Developing A Sustainable Development Plan For Dhulikhel Lodge Resort

About the Resort

Sustainability can be defined as the study of the functioning of the natural systems function and a means to ensure that the ecosystem remains diverse and engages in the production of everything which is important for the ecology to maintain its balance. It is a source of encouragement for the human civilization to adapt a modern ways of life.

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The urban existence of the different people has developed and hence, the natural resources are being consumed regularly which thereby has a strong impact on the overall ecology. Hence, for this reason, various authors like Pearce and Atkinson (1993), recommend that sustainable development needs to be encouraged which means that improvements around the ways of living need to be made which shall thereby ensure that the different resources being utilized by the firm can be saved considerably.

The sustainability aspects often look out to focus on balancing the line between the different competing needs as well as a measure to move forward. Sustainability is not only concerned about the environment but about the society and economy as well. Hence, these three aspects, environment, society and economy often form the three pillars of sustainability which help in ensuring that a firm will be successfully able to help the society and contribute effectively to the overall welfare of the firm.

Sustainability often comes as a compliance measure to the firms but it has to be understood that this is not the case and there are certain goals which the Sustainable living and the Sustainability aims to achieve.  Some of these goals are bringing an end to poverty as well as hunger, providing and fostering better healthcare facilities, In addition to this, sustainability also aims to achieve gender equality along with ensuring a sense of economic growth which will enable better job opportunities and better economical standing of the firm.

 Additionally it also contributes towards the saving of the general environment at large. Therefore, as sustainability can be assumed to be a trending topic, the main aim of the report is to develop a Sustainable Development Plan for the Dhulikhel Lodge Resort which is a resort based in Nepal.

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The Plan will look out to improve the sustainability of the resort chain and thereby aim to ensure that the Dhulikhel Lodge improves its mannerisms which will ensure that it has a triple bottom effect on the entire society whereby the environmental, economic and community engagement strategies are applied so as to improve operations and save costs.  The assessment is based on the integration of these objectives and their impact on the firm at large. A brief overview of the organization will be provided which will then be followed by the assessment of the three sustainable ideas which will be chalked for the business in order to determine which idea would be better for the overall success of the business. In addition to this further recommendations to implement the changes shall also be provided.

Edible Cutlery

2.  About the resort

The Dhulikhel Lodge Resort is located in Kathmandu and is taken to be a premium resort. The resort is located 100 m away from the Dhulikhel Old town and provides free Wifi Access to the different clients in the resort. The property is huge and can be measured as 500 m from 100 stairs Temple and is situated to be 3 km away from the Banthali Village and 2 km away from the Dhulikhel Bus station. The accommodation at the hotel provides the guest with Television and internet facilities along with balcony as well as seating areas ( ,2018). The bathrooms are private and come with various luxuries as well. The Dhulikhel Lodge can be taken to be situated at a divine location where the accommodation provides the different guests with a view of the mountain as well as the garden.

There exists a garden as well as a terrace in the resort which serves as a medium for various meeting facilities as well as gaming rooms. The resort also comes with a restaurant named the Himalayan Restaurant, Rooftop Restaurant and the Stupa Garden Restaurant which serves cuisines like Chinese, Indian, Nepali, Continental as well as Italian. The restaurant provide delicious meals which are priced reasonably as well. The restaurant can be stated to be the perfect get a way for the different individuals who want to experience the environment and experience the bliss of the country at large.

The town where the resort is located is a peaceful town which has an interesting ambience thereby making it interesting to wander around. The main square of the town comprises of a triple roofed Hari Siddhi Temple as well as a Vishnu temple which is decorated by worshipful Garudas in different measurements. There also exists a Ganesh Temple and a Gita temple. As the town can be stated to be rather religious in nature, there exists high level of piece as well as tranquility which is preferred by the different guests at large and this makes the stay at the hotel even peaceful.  Furthermore, another exquisite aspect of the hotel is that it tends to provide a spectacular view of the Himalayas which is one of the highest mountain ranges as present around the globe.

The community which is present at Dhulikhel comprises of Brahmin, Chhetrri, Tamang, Dalit and the Newars. The drinking water at this place is purified as based on German technology which makes this company one of the best around the globe.  The town boasts with respect to its touristic destination and attracts a large number of guests due to the culture and historical elements. Hence, it can be stated that the location of the resort and the beauty of the place attracts a large number of guests and this fact can have a good impact on its sustainability aspects.

Social Impact of Using Edible Cutlery

3. Edible cutlery

The plastic which is used in the different hotels as well as the restaurants in the form of cutlery forms a major waste resource for the society. The plastic pollutant which exists in the landfill is filled with a large number of plastic pollutant which thereby contributes to the environmental problem. The plastic is a non-bio-degradable material, and for this reason, it remains in the landfill for a particularly longer time as compared to the other waste materials and this is the reason that the landfill takes considerable time to decompose itself ( ,2018). The hospitality industry contributes a fair share of amount to the different waste components and it has been identified that plastic forms a top component in this aspect and the plastic comes in the form of the cutlery used to serve the different customers at large. Hence, it is recommended, that the Dhulikhel Lodge Resort makes use of the edible cutleries.

The Indian food company, Bakeys had invented the edible cutlery in order to solve the problems which took place with respect to plastic, the invented an edible cutlery set which was made of rice, wheat and a grain named sorghum which ensures that the plate is edible and can be consumed along with the food which is served with it. In addition to being consumable, the plate comes in three different flavors like savory, sweet and plain.

This further provides the different users with an option to use the taste of their choice. Additionally, the taste of these cutlery is very similar to that of dry crackers. Hence, if the Dhulikhel Lodge resort comes up with these cutlery then they will be able to successfully ensure that the cutlery can be used with the guests which shall have an impact on the triple bottom line factors. This edible cutlery can also be sold to the different guests which will then ensure that the revenues of the Dhulikhel Lodge also increases at large.


The idea of making edible cutlery shall have a considerable impact on the society. The edible cutlery has been planned to be sourced from India`s company initially and thereby the company will also be provided with the offer of setting up a unit in Nepal whereby they can hire the local residents which would give rise to employment in the area. At first, the Dhulikhel Lodge resort plans to import around 10000 pieces of the cutlery for the initial testing phase which shall then be followed by the setting up of the Unit in Nepal as well. In this manner, the Dhulikhel Lodge resort will not be required to import but instead they can make use of the local produce in order to ensure that the overall benefit for the society can be witnessed at large (Pearce & Atkinson, 1993). 

Economic Sustainability

Hence, the use of the this cutlery will serve as a supplementary source of income for the various locals which will thereby assist in ensuring that the different members as present in the locality will be able to benefit from the particular idea and the overall image of the Dhulikhel Lodge resort will also improve considerably (WinklerPrins, 2014). For this reason, the primary benefit to the different members of the society will be that it will lead to employment and will make the individuals aware about the environmental impacts of using this kind of a product. Once, the momentum starts, the society will become considerably aware of the move which will then ensure that other resorts also take up a similar initiatives which will then lead to the prosperity of the company and the increase in the welfare of the society as well.   In addition to this, other businesses may take inspiration from this and also prosper.

Economic Sustainability

The cost of plastic waste disposal is very high. On an overall basis, waste disposal especially in the form of the land fill options is generally taken to be a costly mechanism. This is because it involves various procedures like the segregation of the waste, deciding upon the layering, transporting the waste from one place to another and in addition to this, it also involves the area which is generally chosen for the dumping procedure. Plastic being non-biodegradable it often leads to the use of a special mechanism which further ads up to the cost ( ,2018).

 Hence, it is strongly recommended, that the organization opts for the edible cutlery as it is considerably cheaper. In addition to this, the consumption which can be done by the user, will lead up to no waste and just in case the consumption is not done, the cutlery will be easy to dispose. Moreover, the Dhulikhel Lodge resort can also come up with a selling unit whereby the different guests who are interested can purchase this cutlery which will then lead to a benefit for the resort and can thereby contribute towards increasing their revenue base.  Additionally, this will also lead to cost savings based on the savings from the dishwashing department.


In order to measure the impact on the environment in relation to the edible cutlery which will be used, it needs to be understood that plastic has an ill effect on the society. This is because Plastic can be considered to be a non-biodegradable material which thereby makes it particularly difficult to decompose easily. Hence, when this waste gets mixed with the other kind of waste which is available and ready to be decomposed during the landfill, it slows the entire procedure and for this reason, it is not good for the environment at large. For this reason, the edible cutlery will have a considerably good impact on the overall working of the environment and will contribute towards ensuring that the environment is not harmed.

As the edible cutlery which has been planned to be used by the Dhulikhel Lodge Resort is made of rice, wheat and sorghum, these dishes can be easily decomposed as they are food grains and as they taste like crackers, there stands a chance, that they may not be decomposed by the business and actually be consumed by the guests. Furthermore, these ingredients and their decomposer do not cause a harm to the environment which can be taken to be a considerably good aspect of its use.  Plastic takes several years to get decomposed but the biodegradable plates and cutlery will get decomposed easily (WinklerPrins, 2014). 

In addition to this, this cutlery would not be required to be cleaned regularly which is another positive impact. It can also be given to the poor people as present which will then ensure sustainable success from an environmental point of view.  Additionally, the edible cutlery will stand as a huge contribution made towards the waste prevention and waste disposal which acts as an environment sustainability

4. The Salt Lamp Approach

Another crucial aspect of the different companies as present in the hospitality industry is that they make use of considerable perishable resources. The use of these resources for the business helps them to earn adequate revenue but then, they tend to cause extreme harm to the general welfare of the organization. However, the development of the economy is also very crucial and without proper supply of electricity the different resorts as present in the hospitality industry will not be able to survive (Sachs, 2015).  Hence, as a solution to the given set of problems with respect to the limited availability of resources in relation to electricity and the high costs of electricity, the Salt water lamp can be stated to be a useful source of sustainable approach which can be followed by them.

As Nepal is a considerably poor country, with respect to the availability of the different resources and funds, this approach will be suitable for the resort as it will not only fulfill their lighting needs and reduce the use of the various resources, it will also assist the different hotels in saving considerable costs for the different firm costing components at large. The salt lamp is a sustainable approach which is simple as well as effective.

The technology makes considerable use of the glass of a water and two table spoons of salt which can be made into a lamp which provides a night`s worth of light. In addition to saving the different costs associated with the firm, this technology also possesses the technology to save the lives of the regions without electricity (Smit & Pilifosova, 2003). In addition to making use of salt, the salt sea water can also be made use of which is unlimited in nature. The given technology can be made use of by the resort to fulfill their lighting needs especially during the night and thereby be of various benefits to the Dhulikhel Lodge in all dynamics.


The use of the salt lamp lighting has a potential to have a positive impact on the society. This means that when this salt lamp will be used considerably by the Dhulikhel Lodge Report, the manufacturer of this sustainable lamp will benefit greatly. This means that, as the Dhulikhel Lodge resort will make considerable use of this lamp, it would require the lamp to be maintained and manufactured regularly (Pearce & Atkinson, 1993). In addition to this, at present the Dhulikhel Lodge Resort will only make use of this technology during the night, but later on with the progression of time, the different managers of the Dhulikhel Lodge Resort plan to make use of this technology for almost all the requirements which shall then contribute towards making the particular resort entirely sustainable.

This will then provide the necessary boost to the local manufacturer of the salt lamp and act as an influence to other hotels as well to adopt the same technology ( ,2018). Hence, in this manner, the Dhulikhel Lodge resort will be providing employment opportunity to a wide number of employees as present and this will assist in seeing to it that the overall community and neighborhood benefits largely.

In addition to this, the light which will be saved by the Dhulikhel Lodge Report can then be used for the benefit of the people who are actually in need of the electricity as present in the society. This way, through its small initiative, the Dhulikhel Lodge Resort will be having a positive impact on the lives of various people at large and help them to make the correct use of resources in addition to acting as an example in front of the different resorts and other firms in the hospitality industry by spreading social awareness.


It is a known fact that the electric which is available is a limited resource. This limited resource has thereby had a huge impact on the living of the different people and there still exists various parts of the globe whereby the different individuals as present do not have an access to light (Mitchell, 1996). However, by using the salt lamp, the Dhulikhel Lodge resort can act as an example in front of the other industries as present in the hospitality industry by ensuring considerably growth as well as success and by promoting the use of a sustainable technology which shall help in ensuring that the particular salt lamp becomes a common commodity.

The use of this lamp by the Dhulikhel Lodge restaurant will not only ensure that the electricity will be saved, it will also ensure that a limited resource as present in the environment can be saved and thereby an alternative solution is being promoted. In addition to this, although it is agreed that electricity is quite limited in nature, it also needs to be understood that the generation of electricity has a considerably impact on the environment and that it tends to cause considerable loss to the different components of the general environment (Luke, 2005).

 These losses may extend to the emission of carbon dioxide, fuel use and others which thereby contributes to the global warming. Hence, using the salt lamps will not only protect the environment from these kinds of emissions but will also ensure that a sustainable way of life is being promoted which will then help the Dhulikhel Lodge Resort in setting an example in front of the different industries but also show its ethical side.

Economical Implications

As the electricity which is available for the different members in the society is considerably rare it can be stated that, it is quite expensive. In Nepal, as stated earlier although the cost of living is different when compared to other countries, the expenses of living are considerably quite high and this then adds up to the cost of the firm. When the Dhulikhel Lodge resort will engage in this kind of a technology, it will see to it that its cost considerably falls down. This is because the cost of electricity in Nepal is around Rs. 7.52 per unit and in the Dhulikhel Lodge resorts and other types of hospitality companies, the management is required to ensure that they are able to engage the use of high units of electricity in order to maintain the attractiveness of the resort and to also ensure safety.

This is because the Dhulikhel Lodge is located near the hills, there exists risk of wild life and if the Dhulikhel Lodge resort is not lighted reasonably, this may lead to an ill effect on the safety of the different employees. Hence, with respect to this, the Dhulikhel Lodge resort can use the Salt lamp and engage in effective technology which would then go a long way in cutting down the costs of the resort along with ensuring that their lighting problem is also solved. As stated earlier, the salt lamp technology is comparatively very cheap because it just makes use of salt and water. In addition to this, it can also be developed by making use of just salt water which is abundantly available around the biggest oceans in the world.

However, this cannot be considered as an opportunity for the Dhulikhel Lodge Resort as this availability will not be available for a country like Nepal and for this reason, using salt instead is better. The cost of salt in Nepal is just Rs. 12 per kilogram and in this manner, it can light up the lamp for a duration which can be stated to be longer than a night. For this reason, economically, the use of Salt lamp for the Dhulikhel Lodge resort needs to be made which will then have two positive impacts on the firm. In the first aspect, it will save the electricity costs of the resort which will then assist them in increasing their profits, but in addition to this, it will also assist them in promoting the use the salt lamps and set an example for the other resorts and society on a whole (Kates, 2018).

5. Vocal training and education

The education as well as training to the different individuals tends to play an integral role in the realm of the society at large. As Nepal is a relatively small country, the different members of the society are always in the need of considerable employment opportunities which shall then allow them to earn a living and provide them with a good job as well. Hence, the Dhulikhel Lodge resort can use this as an opportunity to provide considerable education as well as the vocal training to the different individuals. The age group which the company chooses to provide education and training will be between the ages of 21-30.

In this manner, the Dhulikhel Lodge would be easily able to ensure that it serves the society by providing the given age group with education, however, in addition to this, it will by providing them with vocational training which majorly relates to the job related training which enhances the different skills of the individual and thereby helps the individuals to have an opportunity to work in the same Dhulikhel Lodge resort but also get an opportunity to earn an opportunity to work somewhere else. Education and Vocal training has been chosen as a considerable sustainability option for the different members of the society as it has various profound impacts on the overall situation. These have been elucidated as follows:

It helps the Dhulikhel Lodge resort to integrate their corporate social responsibility activities with the sustainability activities as the service which they aim to provide to the society at large will allow them to improve their positioning in the eyes of the customers and in addition to this, it will also engage in the welfare of the firm (Daly, 1990). Through this medium, the Dhulikhel Lodge Resort can provide education on various subjects like general overall economy,

mathematics, general knowledge, and English, hospitality and communication skills. In addition to this, vocational skills in regard to subjects like the service and hospitality skills, basic commodity producing skills, cooking and switching along with other training activities would be provided to the different individuals at present. In addition to this, the Dhulikhel Lodge resort also has a plan to ensure that these individuals are able to bag a job at the same restraint or at any other locations.


The education as well as the vocal training activity will have a profound impact on the social aspect at large as it will have a direct impact on the people’s lives. As the program is aged for individuals situated in the neighborhood 21-30, this program will provide a considerable job opportunity to a large number of people and thereby help them to enjoy the basic means of life along with ensuring that they are successfully able to prosper in life and make a development of the career on the whole. These candidates will be belonging to the local community and with respect to this, the Dhulikhel Lodge resort will become considerably popular and will be successfully able to engage in a healthy relationship with them. The different people who will be trained will be able to look after their parents as well as the siblings and can make the entire society better (Bagheri & Hjorth, 2007). 

 As the Dhulikhel Lodge resort is also providing the individuals with a job opportunity, they will be able to successfully ensure that the employment rate of the country increases on the whole and the resort will also be successfully able to fulfil their staffing requirements at large. Moreover, the good positioning of the hotel in the eyes of the customers, it will also lead to an automatic marketing of the brand which will further enhance the positioning of the resort at large. When the different individuals as present will be well trained, they will have the power to serve the community in a better manner and give rise to a sustainable society.


When the hotel aims to provide a facility which is related to vocal training, the hotel will also ensure that they are successfully able to engage in the accommodation of the different locals so that they can learn on the job as well (Bertram, 1999). Hence, this measure can largely result in the saving of the different transportation costs which the trainees would have incurred. This has a positive impact on the environment in the sense that it helps in reducing the emission of the Carbo dioxide which would have resulted in the burring of the fossils. Additionally, it would also make the air quality healthier.  

The Carbon dioxide is a major contributor of the air pollution and directly results in expensive global warming. For this reason, the different companies must always see to it that they engage in means which assist in the saving of the different resources which have a positive impact on the overall functioning of the general society. Hence, along with being a benefit to the entire society at large, the local accommodation provided to the different trainees will allow the resort to contribute to the society indirectly and improve the quality of the environment.

Economic implications

The Zedong Mao rebellion has greatly contributed to the economic as well as social backwardness of country on the whole. Overall, the cost of living in Nepal has fallen down considerably but the costs are considerably high. This disproportion has thereby led to extreme poverty and a rise in unemployment in various parts of the country. For this reason, they will be required to take a new path which would then ensure that they are successfully able to bring the economy back on track (, (2018).  

 In addition to building accommodation facilities for the different trainees as present in the vocal training course, the Dhulikhel Lodge resort can also build a staff dormitory which will then assist them to ensure that the staff reaches the resort on time and additionally, no additional transportation costs will be occurred ( ,2018). This way the society can develop in a sustainable manner and along with this, the organization can also save conveyance costs for the different staff members. Along with the environmental sustainability, this will also have a positive impact on the traffic which is usually high.


Hence, from the given analysis, it can be stated that Sustainability needs to be adopted as a manner of life because the destruction which has been caused to the environment needs to be covered up. In addition to this, the sustainable development needs to be inculcated as a way of life as to ensure that the needs of the present generation are met with along with meeting the needs of the future generation. The sustainability has a large number of benefits to the society. Along with contributing positively to the overall functioning of the environment, it also ensures that the firm is able to save the costs and ensure that it is able to work on the Corporate Social Responsibility of the firm.

Hence, it is highly recommended that the, different firms and organizations inculcate sustainability into their different operations which shall then contribute towards ensuring that they are able to spread awareness and in addition to this, it also will be required to ensure that the firm is able to serve the society in the large manner. The given report followed a structured format whereby the Introduction highlighted the meaning of sustainability and the use of sustainability into the various operations of the firm at large. This was followed by the discussion about the Dhulikhel Lodge report located in Nepal and the background of the local community as present in the place which gave an insight about the social as well as the economic positioning of the different people as present in the society and the manner in which they can make a considerable change.

The third part of the report promoted an idea related to the use of Edible cutlery for the Dhulikhel Lodge resort. The use of Plastic has become very common and this tends to have a negative impact on the waste management aspects which shall then has a considerable impact on the environment as plastic takes time to  decompose. For this reason, this edible cutlery shall have a positive impact on the organization as it can be decomposed easily and is beneficial even in economic as well as social ways as it indirectly promotes the employment opportunity.

The fourth section of the report has suggested the use of the Salt lamp which will then enable that the resort is able to save a considerable amount of share of its funds on electricity and instead promote the use of sustainable ways of life. Moreover, salt is considerably cheaper which will then ensure that the costs are saved. Later on, the Dhulikhel Lodge resort can ensure that it takes considerable actions to promote the use of these lamps for all the lighting purposes of the organization.

The last section of the report has discussed the idea of providing vocal training and education to the localities of the village and thereby providing them with an opportunity to improve their lives and in addition to this also generate employment opportunities for them thereby promoting the overall society as well as the economy. Hence, it can be stated that if these measures are adopted by the Dhulikhel Lodge hotel then they will be successfully able to ensure that the resort is successful in being able to promote sustainability at large.

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