Transformational Leadership Theory And Leadership Style – Nursing Care
Leadership vs Management in Nursing Care
With the increasing complexity and business ramified, leaders needs to customize their leadership style as per their followers. A leader must have a group of followers. He must indulge in influencing its followers in positive manner so that they could make efforts in achieving goals (Prentice, 1961). The Leader should understand the possible key factors such as available resource and plants which should be used by leaders to positively influence the employees and followers towards the better business outcome.
Leadership and management both are different than each other’s and play pivotal role in nursing management. The proper management and leadership influence employee and their services to manage the patients and strengthen their satisfaction level from the health care organization (Marriner-Tomey, 1993) Accordingly, learning to be a competent leadership in nursing care, it will lead to safe and better health care environment and also boost team building and patient’s oriented environment (Van der Voet, 2016).
In this essay, I would like to use the leadership theory and transactional leadership to explain how I could apply the leadership skills and abilities to manage and lead a problem staff in my workplace based on my clinical experience in school. After that, transactional leadership style will be used to set up process for supervision, organization, and performance as it is an integral part of the full range leadership model which positively influences other employees to make better and efficient health care working environment (Goswami, et al. 2016).
The scenario analysis is required to assess the leadership issues and problems which might be faced by leaders in nursing health care and other issues. In this case, a thirty years old woman, K, who is a Healthcare Assistant (HCA) transferred from a surgical ward to our out-patient department. She was found to be performing less satisfactory. One morning, K nearly choked a patient to death when she was feeding him medication and she almost dropped a patient on the floor when she was transferring a patient from wheelchair to bed. However, she could not see how serious the mistakes she had made and she tended to deny her faults when she was interviewed by our colleague (the shift-in-charge). Besides, K’s sick leave rate is noticeably high recently with reasons of dizziness, headache and abdominal pain. She also has been complained about patients and relatives for her impolite attitude. My colleagues also complained about her little commitment to work as a team. They also found K was difficult to work with and some even expressed dislike to be put on same shift to work with her (Frankel, 2008).
Scenario Analysis
According to the interview with K by my colleague, K is a single mother of a 5-year-old son. She is also a new immigrant in Hong Kong with mainland China accent. She got work experience as HCA before in mainland China. Recently, she had conflict with her ex-husband as he refused to care or give any financial support to them. Accordingly, she is very depressed due to her situation (Banks, et al. 2016).
In the K’s nursing case there are following major issues which have been found such as her careless behavior, lack of training and less monitoring. Among these four major problems, I think K main problem is negative work attitude and less training imparted to her. The main issue of K’s behavior at workplace is based on less -effective work culture, less motivated towards better and efficient health care program and her careless behavior. In one of the incident, she was least prompt in handling patient and due to which patient was not handled properly (Hersey, & Blanchard, 1977). It caused high loss that patient at that time and he had to be admitted in hospital for more than 1 month due to her lack of patient care. In addition to this, she is less concerned about the work due to her less pay and failure to comply with the code of conduct. She has also been facing several issues due to her personal life which might had resulted to quarrel in her professional life. She has been facing issues to meet her basic needs and having trouble in her budget (Banks, et al. 2016). It was found that her attitude towards other colleges is also not satisfactory and she least like to communicate with others. There are several behavioral issues cases which have also been found due to her less supportive behavior and disturbing attitude (Kuokkanen, & Leino-Kilpi, 2000).
For K’s situation, I would like to use the Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership (Hersey & Blanchard, 1977) to analyze how the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory has reflected different four maturity level such as M1 to M4. For M1 – This shows a person ability and inability to take particular task. M2 – Employees might face issue in undertaking the responsibilities for task being done but they are more inclined towards doing work for the undertaken task (Sorenson, Peter & Yaeger, Therese 2015). They are new to a field but showing great interest towards their job. M3 – They have knowledge and skills and able to do the job but lacking confidence or the intention to take on the responsibility. M4 – They are skillful and experienced at the job, willing and comfortable with their own ability to do the job well. They not only show the willingness and the ability towards the job, but also willing to take the responsibilities to the job. . A person could be generally confident, skilled and motivated in their job, but might still have a maturity level M1 when asked to perform a job requiring skills they don’t know. For K’s case, she should be M1, who lacks the particular skills required for the job in hand and are unwilling and unable to take responsibility for the job as she has poor sense of working quality and she believed that she is doing just fine with her pay and unwilling to take responsibility for her mistakes (Mittal, & Dhar, R2015). For the directing part, I would like to suggest assigning a senior HCA staff to act as a mentor of K as her mentor should be someone with better knowledge and greater experience for giving her advice. But the mentor would not take over the job of K, the mentor may demonstrate the method and guide K through critique her work, or solving a problem (Wang, Tsai, & Tsai, 2014). K is a good learner as he has learned from her mistakes several times (Banks, et al. 2016). It is considered that K has been making mistakes several times. But He has not repeated same mistake twice. It means that he is a good learner (Tingum, 2017). A mentorship might help K feel less isolated at workplace, too. The mentor may also encourage her to interact more with other co-workers. A mentor can provide K with better understanding on career growth and introduce K to other colleagues. Besides, I also would like to suggest K to attend some clinical skill strengthen course or refresher programme so as to renew her knowledge base and strengthen the core competence of her work. It may help to promote the development level. However, situational leadership theories emphasis upon the transactional leadership which may focuses on the leadership process to fit in the particular scenario (Vera, & Crossan, 2014). A leader should make efforts towards making employees more productive towards the organizational goals and objectives the importance of adjusting leadership processes to fit the needs of followers in a given scenario. A leader should focus on following the transformation leadership process where he makes efforts to influence employees in positive manner (Breevaart, et al. 2014).
Application of Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory for Action Plan
Apart from that, the Transactional leadership may also be able to be applied to K’s case. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1943), transactional leaders work at the basic levels of need satisfaction (Donohoe, & Kelloway, 2016). This leadership style allows leaders to focus on satisfying the employee’s basic needs such as shelter, bread, cloth. This transactional leadership model makes leaders to reward all the good work and punish all the bad outcomes in better and learning way. This may relate to setting code of conduct and contingent ideas towards the forward- thinking. It leads to focus on contingent positive ideas and influencing employees towards the achieving their set targets (McCleskey, 2014). For the application of the transactional leadership style, set targets, articulate clear agreements regarding the expectation of the leaders from team members and the way they would be rewarded for their commitment and efforts, and suggest constructive feedback to keep everybody on task (Vera & Crossan, 2004). Besides, the Theory X (McGregor, D. 1960) can also be compared with transactional leadership styles. Theory X is based on pessimistic assumptions on workers. This leadership style assumed that most of the workers have no or little ambition, tend to escape away from work or responsibilities. They also are individual-goal oriented. In general, theory X style leaders believes that employees are more efficient and if they are shown right path then they could independently lead the better outcomes to society. . This leadership style is accompanied with the hard and soft leadership approach (Deinert,, et al. 2015). The “hard” approach and the “soft” approach are two opposing approaches for implementing Theory X. The hard approach is based on close supervision, imminent punishment and intimidation. This approach can possibly yield a hostile, minimally cooperative work force that could work towards leadership (Qu, Janssen, & Shi, 2015). The soft leadership skill approach focuses on setting code of conduct and aligning the interest of the employees with the organization development. Accordingly, I would like to set a goal for K as to let her characterized that how serious the mistakes she had made. For the “hard” approach, I would suggest to schedule a meeting with K to review the specific problem and give her a warning noted. Besides, during the meeting, I would also suggest to inform K that her poor performance and her poor work attitude will be documented in her SDR (Staff Development & Review) and this document may affect her salary and her promotion (Nanjundeswaraswamy, & Swamy, 2014). I would also suggest scheduling follow-up meetings and be prepared to acknowledge improvements as well as let K know she also will have chance for promotion or additional studies if her performance improved and give her some positive comment and encouragement when she done a good job of achieved certain level of standard care. This part will be the “soft” approach. However, the hard approach may result in less satisfied work, increasing business complexity and low satisfaction in work culture. These soft skills of the leaders not only align the interest of the employees work with the organizational goals but also increase their work more efficient (Hackett, et al. 2018). I would only suggest that if we could work effectively then it will not only align the interest of the employees but also strengthen the health care management work. In a team, every employee and staff members need to work as per the instruction and direction of the leaders. Leaders should understand the perception, values, belief of the employees so that he could motivate employees towards the organizational output.
Recommendations for Managing and Leading K
For Transformational leadership, it is a new style for me that I just learnt from this module and rarely to see others to lead and manage by using this style in my clinical experience and observation (Carleton, Barling, & Trivisonno, 2018). Transformational leadership is a theory of leadership which promotes those leaders to intensify their team members to stop seeking for their personal gain and hunts for the higher moral good by supporting the team building and customized work culture. Transformational leaders are being suggested to make and hold positive and more employee oriented work culture for team members, believing that they could do their best. Accordingly, they stimulate, inspire and empower those team members to exceed the set targets and goals (McCleskey, 2014). Transformational leaders are also focused on and concerned about the team members and their personal requirements and development. This is a very ideal style of leadership, but in my point of view, I found some drawbacks of the application of this style. The first problem of transformational leadership is team members’ favoritism. This shows that the intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration in the organizational workplace (Breevaart, et al. 2014).
It is considered that transformational leadership works with the team of employees to identify the needed changes and creating vision for all the employees. It identifies the need of individual employees and creates a different motivation for every employee so that they could indulge in meeting the set targets and goals (Qu, Janssen, & Shi, 2015). By using the transformational leadership style, leaders could easily mitigate the possible issues and complexity in the process which could strengthen the process and also allow K to work more efficiently.
The transformation leadership set groups for employees and give more opportunity to succeed. In K’s case, it is found that transformation leadership will focuses on achieving the set goals by working in team and building the team efforts among all the employees. It is considered that K should also be convinced to work as team members and collaborating with others so that organization could deliver best outcomes and good care to patients. The second problem is Burn Out. Being a great motivator seems very ideal (Mittal, & Dhar, 2015). I would inspire my team so they tend to be worked at doing great things. However, this is a slippery slope. Those team members may still have their own personal lives that require attention. Spending long working time towards a team goal while disregarding personal needs and goals might lead to burn-out. For K’s case, I think she would be burnt out quickly as she also needs to pay attention on her complicated family problem and financial problem. In individualized consideration, leaders pay close attention towards the follower’s needs. It is done by them by listening, learning and developing ideas. As per the individualized consideration, leaders hear employees individually and become more actualized. It helps in identifying the specific motivation for followers to accomplish set goals (Renko, et al. 2015). This will help in motivating K and other employees towards the team building and collaborating with each other in the best interest of the patients (Hackett, et al. 2018).
Last but not least, the third problem is bad Decisions and failure. However, leaders will have to listen all the ideas and plans from different employees and take decisions accordingly. It is done to make organizational culture more employees oriented (McCleskey, 2014). For me, I am just a new graduated RN who just converted to RN from EN, I don’t think I am able to take constructive criticism or get enough confidence to hold any effective brainstorming meetings with my team members that help to make my innovation better, therefore, I may run the risk of overlooking a problem that leads to failure (Wang, Tsai, & Tsai, 2014). Conclusion
In conclusion, learning to be a good leader of a health care team is very important. It could promote aligning the interest of the employees with the organizational growth and encourage employees to achieve the set goals. A good nurse leader also will provide a role model for staff at all levels. Besides, being engaging in coaching and mentoring roles will also empower staffs. There is need to implement the evidence based work practice so that all the nurses and employees could be more aware about their responsibilities.(Kuokkanen and Leino-Kilpi, 2000). For managing K’s case, I would to like apply the Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership and the transactional leadership instead of the newly learned transformational leadership. It is because Transactional style can address small operational details quickly than the transformational style as transformational style is work for the strategic development of a group. The transactional leadership can helps in allowing employees to understand the team work and team-building skills so that the best outcomes could be delivered to employees. After studying this module, I learnt how the leaders and leadership skills could positively influence the employees towards accomplishing set goals and objectives.
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