Managing Conflict In Hospitality Industry: Scenarios And Workplace Policies

Part A scenarios

Scenario 1

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Answer 1)

The three conflict resolution techniques that should be applied are:

Problem-solving or collaborating- This technique helps the wait staff to understand the problem and convince the customer that no refunding policy is taken by the restaurant due to this issue (Diehl & Regan, 2015).

Compromising- By using this technique both the wait staff and the customer can come up to an acceptable solution and thereby the conflict can resolve immediately.

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Smoothing- With the help of this technique, the wait staff can convince the customer that the problem is not so bad and thereby no refund will be provided to her as per the company rules and policies.     

Answer 2)

If the conflict is not resolved, then it may affect the restaurant business, and hence their customers’ attention will also decrease significantly affecting their brand reputation (Diehl & Regan, 2015).

Answer 1)

According to the scenario, when the foreign customer become aggressive, agitated, babbling and raising his voice to describe the problem, then these are considered as the sign of rising of the conflict.     

Answer 2)

To overcome the communication barrier, the working staff should use symbols or non-verbal gestures or cues so that the foreign customer will understand that the hotel will take quick measures to resolve his problem (Sudhakar, 2015). 

Answer 3)

The foreign customer has faced an issue with the cleanliness of the bathroom, and therefore, the working staff will take the necessary steps to make the bathroom clean. By this way, the foreign customer will satisfy, and the complaint will also be resolved.   

Answer 4)

The working staffs should take care about the cleanliness of the room along with the bathroom and should wash the bathroom once in a week so that the hotel can easily avoid this type of situation in future (Lee et al., 2017).

Answer 5)

The management will arrange training classes for their employees once a week so that it improves their communication with foreign customers. In the class, every employee should learn about the use of Jordan, symbols, signs and verbal and non-verbal communicative approach (Lee et al., 2017). By learning these aspects, their communication barrier will effectively reduce in future.   

Answer 1)

According to the scenario when discrimination is noticed between two workers and the rest of the team, then it is considered as the major signs for raising the conflict. In the beginning, the team member does not noticed the matter, but with time they faced a problem with two of the team members, Sarah and James. Hence, these are the two stages of defining the conflict. The conflict level has been increased with time, and the team members have become offended after watching this type of discrimination. Various factors like employee dissatisfaction, their morale, and negative working environments are involved with this particular conflict. Therefore, the result causes a negative impact on productivity, and an argument also aroused between other employees and Sarah.

Scenario 1:

The manager should address the last aspect of the conflict theory, and he has to resolve the problem as fast as possible so that the company productivity do not affect in the future.

Answer 2)

According to the scenario, it is clear that both Sarah and James find more opportunity than others and thus according to the manager this is the reason for which the conflict is occurring. In a team, it is necessary that all members should get the equal opportunity, but as per the scenario, both Sarah and James get more opportunity and thereby it is a reason for arising such conflicts (Currie, Gormley, Roche & Teague, 2017).        

Answer 3)

At the initial stage the team was uncomfortable about the situation but at the final stage the conflict arises to an argument with Sarah and other team members, and thereby it has decreases the productivity rate of the firm. If the situation is ignored then not the only business will affect, but also the severity rate has been increasing within the workplace.        

Answer 4)

Management should provide equal opportunity to all the team members and thereby give off day for all members, and by this approach, the conflict will resolve (Prause & Mujtaba, 2015).   

Answer 5)

If the conflict is managed effectively, then no arguments will occur between the team members and they give their best for increasing the productivity of the firm.

Answer 1)

As per the scenario, the drunk customer is arguing with a new staff member and other customers so if serious steps are not taken then the drunk customer will break the glasses and may hurt the other customers and staffs.

Answer 2)

The female staff members of the bar should help this female customer to reach home, and this is the effective action taken by the management (Pines et al., 2014). For preventing escalation, managing is the best source of resolving the problem.  

Answer 3)

The documents consisting of the written papers should have the signature of the female customers in order to avoid any issues in future (Pines et al., 2014). The documentation is needed because if some problem arises in future by this customer; then the bar should take steps against it.

The three instances that must be recorded in association with conflict resolution are:

Manager trained as mediators- Mangers are one that effectively handled conflicts, and therefore it is important that they must understand the issues occurring in the workplace. Hence, to understand it managers should have to be a mediator.

Scenario 2:

Eliminating gender discrimination- The companies should avoid discrimination between genders and they provide equal opportunities for every member working in the firm (Way, Jimmieson & Bordia, 2016).

Clarify priorities- Miscommunication sometimes arises conflict, so managers have to arrange a meeting to clarify all the possible priorities of the firm about work.     

Answer 1)

The procedures taken by the organization for reporting and conflict management is first determining the conflict and then take the necessary operations to deal with the conflict. According to the policy of Section 52(2)(d) and section 321A(1)(aa), the firm can easily manage the conflict (Way, Jimmieson & Bordia, 2016). This is important so that no productivity loses will takes place in a firm.     

Answer 2)

The regulatory, industrial and legislative requirements related to handling the disputes are Fair work Act 2009, Fair Work Regulations 2009 and Fair Work Commission Rules 2013 (Awan & Saeed, 2015). 

Answer 3)

The employees should give training on various verbal and non-verbal communication approach; they have to train with symbols and Jordon so that they can deal with various conflict arising in the workplace (Awan & Saeed, 2015).

Answer 4)

When the conflict involves drugs, alcohol, and violence, then the company will rusticate the following employees from the workplace (Way, Jimmieson & Bordia, 2016).  

Answer 5)

Apart from the HR department, the managers from each of the other departments should take active participation in resolving any type of issues as per their level of authority.  

Answer 6)

The main purpose of evaluating conflict is to create a peaceful environment in the workplace. For example- conflict resolution should increase productivity because the employees will give their best for the firm.


Awan, A. G., & Saeed, S. (2015). Conflict Management and Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Askari Bank Ltd. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(11), 88-102.

Currie, D., Gormley, T., Roche, B., & Teague, P. (2017). The management of workplace conflict: Contrasting pathways in the HRM literature. International Journal of Management Reviews, 19(4), 492-509.

Diehl, P. F., & Regan, P. (2015). The interdependence of conflict management attempts. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 32(1), 99-107.

Lee, C., Won, J. W., Jang, W., Jung, W., Han, S. H., & Kwak, Y. H. (2017). The social conflict management framework for project viability: Case studies from Korean megaprojects. International Journal of Project Management, 35(8), 1683-1696.

Pines, E. W., Rauschhuber, M. L., Cook, J. D., Norgan, G. H., Canchola, L., Richardson, C., & Jones, M. E. (2014). Enhancing resilience, empowerment, and conflict management among baccalaureate students: outcomes of a pilot study. Nurse Educator, 39(2), 85-90.

Prause, D., & Mujtaba, B. G. (2015). Conflict management practices for diverse workplaces. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 6(3), 13.

Sudhakar, G. (2015). A Review of Conflict Management Techniques in Projects. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 12(2), 214-232.

Way, K. A., Jimmieson, N. L., & Bordia, P. (2016). Shared perceptions of supervisor conflict management style: A cross-level moderator of relationship conflict and employee outcomes. International Journal of Conflict Management, 27(1), 25-49.

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