Struggle Of Titans: Analysis Of External And Internal Environment Of Apple And Amazon In UK Market

Analysis of external environment

An epic story is developing behind the bitter rivalry between two giant organizations like Apple and Amazon in world market. Apple and Amazon both are technology firms but they offer different kinds of products and services. Both of these companies are performing as two leading organizations among top five best technology stocks in global market. The group of companies, FAANG contains Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google. From an overview of the (Russon, 2018) growth rate of these companies from 2010 to 2018, it has been identified that Amazon is having a higher rate of growth than Apple since 2009.

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Figure 1: Comparative growth of Amazon and Apple from 2010-2018

(Source: Russon 2018)

This above graph is proving that in current UK market, Amazon is gaining more competitive advantages than Apple. Apple is a tech company having strong reputation of offering best quality electronic gadgets in premium prices (Michel 2018). On the contrary, Amazon is one of the best choices for the customers for availing products in cheaper costs and more quickly. Amazon and Apple both have strong customer base and brand recognition in UK however; these two different companies have different policies to market their products and target specified customers according to their needs and requirements. This current study is going to throw light to the current struggle, taking place between these two giant companies in present retail market of UK. These two companies are experiencing high face-off in the market of books regarding the activities of authors, publishers and the readers as well (Rich and Motoko 2018). This study is about to discuss on this particular issue of rivalry or competition between these two organizations through analyzing both their internal and external market environment. The further development of the study will help to understand the reasons behind choosing these organizations most importantly this particular topic.

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Analysis of environment is a kind of strategic tool that helps an organization to identify various factors affecting its business activities both internally and externally. PESTEL analysis is one of the most efficient models of macro environment or external environment analysis (Pan, Chen and Zhan 2018). This following study will also make a detailed analysis of external environment for Apple and Amazon with the help of PESTEL model from the context of UK market.

Amazon is actually an America based company but it has expanded market in different places including several countries of UK, India, Australia and many more. The company is currently experiencing several political issues due to the protectionism in USA incorporated by Trump administration. These issues are increasing threats for this company to supply their products to foreign countries and control their overseas business. UK has a high competitive market and people of these countries possess considerable demand for foreign products. Because of these increasing threats, Amazon is requiring possible reduction in the number of foreign imports as well as traffics to foreign imports. As a result, the organization is failing to maintain all the quality parameters of their products and services and failing to meet customer demands. Moreover, due to the recent issue regarding BREXIT negotiation, the governments of America and Britain have postponed discussions about potential deals of trading between them (Carney 2015). Therefore, being an American company, Amazon is minimizing its import taxes in UK, which is resulting in poor business regulations.

PESTEL Analysis

Apart from these issues like BREXIT and disturbing relationship with US, UK applies different strategies for mitigating internal issues within its organizations. UK possesses a great democracy among the first world countries and therefore it has stable government. This political stability influences the business activities of UK organizations always. In fact, this political stability also has great positive impacts on Apple as it influences its growth in sustainable manner. In order to manage organizational activities properly, UK government mainly focuses on their legal rules and developing strict provisions for the business organizations to maintain a standard of service quality (Egger et al. 2015). These political stability and concerns for legal regulations have strong positive impacts on the business of Apple Inc. in UK and helps the company to expand its business in sustainable manner. The government of UK is now currently implementing more number of free trade policies especially for the growing organizations. These are also serving as biggest political factor for the growth of Apple.

UK still has a traditional form of capitalist structure of its economy however, it has been proved that this traditional economic structure is no more effective and fits to the current business context of its countries. However, Amazon has adopted this structure for sustainable growth in future and the company is focusing on reinvesting gains back to new market through research and innovation. The uncertainty of stock market plays as a vital economic factor for Amazon as it is preventing the company in its globalised marketing (Heo and Hahm 2015). The company is aiming to expand its grocery sector but this uncertainty issues in stock market are causing difficulties for the company while retail giants like Walmart is facing drops in share price. Current economic instability in Amazon is resulting in reduction of job opportunities in the company. However, it has been reported that, additional job opportunities with new facilities are increasing in UK by this company instead of cutting jobs.

Economic stability of UK also supports a sustainable growth of tech companies like Apple especially for expanding their business in further arena. In order to motivate the financial state of different countries of UK, the government has offered the Bank of England for supplying economic support to stabilize finance system and maintain the health of micro-finance. It has allowed the common people to purchase products of great quality even without focusing on pricing issues (McCulloch 2014). This purchasing approach of the customers helps the company like Apple that targets premium customers and offer quality products in premium prices. Rapid growth of economic stability in Asian countries also provides major opportunities to Apple for its further business expansion. As mentioned earlier, UK offers huge opportunities of employment that ensures the financial strength of their common people. As a result, these customers can pay for best quality products avoiding price issues. However, competition is a major factor; Apple needs to face in UK because the competitor companies also target this high-growth economy.

Political factors

UK is possibly has the third largest e-commerce market in world and as per a recent report of UK government, the total value of e-commerce sales of different UK countries has reached to around 533 billion (British Pound) in 2015 (Statista 2018). It is because, people of these countries are being more tech-savvy and depending more on e-commerce activities for purchasing products rather than visiting stores. In this context, people are being more interested about the services provided by organizations like Amazons as it offers wide range of products and present them at customers’ doorstep. Additionally, more than 77% of UK’s total population (around 33.4 million) is employed in several different sectors so management is being a difficult for these people for purposes of shopping. Moreover, with the increased economic strength, these people are depending more on online purchasing and their demand for foreign products is increasing. This changing socio-cultural structure of UK is supporting the business growth of Amazon in a positive manner.  

UK has high rate of employment and huge opportunities of earning as well as business growth. Therefore, people of UK maintain a certain standard of life and that is quite superior (Carter and Poast 2017). Simultaneously, people of UK possess the liberal attitude of adopting new trends and accepting new companies. In this context, Apple also has the opportunities of bringing electronic gadgets of advanced technology and offers them in a comparatively higher price than its rival organizations. The economic strength and trend of living life lavishly allow Apple to target to the certain section of premium customers and accommodate them with the features of their products rather than developing products according to the customers’ needs. Apart from these, the increasing accessibility of smart phones to more than 60% of the nation’s total population also plays a vital role of key determinant of great performance of Apple in UK (Oliver and Williams 2016). In fact, these people are being so dependent on smart phones and modern technologies that their interest for further improved technical devices is increasing gradually. Additionally, usage of various social media platforms is also increasing in UK so it is also providing better opportunities to Apple as it also influences the demands for digital devices like iPhone, iPad, Apple watch etc.  

Amazon is continuously focusing on the implementation of high technologies in order to aid their logistic services as well as dealing with the necessary requirements of customers with utmost efficiency. For instance, Amazon has included a new service called ‘Hub’ that is actually a locker system from 2017 (Moroni, Arruda and Araujo 2015). This locker system will allow deliveries of Amazon to be dropped off even the customer are not present in home. This is the first technology and first time used by an online service provider for serving non-business customers as well. Expansion of UK workforce to almost 24,000 within 2018 is another motive of the company for serving as an innovative service provider and retaining competitive advantage through applying highest level of technologies. The R&D center of Amazon located at London has recently confirmed that the company is now mainly concentrating on its development of technologies and they are investing in this sector.  

Economic factors

Cloud computing is one of the most influential trends currently active in UK including most of its organizations as well as individuals. Accordingly, technological integration of electronic devices is another major trend in UK countries. As a provider of electronic gadgets, Apple may take the advantage of this trend through continuing their strategy of offering products those are seemingly connected to each other. Apps market is also growing in UK so Apple also has the opportunities to increase the number of its app stores (Nikolaou and Lean 2017). In fact, Apple belongs to a positive position that exploits numerous opportunities for companies using advanced technologies and bringing high-tech gadgets in technological dimension.

UK government now has strict provisions for reducing organizational emissions and contributing to develop a greener and healthier environment. This is also a part of sustainability for the business organizations. However, as Amazon offers products and services online, so it does not play major role in causing environmental emissions. Nevertheless, the company needs to face the huge pressure of maintaining sustainability in their service management regarding the delivery of products, providing discounts and offering products in best prices in market. These are the parts of their sustainability issues including the satisfaction of customers as Amazon assures to deliver products within 48 hours and they have the facilities of delivering products on a same day basis. However, in a wider perspective, extensive goals of the organization about the production of their own belongings have broader impacts on the vast environment.

Current trend of business sustainability also have positive impacts on the business growth of Apple in UK. The company has already started addressing the opportunities of maintaining this business sustainability through recycling and other relevant programs. Apple lets the customers recycle Apple devices also including the products of Apple-owned brands at any of their store across UK and in their official website ( in free of cost. Furthermore, they are aiming to implement advanced technologies for improving energy efficiency of different Apple products and making better impacts on the environment (Dolata 2017). They have already started using improved processors, batteries and other components those emit less heat. Current trends of UK’s labor market and labor rights are also affecting the business of Apple. The company is taking effective steps for training and grooming their employees so that they may provide better customer services indenting to improve consumers’ perception about Apple products. In fact, from environmental perspective, Apple is holding right position from where the company can serve for securing ecological health and contributes for developing sustainable business.

Socio-cultural factors

In UK, currently Amazon is under the federal investigation regarding their strategies of selling goods and offering services to individual consumer through violating US sanctions. In order to run business in UK, Amazon is supposed to follow the laws under Consumer Protection Act (1987) ( 2018).  However, it is showing a complete disregard to the law and safety rules of UK. Moreover, the company is having trouble in US for generating misleading claims about pricing issues and discounts on more than 1000 products and as a result, it has come under the fire from Federal trade commission. Because of these legal complications in US, Amazon is lacking complete legal support from the UK government as well for business activities. Amazon is required making huge investments in tax related activities in order to follow legal structure of UK in proper manner. For example, it has paid £ 11.9m for taxes in UK and it has agreed to pay additional corporation tax on sales of UK in 2015. In fact, the company is facing legal challenges throughout Europe.

These strict legal provisions also develop constraints for Apple to run their business in a smooth way. Most importantly, this government is now continuously increasing privacy regulations for business organization, which is expanding both opportunities, and threats for Apple. Being a part of telecom industry Apple also has huge responsibilities to store and control huge amount of data. In case of managing this data, the company requires to follow Data Protection Act (2018) recently implemented by the government of UK ( 2018). In modern age, privacy is being associated with digital technologies. Simultaneously, with the growth of digitalization, people are accommodating with fast services and purchasing quality products. Unlike Amazon, Apple needs to follow the consumer act of UK that includes not only the delivery of products on time but also maintaining the quality of products in accordance to the price rate.

Figure 2: PESTEL Analysis

(Source: Balasopoulou et al. 2016)

This above discussion shows that, both these two chosen organizations have different challenges to face in UK for maintaining rules and aiming to a sustainable growth. Political and economic stability of UK is helpful for supporting the business growth of both these companies and laws are the toughest field for them to gain competitive advantages through mitigating challenges.

Internal environment analysis is another application of strategic tool of environment analysis that helps an organization to identify its strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities in market and threats. SWOT is considered as the best model of internal business analysis that allows the organization to utilize its strengths for overcoming threats and make successful usage of opportunities for better business outcomes (Bohari, Hin and Fuad 2017).

Technological factors

Figure 3: SWOT Analysis

(Source: Bull et al. 2016)

Apple: Apple has wide range of products including iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple watch, Apple TV, MacBook, various software and other varieties Electronic vehicles that offer numerous ways to the company for earning profitability. Simultaneously, the company is continuously launching more products of advanced technology. In fact, it does not design new products after measuring the sales rate and customers respond to previous products.

Strong brand image of Apple is the biggest strength of the company as it has already established strong customer base through proving quality of their products. In fact, Apple is considered as one of those most valuable brands in UK having best quality products and services dominating the market of UK (Wirl 2018). Customers have high satisfaction due to high longevity of hardware in Apple products and its performance. Additionally, the design of Apple products is also unique than others which is perfectly able to attract the customers’ attention.  

Apple has become highly famous during the last few decades for its application of modern technologies and maintaining a portfolio of innovative products. It is well recognized as one of the leading companies of innovation as it has been offering new innovative products from the initial stage of business.

Apple recruits people with high consciousness, as the company is concerned about employing confident and sincere candidates. It serves as a strong point of the company because customers have strong belief on the company about the quality services provided in Apple stores.  

Amazon: Amazon has the identity of largest online retailer across the world and it has made 25% increased revenue this year comparing with the previous year. On other, side, having largest market share comparing with rival organizations in similar field allows the company to develop a strong brand image among customers (Neupane 2015).

In current age of digitalization, Amazon possesses strong cloud computing division with a rapid growth in their web series. This is being a great attraction for the customers and helping the company to make huge profit ($718m in previous year).

Amazon has a completely different part of their profit rate for investing in the development of research and development department so that they can bring new services for customers and present their products in innovative way.

In UK, the demand for Amazon TV subscription is increasing continuously. Therefore, numerous services of Amazon are expanding throughout UK.

Environmental factors

Apple: Higher price of products is the biggest weakness of Apple as the company follows the strategy of premium pricing. That is why, common people fail to avail Apple products especially iPhone while they can purchase similar kinds of products from Samsung, HTC etc. in lower price (Khan, Alam and Alam 2015).

Apple devices do not allow installing different software from other sources instead of own providers that also serves as a limitation for the company.  

However, Apple offers iPhone in unique design but their style and design are very monotonous. While the other companies like Asus, HTC are launching their new products in new design and attractive look, then there are very few similarities in looks between iPhone 1 and iPhone 7.   

Product line is very narrow for Apple as the company is developing iPhones of similar categories those also look similar during the last few decades.

Apple products are not available everywhere as customers can only avail these devices in Apple stores and Apple website. This limited network of distribution is also another weakness of this company because no third party is involved here to expanding their products among customers (Traynor et al. 2014).

The strategy of targeting niche market or people of high economic class also acts as a weakness for this company. It prevents the company to sell products to the expanded and large market of middle class people in UK.

Amazon: The Company has the target of providing excellent services and wide variety of products at a same time, which is sometimes preventing it from maintaining quality of services in every sector.

Making huge investments for overseas business is also causing lack of competitive advantages in a particular market and capturing the potential market share. Heavy spending for overseas investments also sometimes prevents the company to focus on its other departments.

In terms of technical implementation, leading companies like Google, Apple are being major competitors for Amazon (Pillot 2015).

Apple: Increasing demands of digital devices and people’s dependency on technology are the major opportunities of Apple. A large section UK people especially the young people are being more tech-savvy and their interest is growing for portable devices. In this context, Apple also has the potentialities to grow its sales and improve profitability in future.

The company already has strong customer base in UK and brand-recognition for offering unique and best quality products (Benton, Hazell and Hill 2017). There are more opportunities for the company to offer more number of products and offer them in cheaper price through an expanded distributional channel.

Legal factors

Selling products in premium price allows the company to make huge revenue rate and switch its fund to the department of R&D. It widens the opportunities of developing a healthier and stronger R&D aiming to generate further innovative styles.

Amazon: New deals of trading between UK and US offer better opportunities for its further expansion in UK. It is also allowing the company to start their services in Britain those are available in US.

The aggressive expansion in South-East Asia has helped Amazon to spread their delivery service of Prime-Now (Haucap and Heimeshoff 2014). Amazon also has the opportunities of increasing sales aiming to an improved market share in one of the market with tough competition in UK.

Apple: UK has one of the highly competitive markets with huge potentialities so threats of new entrants are very high for the existing companies. In UK, Apple has strong competitor like Samsung, which targets both niche market and mass people offering products in both premium and cheaper prices. Other companies like Nokia, Asus, and Sony are also expanding their market in UK so competitive rivalry is the biggest threat for Apple in sustainable growth of business across UK.

Imitation is being another threat for Apple as many companies are now imitating the design, style of Apple devices and even stealing the technological concepts. These increasing numbers of replica that can play as substitutes is causing threats for the company.  

Amazon: E-commerce practices are increasing across UK and people are being more comfortable in online purchasing (Ritala, Golnam and Wegmann 2014). Therefore, importance of the companies like Amazon is gradually increasing which is expanding the threats of new entrants in market. In fact, high competition is the biggest threat for Amazon in UK.

Amazon is an America-based company of electronic commerce that also provides cloud-computing services. The company has its headquarter at Washington and it is serving the consumers from 1994 (About Amazon, 2018). After foundation in America, the company started to expand their business in different countries including UK, Australia, and India. Now this company is considered, as the world’s most prominent provider of cloud services and largest online retailer. In UK countries, where employment is increasing, and the people are lacking adequate time for visiting physical stores. In fact, the importance of online services providers like Amazon is increasing gradually with the increasing interest of online shopping among common people.

Analysis of internal environment

Amazon started its journey in UK in the year 1998 and now it has become the biggest name among different online service providers throughout UK. It is not only a successful online retailer but it also manufactures e-book readers and web service providers, therefore it is becoming an iconic example in e-commerce market. This large-internet-based enterprise sells wide range of products including toys, music, movies, electronic gadgets, house wares, apparels, books etc. A large number of people in UK are employed in Amazon and the company has announced to make total number of employees to around 14,000 in UK (BBC 2018).  

Apple is a multinational technology company, which has also been developed based on America, and its headquarters are located at California and Cupertino. The company offers best quality electronic devices, software and online services to the customers (Apple 2018). UK possesses a growing market of mobile so Apple has huge potentialities to grow in UK countries as the total market share of iOS, operating system of Apple has reached to 49.37% from 2011 to 2018. The company is about to develop a strong customer base due to its rosining number of various products as it does not only offer smart phones, TVs, iPads or laptops but also different electronic goods and computer peripherals (Rai, Kasturi and Huang, 2018).

Figure 4: Market share of Apple in UK during 2011-2018

(Source: Statista 2018)

Samsung and Apple mainly dominate the smart phone industry of UK but the marketing strategy of Apple is highly different from Samsung and other android companies. However, the rate of smart phone penetration is being low in UK but Apple is maintaining a considerable profit rate as it targets the high-class people and sells products in premium price. This telecom organization also has great contribution for huge employments in UK as the iOS operating system of iPhone and iPad has fostered almost quarter of a million jobs in UK (Williams 2018). In fact, the company has influenced not only the taste of using electronic devices among UK people simultaneously it has helped to boost up the economic ground of UK as a whole.

This current study is aiming to focus on the state of competitive rivalry between the two leading organizations of UK- Amazon and Apple. Both these companies have huge contribution for boosting up the countries’ economy, huge number of employment and help them for sustainable development. The theory of competitive advantage provides the idea of outperforming rival companies. These two companies has been chosen here in order to throw light to the context of competition taking place in UK’s retail market where not only domestic organizations but these multinational establishments also facing tough competition. As stated by Hervas-Drane and Casadesus-Masanell (2018), Apple follows the strategy of premium pricing which is unaffordable for common people in most of the tines. In this context, the acceptance of Amazon is increasing among UK people as the organization is offering facilities like discounts, offs on the products prices. However, Wischenbart et al. (2015) have strongly contradicted this view point as the authors have realized that, not these facilities but availability and easy accessibility have helped Amazon to give strong competition to Apple and made strong approach to UK customers.

Policies and strategies for market positioning

Kano’s model of customer satisfaction includes the factors such as quality management and effective techniques of marketing for successful business of an organization. According to this model, attributes of products are determined by how the customers have perceived them. Therefore, threshold, performance, indifferent and excitement are the four major categories of product attributes (Kantor and Streitfeld, 2015).  

Figure 5: Kano’s model of customer satisfaction

(Source: Saeidi et al. 2015)

Apple is highly concerned about maintaining its product quality rather than examining the affordability of common people. On other hand, Amazon offers products in best prices and they provide different kinds of facilities to customers along with delivering products at their doorsteps. This easy accessibility in online purchasing and availability of versatile products in lower prices are performing as the root cause of customer satisfaction for Amazon. At the same time, it is helping the company to maintain strong competitive position in UK market and increasing threats for others in similar industry (Rai, Kasturi and Huang, 2018).

In contrast to traditional process of marketing and conventional market structure, both direct and indirect network effects and most importantly the switching costs are being key determinants behind the degree of competition in Internet markets. Machado et al. (2017) have asserted that, from the point of view of competition policy network impact makes larger platform for achieving efficient utilization of digital media. VRIO model is also helpful for analyzing the various aspects of competitive advantage and it helps to understand the context of competitive advantages among different companies. According to Kantor and Streitfeld (2015), competition is the biggest issues takes place between Apple and Amazon and their marketing management, business progress and developing customer base in UK.

Figure 6: VRIO Model

(Source: Stan, Oprean-Stan and Pele 2018)

This model suggests that, the resources of an organization require to be extensively valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable and non-substitutable in order to gain competitive advantages in market. Apple follows this kind of strategy, as this organization is highly concerned about maintaining the quality of their products. Even the organization does not compromise with product price for maintaining these quality issues. However, during the last few years, the company is failing to compete with its rival organizations but its target marketing strategy surely has positive impacts on outcomes in long-term business. Garratt et al. (2014) have strong identified the business strategy of Apple as effective for the sustainable growth of the organization in future.

Rationale for the selection of the topic

Therefore, it has been found out from the above discussion that, it is important to analyze the issues currently undertaking in UK’s retail market regarding the competition between Apple and Amazon for developing an overall idea about the entire market of UK. Therefore, this study has chosen these organizations and their business activities along with external and internal analysis of business environment.


This above study has been aiming to identify the context of competition between Amazon and Apple from the perspective of UK’s retail market. The initial stage of the study has nicely introduced with both of these companies and the context of further discussion regarding the competition currently taking place between Amazon and Apple in UK. This study has identified the key reasons behind the falling market share of Apple and its increasing competition in market with the presence of Amazon. Therefore, the purpose of this study has been clear from this initial stage of discussion.

Furthermore, it has analyzed both the internal and external business environment of these two organizations by using the models like SWOT and PESTEL respectively. It has examined that, political and economic stability of UK helps both these two organizations to expand their business in various UK countries. Legal provisions are highly strong in UK and being customer-oriented organizations, Apple and Amazon both require to follow the strict rules of UK’s consumer act. These organizations have great positive impacts on environment and their strategies are highly effective for developing sustainability in their business. From the internal analysis, it has been identified that both these organizations have more strong points instead of having major weaknesses. Simultaneously, they have opportunities to overcome potential risks or threats.

The success of this study is that it has efficiently found out the differences between business strategies of Amazon and Apple and the background of competition between them. Therefore, it will surely help the readers to make knowledge about developing further strategies for Apple to mitigate its current pitfalls and nourish the aim of leading UK’s market.


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