The Role Of HRM In Supporting Business Strategy And Developing Human Resources At Vodafone

Company Background

Strategic resource management is related to the continuous analyzing, planning, monitoring and accessing all resources and aspects necessary for meeting the goals and objectives of an organization. The management includes human resource management, marketing management, physical resource management, and information system management (Muogbo, 2013). This report analyzes the strategic management of a well-known organization of telecommunication sector named as ‘Vodafone’.

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Vodafone is a very well-known telecom operator headquartered in Newbury, England. It is the second largest telecom service provider around the world after China Mobile on the basis of its turnover. At present, it is working with the equity interests in more than twenty-five countries and working as a partner network in nearly forty-one countries. The main reason the success of the company is its effective strategic resource management (Group, 2013).

The human resource department of Vodafone recruits the quality staff for the company and also helps in building effective relationships between the management and employees to inverse the efficiency of employees.

The HR department of the company performs the functions like recruiting, training and development, staffing, appraising and motivating employees in a well-structured manner. The effective human resource management enables the management to focus on other key areas of the business (Anon., 2014).

The recruitment is done on the basis of the capabilities of the candidates and not on the basis of the sex, religion, races and cultural background.

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The company retain the staff who is really worth for the organization and is leaving the organization for professional reasons. The organization pays less efforts to the employees who are not  capable of working in the organization.

Health, safety, and well-being policies

Vodafone has designed a complete set of policies for the well-being of employees working in the organization. These policies state that during working hours, employees need to concentrate on their physical and mental health first and should not do any work for which they have not been trained. This policy increases the level of employee satisfaction (Ishola, 2017).

Open Communication system’

There is an open communication system in the company. The employees are welcomed to give their views and share the problems with the management. It creates a sense of giving respect in the minds of employees (Kwenin, et al., 2013).

Training and development

The employees are provided training and updates about the changes in the working progress on continuous basis. This helps the employees to develop themselves to perform better.

Human Resource Management

These techniques helps in enhancing the morale of employees and to force them to increase their performance for contributing to the growth of the organization

The line manager works as the head of the department which helps the top level management by handling his team and subordinates. Such managers’ report to the top level management about the performance of their units. The line managers also help the HR department in hiring the staff as per the appropriate knowledge of their local target market and segments of the customers. They also help the HR executives in determining the incentive and benefits structure to motivate the employees towards their work responsibilities and work.

Code of Conduct

The company has a strong and strict code of conduct, which is required to be followed by all the employees. In case of not following the same, the company takes immediate actions.

Rewards and Recognition

Since the company is working in the retail sector and employees are evaluated on the basis of their performance. HR department organizes rewards and recognition events on the half-yearly and yearly basis to increase the morale of employees and to motivate them in a positive manner.

Health insurance

The organization is more concerned about the health of employees thus, it provides health insurance to the employees. This insurance helps the employees at the time of any physical injury or any other health-related issues.

The above-mentioned steps taken by the company related to employee welfare are working as an effective tool for increasing the employee satisfaction and also to keep them safe and secure.

Vodafone invests a huge some in managing its physical resources which major includes the network towers, network transmissions lines, and customer touch points. The organization works on the theory which indicates that for keep the business profitable, it is required to manage the resources that are provided to the society by the organization in terms of tangible sources.

The company has the ability to track, report and manage all the Physical assets in an accurate manner. For example, if a mobile device or POTS line is no longer deployed but the system still shows the item as active, the company immediately takes action to save the employees as well the customers from any type of inconvenience.

All the systems and physical inventory are audited on monthly basis to find out the deficiency so that the same can be resolved within the period (Systems, 2018).


Resources Required

Best network Provider

Effective management of network towers and bandwidth lines.

Be the first in customer service

Opening and management of maximum touch point so that to increase the visibility of the company.

Effective information management system

Management of working equipment if the employees.

  • The organization needs to invest more in acquiring spectrum license and bandwidth lines for providing high speed of data and voice transmission to the customers
  • It should not place the network towers in the living areas as this can harm the health of the people living there.


Marketing is a key process of promoting, researching and selling services and products in the target market. The bottom line of all businesses is profit. Profit is largely depended upon the successful sales which are resulted by the effective marketing techniques. The business strategy is framed on the basis of the marketing techniques and strategies followed by an organization. Marketing increases trust, awareness, and sales of the organization, which is the ultimate goal of an effective business strategy (Fejza & Asllani, 2013).

Vodafone uses a combination of segmentation strategies to divide its offerings into network services, broadband services, and enterprise services accordingly. It uses demographical, geographical and psychographic segmentation to serve the customers.

Vodafone has been successful in developing mind awareness with the help of its zoo-zoo campaign around the country. It also uses positioning strategies on the bases of value.

The marketing objective of Vodafone is to maintain market leadership on network quality, customer satisfaction and revenue per customer. The company uses product led and consumer-focused strategy for attaining these objectives (Vij, 2012). The main initiatives that are being taken by the company for effective marketing of its products and services are as follows:

Promotional messages

The company also offers free coupons and discounts to the customers on certain outlets of food, gym, etc to keep the customer satisfied and increase the satisfaction rate per customer.

Mobile Club

The company creates a mobile club and send messages to the customers about their product and services. This works as a reminder to the customers of the schemes and offers given by the company.

Vodafone Play

The company also provides an online channel for watching movies and other shows in form of Vodafone Play and also offers the free subscription for the users according to their tariff plan (Roy & Das, 2012).

The offers and promotional schemes provided to customers help the organization to increase its visibility in the society as well as increase the experience of customers in a positive manner.

Information system management is an important part in the telecommunication sector. It has a huge role in collecting, storing and utilizing the information, which is required for decision making purpose and also for providing the high level of customer satisfaction (Rosca, et al., 2010).

Vodafone is a conglomerate and very large organization and management information system help on the ground of wide level business decisions and organizational strategies. The appropriateness of the transaction processing system is very large the managing the lower level outflow and inflow of funds and financial resources. TPS is a very effective tool which is also used by the organization to keep the records for future consideration (Helmhout & Ibbott, 2014).

Role of HRM

Further, the decision support system is another type of information system used by Vodafone to help the marketing department by keeping the information related to sales and competitor’s management. The company can get the information about the competitors and can classify the information at every level to frame the marketing strategies and marketing mix can be designed accordingly (Racing, 2017).

Along with this, the company uses SAAP and Cloud computing to secure the data and calling records the customers with the help of information security measures.

Vodafone is a highly reputed company in form of maintaining the privacy of the customers. Even the employees of the organization do not have the right to access the call details of any customers. The company has never faced any kind of data breach situation in till now.


On the basis of above analysis, it can be concluded that strategic resource management covers all functions and activities that are to be considered by an organization in order to get stability and success in the competitive environment. The given example of Vodafone is related to the highly competitive industry in the present scenario. The first analysis of Human resources shows that company is highly considered in terms of employee welfare and manage them as an important asset of the organization. The second analysis of physical resources shows that Vodafone is well aware of the management of its physical resources and efficiently manages the same by following the audit procedure. The third analysis of marketing management shows the key marketing strategies followed by the organization in order to beat the competition existed in the target market. In the end, the analysis of information management system describes the two main techniques sued by the organization to manage the financial and non-financial information of the organization. The report was prepared with a view to providing the information related to strategic resource management in an effective manner.


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