Influence Of Organizational Parameters On Employee Satisfaction And Commitment In The Hospitality Industry

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What is the Organizational Parameters Influence Employee Satisfaction and Commitment in the Hospitality Industry. 

There has been a drastic change in the structure of the industry; the value of output of the service industry is 70% of that of the GDP in the advanced countries. The economic development is greatly dependent upon the service sector. The tsunami in the year 2008 in Asia has dropped the demand for the hospitality services and the government was involved so that they are able to provide resources to the service sector so that they are able to revive economic development (Tavakoli, Tavakoli, and Pouresmaeil, 2013). The service sector is critical sector in the country Taiwan. There has been an increase in the scale of the hospitality industry year after year (Zopiatis, Constanti, and Theocharous 2014). Management of the employees is very important in the service industry. There is a greater degree of linkages with the factors like the satisfaction of the employees, value of the services, internal service quality, productivity and customer satisfaction (Domínguez-Falcón, Martín-Santana and De Saá-Pérez 2016). This clearly identifies with the improvement of the internal services there will be increased employee satisfaction which would increase the productivity and this would lead to external services value.

There is a significant impact of the job satisfaction and commitment as this is the reason why they have received attention of the practitioners and the academicians. The attitude of the employees towards the level of satisfaction and commitment are the indicators for solidarity between the members of the organization and the team members (Tan, Hussain and Murali 2014). Through organizational commitment, the employees they would be able to derive satisfaction (Kanyurhi and Bugandwa Mugu Akonkwa 2016). It is very important for the hospitality sector to realise what is the emotional connect of the employee towards the organization. This would help in knowing how longer they are able to serve the industry they are working for diligently. The relationship is a important factor for the employers of the organization.

In the research paper, the main problem involves the searching of the factors that tend to influence the satisfaction and commitment of the employees of the hospitality industry in Taiwan (Kara, Uysal, Sirgy and Lee 2013). The relationship will checked whether there is a positive relationship of the organizational commitment and Job satisfaction. There are a number of things, which influence organizational commitment and job satisfaction (Tsui, Lin, and Yu 2013). When the employees they are performing well then they can be awarded rewards ot monetary benefits so that they are committed towards the organization. It has been also seen that people tend to perform better when there is guidance by a leader (Zhao and Mattila 2013). This paper will help in understanding the is the strongest factor affecting satisfaction and commitment

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The following are the objectives of the research study:

  • To identify the factors that would create an impact on the job satisfaction of the in the satisfaction and retention of the employees in the hospitality industry
  • To determine the preferred dimension for the satisfaction of job in the scenario of an organization
  • To identify the emotional commitment on the job satisfaction of the employees
  • To identify the relationship of organizational commitment and job performance
  • What are the factors that tend to effect the satisfaction of the job and retention of the employees in service sector?
  • What is the preferred direction for job satisfaction in an organization?
  • What is a relationship of emotional commitment on the job satisfaction of the employees?
  • What is the relationship of organizational commitment and job performance employees?

The researcher for the research will undergo some set of methodology so that he is  able to complete the research. The research methods will help in linking the data collections with the secondary sources of data i.e. the literature review.

Importance of Employee Management in the Service Industry

The research design is mainly divided into exploratory, explanatory and the descriptive design. This a type of framework within which the research is going to be performed. In case of an exploratory research, there are new opportunities that are availed and there are no structured hypotheses. The researcher researches the hypothesis.  The explanatory research is something that is repetitive in nature and this might occur at any time (6 and Bellamy 2012). In case of a descriptive research the researcher, take a hypothesis as given and then performs a detailed analysis. 

The researchers in this research will be using the descriptive approach that will help in understanding of employee job satisfaction and commitment in a hospitality industry. This will help in the examination of the relationship of job satisfaction and competitive advantage.

 The researcher uses the sample for conducting the research, as the entire population use will make the research difficult and time consuming. There are 7 employees chosen from the hospitality organization of Taiwan and 2 HR manager of the hospitality industry. Thus, the total sample size is 8. 

The population size of the number employees of the hospitality organization is 50 while the population size of the manager is 4. The total population size is 204

The main reason for using the sampling methods is that there is difficulty in the time and the budget constraints about the large population (Carey 2012). With the accurate population, there will be higher reliability and accuracy. In this particular research, there are non-probability methods of sampling. This means that there will not be any type of probability used in the sampling. The types of sampling under non-probability sampling are:

Convenience sampling: This is a procedure were the samples or the units of the people who are quite conveniently available

Judgement sampling: This is a type of the sampling procedure where the experienced research they are able to select the sample based on the type of the feature of the sample members (Creswell and Creswell 2013).

Quota Sampling: The Quota sampling is a type of sampling technique that helps in ensuring that a certain type of the sample will be represented to the extent to which the investigator likes.

Snowball sampling: The Snowball sampling is a sampling technique where the initial respondent as chosen by the methods of probability or non-probability methods. The initial respondents provide the additional responses

The researcher due to its numerous advantages quite conveniently uses the use of the convenience sampling.  This method is fast and this has attracted every researcher. When there is methods limited availability of time, then researcher they are able use this data collection. The method is swift and calculation can be done conveniently.  There is a very little amount of preparation is required for the use of convenience sampling. With a large number of people, the researcher is able to reach the desired audience quickly.

This type of sampling can be done easily through the framing of the questionnaires and then distributing it to the target group. The researcher will be able finish the collection of the data in a few hours without any worry about the population representation. This would help in easing the research and the researcher will be focusing on the analysis of the data rather than the collection of the data (Denzin and Lincoln 2013).

Job Satisfaction and Commitment in the Hospitality Industry

This type of sample is easily available from the population and there is no need for the researcher top travel. Under the strict deadlines, the researcher employs this form of sampling rather than the other modes of sampling.

The overheads are minimal, there are no more steps involved, and the researcher can take the sample from the local population group. This will help the researcher to fund in other aspects of the research project. 

There are 7 employees chosen from the hospitality organization of Taiwan and 2 HR manager of the hospitality industry. Thus, the total sample size is 8

The collection of the data in a qualitative research can be done through choosing any of the observation, focus group and the interview.  The researcher for this research will be using focus groups for the collection of the data. The focus group will be helpful in the in getting a detailed information and the insight. Focus group helps in creating an accepting environment and the participants they are able to provide responses of the questions with ease. The surveys will help in the collection of the information regarding the attitudes and the attributes of the people. The focus group is mainly small group where there is open discussion with that of the skilled moderator (Dicks 2012).  The questions that are asked to the investors are not shown to the participants. There is homogeneity across the focus group of the participants. When the interest and availability is confirmed then there is a need for signing a confirmation.  

In case of data analysis, there are mainly three types of qualitative methods. The main qualitative methods are Ethnography, Grounded theory and Phenomenology.  The researcher for this research will be using the grounded theory for analysing.  The main intention for the use of the ground theory is the way of going beyond the description so that it helps in generating and the discovery of the theory, an abstract analytical schema of the process or interaction and action.  The idea of the development of the theory is based on grounded in data from the participants who have experienced the process (Hammersley 2013). There is a general expression provided by the inquirer on the actions, process and interaction, which is shaped through the large number of participants. Coding is used for the grounded theory. The researcher will be developing and carefully using and updating the code list as which is the codebook. The codebook is the way of developing the theory from data. The researcher will be providing meaningful explanation through coding.

The expected contribution involves either the use of contextual, theoretical or the practical research. The researcher will be using the contextual and the practical contribution.  The context involves the use of the interview in the workplace of the users. The researcher will be getting detailed retellings of the research. The researcher will be able to get a practical knowledge on the research topic as the data is collected is from a real organization. Limitation and Challenges:

Research Objectives and Methodologies

When performing a qualitative analysis there is a lot of limitation that is faced by the researcher. The findings that are generated might be unique but there is involvement of less number of people in the research study. The qualitative research does not help the researcher to make quantitative prediction (Myers 2013).  When there are a large number of participants so there is difficulty in the testing of the hypothesis. The collection of the data can be time consuming in the qualitative research (Supino and Borer 2012). The analysis of the data can be time consuming.  The results of the research can be influenced by the personal biases of the researcher. 


Thus, it can be concluded that the service industry employee’s performance has an impact on the satisfaction of the customers and the performance of the corporate. The enhancement of the employee’s satisfaction, the organizational commitment and performance in the job is a critical issue in case of hospitality management industry. The hospitality sector is characterised by the labour services and heavily realise on the labor for the services in the restaurants and product delivery. In the research, it is expected that satisfaction of the employees be affected by the job stress. The proper external job stress will help in enhancing the employee’s performance in a job. In the service industry, the service sector plays a very important role. In the model that is proposed for hospitality industry, there exogenous variables that are taken are job stress, empowerment, leadership and internal marketing. The impact of the exogenous variables on the endogenous variable is highly positive.  


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Carey, M. (2012). Qualitative Research Skills for Social Work. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

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Denzin, N. and Lincoln, Y. (2013). The landscape of qualitative research.

Dicks, B. (2012). Digital qualitative research methods. London: SAGE Publications.

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