Impact Of Big Data On Infrastructure Of Network Companies – Nestle & ITC Luxury Group
What is Big Data? Three major factors of Big Data
Write an essay on “Management of Business Telecommunication”.
In the last few years, the big data has a burst on the scene. At present the big data receives more than its fair share of the hype of media. However, prior to this hype, there is some real substance that underlies this phenomenon. The subject of big data has been provided with legitimacy from the Forum of the World Economic (Valdar 2015). The digital age has its own critics regarding the dangers that are involved. It can be said that the issues of privacy and other dangers will be solved and this phenomenon is known as big data that will be a capability that should be designed into all organizations for their betterment. Nevertheless, the experience of the difficulties within all the organizations will vary regarding the building of their capabilities of big data analytics. It has been found that at the period of developing a big data analytics capability within the organizations, they have to encounter various obstacles as well as various opportunities (Svensson and Wagner 2011). In this assignment the impact of the big data on the infrastructure of the network of the companies like – Nestle and ITC luxury group has been discussed. Various studies have found that the big data provides an opportunity to start a wholly new business. In addition to this it has been noted that the other advantage of the implementation of the big data is that it shifts the power within an organization and thus it dramatically increases the decision making speed. Therefore, in this assignment, the impact of the big data on the design of the organization has been explained using the Start Model framework.
Big Data Definition
Generally, the big data refers to the gathering and subsequent analysis of the significant large collection of data, which might contain intelligence or hidden insights like the sensor data, user data and machine data. By analyzing accurately it can be said that the big data is capable of delivering the insights of new business, open new markets and can also develop the competitive advantages (Sridhar and Saha 2011). By comparing the structured data in the applications of business, it has been found that the big data is composed of three major factors. These are – velocity, volume and variety. The later one extends beyond the structure of data and it also involves unstructured data and semi-structured data of all variables, like – video, log files, click streams, audio, text and many more (Shah, Lakshmi Gorty and Phirke 2011). The volume of the big data generally comes in one single size that is large. It is a common factor that all the organizations remain over flooded with data. Thus, amassing petabytes of information and hundreds of terabytes information can be easily gathered. Lastly, the velocity is sometimes analyzed in real time as it is brooked to a firm in order to maximize the businesses’ valuable data.
Now a day, all the organizations including Nestle and ITC luxury group and even the other types of organization of the information technology (IT) sector are excitedly exploring various ways of having advantage of the particular phenomenon of the big data. The big data analytics capability develops a leading edge. The organizations that are enjoying the most success n the particular region at present are enable to use the big data. This ability of the present organizations of using the big data is not only to improve the existing business of the organization, but also to create or develop a new business as well (Robbins and Coulter 2012). From, this it can be said that the implementation of the big data in the network infrastructure of the companies Nestle and ITC luxury group will also help both the firms to increase their businesses in different fields or it will help to create new businesses. The strategic emphasis on the big data needs addition of a capability of the big data analytics to the present firm. The particular process of transformation results into shifting of power to the experts of analytics and in making decisions in real time.
Exploring the potential of Big Data
From the above chart, it can be said that the features of the big data analytics improved more n the new era. Thus, the new era of the big data has more improved and positive impact on the organizations (Popovskij, Barkalov and Titarenko 2011). For the staff skills, the new era of the big data analytics indicate the Business Analytics Competency Center (BACC), which involves data scientists. It can also be said that the new era of the big data analytics are able to solve more complex problem that is integrated into BACC. In case of technology and tools, the new era of big data helps the organizations in widespread adoption of appliances for various workloads. This also helps in architecture and governance of the companies for emerging technologies. As the competitive differentiation and the business strategy are made on the basis of analytics, the new era of big data has more positive impact on the business. In addition to this, the clear master data strategy of management also encourages the organization to run smoothly. The line of business is cross departmental, where the visibility of CEO is an essential factor and the engagement of CIO is also transformative (Pattanaik 2013). All these positivity indicates that the new era of big data of the companies Nestle and ITC luxury Group have positive impact on the network infrastructure.
The advantages of the Big Data will cut across every industry. Therefore, both the organizations Nestle and ITC luxury group will have the ability to harness data of all types that will help both the firms in making proactive decisions of business and it also helps in obtaining more useful data and information for the business insights. The new era of Big Data has also been found to improve the fidelity of the current information by the method of validation and also in improving the time in making decisions (Park et al. 2011). The new era of the big data represents the myriad possibilities for the improvement in the organization value opportunity for the markets of enterprise. These include the fraud detection within the business, retail planning of business and security in financial services. The other benefits that are provided by the new era of Big Data for the company Nestle include – this particular organization analyze the information and data on the basis of the clinical trial with the aim to identify the potential adverse impacts for long period of time (Park 2012). Thus, it provides information that might be too difficult to rag out during the trials. In addition to this, the use of the application of the Big Data addresses the fraud activities that arise from wrong usage. Therefore, the company Nestle has the fraud detection ability that helps the firm to have the potentiality to save millions of dollars. On the other hand, for the company ITC luxury group employs Hadoop grids that help the firm in accessing the viewing patterns for various software streams in order to make proactive decisions on the allocations of WAN and IT bandwidth (Medudula 2016). Moreover, ITC luxury group claims its own data on the basis of third-party databases, which include industry wide sources and social media for detection of targeted and identified new types of fraud.
Advantages of Big Data for Nestle and ITC Luxury Group
For many years, every organization and firm have been using larger databases, whose transactions were used to store in the data warehouses and were analyzed along with data-mining algorithms in order to extract insights. Previously, the structured data were used to store but now after implementation of the new era of Big Data within the organization ITC luxury group and Nestle, more and various types of unstructured data can be stored from different sources. These data can either be the photos from mobile phone, video from surveillance camera, maps from GPS device, audio from call centers, tweets, emails and text messages (Management Association 2015). Therefore, it can be said that both the companies can store, analyze and digitalize all these data. The other opportunity that both these mentioned companies can achieve is the new data that can be accessed in the real time. Now a day, the new era of Big Data helps the companies ITC luxury group and Nestle to receive data regarding the events that are occurring and thus influences the outputs. The implementation of the new era of Big Data helps the companies to detect the fraudulent transaction even when the fraudster is at the checkout counter of the company ITC luxury group (Zhang and Zhang 2011). The particular ITC luxury group can even operate an algorithm in a real time that helps the organization to determine the particular transaction that is a charge on a stolen credit card. Therefore, it can be said the implementation of the new era of Big Data has a positive impact on the businesses as the data of the real time allows the firm ITC luxury group to influence the output and also to prevent the bad outcomes.
The organizations ITC luxury group and Nestle should get analytics experts and data scientists embedded into the process of decision before the particular firms can make decisions of real-time. This might need a shift in power from judgmental and experienced decisions makers to the digital decision makers. Each of the mentioned organization has an establishment, thus a power structure along with a vested interest in the status quo. At present the development is providing scope of making the decisions regarding investment, setting priorities to the customers and in deciding regarding the new features of the product. These similar decisions can be improved from the insight of the Big Data (Lee 2011). With the aim to be successful, both the firms ITC luxury group and Nestle should execute a shift in the power of the organization to the digital experts, generally who create the new insights from the new era of big data. The shift in the power is an essential factor in order to accomplish the changes, which are required to embed entirely with the capability of the big data analytics (Zhang 2012). The implementation of the new era of the big data within both the organizations ITC luxury group and Nestle will have positive impact as the big data will help to enhance the competence of the stated or mentioned organizations, chief digital officer will handle the digital operations of the firms and finally these will speed up the process of decision making within the organizations.
Implementation of Big Data
The new era of big data has also positive impact on the real time decision making of both the companies ITC luxury group and Nestle. This new era of big data helps in increasing the speed of the process of decision making. This is often termed as the ‘clock speed’ of the company. this speed can be increased by implementing various units within the organization like – advertising, committee management, supply chain management and new product development (Hadjiantonis and Stiller 2012). All these units have to get synchronized around the increasing speeds of clock. This will help to achieve the ultimate object that is to speed up the process of making decisions in the real time.
It has been found that the implementation of the changes in power, by increasing the speed in making decisions in real time will improve the existing business of the companies ITC luxury group and Nestle due to the additional features of the company websites. On the other hand, additionally it has been noted that proper analytics, data and insights are also able to act as the revenue producers for both of the mentioned firms and these also provide potential to develop a fully new business for each of the firms ITC luxury group and Nestle (Gershon 2013). For example, it can be said that the implementation of the new era of Big Data has already helped many organizations to earn more revenue. These include – Bosch and General Electric, U.S. Banks like JP Morgan and Wells Fargo, Citibank, HSBC bank, Nike, Zara and many more.
In order to summarize the impact of the new era of Big Data on both the organizations ITC luxury group and Nestle, the Star Model is the best one that will describe the impact of the big data on every major factor of both the stated organizations. These include – people, strategy, rewards, structure and processes. The Star Model is described below along with the structure:
Figure 1: Impact of Big Data on Both the Organizations
The above figure represents that both the companies have adopted a dual strategy for the implementation of the new era of Big Data analytics capability. Firstly, digital capability has been build in order to make faster and better decisions and also to enrich the existing products. This step is considered for increasing sales of the organizations through advertisements. Secondly, the strategy is to use the analytics and data in order to develop custom reports and insights, which can be sold to the consumers, as this will act as a new profit center (Gaol, Mars and Saragih 2014). These insights can be provided to the customers directly or through the companies. However, to implement these strategies, the firms should be modified (Forsgren and Johanson 2014). For this, the organizations will require a champion for analytics and data on its leadership team, digital unit will be required in each customer segment, business unit and country to support the activities. Moreover, the firms should shift the power to digital units and faster decision making in real time should also be required. The data and analytics team are equivalent to the digital acceleration teams (DAT) that are used by Nestle in order to act on real time insights (Choudrie and Middleton 2014).
Therefore, it can be concluded that the new era of Big Data portrays a potential opportunity for the organizations, ITC luxury group and Nestle. When the firms will become expert in using the big data, it will provide various competitive advantages in this competitive market. Thus, it can be said that the data and analytics play the major role in controlling and implementing the big data. The new era of Big Data has positive impacts on the network infrastructure of both the companies. Thus, it can be said that communicative network of both the firms will increase that will lead to increase in sales. It will help to take faster decisions in real time and the companies will enable to keep pace with the fast changing environments of digital age.
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