Investigating The Role Of DNA Methylation In The Pathophysiology And Treatment Of Epilepsy

Aim 1: Verify whether hypermethylation of promotor regions is responsible for playing a role in epilepsy

Epilepsy is evaluated to influence roughly 50 million individuals around the world. In spite of the fact that the guess for the greater part of patients is great, up to 30 percent don’t have abatement regardless of proper treatment with antiepileptic medicates; the outcomes are generous malicious impacts on individual wellbeing and personal satisfaction and a heavy burden on society (Vezzani et al., 2013). The attributes of this gathering of patients are poorly characterized, yet conceivable ominous prognostic elements incorporate an early beginning of epilepsy and the nearness of symptomatic or cryptogenic epilepsy, numerous sorts of seizures, substantial quantities of seizures before treatment, complex febrile seizures or febrile status epilepticus, and summed up epileptiform movement on surface electroencephalography. An epileptic seizure is the after effect of a sudden over the top release of cells in part of the cerebrum. The clinical segments of the seizure are controlled by the site of beginning and the example of spread of the unusual release, the assignment of characterizing the anatomical premise of epilepsy is firmly identified with that of separating the different clinical disorders of epilepsy. The primary clinical separation is into central or halfway epilepsies called localisation-related by the Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League against Epilepsy and summed up epilepsies. However, this separation isn’t outright since in numerous patients seizures have a central or provincial birthplace as made a decision from clinical signs and from electroencephalographic [EEG] records yet advancement to summed up seizures related with reciprocally synchronous EEG releases (Blümcke et al., 2013). It is along these lines sensible to ask whether all seizures may have a central beginning, with extremely quick speculation offering ascend to allege summed up seizures.

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The hypothesis that can be presented in relation to the study of epilepsy is that whether age is an important factor for the manifestation of the epileptic disorders and whether it acts a deciding factor (Engel, 2013).

  • Verify whether hypermethylation of promotor regions is responsible for playing a role in epilepsy 
  • Whether epileptogenesis is reduced by the de-methylation of these regions
  • Is methylation of these regions conserved within a TLE population to see whether de-methylation will be a better therapeutic target for a larger population of epileptic patients? 

Although there have been studies that shows that there significant role of inheritance of aetiology in the occurrence of epilepsy, however there is a poor understanding of the genetic mechanism that underlie the susceptibility of the genetic factors that contribute to epilepsy. The prevalence of epilepsy is largely associated with an antecedent central nervous system (CNS) injury which might be had trauma, brain infection or occurrence of stroke, therefore this is often termed as being symptomatic (Allen et al., 2013). However there are certain cases also where a definite cause is unable to be identified, therefore assigned by the League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) classification of epilepsy syndromes. This is further classified as being idiopathic or cryptogenic.  The “idiopathic,” category is reserved for syndromes which are presumed to be of genetic origin whereas “crvptogenic,” for syndromes which are presumed to be non-genetic however are presented with insufficient evidence to assign a specific etiology (Morris & Monteggia, 2014). There is presence of risks in terms of epilepsy which is lower in the relatives of pro-bands having symptomatic epilepsy in relation to the relatives of those having idiopathic or cryptogenic epilepsy. There have been studies which have distinguished between the concordance rates that exist between the monozygotic and dizygotic twin, where the epilepsy of the twin was smaller when the symptoms were idiopathic or cryprogenic. In accordance to the current syndrome classification system which involves namely the idiopathic, cryptogenic, and symptomatic types, it is seen that both the environmental and the genetic factors might play a role in the etiology of the disease. In certain cases the genetic susceptibility strongly influences the symptoms although the exposure to the environmental factors might also exacerbate the effect of the susceptibility genotype and might also lead to the required expression of the gene (Miller-Delaney et al., 2014). In contrast to this there might be prevalence of some genetic influences on the susceptibility to epilepsy, which might lead to the occurrence of lower seizure threshold.  This is because some of the some symptomatic epilepsies or even acute symptomatic seizures might be involved with a genetic susceptibility.

Aim 2: Whether epileptogenesis is reduced by the de-methylation of these regions

In terms of the pathology of epilepsy, it is reported in several studies that there are primary non-specific pathological changes with secondary epilepsy. Epilepsy might occur as a result of its associated with the underlying abnormalities which included several factors like the defects of development along with vascular lesions, subdural haetoma, venous thrombosis and other conditions. These conditions often lead to the development of seizures. Occurrence of cellular changes also often contributes to the condition of epileptogenesis (Machnes et al., 2013). Dendritic degeneration might be a reason behind this which has an impact on the membrane changes as well as the receptor hypersensitivity that results in epilepsis. There is also a common finding which is related with the occurrence of the complex partial seizures that acts as an abnormality of the cortical maturation which is referred to as microdysgenesis (Hwang, Aromolaran & Zukin, 2013).

Coherent getting ready generally complements the necessity for particularly organized examinations, attempts that consistently incorporate the headway of clear theories that can be taken a stab at using set up sensible strategies. Scratch features of this kind of research incorporate making request showing hypotheses that can be totally tended to in the lab, applying appropriate control or examination social occasions, recreating the results of the examination, separating the results with fitting quantifiable tests and being careful so as not to over-interpret the data (Sundrani et al., 2013).

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As indicated by the present writing present, there are lacking treatment designs present for epilepsy. Numerous enemy of epileptic medications at present accessible altogether influence patients’ personal satisfaction because of their symptoms. Later new treatment strategies, for example, nerve incitement and new careful methods are helping, yet we have far to go yet in enhancing treatment for individuals with epilepsy. The basic reasons for epilepsy are likewise still to a great extent a riddle (Weng et al., 2013).

Aim 1: Verify whether hypermethylation of promotor regions is responsible for playing a role in epilepsy 

Epigenetic forms in the cerebrum include the exchange of data emerging from fleeting cell flags and changes in neuronal action into enduring impacts on quality articulation. Key atomic go betweens of epigenetics incorporate methylation of DNA, histone changes, and noncoding RNAs. Developing discoveries in creature models and human cerebrum tissue uncover that epilepsy and epileptogenesis are related with changes to every one of these supporters of the epigenome. Understanding and impacting the atomic instruments controlling epigenetic change could open new roads for treatment. DNA methylation, especially hypermethylation, has been found to increment inside quality body locales and impedance with DNA methylation in epilepsy can change quality articulation profiles and impact epileptogenesis (Fries et al., 2016). Post-transcriptional adjustments of histones, including transient and also supported changes to phosphorylation and acetylation, have been accounted for, which seem to impact quality articulation. At long last, jobs have risen for noncoding RNAs in cerebrum volatility and seizure limits, including microRNA and long noncoding RNA.

Aim 2: Whether epileptogenesis is reduced by the de-methylation of these regions

Aim 3: Is methylation of these regions conserved within a TLE population to see whether de-methylation will be a better therapeutic target for a larger population of epileptic patients?

DNA methylation is a covalent chromatin change, described by the biochemical expansion of a methyl gathering (?CH3) to cytosine nucleotides by means of a DNA methyltransferase compound. 5′?Methylcytosine (5?mC), every now and again called the fifth base, has been involved in genome security, hushing of transposable components, and suppression of quality articulation (Vezzani et al., 2013). Through the last mentioned, DNA methylation elements comprehensively impact mental health, capacity, and maturing. Atypical DNA methylation designs, either limited to explicit quality locales or dissipated all through the genome, are related with numerous neurologic issue. In this, we examine the rising job of DNA methylation in epileptogenesis and the points of view emerging from epigenetic drug as new remedial methodology in difficult?to?treat epilepsies (Blümcke et al., 2013). Epigenetic components are administrative procedures that control quality articulation changes engaged with numerous parts of neuronal capacity, including focal sensory system improvement, synaptic versatility, and memory. Late proof demonstrates that dysregulation of epigenetic instruments happens in a few human epilepsy disorders.

Aim 3: Is methylation of these regions conserved within a TLE population to see whether de-methylation will be a better therapeutic target for a larger population of epileptic patients? 

Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most continuous central epilepsy in people and regularly connected with an underlying hastening damage, for example, mind injury, irritation or delayed febrile seizures, trailed by a clinically quiet idleness period before beginning of perpetual repetitive seizures. In spite of colossal research endeavors to portray sub-atomic pathways and marks of epileptogenesis, pathophysiological systems prompting perpetual epilepsy stay to be illuminated. Quality articulation profiling thinks about recognized numerous qualities to be differentially communicated in incessant TLE (Engel, 2013).

Status epilepticus (SE) triggers sub-atomic systems that underlie the phone and system changes that happen amid the advancement of transient flap epilepsy (TLE). Furthermore, quality articulation adjustments happen amid epileptogenesis and in the epileptic cerebrum that add to the constancy of the phenotype. Nonetheless, the basic epigenetic instruments in charge of deviant quality articulation that happen with epilepsy require further investigation.An gained basic issue in the fleeting flap is an incessant component of transient projection epilepsy (TLE) (Morris & Monteggia, 2014). TLE comprises of a heterogeneous gathering of seizure issue, for example, sidelong familial TLE, mesial familial TLE, and familial fractional epilepsy with variable foci. A solitary nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)- based linkage investigation of familial mesial TLE gave a suggestive linkage to chromosome (Miller-Delaney et al., 2014).

In rundown, the impacts of spikes, status epilepticus, or tedious seizures are variable and they rely upon the model that has been utilized, the age, sex, the nearness or nonappearance of hidden pathology, and the length or seriousness of epileptic releases. In fact there have all the earmarks of being formative windows for the balanced of these shortages. The weakness of the juvenile cerebrum to epileptic occasions seems to stem more from the interruption of exceedingly requesting formative procedures which are at their pinnacle, as synaptogenesis, pruning, neuronal movement and separation, and to a lesser degree from neuronal demise, a conspicuous result of seizures amid the more develop phases of the improvement (Hwang, Aromolaran & Zukin, 2013). Hereditary impacts and epigenetic modifications should be additionally researched to comprehend the progressions that are watched following these conditions. The medications at that point ought to be pointed against the components in charge of the epileptiform releases yet in addition to keep an explicit practical deficiency that might be caused by or related with these epileptiform exercises (Sundrani et al., 2013).


Allen, A. S., Berkovic, S. F., Cossette, P., Delanty, N., Dlugos, D., Eichler, E. E., … & Heinzen, E. L. (2013). De novo mutations in epileptic encephalopathies. Nature, 501(7466), 217.

Blümcke, I., Thom, M., Aronica, E., Armstrong, D. D., Bartolomei, F., Bernasconi, A., … & Cross, J. H. (2013). International consensus classification of hippocampal sclerosis in temporal lobe epilepsy: a Task Force report from the ILAE Commission on Diagnostic Methods. Epilepsia, 54(7), 1315-1329.

Engel, J. (2013). Seizures and epilepsy (Vol. 83). Oxford University Press.

Fries, G. R., Li, Q., McAlpin, B., Rein, T., Walss-Bass, C., Soares, J. C., & Quevedo, J. (2016). The role of DNA methylation in the pathophysiology and treatment of bipolar disorder. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 68, 474-488.

Hwang, J. Y., Aromolaran, K. A., & Zukin, R. S. (2013). Epigenetic mechanisms in stroke and epilepsy. Neuropsychopharmacology, 38(1), 167.

Machnes, Z. M., Huang, T. C., Chang, P. K., Gill, R., Reist, N., Dezsi, G., … & McKinney, R. A. (2013). DNA methylation mediates persistent epileptiform activity in vitro and in vivo. PLoS One, 8(10), e76299.

Miller-Delaney, S. F., Bryan, K., Das, S., McKiernan, R. C., Bray, I. M., Reynolds, J. P., … & Henshall, D. C. (2014). Differential DNA methylation profiles of coding and non-coding genes define hippocampal sclerosis in human temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain, 138(3), 616-631.

Morris, M. J., & Monteggia, L. M. (2014). Role of DNA methylation and the DNA methyltransferases in learning and memory. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience, 16(3), 359.

Sundrani, D. P., Reddy, U. S., Joshi, A. A., Mehendale, S. S., Chavan-Gautam, P. M., Hardikar, A. A., … & Joshi, S. R. (2013). Differential placental methylation and expression of VEGF, FLT-1 and KDR genes in human term and preterm preeclampsia. Clinical epigenetics, 5(1), 6.

Vezzani, A., Aronica, E., Mazarati, A., & Pittman, Q. J. (2013). Epilepsy and brain inflammation. Experimental neurology, 244, 11-21.

Weng, Y. L., An, R., Shin, J., Song, H., & Ming, G. L. (2013). DNA modifications and neurological disorders. Neurotherapeutics, 10(4), 556-567.

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