying hotel must provide the improved services and best quality food to the individuals in order to enhance its profitability and retain their customers (Burgess 2012 p.151).
Businesses acquire hotels for meeting and for providing lunch or dinner to their employees. Business holders want a peaceful and calm environment for meeting. It is the duty of the hotel to provide peaceful environment to the businesses in order to conduct meeting. Also the businesses hire restaurants for providing lunch or dinner to their employees and expect that the underlying hotel will provide the best quality food to their employees.
Several tourists acquire hotel for stay. The tourist expect best accommodation place from the hotel. Also, they want good quality and reliable food. It is very crucial for the hotel to provide the food according to the demand of the tourist. The hotel must provide the best accommodation place to the tourists that satisfy their needs.
Competitors are also called the rivals. The competitors of the hotel continuously improve their services and food in order to provide a tough competition. The main purpose of the competitors is to provide the best quality services to the individuals which their competitors cannot provide. Also they provide the services at lower cost in order to attract customers. The competitors of the hotel expect lower quality food and services from other hotels.
The suppliers are also the external stake holders of the hotel. The supplier expects the higher amount of their supplies and tries to provide the high quality material to the hotels (Noordzy, 2015 p.140).
Stakeholder Needs and Expectations
Processes that fulfill the needs of stakeholders
The company must adopt several processes in order to fulfill the needs of stake holders. Some of these processes include:
It is essential for the company to maintain the current level of communication in order to fulfill the needs of the stakeholders. When the company will engage in the process, it will help it to check in and further refined the process of communication.
Communication is very essential in order to fulfill the needs of the stakeholders. By adopting communication, the company can report the areas that need to be changed.
Enhance the level of trust and confidence of the stakeholders by providing them assurance.
Evaluate and identify new ideas in order to satisfy the needs of the stakeholders. Change the process of the company after taking feedback from the stakeholders.
Change the strategies of the company and maintain the level that stakeholders want (Asif 2013 p.7).
Identify current level of performance
The management of the company evaluates and identifies the current level of performance and try to improve it in order to provide better results.
Change the organizational behavior
The company generates and develops different ideas in order to change the behavior of an organization. In order to improve the performance of the company, it is very crucial to change the behavior of the underlying company.
Change the organizational infrastructure
It is very crucial to change the infrastructure of the company in order to improve the performance of that company. Change in the infrastructure helps the company to achieve the higher output.
The company must set their targets and goals in order to improve its performance.
Resources requirements
It is essential for the company to identify that the capital and material available is sufficient in order to improve the performance of the company.
Time is a most important input in the performance improvement.
Available budget
It is essential for the company to have a budget for the improvement in its performance.
The company must provide trainings and develop skills in their employees.
Utilization of best material
The company can improve its performance by the utilization of the best material.
Motivate employees
When the employees of the company become motivated, it will help the company in improving its performance.
Increase efficiency
When the performance of the company will enhance, it provides help in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of that company.
Improved services
Improved in the performance of the company helps in providing the improved services to their customers.
Better quality food
After enhancing the performance, the company will provide the best quality food to their customers in order to satisfy their demands.
Customer satisfaction
After improving the performance, the company will be able to provide the services according to the expectations of customers and this will help to satisfy the customers.
Increase profitability
A company can enhance its profitability by taking improvements in its performance (Chen 2014 p.260).
Parameters of modifying performance
Employee satisfaction
Processes for Fulfilling Stakeholder Needs
The main focus of the company is to satisfy their employees in order to make the workplace happier and better.
Customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is an essential parameter of modifying performance of the company.
Cash flow
Cash is actually the life blood of the company and it is the most important parameter of the modifying performance.
Improved performance impacts on the productivity of the company.
Gross margin
It is the most important parameter that identifies and evaluates the financial performance and improved performance of the company (Malamis and Katsou 2013 p.428).
Methods to measure the performance parameter
It is the most important method to analyze that the employee is involved in his work or not.
The employees and the company must be helpful to the customers of the company.
It is most important that the employees of the company must be efficient and must complete their work on the given time.
It involves taking the steps in order to achieve the target. It is very important for the employees of the company to take initiatives.
The employees must provide the best quality work (Dormann, 2013 p.27).
Continuous improvement program helps the hotel to improve their services and quality of food. The underlying program helps the hotel to continuously improve and satisfy the demand of their customers. This program helps in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the hotels. Improvement is not only limited to the food and services provided by the hotel. Also the strategies of the company, hotel and supplier relationship needs continuous improvement. The main purpose of the continuous improvement program is to become better at any time.
There are several components of continuous improvement program. Some of them are as follows:
This is the most important component of the continuous improvement program. The underlying program requires a clear and unambiguous commitment from the management of the company. It also needs effort in order to provide high quality process and services. It is the duty of the management to elaborate the importance of quality to all of the employees of the company. The executives of the company must approve all the resources that exhibit the commitment (Safi, 2016 p.172).
Training of employees is very crucial in order to provide best quality services. It is the duty of the company to evaluate the qualification of its employee and provide training to them. This is very crucial factor of continuous improvement program. In order to continuously improve the quality, improve qualification and skills are required. If the company has a record of the qualification of employees, the underlying company can easily predict that which employee needs further training. The company has to develop the training program in order to provide efficient trainings and achieve best feedback from the employees (Lee 2014 p.140).
In order to improve the quality of the output, it is very essential that the suppliers deliver the best quality material to the company. The company has to evaluate the quality of the material provided by the supplier. High quality material from the side of the supplier also exhibits that the supplier follows the quality program. The company has to check that the supplier provide the material as demanded by the company. After providing inspection on the material provided by the supplier, the company can easily evaluate that the level of quality provided by the supplier and identify that the quality program followed by the supplier are effective or not (Hsu, 2014 p.2658).
It is one of the most important components of continuous improvement program. It is essential for every owner of the business to know about the person who approves and receives the documents and which versions of the documents are valid. In the continuous improvement program, it is very difficult task for the owners. After the evaluation of the problems, the process of the company has changed and the company provides better processes in order to become more efficient (Kim, 2013 p.369).
By using the test procedures, the company improves the quality of their services and verify it that how the services of the company can improve. Taking customer survey helps in improving the quality of the services. There are several test parameters used by the company in the continuous improvement program. These parameters include finish the durability, robustness and the time of failure (Jain and Manolios 2015 p.443).
The main purpose of this component is to identify that which part of the continuous improvement program is insufficient and ineffective. It helps to identify the area in which the problem exists and helps in improving the quality of the services. Non conformities help to identify the root cause of the problem
(Forti,, 2012).
Corrective action
After analyzing the problem, the company takes corrective action and provides training to its employees in order to reduce the mistakes in future (Sparks, 2016 p.74).
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