Influence Of Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, And Founding Fathers On American Political Culture
Summary of Documents and their Influence on American Politic/Government
The magna carta is a parchment that was developed by barons of the kingdom of England. The main aim of the parchment was to minimise the power of the king of England (Holt, Garnett and Hudson, 2015). The parchment was developed in 1215 and the king was pressurized to sign it. The barons who reported to the king aimed at ensuring that justice prevailed. The magna carta has influenced the American politics in a numerous way. Most of the clauses that it contained have been integrated in to the constitution though in a modified way. For instance, the right to be tried in a court of law before the making the decision of whether to imprison a person or not. The Mayflower compact is a set of rules that were established at Cape Cod in 1620 (Fraser, 2017). It was made when colonists from England arrived at Cape Cod, a place where no rule of law applied. To maintain justice and order, the colonists established the Mayflower compact. The rules were made by the people for the people. It played a major role in shaping democracy in America. It is one of the earliest forms of democratic rule.
The Declaration of Independence is a document that entails the terms of separation of the United States from its British colonisers. The document was developed in July 1776 when the then 13 states of the America became independent. Some of the reasons for independence contained in the document are the various human rights such as the right to life and liberty to pursue happiness (Hayek, 2014). The document was influential in shaping the United States constitution and particularly the bill of rights. Today, the document is still reflected in the American politics. For instance, the right to life is one of the provisions of American law. The articles of confederation refer to the first constitution of the United States. It has played a role in shaping the current American politics as the current constitution has a basis on it only that the current is greatly modified to cater for the changing needs (Van, 2017).
The Virginia plan was some 15 resolutions developed in 1787 aiming at making changes to the articles of confederation. The proposed changes were more powers for the central government and division of the legislature in to two. The Virginia plan has affected the current American politics since it is still in effect. For instance, the legislature is divided in to two and the central government is not weak. The New Jersey Plan was made soon after the Virginia plan and proposed just simple changes to the articles of confederation. The main effect felt today about the proposal is the law of the United Sates will be the supreme law of the land and of the states. The Connecticut Plan was developed in 1787 and proposed formation of a bicameral house. It has greatly influenced the structure of the United States’ government as it is composed of a bicameral house. The United States constitution contains the rules and laws of the land. It is the supreme law of the land and guides almost all operations of the government and its institutions. The bill of rights provides for the rights that one is entitled to as a citizen of the United States (Rossum, 2018). It therefore influences the operations of the government. For instance, any one who goes against the bill of rights could be charged in a court of law.
Brief summary of Magna Carta and its influence on American politics
Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher of the 17th century. He is greatly remembered for his contribution to moral philosophy. The civil war that took place in England in the 17th century played a role in shaping his views. He developed the social contract theory. Through the theory, he argues that human beings are naturally selfish and if left without any rule or control, the results would be catastrophic. He argues that the only way to overcome this is to establish an absolute monarchy. Although he has become unpopular, he influenced the founding fathers in some ways especially in the development of the first principles. These included recognition of unalienable rights, social impact and a government that is limited.
John Locke was an English philosopher and political theorist in the 17th century. He is greatly known for liberalism. He presents a human being as a blank paper whose contents is shaped by the knowledge and experience gained (Hughes and Sharrock, 2016). He argued that the government should be formed on the consent of those being governed. His philosophy greatly influenced the founding fathers. This is evident from the founding documents which were influenced by the founding fathers. His essays about religious tolerance also influenced the founding fathers to separate the church from the state. Montesquieu was a French philosopher who argued that the most secure way of avoiding corruption of the government was to divide the powers. He argued that if the power was divided among several departments/actors who would check each other. He greatly influenced the founding fathers. Particularly, James Madison used this philosophy in forming the constitution.
Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 in Boston. He did several jobs and was mainly known for publishing and his scientific inventions. He later became a statesman. He is remembered as one of the founding fathers for his great contribution immense contribution to the country. He represented the country in the 1783 treaty of Paris to end the revolutionary war. He was also involved in drafting the declaration of independence. In addition, he was the pioneer of the first public lending library. He also revolutionized the media through developing the first national newspaper.
Alexander Hamilton is one of the founding fathers. He was born on the island of Nevis in the British West Indies. He played a great role in influencing the American politics and government. He served the country as an assistant to General George Washington in 1777 (Howe, 2017). A year later, he rallied support of the people of New York towards ratification of the constitution of the United States. He also served the nation as the very first secretary of the treasury from 1789 to 1795.
Brief summary of Mayflower Compact and its influence on democracy in America
George Washington served as the commander in chief of the American troops during what is refereed today as the American revolutionary war. In other words, he led the continental army to winning the war that gave the nation its independence. He shaped the American politics and government through serving as the first president. He led the country in drafting the first constitution. He knew very well that his legacy would determine the political future of the country (Cunliffe, 2017). Therefore, he left a legacy of integrity, strength and national purpose.
Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States of America. His contribution to American politics and government is indispensable. For instance, he was involved in the revolutionary war and was part of the team that authored the declaration of independence. Later, he served the country in Virginia legislature and later as a governor of the state of Virginia (War, Johnston and Johnston, 2015). In addition, he also served in the cabinet as minister to France. He also served as secretary of state.
James Madison was the fourth president of the U.S serving from 1809 to 1817. He is greatly remembered for his unique role in drafting the first constitutions and the bill of rights. He is usually referred to as the father of the constitution. John Adams served as the second president from 1797 to 1801. As a founding father, he was part and parcel of the revolutionary war and was a part of the treaty of Paris. He also served as a vice president from 1789 to 1797.
Cunliffe, M. (2017). George Washington: man, and monument. Pickle Partners Publishing.
Fraser, R. (2017). The Mayflower Generation: The Winslow Family and the Fight for the New World. Random House.
Hayek, F. A. (2014). The constitution of liberty. Routledge.
Hobbes, T. (2016). Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan. Routledge.
Holt, J. C., Garnett, G., & Hudson, J. (2015). Magna carta. Cambridge University Press.
Howe, I. (2017). World of our fathers: The journey of the East European Jews to America and the life they found and made. Open Road Media.
Hughes, J. A., & Sharrock, W. W. (2016). The philosophy of social research. Routledge.
Rossum, R. A. (2018). American Constitutional Law: The Bill of Rights and Subsequent Amendments. Routledge.
Van Cleve, G. W. (2017). We Have Not a Government: The Articles of Confederation and the Road to the Constitution. University of Chicago Press.
War, C., Johnston, T. J., & Johnston, R. J. (2015). Thomas Jefferson. Routledge.