Investigating An Area Of Diversity Of Additional Educational Need With A Focus On Information And Communication Technology

General Abilities Relating To This Diversity

Culture as diversity in the learning process is a key area to concentrate on it in order to improve the learning process. The way we live is a thing that helps in shaping us. It improves our relationships together with our personality. Culture is how we live, it plays its role along with common languages, values, standards, practices and other issues like the material questions that are expressed from one age set to the other.

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The assortment of the social variety is always critical on the grounds where our nation and the working environments, also the schools involved progressively consist of different racial, ethnic and social gatherings. We earn from each other, yeah, on the whole, we need to have a comprehensive dimension about each other (Swan, 2011). Researching about different groups of societies helps we comprehend alternative points of view inside the world, where we live.

In other words, the assortment of the social variety motivates us to receive and assume methods of being which are not literally really of our own. So, as we collaborate with others we will construct scaffolds for regard, trust, and comprehension crosswise over the societies.

Besides, the assorted type of variety designs our nation to become and be the more intriguing spot to live. As people from these varieties contribute to dialect abilities, good approaches for consideration, learning afresh and lastly distinctive encounters.

Having in mind that, the possible decent varieties are not that clear, not that exclusively should institutions employ assorted variety clear with wide ethnic and racial gatherings. For example, Hispanic or Asian, the decent type of variety among these two should be employed too.E.g Japanese and Chinese people understand may share some regular social virtues because of the fact that they are Asian, however, this will likewise have to be unmistakably Chinese people and Japanese people attributes of the social type that from one another are contrasting (Russ-Eft, 2012).

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Teachers or the instructors always have the specific work to structure their exercises well so that they can reflect understudy contrasts. This helps in urging understudies perceive each one of themselves as well as the other people as people themselves too. It energizes in a likewise manner the energy for the differing populace in school and also help in bringing an association feeling between some different social legacies inside school’s way of life in a solitary manner. It’s also obvious and to the greatest advantage of the understudies and teachers to effort more on the smoothness of our given assorted variety. Recognizing our own disparities acts as a piece of similarly and decently treating understudies.

Factors affecting learning

The goals that one can encourage himself or herself toward learning in general. One major explanation about searching and recognizing contrasts of social type among understudies is also the key possibility that is taking in including the exchange of the data from earlier encounters and learning. To help this procedure of exchange, it is necessary to notice the understudies experience and approve the fusing of their past learning in a way to aid procuring of new data. All these understudies start education with structures for aptitudes and some data dependency on own home societies.

Scholarly factor: This type of term describes one’s mental dimension. Having high achievements in school majorly identified by insightfulness of the dimensional aspect. Learners with very low insights have to frequently experience genuine problems about the acing of their own schoolwork (Dweck, 2010). Always in a given matter of time, students won’t learn due to the fact that there are some scholarly exceptional disabilities.

Learning factors: Some factors that hinder the learning process of a given student. Not necessary from the student himself but also from the authorities, teachers and the educators all in general. In some cases whereby some schools will just keep on running smoothly without having to run any given test to the student and test him or her for the degree of work-study, will not be doing a good thing to the students learning life. Given that if one undergoes a given test, then it clears say that, the educators are able to know what can be done or what can be added to that same mode of study and help one be on the top level where everyone needs to be.Physical factors: Given below are the basic factors that fall under this category. Physical development, health, nutrition, physical and visual problems and the abnormality of the glandular. It is commonly recognized that the evil of wellbeing prevents engine and physical development and the ailing meddles of health with the learning development. Small ones with sound-related, visual and other deformities or defects of physical manner are widely debilitated for creating aptitudes, e.g spelling alongside spelling.Mental factors: The attitude falls under the mental factors which frame mind. They are comprised of sensation and natural components. This should not be mistaken for some feelings which are characterized by the inner instinctive influences which are unsettled. These types of mind frames are smart enough of the unmistakable kind of sort. This always has a big impact on the psychological aspect and also the general behavior of the person.

Building relationships

Good relationships have great importance in a student area to ease the or her success story. Since the education system flows back and forth, there is that thing of having one be in a forefront to make a difference by the idea of the relationship. One has to create good relationships with others to keep moving (Warren, Ballenger, Ogonowski, Rosebery & Hudicourt?Barnes, 2011). Students too are required to make relationships with one another to help themselves keep moving.

As teachers plan for what is going to be taught, covered in the upcoming weeks, one should give it a trial on how all the students regardless of where they are, are going to be reached fully. Have them be aware of what they should expect from you, have your learning targets and inform them. Let them have enough practice on the same (Parkhe, 2010). By doing this the students will be ready psychologically and anything taught, they will grasp all the concepts at their hands making it a more brilliant way for having them emerge so successful in their own studies afterward.

Utilizing information to drive your guidance and choices is essential. In any case, it should be done in a decent way to deal with where you are contemplating your understudies and the immediate learning you have about them as teachers we are fortunate that we know things about understudies beyond what can be spoken to on a test. Utilize this data to help drive your guidance and choices.

Strategies that help Students build successful regime In studies.

Almost each one of us across the globe needs to have targets if you want to hit high. Same applies to the students. They should have access to the leveling grade curriculum expectations. If we just keep on working with targets we will never be so good at the end. If one aims high from the beginning, then one day he or she will be there at the top. Teachers or anyone who is acting in a way to help students improve needs ways to expose his students to the grade level curriculum and the standards while imposing their learning strategy to meet those standards.

Community and school support services always are very critical components in the creation of positivity in disciplined culture for all schools. This is achieved by addressing the underlying issues as these services support students and families all together. These issues may include health and mental problems, academic, behavioral among other behaviors as they contribute to discipline issues among students and may become barriers to success in most students (Flood & Romm, 2009).

Some of the examples of these school services include adjustment of school, guiding councilors, social workers who will support family needs, psychologists for schools, educational support for special people and also behavioral specialists. Some of the Community based support services are basically social services, organizations supporting faith-based services, mental and behavioral health providers among others.

Social services will help in boosting education to a high level creating more successful youths in a society. Social services will give youths more benefits to reap in hence giving them room for improvements in their studies. Mental and behavioral health providers will ensure that students or in other words the youth stay in appropriate conditions. Once this is ensured, students will be suited to perform excellently in their studies since this is catered for by the health providers. Juvenile justice services will ensure these youths have stayed in disciplined ways. More disciplined students have high chances of achieving great success in their studies. Youth organizations such as Scouts for both boys and girls clubs will mentor them correctly and help them avoid misbehaviors among the communities.

Student abilities in the educational industry are essential skills that a certain student is required to do have so as to help him or she does well in studies. They include problem-solving, creativity, analytical thinking, collaboration, communication, ethics, actions, and accountability. However, there are some limitations to students in the education industry. These are fluency in the language, insufficient study materials among other things.

Information Communication Technology based Education is all about the use of computers and the relating information tools to help in adding more flavor or enrich learning in some subjects just like Science, Mathematics among others.

The major benefits of this type of technology-based education include:

  • Promoting learning having approaches done well.
  • Enabling pace learning techniques to be employed.
  • Provision to wide up to date learning materials.
  • Learning is enriched through a combining audio, images, videos, text, animation
  • Interaction and collaboration in learning are achieved.
  • Provision of the major platform for students to engage ideas online

Some of the best websites providing educational content include:-

Edx.prg is a website providing a lot of online learning content. It offers courses of high-quality type from the world’s best colleges and institutions to students everywhere. Havard University is the major founder of the same website in collaboration with MIT in 2012.

This website provides learners across the globe with huge academic options up to contemporary studies from traditional contents. Mostly they offer economics and accounting to mostly engineering and also it has material for some niche subjects like the behavioral psychology.

It’s one of the best websites imparting or supplying knowledge across the globe for free and easily accessible. However, one of its major challenges is that it doesn’t offer certificates to learners.

Major website across the globe supplying learners with content. Users can use the site by creating a distinct ideology of their own since it gives opinions of different kinds on one subject.

Educational software is any type of software designed or developed to be used in the education industry. It helps in boosting the way teachers would deliver their content to students so that they can be good in class work.

Some of this software include:-

Virtual Reality for Classroom Use-Educators or basically the teachers will have the opportunity to use the virtual reality headsets and provide more reinforced contents for the difficult concepts to explain, also use them to introduce some cool piece of learning technology that students definitely will find it interesting. 

It may cost around $9,999 if purchased from the Amazon store online.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Classroom –These type of technology is used in certain learning situations to lower some of the workloads for teachers and regular teaching assistants.Its cost may vary between $35,000-$100,000.Available via the Amazon online selling platform.

Canvas- It gives learners ready-made solutions for most programming concepts.

It costs around $699 if you used from the website. It’s made available via the Amazon online selling platform.


Dweck, C. S. (2010). Motivational processes affecting learning. American psychologist, 41(10), 1040.

Fiol, C. M. (2015). Consensus, diversity, and learning in organizations. Organization science, 5(3),

Flood, R. L., & Romm, N. R. (2009). Diversity management: Triple loop learning.

Parkhe, A. (2010). Interfirm diversity, organizational learning, and longevity in global strategic

 alliances. Journal of international business studies, 22(4), 579-601.

Russ-Eft, D. (2012). A typology of training design and work environment factors affecting workplace

learning and transfer. Human Resource Development Review, 1(1), 45-65.

Swan, K. (2011). Virtual interaction: Design factors affecting student satisfaction and perceived

 learning in asynchronous online courses. Distance education, 22(2), 306-331.

Warren, B., Ballenger, C., Ogonowski, M., Rosebery, A. S., & Hudicourt?Barnes, J. (2011).

Rethinking diversity in learning science: The logic of everyday sense?making. Journal of

Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research

in ScienceTeaching, 38(5), 529-552.

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