Utilizing Clustering Method And Leximancer Analysis For Effective Communication In Virtual Teams

Scenario A

Presently organizations are constantly making use of innovative or creative techniques so that more and number of people could work together. The challenges faced due to globalization could help in the formation of virtual teams. The concept of communication is adopted by various organizations to execute business activities effectively. Understanding communication challenges, psychological costs and use of technology that helps the virtual managers to execute the work systematically. The paper provides two scenarios A and B where scenario A has utilized the clustering method and scenario B has utilized Leximancer concept analysis for showing the connection between the concepts.

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A mid-sized Australian company where 800 people are employed, out of that 800 people 80 employees were involved in Research, Development, and Design (RD&D) work. The company has a huge interest in recognizing the innovative as well as creative capabilities of their team members who are engaged in R, D & D work (Aguwa, Olya and Monplaisir, 2017). The firm seeks to make a wise use of its capabilities to segregate its business strategies from its opponents. Thus, the company has organized a research project that will help to examine the innovative capabilities of R, D & D that are organized by the employees to manage their unstructured communication. Within a period of one week the direction, rates, and emails of connectivity of the R, D & D employees have been mapped systematically (Ayed, Halima and Alimi, 2015). On the attached map of unstructured information of RD&D available in emails, the results based on this particular research audit have been provided.

The specific project requires an understanding of the decision made that is combined together to cooperate in making tacit unstructured information. The employees of RD&D will be provided with different meeting rooms along with a facilitator, visual aids and a group of decision support system (Chan, Choi, and Yue, 2016). A group based communication technology system will be used by the project to organize the meetings of the employees which will help them to gather explicit data and implicit information (Cheng, 2016). Along with the resources and participation of each members, it will also support the group members present in the other meeting rooms to generate explicit data.

The following table indicates the nodes and clusters of six members of RD&D who are chosen to participate in the meeting.


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Nodes identified per cluster



















The key members of the clusters are shown in the following table who have been chosen to participate in the meetings. It shows RD&D employees according to their meeting room and cluster.


Meeting Rooms


Key Members chose to participate in the Meetings




Technical Staff member




Assistant staff member








Production Team leader




Project Team leader




Research staff member

Discussion of Scenario A

Clusters are usually helpful in connecting more number of objects together to collect a higher number of clusters of different elements (Choi, Chan and Yue, 2017). Every cluster was chosen through grouping a set of numbers in the same group who are similar in nature. It is entirely based on segmenting the portfolios of the customers based on demographics, transaction behavior, and behavioral attributes. Hierarchical clustering is the standard technique that is being used for the clustering of the nodes. In the hierarchical method of clustering, the data-point close to the base-point will be similar as compared to the data-point far ahead from the base-point (Duan, and Xiong, 2015). In this method, the numbers present in each cluster are similar to each other whereas the end point of the clusters varies from one another (Elgendy and Elragal, 2016). The capabilities of the staff members possess unstructured information that is provided in their emails. Communication technology system will be used by the project to arrange the meeting with the staff members of RD&D.

In the analysis dangling nodes has not been utilized as it presents the nodes without outgoing links. Basically, dangling nodes is used to remove a node from the cluster, but here no such clusters have been removed (Güçdemir and Selim, 2015). Removing a node would become critical to select the key members for the purpose of the meeting. Therefore, instead of dangling nodes, unconnected nodes have been used to execute the business analysis. The two unconnected nodes present the members those who are not engaged in the RD&D work, thus they will not participate in the meeting. Hence, their capabilities based on innovative or creative skills will not be recognized. In this scenario using unconnected nodes will make the task easy to select the key members to attend the meeting.

The primary purpose of selecting the clusters is completely based on combining the objects which are nearer to each other. In the analysis, two RD&D staff member like technical staff member and research staff member are chosen as they are nearer to one another and they possess similar work (Hazen, Skipper, Boone and Hill, 2018). Hence, they have been chosen to participate in the meeting. Therefore, these particular staff members are chosen as they are interlinked with one another in comparison with the other RD&D staff member.

The Leximancer Concept map shows the importance of the concepts and the significant relationship between the concepts based on its lines and placement. The map presents six themes such as communication, focused, management, customer, open and results. Each balloon is linked with another balloon which shows that every theme has some connections with others in operating a business (Huang, Wang, Zhang and Zhang, 2018).

Scenario B

 The Leximancer concept analysis is related to wide service based company in Australia that has 200 service staff all over 10 service centers that report to 40 managers. The firm recognizes the support of service level that is provided by the staff members. Thus, to implement this process the organization have developed a project that will identify the responsibilities and role of the employee and the support provided by the management (Khan and Vorley, 2017). From the Leximancer concept analysis, it is observed that except focus all the themes are connected with one another. This shows that the organizational members are not less focused on achieving their goals. This may affect the organization to execute its business effectively (Menzel, Ranjan, Wang, Khan and Chen, 2015). Hence, according to the map the theme focused is less important as compared to communication and other concepts. Thus, by observing the concept analysis it is observed that communication helps in formulating the organizational activities effectively.

With the help of using simple words, communicating through training, developing a receptive environment, one to one interaction, sending emails and open meeting the field staff member communicates with each other. All these techniques are helpful in making appropriate decisions to get better output. To execute the work smoothly it is essential to have effective communication among the staff members. There is not a high level of communication among the managers and customers, where usually the customers communicate with the other staff members discuss their issues or requirements (Sivarajah, Kamal, Irani, and Weerakkody, 2017). Thus, the customers are not connected directly with the managers to provide feedback in order to present their demands.

Support availability plays a significant role to execute a business systematically. It helps in providing the customers with various technologies according to their needs. Providing customers with better resources could be advantageous for the company as it fulfills the requirements of the customers (Systems, 2018). Therefore the map presents a high level of support that is available to the customers. In addition, the map also presents the fact that the field staff and management is quite open. The management and field staff freely discusses the significant issues of the company to make an appropriate decision (Yazici, Beyca, and Zaim, 2017). In order to make an adequate decision related to the project, effective communication is necessary. If there is no proper communication between the management and the field staff than it affects the process of decision-making (Analysis, 2018). As per the map, the communication strategy is well linked with the customers that will be beneficial for the firm to operate its business. Based on the results it is observed that managers are constantly focusing on satisfying customer needs. The results also present the fact that the management must work together with the field service team to reach to its customers to fulfill their needs. It is highly important for both the team to participate in the activities within the organization to operate its business efficiently (Yazici et al., 2017). Therefore, if a company seeks to operate its business efficiently than it must make a wise use of the concepts and ideas of field service teams and management.

Discussion of Scenario B

According to the results supporting availability has been proved to be useful that provides the customers with all the resources. To execute the business systematically it is necessary for a company to have the superior support system. As per the results, not only customers but also the staff members are facilitated with superior support to maximize its profitability. It can be seen that customer-service communication must be changed to have greater openness (Khan and Vorley, 2017). This change effectively helps in making adequate decisions to get better results. Therefore, in order to make decisions related to the needs of the customers, it is necessary to implement the customer-service strategy.  

In an organization, it is highly important to execute the work properly to attain the organizational goals. Proper execution of work entirely depends upon the decision making process. The decisions are made by the management of the organization to have a systematic work. Hence, it is highly recommended to the management to make adequate decisions to execute the work effectively to achieve the target. Clusters must be chosen by observing which nodes are connected and close to one another. The company may execute its process of choosing the key members who will participate in the meeting with the help of soft clustering. The purpose of the soft clustering method is to gather all the data into a single node for all the customers. The method helps in recognizing the employees who are chosen to attend the meeting. Furthermore, it is considered to be an appropriate method to execute the process of clustering the nodes.

It is recommended to the management team to have a strong connection with the concepts provided in the Leximancer Concept map. All the concepts must be connected directly with each other execute the work effectively and fulfills the requirements of the customers. It is essential that there must be a good connection between all the concepts like field staff, management, communication, customers and results. Satisfying the demand of the customers is important or else it will put a negative effect on the organization. The Leximancer concept analysis facilitates with the concepts as well as the relationship among each concept that is formulated in the company. Thus, it is the responsibility of the management is to have a strong connection with all the concepts provided in the Leximancer Concept map.


The virtual team within the organizations work mutually to facilitate better results to achieve the target. It is important for the organizations to make proper decision to develop its organizational activities. The managers within the organization must make an appropriate use of the tools to enhance appropriate change management and decision-making skills. Hence, the paper concluded by evaluating the technologies that help in decision making. It is observed that managers make a wise use of emerging and available technologies that enhance the organizational activities. It is also observed that clustering method has been used by scenario A and Leximancer Concept map has been used by scenario B for the analysis.


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