Type 2 Diabetes Management In Young Adults In The United States

Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes in Young Adults

Diabetes mellitus is defined as a health disorder which is a group of metabolic disease. It is characterized by hyperglycaemia which is related to the dysfunction and long-term damage. The main objective of this report is to identify the cause of diabetes and discuss the impact of this health issue on human health. There are mainly two kinds of diabetes occur in the human body system, for example, type 1 DM and type 2 DM. in this type 2 diabetes will be discussed with their symptoms.

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This report also focuses on the aspects of type 2 diabetes in the young people of the United State and this type of health problem is growing very fast. In the year 2002 around 3700 people were suffered from the type 2 diabetes (Amori, Lau, & Pittas, 2007). It is observed by the world health organization that the rate of type 2 diabetes has increased by 40% in between 2014 and 2016 (Chatterjee, Khunti, & Davies, 2017). 

This type of health issue occurs in young people whose age between 15 and 19 years and it was identified that this problem is more predominant in ladies rather than gents. this report is divided into four parts, for example, program description, discussion and evaluation of diabetes, key findings, and field action to address this type of health disease. The main benefit of this report is that readers can enhance their knowledge in the sector of diabetes mellitus and avoid this type of problem (Inzucchi, et al., 2012).

Part II

Program description

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The type 2 diabetes is a very common problem in United State due to which numbers of people are affected. In the year 2016 around 37% of people were diagnosed due to a lack of healthy diets and in which the rate of unhealthy women are very high as compare to an unhealthy male. There are main three key elements identified that play a significant role in this health issue such as healthy diets, physical activities and exercise (Inzucchi, et al., 2015). It also increases another health disease like obesity, CPD, heart disease, leg amputations, cardiovascular disease and glaucoma.

The world health organization provided many reports on this health issue and they investigated that the young people of United State use unhealthy foods and beverage due to which they can suffer from the problem of diabetes. In the year 2015 almost 193,000 individuals whose ages in below 20 years have been faced with diabetes. In the year 2014 80 million people were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in which 68% of individuals was female and 32% was male (Cappuccio, D’elia, Strazzullo, & Miller, 2010). When any person eats unhealthy foods and does not follow any exercise plan then he can face this type of health problem for a long time. The rates of diabetes were higher in the Non-Hispanic and Asians blacks (Look AHEAD Research Group. 2013).

Impact of Type 2 Diabetes on Quality of Life

Type 2 diabetes is caused due to many key elements or factors, for example, genetic, lifestyle, due to lack of exercise, and unhealthy diets. It was found that the percentage of diabetes is very high in school and college students because they do not eat healthy foods. In the year 2014, the issue of diabetes has increased by 20% and most of the people were faced with this problem because they did not adopt any exercise plans. More than 99 million Americans are living with type 2 diabetes and national health services provided various prevention methods to address this health problem. According to WHO, around 9.4% of the United State population have diabetes and around 84 million were diagnosed with pre-diabetes.

The type 2 DM is a very serious problem that can be addressed with the help of diet, use of insulin, physical activities and other medication to monitor the blood sugar level. Individuals with diabetes mellitus have improved the risk of serious health complication involving death, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and amputation of toes. In this project there are many activities and programs will be completed, for example, the impact of type 2 diabetes, the US population that have diabetes problem and their cause and symptoms and prevention methods to address such kind of health disorder. In which the first section will explain the concept of diabetes mellitus, and their signs and symptoms and the second part will describe the cause and impact of diabetes on human health in the United State.

There are many policies and strategies are developed by the government of US which will be discussed in this report. According to NHS, there are mainly two factors that influence diabetes in Americans people, for example, use of unhealthy diets like fast foods and beverage and lack of physical activities which can increase the issue of obesity. With the help of literature review and secondary data collection method, the information to other public health professionals can be presented and in which relevant information will be collected from various resources like journal articles, research paper, books and online websites. Diabetes is a very common kind of public health issue that occurs when any person does not eat healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, fish, egg and milk.

Part III

Discussion and Evaluation

Diabetes is a long-term disease that can affect the human body system and lungs and most of the American people were suffering from type 2 diabetes. There are around 27 million individuals in the united states were diagnosed due to the type 2 diabetes and 86 million American have pre-diabetes problem (Marso, et al., 2016). If any person faces this kind of problem then their body does not use insulin properly this is also called insulin resistance. In this report there are many problems will be encountered, for example, the impact of diabetes on public health and other issues associated with diabetes. It is observed that this type of health disorder can produce many other diseases like obesity, heart disease, blood cancer and cardiovascular problem.

Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Young Adults

There are many symptoms of this problem such as polyuria, weight loss, blurred vision, polyphagia, and chronic hyperglycaemia. Obesity is one of the common problem associated with type 2 diabetes and most of the American people were faced with the issue of obesity. There are mainly two factors that increase this kind of disease like lack of exercise and use of unhealthy foods. Numbers of students eat unwanted foods in the canteen that can increase obesity and type 2 diabetes such as pizza, burger, beverages and other. In the year 2016 around 47% people in the United States have faced the issue of obesity in which the rate of the female is very high as compared to the rate of unhealthy male (Mingrone, et al., 2012). 

The world health organization observed that in the next 10 years the rate of type 2 diabetes will improve around 50% and if people eat unhealthy foods and beverage then this rate can be increased rapidly (Colberg, et al., 2008). There are many health authority and communities that developed many health programmes and plans by which people can save their health and avoid the issue of diabetes which are described below:

Maintain body weight

In the United State most the people use elevator and cars to move from one location to another and they do not walk that can increase the issue of obesity. If a person who is suffering from type 2 diabetes follow proper health plan and walk around 3 km per day then he can maintain their weight and health. According to the NHS policies, people eat unhealthy food by which their body circulation does not work properly and they can face this kind of health issue. Therefore, people should maintain their body weight and take complete plans to address the issue of type 2 diabetes

Be physically active

This is a very important step for the prevention of diabetes and obesity and most doctors or nurses guide for physical activities. The lack of physical activity is a very common issue in U.S. individuals and they play mobile and computer games by which their blood circulation does not work effectively. Therefore, they should do physical activities with their friends and family member like playing games in the garden (Morris, et al., 2012).

Reduce the use of unhealthy diets

It is identified that most students and adults eat unwanted foods and drink beverage that associated with a large amount of sugar. Due to high sugar people can suffer from obesity and type 2 diabetes and they can face long-term disorder. For which the government of U.S. produced a dietary plan for diabetes patients, for example, vegetables, beans, fruits, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, and grain foods and drink milk, and soft water rather than a beverage. With the help of all these foods, people can resolve the issue of diabetes and obesity.

Prevention Strategies for Type 2 Diabetes in Young Adults

Adopt a proper exercise program

Exercise is a very common method to influence human health and many doctors and nurses provide a complete exercise plan. Most of the patients do not follow any exercise program due to which they can suffer from cardiovascular disorder. There are many advantages of exercise in the field of public health such as can help to lose weight, good for muscles and bones, increase the metabolism and reduce the health-related problem like obesity, CPD and diabetes mellitus.

Avoid use of sugar

Sugar is the first stage that increases the type 2 diabetes and American individuals drink beverage rather than soft water which may cause diabetes and obesity. In the last few years, the government of U.S. reduces the use of sugar in many products and they also make new policies for industries that make biscuits and other products (Parving, et al., 2012).

With the help of all these methods and process, people can protect their health and avoid the problem of diabetes. From this project report, we achieved numbers of information about type 2 diabetes and methods or steps to reduce this kind of health disease. It is researched that the use of low sugar decreased the rate of diabetes by 20% in the year 2017 and with the help of this report reader can enhance their knowledge in the field of diabetes mellitus. In this report, the researcher explained many steps to avoid this type of health issue and physical activities and exercise both are very best processes which are discussed.   

Part IV

Key finding and next step

This project report is completely based on type 2 diabetes and their impact on the human body system. There are many authors that research on this topic and they identified that use of unhealthy diets is one of the common problems in the United State. Between the year 2011 and 2012 almost 5200 children and adults whose age between 10 and 19 years were suffered from type 2 diabetes (Mezuk, Eaton, Albrecht, & Golden, 2008). In the U.S. the economic burden of this health problem has been increased where the average medical expenditure for individuals suffered from the type 2 diabetes was $ 13,500 each year.

There are many outcomes of this study for examples; people can gather their knowledge in the area of diabetes mellitus, readers can identify pre-diabetes problem and researcher also explained the prevention methods by which individuals can address this kind of disease. According to the centre for disease control the percentage of diabetes has been increased by 33% between 2008 and 2012 and this rate is growing rapidly because American adults do not follow any healthy diets and exercise (Qin, Li, Cai, Li, Zhu, Zhang, & Peng, 2012).

According to the report of CDC 2017, around 90% people in the United State have type 2 diabetes and numbers of unhealthy people are more than the numbers of healthy people and around 5% people were diagnosed due to type 1 diabetes. In the year 2015, almost 9.45% of the individuals in America had diabetes mellitus in which 30 million Americans aged between 18 and 20 years were suffered from type 2 diabetes.

According to the CDC investigation 4% of persons whose age between 18 and 44 are living with this type of health issue and 17% of those aged above 45 years and 25% of those whose aged over 65 years. The main cause of this problem is not found yet but many health promotions identified many risks factors associated with type 2 diabetes which are described below-

  • Excess body fat
  • Large blood pressure
  • Higher age
  • A history of the gestational health issue

The type 2 diabetes impact on the human body system and it also implicates the public health because it occurs when any person exceeds the use of sugar and eats unhealthy foods. In this modern generation, most people and students take fast foods and beverage in breakfast and dinner that can increase the problem of obesity and diabetes. This kind of problem can increase the problem of cancer and cardiovascular disease and it also impacts the lungs of individuals.

Diabetes can affect people body system that allows body circulation to turn glucose into energy and there are few symptoms that may occur in diabetes, for example, loss of consciousness, visual disturbances, extreme thirst, the risk of heart disease, the risk of infections and gastro paresis. During this kind of health disorder, the human pancreas stops using insulin efficiently due to which the pulled sugar can move from the blood and put this into the cells for energy.

The pre-diabetes can be controlled with the help of exercise, diets and maintain the blood sugar and due high blood sugar people can face the problem of cancer. The next step of this project is to evaluate various key elements that increase the problem of diabetes and with the help of medication programmes this issue can be addressed. Smoking also affects the lungs of the human body that increase the heart rate and blood pressure and it is observed that if any person drinks beverage and use a lot of sugar then they can suffer from the obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Part V

Field Action Report Draft


Diabetes is a sort of wellbeing ailment which is caused by the sugar and undesirable sustenance’s and it is a piece of the metabolic medical problem. It is seen that the rate of diabetes is expanding rapidly on the grounds that a man does not take legitimate treatment and utilize just unfortunate sustenance’s. The fundamental objective of this project report is to depict the reason for diabetes mellitus and key factors that impact this sort of medical issue. In most recent five years the level of diabetes has expanded by 29% in which the rates of the undesirable female are higher than the unfortunate male (Baliunas, et al., 2009).

 In this venture report, the analyst will utilize both the quantitative and subjective procedure to gather and examine all the important data about diabetes. There are primary two sorts of diabetes happen on the planet, for instance, compose 1 and sort 2 in which compose 2 is one of the normal wellbeing sicknesses that is becoming quick in the United State. In this report, the job of wellbeing advancement and medical attendants will be examined and a large portion of people eat unfortunate sustenance’s and they don’t pursue any activity plan by which they can confront this sort of medical issue.

Diabetes mellitus is characterized as a wellbeing issue which is a gathering of metabolic illness. It is portrayed by hyperglycaemia which is connected with the brokenness and long-haul harm. The primary target of this report is to recognize the reason for diabetes and talk about the effect of this medical problem on human wellbeing. There are principle two sorts of diabetes happen in human body framework, for instance, type 1 DM and sort 2 DM. in this the sort 2 diabetes will be examined with their indications. This report likewise centres on the parts of sort 2 diabetes in the youngsters of the United State and this kind of medical issue is becoming quick. In the year 2002 around 3700 individuals were endured with the sort 2 diabetes. It is seen by the world wellbeing association that the rate of sort 2 diabetes has expanded by 40% in the middle of 2014 and 2016 (Inzucchi, et al., 2009).

Program description

The type 2 diabetes is a very common problem in United State due to which numbers of people are affected. In the year 2016 around 37% of people were diagnosed due to a lack of healthy diets and in which the rate of unhealthy females are very high as compared to an unhealthy male. There are main three key elements identified that play a significant role in this health issue such as healthy diets, physical activities and exercise. It also increases another health disease like obesity, CPD, heart disease, leg amputations, cardiovascular disease and glaucoma.

The world health organization provided many reports on this health issue and they investigated that the young people of United State use unhealthy foods and beverage due to which they can suffer from the problem of diabetes. In the year 2015 almost 193,000 individuals’ ages in below 20 years have been faced with diabetes. In the year 2014 80 million people were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in which 68% of individuals were female and 32% was male. When any person eats unhealthy foods and does not follow any exercise plan then he can face this type of health problem for a long time. The rates of diabetes were higher in the Non-Hispanic and Asians blacks.

Discussion and Evaluation

Diabetes is a long-term disease that can affect the human body system and lungs and most of the American people were suffering from type 2 diabetes. There are around 27 million individuals in the united states were diagnosed due to the type 2 diabetes and 86 million American have a pre-diabetes problem. If any person faces this kind of problem then their body does not use insulin properly this is also called insulin resistance.

In this report there are many problems will be encountered, for example, the impact of diabetes on public health and other issues associated with diabetes. It is observed that this type of health disorder can produce many other diseases like obesity, heart disease, blood cancer and cardiovascular problem. There are many symptoms of this problem such as polyuria, weight loss, blurred vision, polyphagia, and chronic hyperglycaemia. Obesity is one of the common problems associated with type 2 diabetes and most of the American people were faced with the issue of obesity (White, et al., 2013).

Key finding and next step

This project report is completely based on type 2 diabetes and their impact on the human body system. There are many authors that research on this topic and they identified that use of unhealthy diets is one of the common problems in the United State. Between the year 2011 and 2012 almost 5200 children and adults whose age between 10 and 19 years were suffered from type 2 diabetes.

In the U.S. the economic burden of this health problem has been increased where the average medical expenditure for individuals suffered from the type 2 diabetes was $ 13,500 each year. There are many outcomes of this study for examples; people can gather their knowledge in the area of diabetes mellitus, readers can identify pre-diabetes problem and researcher also explained the prevention methods by which individuals can address this kind of disease.

Part VI

Field Action Report

This report is completely based on the problem of type 2 diabetes and with the help of this report readers can enhance their knowledge and they can prevent diabetes and other health issues. To control and manage the issue of diabetes number of prevention strategies and programmes could be implemented such as the diabetes prevention program. The main goal behind the implementation of these programmes is to reduce the issue of diabetes and improve human health. Moreover, there are numbers of field works will be required to implement prevention programmes for diabetes. It is observed that in the year 2014 around 2 million people were diagnosed due to the use of unhealthy foods.

Data will be collected from secondary research method and a power point presentation is used to provide an overview of diabetes with their prevention steps. In this project, a field survey will be conducted to understand the views of experts and participants. To make this report we have taken numbers of data or information from various resources like Google scholars, journal articles, books and online websites like WHO and NHS. It will require around 50 to 60 hours to gather all relevant data, analysis the problem of diabetes and design policies and implementation programmes. I learned a lot of by producing this project report and I also understood that healthy diets and exercise play a significant role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes (Zinman, et al., 2015).

Field Experience Log


Time from/To

Total hours to date



7 A.M to 7 P.M

12 hours

Searching for diabetes


8 A.M. to 10 P.M.

14 hours

Collecting relevant data about the project topic

24/9/2018 and 25/9/2018

8 A.M. to 8 P.M.

24 hours

Conducted a survey and interview to analysis the views of consumers


8 A.M. to 7 P.M.

11 hours

Make a report draft on Microsoft office and divided report into four parts like an introduction, discussion and evaluation, Program Description, and Key Findings and Next Steps


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