Analysis Of Cultural Dimensions For Huawei And Recommendations For Business Expansion In South Africa
Cultural profile of China, Poland, and South Africa
Hofstede’s culture dimension
Huawei Company is well-known Chinese multinational telecommunications company that is based in Shenzhen, South China. The company is looking to expand their business in overseas market which majorly includes Poland and South Africa. This will make the company to deal with the cultural different that might arise at the time of the expansion due to which some advice are offered to company which help them to handle the same.
Description |
China |
The culture of the china business is related to its historical values which they obey and follow while conducting the meeting. Thus, the use of the kind words, politeness or a faint smile is effective while doing the meeting. Chinese people expect the other party to be well prepared for the meeting. Further, the culture of the china forms the strong relationship with the people before closing the meeting which helps in achieving the objective. While making the decision, the culture of Chinese says to get the advantage by extending the deadline (Hofstede’s Insight, 2018). The culture of the country welcomes the other companies to form the business meetings. |
Poland |
Poland is considered as one of the most successful countries in the part of the central and eastern Europe. The business culture of Poland includes the listen respectfully and small talks which leads to the meetings success. The business follows the frank approach and tactful related to their feelings. In addition, the Poles likes to make the personal relationships with the person they are getting involve in the business. Polish workplaces and businesses remain hierarchical (Cultural Atlas, 2018). This has been found that in Poland the business etiquette emphasis on the behavior that is deemed appropriate in the professional setting. |
South Africa |
The business culture of Africa is based on forming up a good rapport beforehand is intrinsic in culture as friendliness will get more trust among the relationship. The culture of the country reflects that they are not able to form the trust in the single meeting (Cultural Atlas, 2018). Thus, they meet with the each other several times to create the trust which helps them to conduct the business with them. |
Norway |
Norway business culture shows that they like to maintain the sense of independence with the sense of separateness. The culture of Norway has a strict egalitarian culture within which the major pillar is Jante law. This law shows that Norway value the humility, respect, equality and simplicity which is considered as priority for the business (Trade Portal, 2018). Norwegians will perform the business with those who are transparent and have trust which according to them is sufficient for forming the connection. |
CULTURAL DIMENSION DESCRIPTION Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory is one of the frameworks that include the cross-cultural communication. This theory defines the effective of the society’s value on the business operations. |
POWER DISTANCE; This dimension deals with the fact individuals present in the societies are not equal. |
Similarities: – Differences: – |
UNCERTAINTY AVOIDANCE The dimension of the uncertainty avoidance reflects the way through which the society deals with the facts related the future which is uncertain. |
Similarities: -The similarities that are present in both the countries are the strict adherence of the behavior and beliefs which majorly include the punctuality in Poland and truth in the china. Differences: -Poland generally gives the high preference of avoiding uncertainty with the 93 score. On the other hand, china has a low score on the uncertainty avoidance with 30 score. -The adherence to the rules can be flexible in china but not in the Poland as to avoid the uncertainty they have to follow the same. |
INDIVIDUALISM/COLLECTIVISM This dimension measures the degree of the interdependence that is maintained by the society among its members. |
Similarities: -The similarity between the both is that the business culture values are maintained. It doesn’t matter that there is presence of individualist or collectivism as both maintain the culture values of country related to the business. Differences: -The Poland society is individualist which shows the score of 60. On the other hand, in China the score is 20 which show the collectivism present in the society. |
MASCULINITY/FEMINITY This dimension reflects the masculinity and feminity that motivates the people which include wanting to be best or liking the way you perform. |
Similarities: – Poland and china has the similarity of the masculine society with the 64 and 66 score. This shows that there is presence of people who the live in order to work as managers are expected to be decisive and assertive. Differences: – The masculine society in china refers to as the success and orientation for which the people can sacrifice their family and leisure priorities related to the work. On the other hand, in the Poland it is related to the society where the emphasis on the equity, competition and performance with the conflicts that can be resolved. |
LONG/SHORT TERM ORIENTATION This dimension throws the light on society ways to maintain the links with the past while dealing with the issues that they are facing in the present and future. |
Similarities: – Differences: – |
Senior management of Huawei
The purpose of the report is to provide the recommendations to Huawei in expanding their business operations in the market of South Africa. The below given is the recommendations for managing the culture among the both the companies. These recommendations are related to the negotiation styles that help the company to expand the business.
It is suggested to the company to talk about the interest of the South Africa individually instead of the collectivism. This has been found that the culture of china is collectivism due to which people take the decision in the interest of the groups instead of themselves (World business culture, 2018). In addition, the relationships with colleagues are cooperative for in-groups which make the collective decisions. Contrasting this, South Africa agree for deals when they find their individual interest in deals which will leads to successful negotiation of business.
This has been found that the South Africa culture include the long terms deals as they prefer them because short term solutions and benefits are not preferred by the country as it include more of the time with patience and less of cost benefit. Huawei should offer the long term deals without affecting traditions and norms. China has pragmatic culture which shows that they promote the thrift and efforts in modern era (Doing business in China, 2018). This makes the country to find the benefit in the short term deals. Though, on the other hand South Africa they want long term deals that can offer the long terms benefits to the country in terms of economy and development.
The business in South Africa follows the hierarchical structure which is clear from their structure. Thus, they want the companies who accept their culture and maintain the hierarchical structure which reflects that centralization is popular. Though, on the other hand the society in china believes that the inequalities among the people are accepted. The subordinate-superior relationship is managed effectively by delegating the authorities and responsibilities. It is recommended to the china to manage the centralized culture in South Africa. This clearly shows that it is supported with the different dimensions of Hofstede’s.
It is suggested to the company to make sure of the South Africa culture while dealing and expanding their business in the country.
Signed by:
Cultural Atlas (2018) Polish Culture [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on 8th December 2018]
Cultural Atlas (2018) South African Culture [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on 8th December 2018]
Doing business in China (2018) Doing business in China [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on 8th December 2018]
Hofstede’s Insight (2018) What About China? [Online]. Available from:,south-africa/ [Accessed on 8th December 2018]
Trade Portal (2018) Norway: Business Practices [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on 8th December 2018]
World business culture (2018) Business Culture in Poland [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on 8th December 2018]